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The Indian army must refrain from retributive violence in Manipur

Ok then tell you're government to stop bitching about that Pakistan tortured Captain Kalia . Second you are capable of killing you're own and this article simply proves that there is no humanity in sick shithole of a nation called India.

they why are they bitching around that we beheaded Indian soldiers.
Whats makes you think you can get away beheading our Soldiers,loss on Both Sides

Pakistan accuses India of 12 Kashmir beheadings since 1998: report - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
The indian army and CRP did worse in punjab from a period of 1984 to 1995.They killed 200,000 sikh youth and raped daughters infront of their fathers.These hindus are the most cunning people.In the international community they pressent face of gandhi.They succeded in hiding the sikh genocide very effectively.
I am not against any religion.i respect every religion but if we see the status almost 99% terrorists belong to the muslim community.muslim boys are radicalized easily due to their islamic educations system..the spiritual leaders in islamic community create hates in those young minds in madrasas,religious places .their spiritual leaders are the main culprits in radicalizing those young souls...

Our army will eliminate naga and manipuri insurgents .Assam rifle is a deadly force in jungle warfare..and with the green signal from the govt they will eliminate the NSCN and manipuri extremist....and about nagas and naga regiment they dont behead people but they will not hesitate to cut anti indian rants like pakistani extremist... i wish the govt sends our naga warriors in kashmir and the Azad Kashmir...those talibani mullahs jihadis and their supporters like gilani ,and other anti indian rants will know wat does the NAGA mean..

What the fu** is NYT and Who the Fu** is australia nd its media.we dont give a shit wat the fuc**** aussies say..lthey are like kids not of our size..we dont give a damn abt aussie media or austaralian ppl or newyrk times..
What the fu** is NYT and Who the Fu** is australia nd its media.we dont give a shit wat the fuc**** aussies say..lthey are like kids not of our size..we dont give a damn abt aussie media or austaralian ppl or newyrk times..

And Indian pretending to be a Naga. Nagas don't consider themselves Indian. When they go to bigger Indian cities, they get attacked for being "chinkay".
To pretend is not in the blood of nagas..did ur mullah or priest told u that we nagas dont consider ourselves indian..and about getting attacked and somebody saying chinki does not mean we are chinkis.we are well educated so can mk the difference and we know thre r gud ppl and bad ppl everywhre.we dont consider all the ppl bad because someone attacked one of our north easternrs or called chinki..if someone say that i am the prime minister of india does not mean that really..coz everyone knows our pm is modi..
Its true that the militants who attacked th military convoy wil not be sitting there to get shot by arMY.And like the reports says there is heavy chance that such military exceses could happen as men in uniform are in rage,so any one they suspect as a militant sympathiser will be treated with extreme contempt.It is basic human nature and no one is a saint unles the troops alreled by good commanders.
Army should send PARA SF and SG beyond borders to conduct cross border surgical strikes to eliminate those responsible.
Torturing of civilians wil only make matters worse

Has India got balls to do such action?
Last I heard, your Foreign Minister flew to Kabul with a plane load of NSG, who upon reaching there refuse to get off and conduct any operation to release Air India flight.
Has India got balls to do such action?

Yes it have done that at the time of war.

Last I heard, your Foreign Minister flew to Kabul with a plane load of NSG, who upon reaching there refuse to get off and conduct any operation to release Air India flight.

That's when Talibani troops had encircled the aircraft,and lives of hundreds of passengers were at stake.

India Is a Shithole* | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay

Delhi is far more modern than any Pakistani city.Now go troll elsewhere.
Has India got balls to do such action?
Last I heard, your Foreign Minister flew to Kabul with a plane load of NSG, who upon reaching there refuse to get off and conduct any operation to release Air India flight.
Lol.Where do u get such classified news?We are really enlightened by hearing the news.
@levina see this video? Hindu sentiments are hurt here and freedom of expression doesnt apply it seems whereas when its drawing Muhammad then Hindus join the freedom circus with the Western trolls.
Thanks for bringing this video to my notice.
Before I start writing on this topic, which is religion, I want to remind you that this is off topic and am assuming I've your permission to continue on this topic.

1) Cleanliness:
If you ask me do I care when an Australian calls my country a sh*thole?
Yes, i do.
I do know that there's atleast an iota of truth in what he said, my country has huge issues with cleanliness, all these years our rivers were overflowing with filth. But things have started to change, my trip to Delhi last year reinforced my belief that India is improving. So now I have learnt to ignore such comments.

2) The religious angle:
I'm not sure if this video would hurt only the hindus. IMO, his remark would hurt every Indian because he talked about India as a country.
As a hindu the only time I was offended was when I saw our goddesses being portrayed in a bad light. Yes, in many of our temples we do have undraped statues but the purpose of which is bring out the sensuality of the body, but not to titillate in the Western sense.
In this same way if Muhammad's cartoons (which I've not seen yet) offended muslims then freedom of speech was taken too far to hurts somebody's religious sentiments and I dont support it.
Dont go by what happens on this forum, some Indians might join the westerners in trolling you guys but they dont represent majority in India. If I were to post an anti-muslim post on my FB, then am sure my friends would come down heavily on me for offending a religion. Believe it or not!
Has India got balls to do such action?
You got your answer now, didn't you?8-)

Last I heard, your Foreign Minister flew to Kabul with a plane load of NSG, who upon reaching there refuse to get off and conduct any operation to release Air India flight.

Where did you hear that? You should stop subscribing to that newspaper or newschannel. If the voices in your head told you, you should seriously think about anti-psychotic medication. Or use the mental illness to your advantage and write some creative fiction, for the publishing industry, or the film industry.

The minister did not go to Kandahar with NSG commandos. NSG has no mandate to operate outside the country, being under the command of the home ministry. Also, if it was supposed to be a hostage rescue mission, a cabinet minister would not have gone with them. The home minister is a politician, not a warrior. The minister went to negotiate the release of 140+ Indians. He went without any NSG or any other offensive force. This may come as a surprise to you, but the Indian govt actually does care about the lives of Indian citizens. They did the best they could, under the circumstances.

I wish we had the ability to do an operation Entebbe at that time, but we didn't. We therefore did what was in the people's best interest.

Please don't make up your own fictitious stories about the home minister personally commanding a group of NSG commandos who, when they reached there, became too scared to assault, or whatever it is that you are trying to spin. Grow up.
Has India got balls to do such action?
Last I heard
, your Foreign Minister flew to Kabul with a plane load of NSG, who upon reaching there refuse to get off and conduct any operation to release Air India flight.

You don't hear too well do you ?

IA has responded appropriately and swiftly
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