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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Not only that, we (West & Japan) need to plan for the construction of a new international space station. Pronto !
yes you are right, but then again that isn't feasible for now to be honest, it will require alot of planning, capital, cash and a whole new rocket/vehicle launch system which until now has been relying on russian soyuz. So in short, it wont happen any time soon unfortunately.:what::fie:
Geez....we in Europe we need to really speed up our own GPS launches. I still dont understand how we are behind shedule already for 2020 completion. Hopefully we will complete ours before 2020 or so.:cheers:

Ask your great friend and partner from the other side of the pond why we are behind schedule. ;)
4th China-Eurasia Expo concludes, 6 bln dollars in foreign trade contracts signed

The 4th China-Eurasia Expo has concluded in Urumqi on September 6, more than 6 bln U.S. dollars worth of foreign trade contracts signed during the six-day expo.


The 4th China-Eurasia Expo has concluded in Urumqi on September 6.

Up to September 5, nearly 120 investment and trade promotion activities were held at the expo, increasing 52 percent over the previous expo. The total amount of foreign economic and trade transactions reached 6.086 billion U.S. dollars, increasing nearly 7 percent over the year of 2013. There are 243 inline projects signed concentratedly, with a total contract value of 46.8 billion us.s dollars, 3.5 percent over the previous. The total volume of domestic trade transaction amounted to 28.3 billion U.S. dollars, increasing 4.2 percent over the previous.

The expo also attracted about 23,000 domestic and 5,000 foreign business people and 150,000 audiences.


The 4th China-Eurasia Expo has concluded in Urumqi on September 6.

The expo opened in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on September 1 with the theme of "Opening up and Cooperation for Building Silk Road Economic Belt".


The 4th China-Eurasia Expo has concluded in Urumqi on September 6.

Russia’s Rostec, China’s Shenhua to Invest $10 bln in Coal Exploration


Rostec expects coal production to start in 2019 with an annual output reaching 30 million tons.

© RIA Novosti. Alexander Kryazhev

13:09 07/09/2014

MOSCOW, September 7 (RIA Novosti) - Russian state company Russian Technologies, or Rostec, has signed a $10 billion deal with China’s state-owned Shenhua Group Corp Ltd, the largest producer of coal in the world, to develop coal deposits in Russia’s Siberia and the Far East, Forbes reports.

According to the memorandum of understanding, signed by Sergey Chemezov, Rostec’s CEO, and Yuzhuo Zhang, the chairman of Shenhua Group Corporation, on September 4, the companies will explore and develop the Ogodzhinskoye coal deposit, located in the Amur Region.

Coal reserves at the mine are estimated to be 1.6 billion metric tons. Rostec expects coal production to start in 2019 with an annual output reaching 30 million tons. The commodity will be largely exported to the Asia-Pacific Region, mainly China.

Rostec and Shenhua will also build a marine coal terminal at Port Vera in the Primorsky Territory with annual capacity of 20 million tons. The construction is slated to begin in 2015 and Port Vera will be put into operation in 2018 – 2019.

“The project to construct Port Vera will help implement the development strategy for the Far East and the Russian coal industry. It will greatly expand the access of Russian coal companies to sales markets in the Asia-Pacific region,” said Andrey Korobov, CEO of RT Global Resources, a Rostec subsidiary, according to the statement issued by the Russian state company.

The project also involves constructing a power plant, high-voltage transmission lines to China, as well as social and transport infrastructure.

According to Chemezov, the project will help deal with the issue of power shortages in Russia's Amur Region and China's northern regions and meet the electricity demand of those territories. It is also expected to create around 10,000 new jobs and up to 30,000 jobs in related and associated industries.

“The cooperation with Shenhua is a comprehensive effort to broaden Russia’s energy business in Asia,” Chemezov explained, as quoted by Forbes. Korobov called Chinese companies professional partners that can be relied upon to help implement the most ambitious projects.

The Rostec-Shenhua deal comes at a time of increasing cooperation between Russia and China in the energy sphere. In May, Russia's largest gas exporter Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) signed a historic 30-year agreementworth $400 billion to deliver gas to China.

Russia’s Rostec, China’s Shenhua to Invest $10 bln in Coal Exploration | Business | RIA Novosti
Russia, China Agree to Invest $10 Billion in Infrastructure Firm

The Moscow Times

Sep. 05 2014 20:15

Last edited 20:15

State technology conglomerate Rostec and China's largest engineering firm, Sinomach, have come to a preliminary agreement to invest $10 billion for the creation of a company specializing in infrastructure projects, Rostec said Friday in an emailed statement.

Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov said collaboration between the two corporations would pave the way for the creation of a "global technological partnership" that will see through complex projects in Russia, Africa, South America and elsewhere.

Chemezov said that a working group be set up to determine the new company's operations, and which projects in particular the investment will be devoted to.

Rostec and Sinomach set up $10bn infrastructure JVNorth Village Media – Information for Investors
CNPC caught off guard by Russia's invitation to invest in Vankor Field

Staff Reporter


10:18 (GMT+8)


A CNPC gas station in Beijing. (File photo/CNS)

China National Petroleum Corporation has been invited to become one of the shareholders of the Vankor Field, the Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft's largest oil and gas field, reports Guangzhou's 21st Century Business Herald.

The invitation came as a surprise to the Chinese oil giant, since its previous proposals to buy shares in Russian oil fields had been repeatedly rejected, according to the report.

Russian president Vladimir Putin extended the invitation to Chinese vice premier Zhang Gaoli after the groundbreaking ceremony of for the Sino-Russian pipeline in Yakutsk, the capital city of Russia's Sakha Republic, which Zhang attended on Sept. 1. The pipeline is expected to transport 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2017 and the amount is expected to rise to 30 billion in the following five years and surge further to 38 billion after another year.

It is yet to be seen whether CNPC will accept the invitation, however. Details such as the percentage and cost of the shares and shareholder rights have yet to be discussed, said a source familiar with diplomatic affairs with Russia.

The oilfield has crude oil reserves that could produce 510,000 barrels per day and has been one of the main sources of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline.

A CNPC official said the company will put its own interests first, given that its previous proposals were all rejected and in light of the volatile international situation that resulted from Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula. Putin said on Sept. 1 that Russia has been cautious about accepting foreign investment, but will not limit Chinese investments since Beijing is considered an ally.

China has attempted to buy shares in the Vankor Field and Rosneft since Russia began developing the oil field in August 2009 but has been repeatedly rejected. Last year Beijing proposed that Russia allow China's sovereign wealth fund, China Investment Corporation, to buy shares in Rosneft, however, Moscow rejected the proposal, citing national security concerns. CNPC has since abandoned plans to buy shares and has offered loans in exchange for Russian oil

One CNPC official had previously speculated that Russia might suddenly offer China shares in the field, due to its demand for foreign funds, as the country's disputes with Ukraine have caused a massive outflow of capital. The Russian ruble's value has declined against the US dollar and the euro and could drop to just 38 rubles against the greenback and 50 rubles against the euro, said experts.

The CNPC official said in his previous comments that even if the company were allowed to be a shareholder in the oilfield, the field's developments would pose many "unfathomable risks." Moscow has "unusual" safety and environmental concerns over foreign funded oilfield developments, some of which are "incomprehensible" to China, he said. Sino-Russian negotiations over an oil pipeline in 2005 fell apart at the last minute, for example, after a Russian environmental group protested on the grounds that the pipeline was too close to Lake Baikal and could hurt the lake's ecosystem.

The Chinese company also has limited cash in hand due to its acquisition of Nexen Energy, which cost US$15 billion. The oil reserves of the company comprise around only two billion barrels, some of which are in oil sands, which makes them more difficult to obtain.

Leaders of China, Russia, Mongolia likely to hold 3-party meeting

2014-09-05 09:08

Xinhua Web Editor: Gu Liping

China and Mongolia are calling for a three-party meeting among presidents of China, Russia and Mongolia in the near future, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said on Thursday.

The consensus was reached during President Xi Jinping's Mongolia visit last month, Qin told a daily press briefing, adding the three countries are maintaining close communication.

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Ulan Bator Wednesday for a one-day working visit and held talks with his Mongolian counterpart Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj to promote bilateral cooperation.

Both China and Mongolia, Russia and Mongolia are good neighbors and partners linked by mountains and rivers, Qin said, stressing China hopes the development of Russia-Mongolia ties will be conducive to regional peace and stability.

China is willing to work together with Russia and Mongolia to achieve stability and development of the region, he said.

During President Xi's state visit to Mongolia on Aug. 21-22, President Xi and President Elbegdorj signed a joint declaration to upgrade bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

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China, Russia to build seaport

11.09.2014 01:11 PM

China and Russia will build one of the largest ports in northeast Asia on Russia's Sea of Japan coast, reports said, in a further sign of the powerhouses' growing alliance.

The seaport is expected to be able to handle some 60 million tonnes of cargo a year, China's state-run People's Daily Online reported late Wednesday -- comparable to Britain's busiest port Immingham or Le Havre in France, according to European Commission statistics.

The new facility will be located in far eastern Russia, just 18 kilometres (11 miles) away from the Chinese border. The region is also close to North Korea.

Chinese and Russian leaders inked a deal on the port at May's Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Shanghai, the report said.

The move represents the latest step by Beijing and Moscow to boost their energy and infrastructure ties.

Resource-hungry China is seeking to diversify its sources of energy amid booming domestic consumption, while Russia -- at odds with the West over its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea peninsula -- is seeking to refocus its gas and oil exports towards Asia.

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli attended the groundbreaking of a gas pipeline that will help Russia supply China under a huge energy deal.

After a decade of tough negotiations Chinese and Russian leaders inked a 30-year deal, $400-billion agreement in May that will eventually involve 38 billion cubic metres of gas annually.

"We are today starting the biggest construction project in the world," Putin said at the ceremony outside the Siberian city of Yakutsk.

Zhang said that he hoped the pipeline would be completed within four years.

"China is to devote consistent and unswerving effort to establishing a strategic partnership of energy cooperation with Russia as agreed upon by the heads of state of the two countries," he said, according to China's official Xinhua news agency.

China and Russia will jointly build a large seaport 18 km from the Chinese border | EN NEWS 163

China, Russia to build seaport: report
With China and Russia united on economics and security fronts, they will form a one formidable bloc in Eurasia and beyond.

Positive consequences of this has been witnessed during the climax of the Syrian Crisis when the US was hell-bent on bombing yet another defenseless nation.
China, Russia to build port near DPRK

2014-09-11 11:35
Ecns.cn Web Editor: Gu Liping


(ECNS) -- China and Russia will cooperate to build Russia's Zarubino Port into one of the largest ports in northeast Asia, the People's Daily Online reported on Wednesday.

An ice-free port located on the southern end of Primorsky Krai in Trinity Bay, Zarubino Port is 18 km from the China-Russia border. Railway route connects the port with Hunchun, a major city of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Northeast China's Jilin province. The region is also close to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Jilin province and the Summa Group from Russia inked a cooperative agreement about the port at the fourth Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), held in Shanghai this May.

The Zarubino Port will be able to handle 60 million tons of cargo once construction is finished, according to the deputy president of Summa Group.

The multifunctional port will hugely benefit China and Russia, he said, adding that it is expected to serve as a vital food port for China and Asia, ensuring food security.
ITAR-TASS: World - Putin urges Russia, China and Mongolia to establish trilateral contacts

The natural geographic proximity of Mongolia, Russia and China makes it possible to implement long-term projects in infrastructure, power sector and mining industry, the Russian President says


DUSHANBE, September 11 /ITAR-TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia, China and Mongolia should establish trilateral contacts to implement joint projects.

“The natural geographic proximity of Mongolia, Russia and China makes it possible for us to implement good long-term projects in infrastructure, the power sector and the mining industry. We have what to discuss with each other. Naturally, we deem it important, expedient and useful to start a permanent dialogue,” Putin said at the start of his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Mongolian President Tsakhiagiyn Elbegdorzh on the sidelines of the SCO summit. Putin praised the roles which China and Mongolia had played in World War II.

Russia and China “received the main blow from German fascism and militaristic Japan,” Putin said, adding that Mongolia had actively helped the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). “Russia remembers it,” Putin stressed. “Even though the events of those days took place 70 years ago, they are very close to us today,” Putin said.

President Putin invited the heads of Mongolia and China to visit Moscow to attend the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

China, Russia will build a seaport that is supposed to become one of the largest seaports in north-eastern Asia.

MOSCOW, September 11 (RIA Novosti) - The People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation will build a seaport that is supposed to become one of the largest seaports in north-eastern Asia, AFP reported Thursday.

According to the report issued Wednesday by People's Daily Online, the new seaport will be able to handle about 60 million tons of cargo per year.

The new seaport will be situated on the Russian coast of the Sea of Japan, 18 kilometers (11 miles) away from the Chinese border.

The deal was reportedly signed during the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Shanghai held in May, AFP reports.

The construction of the new seaport is one of the steps recently taken by the two countries aimed at establishing strategic energy cooperation. In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are scheduled to attend the China-Russia Energy Cooperation Committee's summit, as reported by the BRICS Post.

China wants to diversify its energy sources, while Russia is trying to refocus its gas and oil exports towards Asia.

On May 21, Russia and China agreed on a long-term gas supply contract in Shanghai, after years of talks on the deal, worth billions of dollars. Russia's gas major Gazprom and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) signed a contract of purchase and sale of natural gas deliveries through the eastern route.

China, Russia to Build Seaport in Sea of Japan: Report | World | RIA Novosti
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