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The intellectual roots of Asian anti-Westernism

now you have started talking craps...... i told you few things very 'straight', im an australian citizen itself. rest, if you are a false flagger, or just a temporary visa holder/student etc living in a western country who hasn't seen these things then ..... it will take time. just to tell you, sometimes its risky to introduce wife to a western woman otherwise she will take your wife also to date, many lesbian bye bye :wave:

ok Casanova. Go on a conquest to pillage and loot some mothers and daughters in some wicked lesbian three way you have so often. Relieve the tension that frustration has built. :kiss3:
ok Casanova. Go on a conquest to pillage and loot some mothers and daughters in some wicked lesbian three way you have so often. Relieve the tension that frustration has built. :kiss3:

look, i won't tell you names and house numbers now..... talk to others :wave:
look, i won't tell you names and house numbers now..... talk to others :wave:

Aren't you the one who claimed he knows Putin? Sorry i had too, its too hilarious to be left out of this discussion how big of a man you are.
Aren't you the one who claimed he knows Putin? Sorry i had too, its too hilarious to be left out of this discussion how big of a man you are.

its a different issue, dont bring that topic in this section....

things happen like this, shocking in begging in western society but we get to face these things.... see one new actress of in India, she came from US, (indian origin), and her 'official' website is as below. she is open but i bet, she is one of 'common' girls of US/UK/Australia. see trailors of her official movies on her website. she is now an actress of "Jism 2" in India. :enjoy:

Home :: Sunny Leone :: SunnyLeone.com
its a different issue, dont bring that topic in this section....

Its BS, like this here. Totally relevant.

things happen like this, shocking in begging in western society but we get to face these things.... see one new actress of in India, she came from US, (indian origin), and her 'official' website is as below. she is open but i bet, she is one of 'common' girls of US/UK/Australia. see trailors of her official movies on her website. she is now an actress of Jism 2 in India. :enjoy:

Home :: Sunny Leone :: SunnyLeone.com

If you think common girls in the west have **** sites like the one above i do not know what else to say to you.
Its BS, like this here. Totally relevant.

If you think common girls in the west have **** sites like the one above i do not know what else to say to you.

thats what a people of 20s like you behave. you dont want to learn, just argue and waste time..... I said, she is one of "common girls", its about the way of living life. not all are **** star, but its something surprise in India which is not surprised in Australia/US :no:. she must feel quite comfortable while walking on the streets of US/UK/Australia as she is one of the common girls. rest, she is what the western society is, a product of that society, a representative of that society, who is very open on these things......

please dont fight with me. just try to get to know few things from me, or, talk to others thanks :meeting:
thats what a people of 20s like you behave. you dont want to learn, just argue and waste time..... I said, she is one of "common girls", its about the way of living life. not all are **** star, but its something surprise in India which is not surprised in Australia/US :no:. she must feel quite comfortable while walking on the streets of US/UK/Australia as she is one of the common girls. rest, she is what the western society is, a product of that society, a representative of that society, who is very open on these things......

please dont fight with me. just try to get to know few things from me, or, talk to others thanks :meeting:

There is not much you can teach me.

Yes, bad mothers do exist but to label everyone like that is very narrowminded.
Don't take it personally but u talk of an ideal world, something like the ad of a newly launched bike says "Under standard conditions the mileage is 100km per liter". Seems exciting and happy for the heart and purse but we know that is not the case, the standard condition stated is that the bike is given 1 liter petrol and kept idling till the petrol is consumed, not driven in traffic mind you. Your statement that "we understand etc etc... is akin to the standard condition. There are lot of people who still talk of occupation of the west and the resultant bads of westernization even today. Even educated people at some point of time say this in the East, this is what the author is talking of.

This is a sort of intellectual colonization which is more dangerous than physical one. Ofcourse this will recede slowly over generations but one question does arise, is there an alternative to the western values in politics and economy?? What will the East do to leave its imprint on the Global scale in the form of ideologies or will it ever be the follower??

Your analogy was a bit odd, did you mean to imply that some of the points presented in my previous post were unrealistic? It's true that people do discuss colonization & its ill effects, but that does not mean that all of them desire to humiliate the West. Although, I do agree that there is a segment of Asians that really despises the West. The author quoted in the original post was talking about the sick mindset of those individuals that happen to despise the West. In the Muslim world, people tend to hate the Western governments' policies & their support for Israel. This doesn't imply that they hate Europeans or those of European descent.

Getting to the topic of Western values in politics & economy, I don't think there is any great or functional alternative to them at the moment. Besides, Asia is too diverse to have similar values. Islamic nations in Asia for instance have different values in comparison to secular nations. I don't think the East will ever rise as one unit. Some countries in the East will rise, others will remain crap, just as they are today. Those that rise may have an impact on the world, but that impact will only take place if the ideologies they present are better than Western ideologies. The Japanese for instance have made an impact on business values, for example; "kaizen" is a good practice for quality control, the word itself means "continuous improvement". However, I doubt anyone gives a crap about Japanese cultural values.

IT (bursted in 2000's) , real estate bubble (bursted in 2008), green energy (smaller) bubble ( bursting now with billions of dollars of government subsidies going down the drain).
I dont have time to post links, im out for lunch, just search Google for green energy startups going bankrupt under Obama.

Also, gradual deregulation of government oversight over the stock traders (process that took decades and required a huge amount of lobbying and cash probably) has a large part in it.

In other words, generation after generation of businessmen have been nibbling away at the regulation law until it became virtually useless and allowed banks to do "creative accounting".

I understand, I had just never heard the term "bloating bubble" before. The term I am familiar with is "economic bubble". Economic bubbles may be avoided, but that is difficult to do so. I would suggest that uncertainty & speculation may have something to do with it. The maintenance of demand & supply is necessary in this situation, but government intervention may not turn out to be too effective. Especially when manufacturers find it difficult to increase or decrease output in a short period of time. The majority of quick solutions happen to be effective in the medium term at best. Perhaps if inflation or demand & supply is continuously monitored, economic bubbles could possibly be avoided. I guess mismanagement by the government is at fault here, but I don't think all economists agree on economic bubbles being predictable.
Is there really anything called anti-westernism? I have never felt it myself. I have seen some old people talking about it, but mostly they were against modernity.
There is not much you can teach me.

Yes, bad mothers do exist but to label everyone like that is very narrowminded.

thats what I said, you simply don't have the approach of what im saying..... these are not 'bad mothers' :disagree:. these are 'Single Mothers', who are at least 50% of total Australian women population, who are are confused with their lives, keep changing with others on time to time and 'support' their kids to have boy friend/girl friends, their kids who themselves are not sure about their fathers. bye bye
I would like to say about one of the senior management person, who finally moved to India because he had 3 daughters. he was based in US, was relative of my one friend in Sydney. he moved to India just because he had got a feeling that soon his daughters may run with those males of their schools who are just generation of Single Mother type families, who themselves dont have any family nor their daughters will remain like how he wanted them to study hard and grow in life, have a career. that gentleman had good work experience with foreign degree so he could get a very good job in India also and moved........

that gentleman had a simple thinking that his daughters were going to be 12-13 and this is the age when they are generally taken by the boys in the schools of US/UK/Australia. in australia I saw, you can't say anything to your kid against his/her wish and its legal there if people of same age wish to do whatever they want to do in life. its also acceptable to an extent if you find your kids on the track even in this Western life style but it is usually seen that by just 17 to 18 year age, these kids just become like common australians who just earn for 5 days and spend on weekends, with keep changing boy friends/girl friends by every 5-6 months. :meeting: hence, after just 18-19 year age, first you kids then start living with their own boy friends/girl friends, leave home, and at the same time they become almost like these generation of Single Mother, no attachment with parents and just earn few days while doing a labor type job and spend on weekends. and if you want this then raise your kids in Australia and if not then send them to India so that they may try to study hard and have a bright career, like how the environment in the schools of India........ you just won't like to think that one day your kids will do labor jobs and migrants of India doing White Collar jobs as you wanted them to have fun in life in australian schools, but you couldn't give them a good environment which could help them have a bright career :hitwall:

and those who oppose this type of Western life style in US/UK/Australia say that even if the kids of Single Mothers grow, then its the tax the high paid migrants pay there which then feed these people by Welfare/free Medical etc. as these Single Mothers first can't bear expanses of their kids by themselves and second they aren't not sure who are father of these kids. you may send your kids to India to study hard but they dont have this option as their kids simply don't have known father. hence, adopting any lifestyle if good only to that extent which may not destroy your family/society/nation completely. and there must not be any reason to support every right and wrong of Western nations, just because you are a citizen.....:disagree:

Are you serious? You sound like a tool full of hate, and full of stereotypes, 95% of what you post is a hate speech and full of ****, you have no clue, idiot.
There is not much you can teach me.

Yes, bad mothers do exist but to label everyone like that is very narrowminded.

dont learn anything from me but, too many on this forum who are reading all these so they must learn the Western society. here, do you know how many men Ms Gillard have changed in her life??? she is in 'casual' relationship with a person currently, but still she is generally found more worried for those who were her 'ex boyfriend', do you know? read the recent news as below:

August 04, 2012

DETECTIVES investigating an alleged $400,000 union fraud in the 1990s wanted to prosecute a former boyfriend of Julia Gillard over the matter, it's been reported.

Police wanted to prosecute Julia Gillard's ex-boyfriend Bruce Wilson | News.com.au

I remember in 2010, when Mr Rudd was kicked from PM post by Gillard, he made comments on the personal life of Ms Gillard which was cricised by whole Australia media. he wanted to open 'ONS' past of Ms Gillard :rofl:

(do you know ONS? its ONS=> One Night Stand)
hello 10 seriously you are a wanker, go back to ******* India or where ever you came from, like I said you have no idea about anything, if your India is so great why do so many of you run to other countries? And then come out with hate filled crap, piss of back to India, since India is such a great country.

And how about all those Indian men in India who rape, sexually assault and h arras women, how about the Indian people who allow it to happen and ignore if, even when it happens in front of them. Like I said Hello 10 **** off back to India, it's people like you who ruin India's reputation overseas, dick head.
Are you serious? You sound like a tool full of hate, and full of stereotypes, 95% of what you post is a hate speech and full of ****, you have no clue, idiot.

ho French guy, i dont have any clue? do you want to get to know about so many French who used to have group sex in my flat, in "106/63, Quay St, Sydney", in front of Central station????? do you want me to say name of a very sexy girl, one day all those French did put in front of mine but i thought to just talk and back in my room. they thought, every day they do group sex and i know while siting in main lounge, so one day they all wanted to bring me also, her name was........
(do you want to get to know the name of the australian girl who was living with me in Stanmore, studying in university of sydney............. she already used to bring different boys every week, chinese/thai/african/south american etc, and I also didnt want to do the same as few politicians wanted me...........)

just dont mess this talk and let other ask questions on this topic, who wish to get to know something on this topic..........

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