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The imminent Massacre in FATA

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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I came across a news item about the state of Pakistan disarming the tribes in Kurram agency and reading through the contents took me back about 25 years back in time when a retired FF tribesman I knew from Army days visited me. I have quoted him few times and for some I might sound like a broken record who belong to that 50% of Pakistanis who consider shias as kafirs but I will say it anyway because I dont care about theological or sectarian debate since the actions speak for themselves and sadly people of my faith are making the headlines from France, Denmark, Iraq, Syria and south east Asia for all the wrong reasons.

before I give any more details I will invite everyone to read the news item

Kurram people told to surrender arms

Elders in lower Kurram will meet in few days to find out a solution to the problem, said an elder.

Najeeb Turi, an elder of lower Kurram, told Dawn by the telephone that residents of Bilyameen, Alizai, Enzari and surrounding villages had been told to surrender weapons.

“A junior commissioned officer conveyed a message of the colonel commandant of Kurram Militia to the people hand over every type of heavy weapons and ammunition immediately,” he said.

Disarming people in Kurram at a time when the security forces are moving against militants in other areas looks very strange and the decision has scared the people. It means that our hands and feet are tied and we are left to be slaughtered like chickens,” he said.

Kurram people told to surrender arms - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

so back to my story

just for the benefit of those who dont know or care, both Tori and Bangash tribes are predominantly follow the shia faith. their villages have been under siege since the times many of the members here were not even conceived. under siege by whom? an innocent but logical question.
under siege by those who deem these miserable tribes infidel and have been killing them ransacking them and violating their women for decades. Punjabi taliban as we know them now, who used to be called sipah sahabah or lashker jhangvi used to make their spiritual journey in these parts of the world to get the chance of unchallenged slaughter and massacre so that they can take these new skills and and experience back to the settled parts of the country.

the details of the atrocities against these government friendly tribes are no different to the victims of ISIS.. the victims are not just shot but there is an entire ritual towards it. whether its the intercepted conveys or the villages themselves... the children are killed first, either tossed in the local rivers or beheaded in front of their parents, then comes the turn of their women who are gang raped and their body parts are hacked off... the male members who are mortally wounded a re made to see all this and then they are executed in the end.

this former FF (frontier force sub-e-dar) gave me the grisly details and left me shocked and speechless. these were the times when we Pakistanis were shedding tears over Sabrenesca and other Bosnian massacres knowing too little that something similar was happening to the condemned tribes by very same Muslims who offer prayers with us and celebrate eid and condemn India and Israel together. he in the end said that since his tribe had started to fight back and inflicted some losses on the lashkers that come from Afghanistan and other parts of FATA... the government has brought in paramilitary forces and is disarming us. and like before we will be attacked and massacred because we got no means to defend ourselves

he requested some money or weapons even hand guns if I could spare any so that he could shoot his wife and daughters dead before putting the last fight against the attackers and dying in the process. he had no doubt in his mind that his minor girls and wife will be violated , torched and killed and he considered finishing them off himself to be a better alternative.
he spoke in such matter of fact way that I couldn't speak at all.... I politely refused because it was just unreal for me. I offered food and rest instead and he didnt insist or repeat his request.he was too proud for that and understanding my ignorance and reluctance he left. before that I didnt even know that he was from shia faith and it might look odd to an outsider that a shia was asking for help from a sunni against an attack by sunni militias but our relation was from military.

yes his village was raided and there was a 2 column news on the back pages of the national daily and that was that. what became of him is unknown but what is known is since we entered WoT, the attacks on shias increased in their magnitude and violence. during the time of Gen Kyani the things got that bad that these under siege had to get help from Afghan side and they were completely cut off from Pakistan ( we were weeping over the economic blockade of the Palestinians by the Israelis). there was one attempt made to provide food to these besieged villages back in 2008 or 2009 but the trucks were intercepted and torched by the marauding taliban forces and their drivers were burnt alive inside their vehicles.

altough this news talks about confiscating ONLY the heavy weapons from these Pakistan friendly tribes who have been holding the lines against the taliban forces who have sworn out to Islamic state and find it more compelling and divine to exterminate these forsaken people but I know from experience now that officials sympathetic to terrorists will strip down the Turi and Bangash tribes of even the hand guns and will give an all clear signal to their brothers in faith who normally occupy the hill tops and snipe the villagers or drop mortar bombs on them.

posters here who are clueless and ignorant will point at the presence of the army and I quote the tribal elders from these parts and other parts of FATA who are pro government say..

"Taliban laugh at us and tell us that the army wont stay here forever and will eventually leave and when it does they will come for the throats of our sons and will distribute our women among themselves."

in short i predict and expect some massacres that will be just another news item and statistic to other mass atrocities in rest of Pakistan.

Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz
may the Creator of all creations Look after His creation from harm.
indeed Allah ki Nagri may dair hay andhair nahi.

Pak Fouj Zindabad
you got your hands full. look after the state and its people
This indeed sounds like a very bad idea
The state has been unable to protect Shia sites in urban centers....so expecting them to do that job in the tribal areas is a stretch !
I am sure people have not forgotten the decisive role played by Zia Ul Haq, another self-proclaimed Napoleon of Pakfojzindabad, in igniting the sectarian war in the picturesque valley of Kurram? Is there any problem in Pak whose roots were not planted and nurtured in GHQ?
I am sure people have not forgotten the decisive role played by Zia Ul Haq, another self-proclaimed Napoleon of Pakfojzindabad, in igniting the sectarian war in the picturesque valley of Kurram? Is there any problem in Pak whose roots were not planted and nurtured in GHQ?

it is exactly this mentality which conspired to kill kids of army men in Peshawar school.
This is what is called massacre and if army failed to revenge the killings of last 6 years, than there is no use to have them.
If they need to subdue some political support of ANA and its allies... public support is available.
Is there any problem in Pak whose roots were not planted and nurtured in GHQ?

you over simplified it as if its black and white but

short answer yes
some came and still keep coming from the middle east also some before the inception of Pakistan when the biggest supporters of Taliban termed Pakistan a great sin.
Army cannot work in parallel to falsification and criticism.
Its time to hang every one, who speaks against army.
To start with Khawaja Asif......

People of Pakistan need to understand, if Pak army officer on front lines tell them to disarm, than they should not waste a second.

This was well known that axis of evil, present in Afghanistan is seeding hate against Pak army, among tribes loyal to northern alliance.

Its time to hit the non compliant tribes with full force, if they don't understand the language of words.
you over simplified it as if its black and white but

short answer yes
some came and still keep coming from the middle east also some before the inception of Pakistan when the biggest supporters of Taliban termed Pakistan a great sin.

The biggest supporters of Talibs were the generals themselves who are going after their friends of yesteryear now just because they have stopped taking orders from GHQ. Those who considered Pak a great "sin" have always been anit-Talibs.

you over simplified it as if its black and white but

short answer yes
some came and still keep coming from the middle east also some before the inception of Pakistan when the biggest supporters of Taliban termed Pakistan a great sin.

Oversimplifying? Zia allowed the Afghan Mujahedeen and Local Sunni Militias to butcher Turis just because they were blocking the ammunition suppl route to Afghanistan. The Turis were faesighted people, they knew it that the friends of Arabs would love to rape and reave their peaceful villages at the very first opportunity, and they were right. It should also be mentioned here that among all Tribal Pashtuns the Turis were the most educated and didn't participate in the "Afghan Jihad".
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you over simplified it as if its black and white but

short answer yes
some came and still keep coming from the middle east also some before the inception of Pakistan when the biggest supporters of Taliban termed Pakistan a great sin.

Who are the supporters of TTP (I assume you meant TTP)? I only know of Imran Khan.. next PM of Pakistan!

Where as TTP is operated from a puppet state of Afghanistan... who is ruled by a tribe (northern alliance) sworn enemies of Talibans, who didn't even let infants of Taliban rulers live, and yet they are funding, arming, training and overseeing TTP terror acts!

Middleast is not born today, its not only our people who go to middleast. There are all sects. and religions in middleast.
Every one is treated, without discrimination.
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Who are the supporters of TTP (I assume you meant TTP)? I only know of Imran Khan.. next PM of Pakistan!

Where as TTP is operated from a puppet state of Afghanistan... who is ruled by a tribe (northern alliance) sworn enemies of Talibans, who didn't even let infants of Taliban rulers live, and yet they are funding, arming, training and overseeing TTP terror acts!
I hear you
but I am not here to blame someone here just predicting an outcome that has happened many times before
someone said
why dont they just leave these areas then? saying that the commentator forgets the Palestinians who suffer constant Israeli atrocities. yet continue to live in their besieged homes.

The biggest supporters of Talibs were the generals themselves who are going after their friends of yesteryear now just because they have stopped taking orders from GHQ. Those who considered Pak a great "sin" have always been anit-Talibs.

I was referring to Jamat Islami, they are never anti talib. teach me something I dont know
yes generals together with CIA formed Talibs to counter Northern alliance / India/ Russia nexus and also to bring an end to the civil war.

members of TTP have only sectarian background can you name any leaders that have Afghan Jihad/ post Soviet name/ contribution? TTP seems to be an answer/ response to Pakistan's Afghan Taliban creation.

generals of Zia time are either dead or retired and long out of the game. the current lot has suffered at the hands of these terrorists so support from GHQ is unimaginable and ill-informed.
that is good , there is no need to take arms , Qabili need to understand this , they want weapons , be part of Army or FC .... civilians should not have any kind of weapons ... legal or illegal ...
Is all this for real?
Why hasn't it been in the newspapers? I'm baffled and am clueless as to how to respond to this.
At first I was very supportive of this decision to disarm the tribesmen but these new revelations are an eye-opener.
May Allah have mercy on this nation.
Godspeed to anyone working for saving Pakistan in the GHQ.
@Irfan Baloch All Pakistanis have equal rights, until they conspire against the state.
People living in remote areas should be protected by local police, not every one have the right to keep guns in areas, where Pak army is operating.
Printing such details is not good idea, it gives opportunity to enemies of Pakistan to conspire.

yes generals together with CIA formed Talibs to counter Northern alliance / India/ Russia nexus and also to bring an end to the civil war.
Talibas were a natural uprising, nothing to do with Pakistan.. they were autonomous and rose against the inhuman Dostam. Who also happened to be ANA chief, post carpet bombing.

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