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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

This is crminal existed every where in the world, we don't care here in our debate. Your troll disclosed that you are uneducated boy. Its true when i could say that you are idot Chinese boy, you didn't studied and making plates washing in Chinese Kitchen in Canada.

It is true that I wash dishes and enjoy doing it.

You do look funny in that get.up. Are you a she.man?
It is true that I wash dishes and enjoy doing it.

You do look funny in that get.up. Are you a she.man?

OK, focus on your work daily, don't let your owner reject you form this job, what you could earn money to over live the rest days in Canada.
China does not have any interest in the Phillipines or anywhere else, it will just claim some territorial water at best...
Liberate Philippines and Vietnam into 2-10 countries each instead. Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia will all love it.
Liberate Philippines and Vietnam into 2-10 countries each instead. Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia will all love it.

You are so naive.
We ever seen PRC, ROC, TW, Macau, Hongkong ... Tibet, Xinjiang .. Inner Mongolia, Zhuang, Manchuria
wipe out Vietnam?
isn´t not the dream of Pol Pot in the 1970s?

you are one of the most reasonable members. what is happening to you?
Face the fact ,monkey ,what we did in 1970s is not our true power ,at least not the whole nation to fight u monkey
If u wanna a try,then prepare to be a true monkey live without food ,maybe only banana in forest that day.

What universe do you live in? N.K capability of building a dirty nuke is questionable. I think you need to understand how unclear weapon is made before you open your mouth.
what he need is to mend his brain first

You are so naive.
We ever seen PRC, ROC, TW, Macau, Hongkong ... Tibet, Xinjiang .. Inner Mongolia, Zhuang, Manchuria
what u said is trash,but break viet and piony into pieces is possible for us.
BEIJING, May 1 (Xinhua) -- China and Russia will stage joint naval drills in the East China Sea off Shanghai in late May, China's ministry of national defense has said.
The "Joint Sea-2014" drills are regular exercises held by Chinese and Russian navies, and is aimed to enhance practical cooperation between the two militaries and to strengthen their capabilities to jointly deal with maritime security threats, said a report published on the ministry's website.
China and Russia held similar drills off the coast of Russia's Far East last year, which saw seven vessels from China's North Sea Fleet and South Sea Fleet and 12 vessels from Russia's Pacific Fleet take part in the weeklong exercises.

俄中海军讨论即将举行的联合演习计划 - 新闻 - 政治 - 俄罗斯之声

Фото: РИА Новости
全文: http://radiovr.com.cn/news/2014_04_28/271755519/
WASHINGTON – As Russia continues to take strategic initiatives that put the United States on the defensive, Russian President Vladimir Putin is teaming up with China to help construct a trans-oceanic canal in Nicaragua that gives Moscow an even greater foothold in Washington’s area of influence.

The prospect comes as Moscow not only intends more massive arms sales in Latin America but, as WND recently reported, moves to establish a base in Nicaragua besides using existing facilities for refueling for aircraft and port calls for Russian warships.

In addition to Nicaragua, Moscow also is looking to establish bases in Cuba and Venezuela.

The establishment of permanent Russian bases and a major Russian presence in the Western Hemisphere will challenge U.S. policies and threaten to diminish Washington’s influence in the region.

And like a repeat of events leading up to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, it will give Moscow a basis to stage offensive weapons in the Western Hemisphere, placing another formidable challenge to U.S. homeland defenses from potential missile threats.

Moving into U.S. turf

Moscow’s focus has been on areas contiguous to Russia, until now.

“The Russian Federation considers itself to be a global power that is active everywhere and that, whatever Russia’s leadership might publicly claim, is challenging the United States anywhere that it can,” said Stephen Blank of the Washington think-tank Jamestown Foundation.

“One such arena is Latin America,” Blank said. “Even as the Ukrainian crisis rages, Moscow is steadily trying to increase its profile throughout the Western Hemisphere.”

Moscow’s Latin American focus for establishing a base will be Nicaragua. Last April, Russian legislators agreed to legislation to set up a satellite navigation monitoring system in that country.

It is supposed to set up a network of land-based control stations in Nicaragua to monitor and augment the accuracy of navigation satellites in Earth orbit.

However, analysts also believe the Nicaraguan facility is to become a substitute for the electronic tracking center at Lourdes, Cuba which Moscow gave up a decade ago.

Russia’s military initiative and prospect of involvement in building a new canal come as Iran similarly has announced that its own warships will be patrolling waters off the U.S. coast and will use ports in the same countries.

Not a ‘neutral’ act

In drawing even closer to Nicaragua and Latin America generally, Russia has teamed up with China, which has been tapped to build the trans-oceanic canal through that country as an alternative to the Panama Canal.

As currently planned, China would do the construction while Russia would provide security and take on other yet undefined roles in connection with the canal.

In bringing in the Russians, Chinese businessman Wang Jing, who has a concession to build the canal in Nicaragua, also is said to hold a concession to build a deep water port in Crimea, a strategic area of Ukraine which recently was annexed to the Russian Federation.

According to Blank, Nicaraguan opposition deputy Eliseo Nunez Morales said that the planned Nicaragua Grand Canal project doesn’t have a “declaration of neutrality.”

In the event of a conflict, the maritime route would not remain neutral. In addition, the canal concession also allows for the establishment of a military base.

“Therefore, granting Russia the security concession could be a cover for a military base, which, in turn, would afford excellent cover for the introduction of a host of covert agents and programs and for laundering criminally obtained profits,” Blank asserted.

In addition, the legal framework surrounding the canal allows for conducting “business without paying taxes,” Victor Hugo Tinoco, another Nicaraguan opposition deputy, told the newspaper La Prensa.

Blank commented: “In other words, it provides a platform for massive corruption within the project as well as the government, potentially with both Russian and Chinese money.”

In addition, potentially large deposits of natural gas in the Caribbean Sea near Nicaragua also have peaked Russian interest.

The underlying concern is that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, who is close to the Russians, could turn Nicaragua into a Russian base of operations.

“This combination of arms sales, military installations and large-scale economic, infrastructural and energy projects is a hallmark of Russian policy,” Blank said. “They are well-tested instruments by which Moscow seeks to permanently leverage ‘friendly states’ into partners or, more bluntly, clients.”

The Nicaragua Grand Canal is but one of many projects to which the Russians are linking up with the Chinese to economically penetrate the Western Hemisphere.

“This phenomenon,” Blank said, “combined with Russia’s unremitting efforts to wage ‘asymmetric war’ against the United States globally and in its neighborhood, should at least disturb the dogmatic slumbers of those in Washington who have hitherto neglected to ponder Moscow’s goals in Nicaragua and across Latin America.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/russia-joins-china-in-building-nicaragua-canal/#gSwmhplzS2ql7qt6.99
I URGE Pakistani, Arab, Afghan and Turkish establishment to fight JIHAD against Russia and China.

God has ordered us to be the pimps of the Johns (Europeans) and fight their dirty wars. We are doing it past 50 years so lets do it once again!

Yours truly,
Unkale Jihadi

Also jernails - Give me some money too. I need some commissions too.
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