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The Hindu Terrorists !

I suggest Pakistan stops thinking about the Poor Indian Muslims and Better its own Minorities, Hindus, Qadiyanis etc. We Indian Muslims will fend for ourselves, after it is Indias Internal Matter na?

Pakistan should concentrate on its Economy first and foremost, for that I suggest Non resident Pakistanis to return to pakistan and set up businesses which Indians are doing now, rather than show Patriotism thru the internet, Talk Islam, and Enjoy the Western Culture at its best ;)

i DON'T KNOW WHAT KNID OF MUSLIM YOU ARE, you call yourself proud INDIAN MUSLIM AND also attach indian flag with your avatar yet vast majority of indian muslims are treated like **** IN INDIA !. You must be one of those traitor Maula Azad cateogory of muslims..mir jaffar mir saddiq. I am not saying all pakistani muslims are angels on earth but ALHAMDOLILLAH the condition of muslims in pakistan is STILL THOUSAND TIMES better than muslims in whole of india. What is happening in jammu & Kashmir ? 70,000 innocent kashmiris killed ..by who ??? Yes..terrorist indian army backed with the WORLD'S SO CALLED (HYPOCRITE) BIGGEST DEMOCRACTIC GOVERNMENT . Ohh what about the thousand innocent muslims killed in gujarat ?? Not to forget thousands muslims killed and women raped in many states due to communal riots started by hindu zealots. By the way muslims as you know are not the only victims, all ethnic minorities are picked by hindu zealots to PLAY HOLI.

DID YOU KNOW MR PROUD INDIAN MUSLIM that how many of our ancestors were slaughtered by hindu zealots alongwith help of sikhs before partition ???...Do you ??..Okay i will tell and u better believe it, the figure is about 40 lakh and about 2.5 lakh muslim women/girls were abducted by sikhs and hindus and continue to live as wives of sikhs and hindus reluctantly.

100 groups are fighting your beloved india for independence in about 235 districts out of 600. Places like jammu & Kashmir, Assam, orissa, nagaland, andra pradesh and Seven Sister states. Indian muslims being slaughtered is our business as WE ARE ALL MUSLIMS FIRST THEN PAKISTANI THEN PUNJABI, BALOUCHI, PASHTUN,SINDHI,BIHARI,KASHMIRI E.T.C. It is our damn right to ensure those muslims are in the best of security alongwith the ones within pakistan.

wHo exposed the lies of indian media with regards to mumbai drama ?..The pakistani media AND NOT INDIAN JOURNALISTS. MUSLIMS have ruled india for 1000 years and are destined to rule it again according to ghazwa-e-Hind hadith. Whether you like it or not india is a FAILED STATE unlike pakistan.

Pakistan is still a HEAVEN compared to india, unlike india ethnic minorities are NOT SLAUGHTERED FOR FUN. Despite it's problems pakistan is destined to greatness and according to prediction of a sufi and several analysts it is DESTINED TO GREATNESS TOWARDS END OF TIMES INSHALLAH. We will overcome our shortfalls soon but hindu india is crumbling.

Go read and get some education before you come on with BOLLYWOOD HOGWASH. Bollywood circus which is hell bent on portraying india as success story with unity amongst indian hindus,sikhs and muslims and christians. The problem with some of you privileged indian muslims is that you turn blind eye and deaf ears to reality around you. Like i said you are ONE OF THE HYPROCRITE CATEGORY MUSLIMS UNFORTUNATELY.

Guys, A hindu might be a terror. Its impossible to have all good ppl in 700+ million ppl. There are ppl with all bad ideas. What is important is does govt have some policy against those no matter which religen they belong to. When it comes to samjotha exp issue govt is taking action against those individuals. ofcourse there is politics going on only regarding calling them as HINDU terrors. But individually law is taking its action.

Can my pakistan frens explain whats going on individually with Dawood Ibrahim and Masood Azhar in pakistan. They are getting govt support for the reason that they can attack India? Whats their contribution to pakistan ppl so that they are living happily there by commiting so much crime in India.
Pakistan is still a HEAVEN compared to india, unlike india ethnic minorities are NOT SLAUGHTERED FOR FUN. Despite it's problems pakistan is destined to greatness and according to prediction of a sufi and several analysts it is DESTINED TO GREATNESS TOWARDS END OF TIMES INSHALLAH. We will overcome our shortfalls soon but hindu india is crumbling.

I know I am writing this in pakistan forum.
I dont agree with you completely. First you said you are a muslim First and the nation comes second. FINE. Some ppl in pakistan are misusing religen vs country. What ever Indians calls as terrors (might be freedom fighters for others) having the same concept of religen first without knowing what they are doing.
See how many ppl are dying in pakistan today in bomb blasts. Same mulsims have closed gals school. These are all internal to pakistan and as an indian we shouldnt worry about. I agree. But unless u resolve these issues internally as a nation you loose the right to speak for muslim community internationally.
I have many muslim frens. I have spent my school, college days with them closely. They are all doing good. (Atleast ppl that i know).
Muslim community is not comfortable with pakistan politics folks! This is where problem is I believe. I dont know the real situation vs media; Afghan war and US ppl in pakistan; and daily criminal reports; politics adn military; economy; jobs; gals education all these made real scare of pak esply muslim community.

As long pakistan increases its reputation atleast within muslim community you guys cant speak for them. Pls try to understand
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Guys, A hindu might be a terror. Its impossible to have all good ppl in 700+ million ppl. There are ppl with all bad ideas. What is important is does govt have some policy against those no matter which religen they belong to. When it comes to samjotha exp issue govt is taking action against those individuals. ofcourse there is politics going on only regarding calling them as HINDU terrors. But individually law is taking its action.

Can my pakistan frens explain whats going on individually with Dawood Ibrahim and Masood Azhar in pakistan. They are getting govt support for the reason that they can attack India? Whats their contribution to pakistan ppl so that they are living happily there by commiting so much crime in India.

TOTAL NONSENSE AND PROPAGANDA..You think people like dawood ibrahim and masood azhar live in Pakistan ?..Is that the understanding of all indians ? If that is the case then I AM SORRY TO SAY YOUR NATION IS BUNCH OF FOOLS. These individuals don't live in PAKISTAN at all, WHY DON'T indians like you still don't READ THE BIGGER PICTURE behind MUMBAI ATTACKS ??????

Why ask for the above individuals NOW ??? How many times will us pakistanis will have to explain to you poor indians over and over again that why mumbai attacks were staged ?..You want me to tell you the bedtime story again ?. In brief the issue of jammu & Kashmir with recent uprisals, the samjauta express exposure of indian military and indian hardline political groups like RSS, BJP and shive sena involvement ALL GONE IN THE BACKGROUND NICELY. PLUS CONGRESS HAS BUILT UP VOTES IN THEIR FAVOUR SO THEY CAN WIN THE NEXT ELECTIONS COMFORTABLY.

Before MAKING STUPID AND BASELESS ALLEGATIONS HOW ABOUT ANSWERING ABOUT VALID ALLEGATIONS ??. The involvement of RAW in pakistan's northern areas and in karachi ?. Ohh offcourse this is not indians enjoyable topic to discuss just like issue of jammu & Kashmir is NOT DISPUTABLE AREA according to indians !.

When it comes to jammu & Kashmir you indians consider it a BILATERAL ISSUE with pakistan but when you CLAIM TO MAKE ALLEGATIONS OF TERRORISM AGAINST pakistan then you like to involve the WHOLE WORLD AND UNIVERSE !!!.

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I know I am writing this in pakistan forum.
I dont agree with you completely. First you said you are a muslim First and the nation comes second. FINE. Some ppl in pakistan are misusing religen vs country. What ever Indians calls as terrors (might be freedom fighters for others) having the same concept of religen first without knowing what they are doing.
See how many ppl are dying in pakistan today in bomb blasts. Same mulsims have closed gals school. These are all internal to pakistan and as an indian we shouldnt worry about. I agree. But unless u resolve these issues internally as a nation you loose the right to speak for muslim community internationally.
I have many muslim frens. I have spent my school, college days with them closely. They are all doing good. (Atleast ppl that i know).
Muslim community is not comfortable with pakistan politics folks! This is where problem is I believe. I dont know the real situation
vs media; Afghan war and US ppl in pakistan; and daily criminal reports; politics adn military; economy; jobs; gals education all these made real scare of pak esply muslim community.

As long pakistan increases its reputation atleast within muslim community you guys cant speak for them. Pls try to understand

Pakistan increases it's reputation within MUSLIM community ??? ARE YOU SERIOUS ? Yes we can speak for them cause we know other muslim communities better then you hindus. How many muslim nations have you spoken to about pakistan's reputation ? ..All this reputation business is TOTAL NONSENSE TOTAL PROPAGANDA TOTAL LIES PROPAGATED BY WESTERN AND INDIAN MEDIA. Go and speak to muslims from arab nations and from far eastern nations and south asian nations then you will find out. Muslim world looks upto pakistan to lead it unify the muslim world. Our reputation is painted black by our enemies USA,UK,INDIA and ISRAEL cause they don't want a muslim nation to have STRONG DEFENCE FORCE.

You should worry about the REPUTATION OF INDIA, how many friendly neighbours do you have ?. Sri lankans, banglas, China and Pakistan don't have brotherly relationship with india do they ???.

This new found status of india being preferred by americans and british is just a smokescreen. Americans are using you against china and by the time they have finished with you it will be TOO LATE TO TURN THE CLOCK BACK.

We are all muslim first most. ( No racial discrimination amongst all muslims of the world) As a pakistani it is our moral right to carry the flag of islam and unite all muslim nations as ALLAH has gifted this right to us. Most of the bomb blasts are funded by RAW in the northern areas as we have caught number of indian spies and weapons. But with grace of ALLAH we are gradually taking control of troubled areas as nefarious plans of RAW,CIA and MOSSAD begin to fall apart.

Do you have any right to speak on behalf of any community ??? Hindu zealots alongwith sikhs were responsible for murders of 40 lakh muslims before and during partition. 70,000 innocent kashmiris have been killed in jammu & kashmir alone with many women raped and children maimed. Forgot gujarat massacre ? What about the slaughter of skikhs in 1984 ?..ohh and the christians being butchered ?..hindu zealots are responsible for mass murders of ethnic minorities across whole of india. Female infanticide is being practiced on the largest scale in the world in india. If this was not done then in india too like in rest of the nations in the world the population of women would have been more than men !.

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Hey Bilsher,
We both have different angle to the issue and me might not agree each other! Thanks for sharing information in detail. But I am not quite happy with you; But I am curious to learn so my post here
I have 20-30 muslim family close to me. I go to their house and we are very close. We speak openly about religen festivals india pakistan. But ofcourse my views doesnt represent muslim community; May be a individual muslim view.
Why are you so much biased about constructing PAKISTAN by destroying INDIA. I dont think many indians will think we can live happy by destructing pakistan. its not going to happen. viceversa too...As a country you should protect your border so military; Fine; This is nothing to do with common person; muslim; I have a feeling that pakistani is more attached to military than indian; We have around 4-5 person in military for every 1000 ppl and pakistan has 10 ppl. pakistan might have 20 lac ppl for its 20 crore population (1%). Thats it. So by number on social sense military has no influence.
Pakistan is between two things. One is military; Another Islam; How much Arab countries helping pakistan? PPl are taking US defence help instead of pakistan military help. How much malasia supporting pakistan govt except its offering jobs to other muslim folks. Same goes with dubai too..Pakistani can find a job there like other indian muslim.
YES pakistan declared as Islam republic so every muslim was proud of. Do you think average indian muslim happy with pakistan as its headed to?
Unless muslim community appriciate pakistan as a country headed towards true islam its difficult to get an acknowledgement.

Todays govts are short lived. They might be in power for few years. No one has long term vision. Everyone wants to do what ever is possible in his few years at chair. So I seriously doubt that pakistan can lead the community.

There are lot of violence went in the past. I am not argueing who is correct; wrong. Its histry too muslims looted Indian hindus before britishs. Ghansi; Gowri; even Moghals; We dont support them. OK FORGET IT. Why pakistan as a country not supporting muslims. Pakistan is telling see this is what christans and hindus did for us; So pakistan wants to lead the fight??? Why are you not raising your concern for MUSLIMS? Why are you fighting against MUSLIMS in Afghan? Why didnt u oppose US action in iraq, why are you not trying to stop wars between sunni and shia....
I am talking beyond my knowledge; I understand; But please think of my point; Unless pakistan offer REAL help to muslim community it cant lead.

Somehow I am not quite satisfied about pakistan ability to address international islamic leadership. I doubt your capability seriously. Please reply
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Gujarat was not blamed on Pakistan.

it wasent because the ones who did it came out in public
but the indian media fails to inform its public about such deed
instead they show such hatred against pakistan and blame every problem they have on us
it wasent because the ones who did it came out in public
but the indian media fails to inform its public about such deed
instead they show such hatred against pakistan and blame every problem they have on us

Indians police found this logic quite sometime back! Any criminal record by default will be in the name of pakistan :cheers:
If they able to find the criminal then its fine; If not make its a pakistani as no one on this earth can trace the case!!! so TERRORS. I think pakistan also adopted the same logic in recent lahore blasts even REAL terror org declared that they did it.
Dont know where this will end in
Well Economy of Pakistan is no more an internal matter coz the IMF is involved! It becomes an international issue I believe coz the cash of donor states is involved! God Speed
Well Economy of Pakistan is no more an internal matter coz the IMF is involved! It becomes an international issue I believe coz the cash of donor states is involved! God Speed
not to mention that it is especially India's concern how its money is being spent, since it is Indian tax payer's money that isbeing used to resurrect the failure of Pakistan's economy

Pakistan's principles takes a backseat when Pakistan has to request for money that is being paid for by a nation you accuse of being terrorist state

Let no Pakistan tell an Indian that Pakistan's economy is no concern to an Indian
DID YOU KNOW MR PROUD INDIAN MUSLIM that how many of our ancestors were slaughtered by hindu zealots alongwith help of sikhs before partition ???...Do you ??..Okay i will tell and u better believe it, the figure is about 40 lakh and about 2.5 lakh muslim women/girls were abducted by sikhs and hindus and continue to live as wives of sikhs and hindus reluctantly.
wHo exposed the lies of indian media with regards to mumbai drama ?..The pakistani media AND NOT INDIAN JOURNALISTS. MUSLIMS have ruled india for 1000 years and are destined to rule it again according to ghazwa-e-Hind hadith. Whether you like it or not india is a FAILED STATE unlike pakistan.
Pakistan is still a HEAVEN compared to india, unlike india ethnic minorities are NOT SLAUGHTERED FOR FUN. Despite it's problems pakistan is destined to greatness and according to prediction of a sufi and several analysts it is DESTINED TO GREATNESS TOWARDS END OF TIMES INSHALLAH. We will overcome our shortfalls soon but hindu india is crumbling.

Why this much hate bilsher..??? I think there is some small amount of frustration in your comments??? Lemme put forward my view point..
Do you know, india is one of the fastest growing economy in the world, has one of the largest army in the world, 2nd largest population in the world???? How can you say that we are failed state, when the world hails in india as the largest democracy in the world, we didnt and will not have a single Military coup since our independance? So being under a miliatary leadership for most part of your entire lifes is that what you called a sign off successful state. Share market and the entire econamy facing bankruptcy is that what you called a successful state????? Was it was because succesfful Bangaladesh gained independance.???

If you are one of those persons saying that Mumbai was a drama.. Then my dear friend you are turning a blind eye to the facts. Your own t.v channels exposed that one of the terrorists was indeed a pakistani.. nawaz sheriff admited he is a pakistani (before flipfloping probably under preassure from isi) all these are recorded and shown on t.v my brother.... And pls tell me, you had threatned to strike india within mintues.. of an non existant military threat from india... but why are you welcoming the US Missiles in to your country with folded hands?????

Bad apples are always there in all country, Hindus have killed muslims,christians and Muslims have killed hindus,christians jews all over the world...!!! But can you say that all hindus are bad or all muslims are right????? Pls have an open mind and an open thought and dont get blinded by faith??? Your action might be logical to you but criminal to others..!!!!

And one more ting.. i am sure you might have seen or heard of kashmir elections... i belive there is a turnaround in the sentiments of kashmiries towards indian union..!!!!

And stay happy brother..!!! Cheers!!!
Pakistan increases it's reputation within MUSLIM community ??? ARE YOU SERIOUS ? Yes we can speak for them cause we know other muslim communities better then you hindus. How many muslim nations have you spoken to about pakistan's reputation ? ..All this reputation business is TOTAL NONSENSE TOTAL PROPAGANDA TOTAL LIES PROPAGATED BY WESTERN AND INDIAN MEDIA. Go and speak to muslims from arab nations and from far eastern nations and south asian nations then you will find out. Muslim world looks upto pakistan to lead it unify the muslim world. Our reputation is painted black by our enemies USA,UK,INDIA and ISRAEL cause they don't want a muslim nation to have STRONG DEFENCE FORCE.

You should worry about the REPUTATION OF INDIA, how many friendly neighbours do you have ?. Sri lankans, banglas, China and Pakistan don't have brotherly relationship with india do they ???.

This new found status of india being preferred by americans and british is just a smokescreen. Americans are using you against china and by the time they have finished with you it will be TOO LATE TO TURN THE CLOCK BACK.

We are all muslim first most. ( No racial discrimination amongst all muslims of the world) As a pakistani it is our moral right to carry the flag of islam and unite all muslim nations as ALLAH has gifted this right to us. Most of the bomb blasts are funded by RAW in the northern areas as we have caught number of indian spies and weapons. But with grace of ALLAH we are gradually taking control of troubled areas as nefarious plans of RAW,CIA and MOSSAD begin to fall apart.

Do you have any right to speak on behalf of any community ??? Hindu zealots alongwith sikhs were responsible for murders of 40 lakh muslims before and during partition. 70,000 innocent kashmiris have been killed in jammu & kashmir alone with many women raped and children maimed. Forgot gujarat massacre ? What about the slaughter of skikhs in 1984 ?..ohh and the christians being butchered ?..hindu zealots are responsible for mass murders of ethnic minorities across whole of india. Female infanticide is being practiced on the largest scale in the world in india. If this was not done then in india too like in rest of the nations in the world the population of women would have been more than men !.


As far as my knowledge goes, Pakistan does not even has the capability to file a FIR after its most popular prime minister has been assasinated in broad day light, with the assasination caught in camera.

But you guys instead of forcing your government to find the culprits speak holistcally about Islam in every corner of the globe. Look your back yard is burning. Stop thinking about Indian Muslims and start thinking about your country.

As a muslim I will not accept a claim from Pak Muslims as long as pakistanis do not prove in action by uplifting their fellow muslims from poverty and terrorism. Till that time whatever Pak muslims say is looking like a trap to trap the Indian Muslims to take violence and destroy their bitter enemy India as pak is increasingly unable to do this and is becoming a failed country day by day.
Ditto that! We all must put our Houses in Order before we embark on a mission to put others houses in order!
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