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The Great Press Freedom Contest: Somalia Vs China

Will China reach Somalia's Press Freedom score in the next 20 years?

  • No Way

    Votes: 24 92.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • 75 years is a better estimate

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No. Infact they may fall further

Chinese government attacks own propaganda department

The Chinese government has attacked its own propaganda department for not being good enough at shaping public opinion. Beijing is stepping up controls over the media, internet and ideological oversight of universities.

After a two-month investigation into the work of the ruling Communist party's Propaganda department, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) posted an article on its website on Thursday criticizing its work.

“[The propaganda department] lacks depth in its research into developing contemporary China's Marxism," the report read.
We don't know what is happening in China to even compare. With the free media we atleast know when they get it wrong. With China, you have no news.

The Chinese system is much SUPERIOR and a very different system, so no comparison.
Maybe one day Somalia may want to follow the Chinese system and we will see how fast Somalia can catch up.

I am honored to be able to watch the rise of the US and now witness China slowly take over the helm from the US with their SUPERIOR SYSTEM in my life time.
What not to cheer for?
Yes Count me in. :china: :china: :china:
Don't take too much SOUR GRAPES because Gangadesh being leader of the Unaligned World after independence was supposed to accent to eminence eventually.
Unfortunately, Gangadesh with IQ of 82, rampant with RAPES, OPEN DEFECATION, did not live up to expectations.
haha you are already 64 years old. 祝你健康长寿。i do not think chinese politics system is superior but this system is very fit for china.
yes you know when you get it wrong , but you

haha you are already 64 years old. 祝你健康长寿。i do not think chinese politics system is superior but this system is very fit for china.

Buddy, i know its hard but next time try to write a full sentence.
have underlined India’s status as one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist,
The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said in a report last year that 27 journalists had been killed “with complete impunity” in India since 1992. It listed another 25 murders it was investigating to ascertain a connection to the journalists’ work. At least another six journalists have been killed in the time since the report was published.

The CPJ ranks India 13th in its global impunity index, highlighting countries where the murders of journalists are least likely to be punished. The organisation claims not a single journalist’s murder in the country has been solved in the past 10 years.

Obviously, an *** gets asinine response. Good riddance. Carry on with the cheerleading may be they'll recruit you into their troll army. Wouldn't that be something, getting paid for your trolls.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Only in Gangadesh, babies die from lack of oxygen and people starved to death.
No thanks, I don't need to be paid.

You will need some Rupees though, for your supply of COW COLA.
And don't go around molest and rape your womenfolks in your free time.
Chinese Superior System can cure Gangadesh propensity for RAPE.
China can do it for Gangadesh if Ganga beg them sincerely enough.
have underlined India’s status as one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist,
The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said in a report last year that 27 journalists had been killed “with complete impunity” in India since 1992. It listed another 25 murders it was investigating to ascertain a connection to the journalists’ work. At least another six journalists have been killed in the time since the report was published.

The CPJ ranks India 13th in its global impunity index, highlighting countries where the murders of journalists are least likely to be punished. The organisation claims not a single journalist’s murder in the country has been solved in the past 10 years.

Why China lags so much behind in press freedom and freedom in general? Why do Chinese people fear their own government? Show some courage, buy some balls if you lack :D
No. Infact they may fall further

Chinese government attacks own propaganda department

The Chinese government has attacked its own propaganda department for not being good enough at shaping public opinion. Beijing is stepping up controls over the media, internet and ideological oversight of universities.

After a two-month investigation into the work of the ruling Communist party's Propaganda department, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) posted an article on its website on Thursday criticizing its work.

“[The propaganda department] lacks depth in its research into developing contemporary China's Marxism," the report read.
Seeing how deluded and brainwashed Gangas are, I AGREE Gangadesh PROPAGANDA DEPARTMENT is SUPERIOR.
Why China lags so much behind in press freedom and freedom in general? Why do Chinese people fear their own government? Show some courage, buy some balls if you lack :D
I have to AGREE with you, Gangadesh is far ahead of China in FREEDOM OF FAKE NEWS and Brainwash Propaganda.
Buddy, i know its hard but next time try to write a full sentence.
i had enough trolling for today. i think you forgot your comment .super idoit. maybe you with IQ of 82 always foget what you said
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Only in Gangadesh, babies die from lack of oxygen and people starved to death.
No thanks, I don't need to be paid.

You will need some Rupees though, for your supply of COW COLA.
And don't go around molest and rape your womenfolks in your free time.
Chinese Superior System can cure Gangadesh propensity for RAPE.
China can do it for Gangadesh if Ganga beg them sincerely enough.

You are cheerleader who hide behind someother country's flags. As for the rest of your rants, we put our problems in the open, where as who knows how many are being whored to satisfy emporer Xi's sexuality. And you can't talk about any of that as your only a cheerleader who should know his place in the superior Chinese system.
You are cheerleader who hide behind someother country's flags. As for the rest of your rants, we put our problems in the open, where as who knows how many are being whored to satisfy emporer Xi's sexuality. And you can't talk about any of that as your only a cheerleader who should know his place in the superior Chinese system.
Sorry to disagree with you.
It is unhygienic to put our waste problem in the open, should only dispose of waste problem in the LOO.
But of course we all know Gangadesh severely lack proper place to dump their SHIT.

The rest of your post is incoherent so cannot respond.
Are you referring "whore" and "sexuality" to RAPES and MOLEST in RAPE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD, GANGADESH?
Yeah, I hear a lot of RAPES in Gangadesh.
Be careful, wear more diapers.
Sorry to disagree with you.
It is unhygienic to put our waste problem in the open, should only dispose of waste problem in the LOO.
But of course we all know Gangadesh severely lack proper place to dump their SHIT.

The rest of your post is incoherent so cannot respond.
Are you referring "whore" and "sexuality" to RAPES and MOLEST in RAPE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD, GANGADESH?
Yeah, I hear a lot of RAPES in Gangadesh.
Be careful, wear more diapers.

Wow. You had enough of my generosity for today. Go count your dollars. I'll reengage with you tomorrow if i am in a benevolent mood.
How to compare?
When China ban Facebook and Google.
Stupid democracies and democracy wannanabes like Gangadesh were laughing.
Now China is having the last laugh as Facebook faces more restrictions all over the world.

Other countries are relevant as they realize the advantages of China's system.
Somalia and Gangadesh are about FREEDOM OF FAKE NEWS.
How to compare such pathetic system with the SUPERIOR Chinese system.
Should compare Apples with Apples.
Somalia should be compared to Gangadesh on levels of RAPE, PIRACY and deaths from HUNGER.
That sounds right of the communist manifesto. Meanwhile in the real world, the concern remains that it might take decades for China to catch up with Somalia.

No. Infact they may fall further

Chinese government attacks own propaganda department

The Chinese government has attacked its own propaganda department for not being good enough at shaping public opinion. Beijing is stepping up controls over the media, internet and ideological oversight of universities.

After a two-month investigation into the work of the ruling Communist party's Propaganda department, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) posted an article on its website on Thursday criticizing its work.

“[The propaganda department] lacks depth in its research into developing contemporary China's Marxism," the report read.
And the people don't even say a word. You really feel sorry for the Chinese.
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