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The Induction of Pakistan Navy first Type 054-A, multi role frigates PNS TUGHRIL and 10 x Seaking helicopters in PN Fleet

The Type 054A is a multi-role frigate and is recognized as the backbone of the PLAN fleet of surface combatants with 30 vessels in commission. They have a length of 134 meters, a beam of 16 meters for a displacement of 4,000 tons. They have a crew complement of 165 sailors and are fitted with:

  • a H/PJ-26 76mm main gun
  • 2×4 CM302 anti-ship missiles
  • 32x VLS cells for HQ-16 surface to air missiles
  • 2x Type 730 30mm CIWS
  • 2x Triple Torpedo launchers

The main sensor system of those frigates is the Type 382 radar which shares a close resemblance with the Russian MR-710 Fregat radar.
The Type 054A is a multi-role frigate and is recognized as the backbone of the PLAN fleet of surface combatants with 30 vessels in commission. They have a length of 134 meters, a beam of 16 meters for a displacement of 4,000 tons. They have a crew complement of 165 sailors and are fitted with:

  • a H/PJ-26 76mm main gun
  • 2×4 CM302 anti-ship missiles
  • 32x VLS cells for HQ-16 surface to air missiles
  • 2x Type 730 30mm CIWS
  • 2x Triple Torpedo launchers

The main sensor system of those frigates is the Type 382 radar which shares a close resemblance with the Russian MR-710 Fregat radar.

Its actually 2x1130 CIWS

Its radar isnt Type 382 but rather SR2410C radar as primary and Type 517 as secondary radar.
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Three 054A and supporting helicopters, totaling 750 million US dollars. At such a price, he wants four more. Isn't that normal?

Compare: Kolkata-class costs US $4.7 billion, equivalent to 19×054A and supporting helicopters.
Definitely is normal. But i was responding to @ARMalik who wanted something really great.
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