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the illusion of worthless paper money


Sep 10, 2008
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this is how we have been lead to believe that the worthless peice of paper is something we have to wrk for more over we can’t claim the gold behind it( or even if it is teher)
in Pakistan’s case I wonder even if we have gold reserve’s or we only print ruppes against dollars!
interesting and well explained and not boring watch!

ever wonder why gadafi,sadam were brutally crushed ,do u really think it was for the oil ,well usa could have printed as much dollars a sthey wanted and bought whatever oil they needed,the fact is these systems threatened sadam through euro and gadafi through gold money was threatening the USfederal reserve’s monopoly over currency domination of the world.

Money As Debt-Full Length Documentary - YouTube

The American Dream By The Provocateur Network - YouTube

and this is how these big names enslave our countries.

Economic Hitmen - YouTube
If you know so much information and the greatest secrete of world, tell me solution... how to serve 6+ Billion people in world without paper money? No more finger pointing to western world... just speak of solution ..
You guys don't have any constructive work .. if you don't like system stop using paper money start giving gold to every one for their services and things.. common you are brave enough .. you just reveled the great satan of world.. common man get out of this system .. you are to pure and too good for it ..
and if you can't then keep your mouth shut and contribute something serious

BTW second video is really interesting .. but with increasing population and less resources . we can't change system ..
If you know so much information and the greatest secrete of world, tell me solution... how to serve 6+ Billion people in world without paper money? No more finger pointing to western world... just speak of solution ..
You guys don't have any constructive work .. if you don't like system stop using paper money start giving gold to every one for their services and things.. common you are brave enough .. you just reveled the great satan of world.. common man get out of this system .. you are to pure and too good for it ..
and if you can't then keep your mouth shut and contribute something serious

BTW second video is really interesting .. but with increasing population and less resources . we can't change system ..

seems like I have pushed the right button ,pissed some one off really bad,well I do agree there is not much gold to go arnd with but this not the 10th century where gold is the only precious metal infact we have discovered loads of other precious metals since then.oky since I will have to help you out on this so here we go.
now here is my suggestion for metals for different units of currency and this is only a example how it could be done,for example

units in units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd1000 (make it a 1 gram pure gold(or platinum same percentage) plus alloy )units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd500 (make it ¼ gram pure gold (or 1 gm palladium) + alloy to stabilize it)note palladium can be produced from nuclear fission process namely in our reactorsunits in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd100 (make it 3 grams of silver)(if shortage in silver make it 1/9 gram of palladium)
usd50 (1.5 grm of silver per coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd20 (0.5 gram of silver)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd10 (2gm copper coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd5 (4gm lead coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd1 (1/3copper plus any alloy to make it to a gram)units in 1 coin(precious metals)

the weight per coin should be kept ,less then actual value of paper money that u could get from it otherwise ppl will start melting it if the metal is worth more melted

so the point is simple if we want we can get the real money but the point is are u willing to go for it ,getting precious metals is not the problem,but its what has been fead to you,that u have to come out off,the point of 6 billion ppl on the planet well they need so much money bcus it is inflated in precious metals case I doubt any one would get past being millionare in precious metal currency.think abt it and open up ur mind
seems like I have pushed the right button ,pissed some one off really bad,well I do agree there is not much gold to go arnd with but this not the 10th century where gold is the only precious metal infact we have discovered loads of other precious metals since then.oky since I will have to help you out on this so here we go.
now here is my suggestion for metals for different units of currency and this is only a example how it could be done,for example

units in units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd1000 (make it a 1 gram pure gold(or platinum same percentage) plus alloy )units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd500 (make it ¼ gram pure gold (or 1 gm palladium) + alloy to stabilize it)note palladium can be produced from nuclear fission process namely in our reactorsunits in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd100 (make it 3 grams of silver)(if shortage in silver make it 1/9 gram of palladium)
usd50 (1.5 grm of silver per coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd20 (0.5 gram of silver)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd10 (2gm copper coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd5 (4gm lead coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd1 (1/3copper plus any alloy to make it to a gram)units in 1 coin(precious metals)

the weight per coin should be kept ,less then actual value of paper money that u could get from it otherwise ppl will start melting it if the metal is worth more melted

so the point is simple if we want we can get the real money but the point is are u willing to go for it ,getting precious metals is not the problem,but its what has been fead to you,that u have to come out off,the point of 6 billion ppl on the planet well they need so much money bcus it is inflated in precious metals case I doubt any one would get past being millionare in precious metal currency.think abt it and open up ur mind
You need to understand the concept of money and then say whether you want paper money, metallic money or linen money.
For something to be used as money, it should have minimum intrinsic value, it is possible to create massive database of people's accounts in which case you wont need any paper money(your money is just a number in your account).
You need to understand the concept of money and then say whether you want paper money, metallic money or linen money.
For something to be used as money, it should have minimum intrinsic value, it is possible to create massive database of people's accounts in which case you wont need any paper money(your money is just a number in your account).

well the concept of paper money was convenient if the banks had loaned what they actually had,but thats not the case,they lent out more then they had ,who is to say they won't do the same in case of digital money.

more over if all these banks go bankrupt and the gvt suddenly devalues its currency by 50 percent for whatever reasons i.e paying of debts etc,we would not be left with anything a common man who has worked his a** off,so we need a form of money which has real value and could be traded for anywhere in the world even if the respective country of that issuing currency no longer exists.
"The American Dream" is a eye-opener. One of the most interesting documentaries I have ever seen.
You people sound like you just came out of your first Economics class and suddenly pretending to be professors. You base your facts off of movies and short videos on Youtube and then expect your opinions to ever matter when it comes down to macro economical numbers.

Please derp harder.
You people sound like you just came out of your first Economics class and suddenly pretending to be professors. You base your facts off of movies and short videos on Youtube and then expect your opinions to ever matter when it comes down to macro economical numbers.

Please derp harder.

well macro economics is what understood easier then micro anyways since ,why don't u give us ur valuable suggestions,this forum truly values u sir freekin, ur reputation far exceeds you
well macro economics is what understood easier then micro anyways since ,why don't u give us ur valuable suggestions,this forum truly values u sir freekin, ur reputation far exceeds you

its difficult to piss me of.. not even my manager can do that after 6 hours continuous meeting so better luck next time.
When you talk something so big .. you need to understand..you can't change it.
Economics is much more complex than 30 minutes of video. People 100 times more smarter than me and you had put their entire life to understand it. It is not about paper money it is about convenience, what if entire world will start using gold, platinum, copper and other metals as currency . Those metals will lose their productive values..
We need them more in other things like gold jewellery business provides employment to millions of people around world, platinum is useful in many hi-tech instruments and in medical filed, we need lots of copper as conductor .. Now you will tell about other metal like iron..then how one will maintain its flow.. country with large iron ore will be richest but then how other countries will get that ...
Things are much more complex then making video..if some one is believing that paper money and this banking system is fraud.. stop using it try to survive for month without money .. current crisis is neither because of fundamental principles of economics are faulty .. nor because of principles on which this giant system works .. it is because of people's grid to make more money.

FYI - I am valuing your view and research you did on it..
seems like I have pushed the right button ,pissed some one off really bad,well I do agree there is not much gold to go arnd with but this not the 10th century where gold is the only precious metal infact we have discovered loads of other precious metals since then.oky since I will have to help you out on this so here we go.
now here is my suggestion for metals for different units of currency and this is only a example how it could be done,for example

units in units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd1000 (make it a 1 gram pure gold(or platinum same percentage) plus alloy )units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd500 (make it ¼ gram pure gold (or 1 gm palladium) + alloy to stabilize it)note palladium can be produced from nuclear fission process namely in our reactorsunits in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd100 (make it 3 grams of silver)(if shortage in silver make it 1/9 gram of palladium)
usd50 (1.5 grm of silver per coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd20 (0.5 gram of silver)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd10 (2gm copper coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd5 (4gm lead coin)units in 1 coin(precious metals)
usd1 (1/3copper plus any alloy to make it to a gram)units in 1 coin(precious metals)

the weight per coin should be kept ,less then actual value of paper money that u could get from it otherwise ppl will start melting it if the metal is worth more melted

so the point is simple if we want we can get the real money but the point is are u willing to go for it ,getting precious metals is not the problem,but its what has been fead to you,that u have to come out off,the point of 6 billion ppl on the planet well they need so much money bcus it is inflated in precious metals case I doubt any one would get past being millionare in precious metal currency.think abt it and open up ur mind

so you want people to use gold and silver and replace paper currency??
with every increasing population it is hardly unlikely that we will have enough gold silver to do this..
well macro economics is what understood easier then micro anyways since ,why don't u give us ur valuable suggestions,this forum truly values u sir freekin, ur reputation far exceeds you

Well thanks, and yes. My suggestion is that Pakistan cashes in on developing its manufacturing industry. I mean, they seem to have mastered the textile industry but going for a little more couldn't hurt. And if the government could somehow learn to subsidize different kinds of businesses like India, Singapore, China, and other Asian countries are doing, then revenue could double or even multiply. Pakistan has 180 million people. There is no manpower shortage.

And I really like the Chinese example of building factories next to dormitories. What a magnificent way to maximize output.

This mumbo-jumbo garbage of how the US is dominating everything is bullshit. Even the United States doesn't and currently cant play the best cards when it comes to economics unless they too, revise their own strategies.
Well thanks, and yes. My suggestion is that Pakistan cashes in on developing its manufacturing industry. I mean, they seem to have mastered the textile industry but going for a little more couldn't hurt. And if the government could somehow learn to subsidize different kinds of businesses like India, Singapore, China, and other Asian countries are doing, then revenue could double or even multiply. Pakistan has 180 million people. There is no manpower shortage.

And I really like the Chinese example of building factories next to dormitories. What a magnificent way to maximize output.

This mumbo-jumbo garbage of how the US is dominating everything is bullshit. Even the United States doesn't and currently cant play the best cards when it comes to economics unless they too, revise their own strategies.

Truely and rightly said , developing the industry is the best way out, the problem is inorder for that industrial out put to be commercially more acceptable in the local market is a great challange, The already dominant International brands play a huge role both politically and commercially, They attack the local brand from all directions, Take Amrat Cola of Gaurmay for example, what they did was they were hurting the Pepsi(sugar Water) and Coke so much that there Marketing Dept had to go for other Henious ways to ultimately kill that brand,Same is the case in the Fast Food Industry, Outlets like AFC or Kaybees or other Small Fast Food Chains like ETON Roll simply dosent have that level of maturity or even the budget to compeete with MacDonalds, KFC or Hardees , I would personally go for a local Anda Burger rather that costly and over priced processed ****.
The Public awareness to promote local home made brands is gravely needed , So that the local industry can prosper , Tax out these overpriced Forighn Brands who cash out and exploit a national weakness like a pack of wolves..!
If you know so much information and the greatest secrete of world, tell me solution... how to serve 6+ Billion people in world without paper money? No more finger pointing to western world... just speak of solution ..
You guys don't have any constructive work .. if you don't like system stop using paper money start giving gold to every one for their services and things.. common you are brave enough .. you just reveled the great satan of world.. common man get out of this system .. you are to pure and too good for it ..
and if you can't then keep your mouth shut and contribute something serious

BTW second video is really interesting .. but with increasing population and less resources . we can't change system ..

Simple solution... hedge paper money against tangible things and precious metals could be an obvious choice.
so you want people to use gold and silver and replace paper currency??
with every increasing population it is hardly unlikely that we will have enough gold silver to do this..

What about plastic money like Credit card or debit card, is that evil too. :lol: :lol: :lol:
this is how we have been lead to believe that the worthless peice of paper is something we have to wrk for more over we can’t claim the gold behind it( or even if it is teher)
in Pakistan’s case I wonder even if we have gold reserve’s or we only print ruppes against dollars!
interesting and well explained and not boring watch!

ever wonder why gadafi,sadam were brutally crushed ,do u really think it was for the oil ,well usa could have printed as much dollars a sthey wanted and bought whatever oil they needed,the fact is these systems threatened sadam through euro and gadafi through gold money was threatening the USfederal reserve’s monopoly over currency domination of the world.
What these sooth sayer and Conspiracy theorists tend to not see in the limited insight is ....how humans work.

This whole human world tht exists today has been essentially derived from centuries of refinement in social doctrine.
Humans inherently seek a purpose in life and to fill that void a purpose is generated...out of thin air or out of necessity..

Money is nothing more than than the means to get things...which ever way to look at it ,be it in gold or shells ..its essential serves the same purpose,... to quantify a value.

Now having said tht what ur vague argument may be about is ...y a a disparity in the value of a dollar to tht of a rupee ??

Well it pretty simple actually ...
Paper can be printed all day long ...but what it does is diminish the value of this currency ...because simple economics states if supply exceeds demand, the value diminishes..
Hence this directly implies money is essentially a commodity that fills the gap tht exist between a supplier and a consumer..
But the most important thing about this is tht the money u use should not have any value of its own...this essentially fails the whole system. When one sets standards u dont set it on a commodity tht is rare or going rare as it automatically increases it value as demand grows.

IF u got inspired by ziad hamid ..don't be hes a clown..dosent know **** about ****

i cant be very cohesive and clear with few words on this topic but essentially if u have any confusions i can elaborate further.,

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