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The Kanal Istanbul project should be stopped

Erdogan has a Kurdistan project as well
Hi, this is really interesting topic due to the Ecology, Medeternanean borders & energy security in EUrope
not to mention the Economic !

As someone who is generally skeptical of the Apk/derogan, since the deicisn has been made

Its a interesting and protentially very enriching plan to kick start the economy, the most foreing firms involved the more their government and institutions have a stake for the project to succeed, could be a good lever over both Russia and NATO - Can Check mate both there- and including Chinese/Japan or another re-emerging power block.

Seems to have more in common and fit in as part of the Chinese BRI project...

All of the objections seem to have these themes :

Themes : Solution ?
1. Ecolgical Damage/Cost | Preserve all of the specieis in a Giant aquarium at the now defunct @taturk hv.limani
2. Economic Loss/Cost | Maximise the Tourism Value of the Canal, if the shiping doesnt cover it/ Real Estate
3. Defence Loss/Cost | Apply same terms as Montraux, but at the Discretion of a Sec. Committee, not treaty.

The Channel tunnel in the UK- france was unpopular for ecnonmic terms and yelds no real benefits,
but it was symbolic /Defence related project in which the price of (percieved at the time) national security was placed above all else:

[1] Prevents/reduced threat of German Naval Blockade of the English Channel in case of Conflict
[2]. Slow burner for keeping alive British claims on coast of France, in case of opportune moment
[3] European Gas, steel, coal community obejectives - to keep free movement of these essentials

The public facing benefits such as Euro-Star etc seem to be simply comfortable side-effects, advertised to docile polulation via stunts and tips and discounts in tabloid newspapers

The politicial milage was simply conveient wrapper, for politicians to glory/sling mud for.

Any takers ??
i hope the kanal gets build lol im probably the only one here :D

The Kanal is a gamble it will either work or maybe not.

I think we need to look at the short term and long term of the project.

So called invasion of Istanbul is nothing more than fear mongering crap. The Ottoman empire lost the aegan islands in the balkan wars and the dodocanese islands to italy due to its garbage navy. The Ottoman Empire had two powerful pre dreadnoughts that could have been used properly as deterrents against the Greeks. The problem is the Ottoman higher ups did not want to risk their big ships getting sunked.

If the Turkish navy have a strong navy and keep its parity with anybody I highly doubt anybody will invade. Defence systems today are much more better and sophisticated compared to the 1900s. You cant grab a boat and invade a piece of land even if its an island.
The canal project is a direct threat to russian hegemony. The montruex treaty only favours and protects russia and it is a legacy from the defeat of the ottoman empire. The treaty does not benefit turkey at all financially or militarily. This treaty will be useless as soon the new canal is running. Allied ships can sail into the black sea as much as they want with turkeys permission. The canal is a must has to be realised at all costs and only clear traitors will be against such important and strategic projects.
The canal project is a direct threat to russian hegemony. The montruex treaty only favours and protects russia and it is a legacy from the defeat of the ottoman empire. The treaty does not benefit turkey at all financially or militarily. This treaty will be useless as soon the new canal is running. Allied ships can sail into the black sea as much as they want with turkeys permission. The canal is a must has to be realised at all costs and only clear traitors will be against such important and strategic projects.

Oh here we go another pro-AKP troll. Typical Islamist who sucks American d!ck.

Buddy, why should Turkey dig up a canal that's gonna cost billions and ruin the Marmara sea just for America's sake?

You do realise that in a time of war allied ships can pass through anyway? Ffs man these AKP fanatics are fed a special type of propaganda which kills brain cells.
The canal project is a direct threat to russian hegemony. The montruex treaty only favours and protects russia and it is a legacy from the defeat of the ottoman empire. The treaty does not benefit turkey at all financially or militarily. This treaty will be useless as soon the new canal is running. Allied ships can sail into the black sea as much as they want with turkeys permission. The canal is a must has to be realised at all costs and only clear traitors will be against such important and strategic projects.

Canal is a gamble it could either work or will become a massive failure.
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