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The Great Press Freedom Contest: Somalia Vs China

Will China reach Somalia's Press Freedom score in the next 20 years?

  • No Way

    Votes: 24 92.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • 75 years is a better estimate

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh, no, the whole world knows that India is a garbage country. Only you will think India is more advanced than Somalia. I guess - it's your painful struggle. You are trying to prove that India is not a garbage country, but I'm sorry. The 400 million illiterates in India also read the news??

Oh, forgive me, we don't have freedom of the press, so I can't see Somali news. I can only see the India news. LOL.
So, even you don't deny that India is a garbage country.
Read the first post and stick to the thread - press freedom in Somalia vs China
Please vote and compare Somalia and China - this thread isn't about India. You can discuss the countries above China and below Somalia like Djibouti and Rwanda if you like and when do you think China will be able to catch up with those?

Like i said hypocrite, while you can criticise us using the same white standards but we can't. But come on, we only get 5 cents while you make 50 cents at our expense. Is it anyway fair. Have a bigger heart like your cheerleaders.
Comparison of India using White standards is appropriate as India inherited their Master's democratic system.
China has a independent political system that is superior to the West and so cannot be judged using your Master's standards.
It is therefore not possible to compare Somalia with the currently SUPERIOR System used in China.
Not saying China should not keep improving their system.

Singapore and Malaysia are 2 countries watching the successes of China's system are currently mulling how to further curb FREEDOM to Spread FAKE NEWS prevalent in countries like the US, 3rd world Gangadesh, et al.

Malaysia approves 'fake news' law

New laws on Fake News to be introduced next year
Comparison of India using White standards is appropriate as India inherited their Master's democratic system.
China has a independent political system that is superior to the West and so cannot be judged using your Master's standards.
It is therefore not possible to compare Somalia with the currently SUPERIOR System used in China.
Not saying China should not keep improving their system.

Singapore and Malaysia are 2 countries watching the successes of China's system are currently mulling how to further curb FREEDOM to Spread FAKE NEWS prevalent in countries like the US, 3rd world Gangadesh, et al.

Malaysia approves 'fake news' law

New laws on Fake News to be introduced next year
It's about Somalian vs China - not other countries.

400 million illiterates also read the news?
Read the first post and stick to the topic. Thanks. Don't forget to vote - even though the whole voting thing might seem a bit alien.
Why do you think that? Is it because the Somalis live in a more developed social environment?

Clearly they do. Freedom is not something money can buy.

China needs to learn a few lessons from somalia. I see no reason for them to be so proud and refuse to learn.
Not happening in this century. Those who don't know, Chinese President Xi recently announced that 50 cent army will now be receiving 60 cents instead. That's why a lot of Chinese members are jumping out of joy these days.
What's the news in Somalia? Somalia propagandize itself as a "superpower" like India?

Yeah, China has no freedom of the press, if the Chinese can see this. - Oh, garbage India.

Yes, Somalia is relatively developed, at least not heard that Somalia is more hungry than North Korea.

Stop derailing this thread. This thread is about how press freedom in more in somalia than in china. Stick to the topic.
Clearly they do. Freedom is not something money can buy.

China needs to learn a few lessons from somalia. I see no reason for them to be so proud and refuse to learn.
Yes, you make an excellent point. No price can be too high for freedom. It does take an evolved society to realize this though. I feel China is a few decades away from even that.
Not happening in this century. Those who don't know, Chinese President Xi recently announced that 50 cent army will now be receiving 60 cents instead. That's why a lot of Chinese members are jumping out of joy these days.

wow. This is certainly good news for a lot of chinese guys here. Its a 20% hike in salary. Congratulations.

Yes, you make an excellent point. No price can be too high for freedom. It does take an evolved society to realize this though. I feel China is a few decades away from even that.

I think somalian society has evolved beyond a certain threshold that is required to free men from slavery. If china can put in more efforts rather than boast on the internet, they will reach there soon.

But they are busy talking about soup powaaa and what not , rather than focusing on freedom and earning it. We should help them. Hell, even pakistan can help them.
According to the proUK western white standards that PDF RSSers embrace?

Pls contact me, I am willing to donate 5 cents I have earned to make your family less hungrier than North Koreans.
Whats happening in China? No freedom at all.
But they are busy talking about soup powaaa and what not , rather than focusing on freedom and earning it. We should help them. Hell, even pakistan can help them.
wow. This is certainly good news for a lot of chinese guys here. Its a 20% hike in salary. Congratulations.

I think somalian society has evolved beyond a certain threshold that is required to free men from slavery. If china can put in more efforts rather than boast on the internet, they will reach there soon.

But they are busy talking about soup powaaa and what not , rather than focusing on freedom and earning it. We should help them. Hell, even pakistan can help them.
Certainly. As the leading democracy in Asia it is our moral duty to help citizens less fortunate than us to get a taste of freedom. Pakistan can certainly help - they do have a vibrant press. It's an uphill task though - like teaching a child with polio how to ride a bicycle.
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