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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

China’s direct investment in Belt and Road regions
2017-04-12 10:22 | Globaltimes.cn | Editor:Li Yan



This is a game changer, whether one likes it or not.
China has viewed Russia as an important partner among the Belt and Road countries, Zhang told Putin, adding that the Chinese government will make good preparations for Putin's attendance.

It is the strategic consensus reached by both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin to integrate the Belt and Road Initiative and Russia's Eurasian Economic Union, said Zhang.

Let's sign more deals and achieve greater strategic congruence. Cooperation makes greatest sense not only economically, but also geopolitically.

‘Modern Silk Road’ expanded: Express train departs Chengdu for Lodz

Published on 16 Apr 2017

The China-Europe Rail Service celebrated its sixth anniversary this week, and its role in international trade is expected to further expand with the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.
Commentary: China's "Belt and Road" initiative delivering benefits to world
(Xinhua) 09:17, April 16, 2017

The "Belt and Road" initiative, the grand trade and infrastructure plan, may have only originated in China in 2013 but already it has delivered benefits well beyond its borders.

Building upon the spirit of the ancient routes, the modern Belt and Road is a transnational network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa, with the aim of promoting common development among all the countries involved.

The initiative is not a solo performance. It is a symphony played by multiple performers according to their talents. There can be no hogging the limelight of growth and development. The stage is big enough to be shared by all.

Openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit are the hallmarks of the Belt and Road; the source of the strong support it has garnered.

Since 2013, over 100 countries and international organizations have given warm responses to the initiative, with the signing of nearly 50 inter-governmental agreements of cooperation.

The ambitious plan is not empty talk. It is a framework under which concrete, targeted projects and measures, which are consistent with local demands, are rolled out to aid development.

Chinese companies have invested more than 50 billion U.S. dollars and built 56 economic and trade cooperation zones in 20 countries along the routes, generating nearly 1.1 billion U.S. dollars in tax revenue, creating 180,000 local jobs and spurring the economic development of these countries.

A 3.37 km water pipeline project, completed by a Chinese company, in a Jordanian township is among the latest infrastructure projects. A total of 500,000 people living in an area of extreme water shortage now have access to water 24 hours a day, thanks to the project.

In a month, China will host the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to explore ways to address problems facing global and regional economy, create fresh energy for pursuing inter-connected development.

The significance of the event, which takes the theme "boosting cooperation and realizing win-win development," is especially timely given the rise of protectionism and anti-globalization.

The global economy has remained sluggish for quite some time. Income inequality and uneven development all weigh heavily on global social stability.

The Belt and Road initiative, which embodies responsibility, win-win cooperation and genuine pursuit of common development, offers the world a Chinese approach to the challenges of today; a balanced, equitable and inclusive development model.

We are closer today than we have ever been. The world is a close-knit community of shared future. Our interests and pursuits are extensive and mutually dependent. We should all pursue a well-coordinated and inter-connected approach.

The history books can show us -- isolation and exclusivity will lead nowhere, neither will protectionism and anti-globalism deliver.

Opening up and cooperation are the prerequisites of a bright future, and China welcomes anyone who wants to jump on its express train of development.

We should continue to champion an open global economy to share opportunities and interests and achieve win-win results. Efforts need to be redoubled to develop global connectivity to enable all countries to achieve inter-connected growth and share the prosperity.
Multiple Routes Between China And Europe Is Why The New Silk Road Is A Real Game Changer

Wade Shepard , CONTRIBUTOR
I travel to emerging markets around Asia and report on what I find.
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.


Wade Shepard

A train bound for Germany pulls into the Khorgos Gateway dry port in Kazakhstan on the Chinese border.

The power and potential of the Belt and Road — aka the New Silk Road — lies in its versatility. This emerging network of revitalized transportation routes and new trading hubs which stretch between China and Europe finds efficiency, security, and healthy competition in the fact that it is not a single route but a network of multiple, interconnected trans-Eurasian corridors. Like in the days of the ancient Silk Road, if one corridor goes down due to a change in government, war, an economic upheaval, or a spat over tariffs, cargo can simply be shipped to similar destinations via alternative routes — like a river flowing around a boulder.

Eurasia, the continental landmass that contains both Europe and Asia, is rapidly being drawn into a single massive market covering upwards of 65% of the population, 75% of energy resources, and 40% of GDP in the world, and it is revolutionized rail routes that are the strings tying it all together.

There are currently three operational rail corridors that physically connect China and Europe. The northern one goes mainly through Russia, and for the most part follows the route of the Trans-Siberian Express. The central route goes all the way across Kazakhstan before linking into the northern route in the west of Russia. While the southern route goes through Kazakhstan to Aktau and either crosses the Caspian Sea by ferry or goes around to Iran before going through Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey. Along each corridor the transport time is in the ballpark of 10.5 to 16 days.

While the north and central overland routes of the New Silk Road are currently booming, the southern one is just now becoming established. While the more developed routes efficiently link together just three large customs zones — China, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the EU — amounting to just two “border” crossings along the 9,000+ kilometer journey, the southern route is a little more complicated. Entering into Kazakhstan from China at Khorgos, the line then enters separate customs regimes in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey, before connecting into the European rail network.

Ironically, a couple of marked political and economic conflicts have actually led to increased development of this southern corridor.

“This route came about to go around Russia,” Martin Voetmann, who currently works for DP World at the Aktau seaport, spoke bluntly.

The EU leveling sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine conflict sparked a reactionary embargo by Russia against many EU products. Not only are European products like meat, produce, and cheese prohibited from being imported into Russia but they are not even allowed to be transported to third party countries across Russian terrain.

“The big problem that we face is that there are still sanctions in Russia to move perishables over from Europe to China or Europe to Kazakhstan through Russia. That's the bottleneck at the moment,” said Jan Koolen from Unit 45 — a company that manufactures high-tech shipping containers which allow sensitive electronics and perishables to be shipped overland between China and Europe year round. “But now they are also looking at another corridor, which is Baku-Aktau, the southern route.”

The main advantage of going around Russia is that manufacturers and freight forwarders can sidestep the country's reactionary sanctions and get their goods to their desired markets unimpeded. Up to now, the Russian embargo has severely hamstrung Europe’s ability to fully leverage the newly established trans-Eurasian rail network, as the type of products that its producers would otherwise ship overland to China largely happen to be the same ones that Russia prohibits. The trans-Caspian route provides a workaround to this trade blockade, and the corridor is starting to gain momentum the more Europe seeks to fill the backload of rail cargo to China.

“You have the return factor,” Voetmann began. “You end up with your containers and your platforms in Europe, now what do you do with them?”

It’s logistics 101: a closed circuit where containers are transported full of goods on both outbound and return journeys is optimal. The China to Europe side has been activated -- nearly 2,000 trains have now cross Eurasia going west. Now the intrigue is to fill the capacity for the return trips to China, presenting Europe with a new way to access the booming Chinese middle class in the process.

Major initiatives, like the commissioning of the first UK to China direct cargo train last week, the creation of New Silk Way Logistics, a joint venture between three of Europe's largest freight forwarders, and the Kazakh multimodal company KTZ Express setting up operations in Europe, show that accessing China by rail is becoming increasingly attractive to Western companies.

Voetmann is currently busy at work coming up with solutions to establish the port of Aktau as a hub for west to east trans-Eurasian cargo.

“So potentially you can find a fast and fairly cheap [option] for the return cargo coming from Europe and into China,” he said. "It's fairly fast and maybe we will be able to do it in a cheaper way, so it opens up a whole new range of possibilities once you have this route established.”

However, the southern rail corridor is currently only running on an as needed basis. There is not yet a regular service, but this is set to change.

“As demand for the services on the Southern rail corridor continues to grow, the authorities in Lianyungang and Chengdu are looking to introduce scheduled services into Istanbul in the coming months. Once in place, these scheduled services will enable greater flow of goods along the corridor and spur China-Europe trade,” said Steve Huang, the CEO of China operations for DHL, the German freight forwarding giant who is one of the core companies that are blazing trails along the New Silk Road.

Pushing forward regular service on the southern rail corridor is the soon to be launched Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) rail line, which will directly link the port of Baku in Azerbaijan with Turkey.

“The Baku–Tbilisi–Kars railway is expected to be completed in 2017. Once its operational, transportation from China to Turkey will be faster and more cost effective,” Huang continued.

The power of China’s Belt and Road initiative and the broader New Silk Road is found in the fact that a diverse and interconnected network is being created — a supercharged economic grid that is being superimposed over the whole of Eurasia — not a single route which can be easily disrupted.

Or, as my seven-year-old daughter once put it:

“You just said that there are many roads, daddy, that means you have to call it the New Silk Roads.”

I'm the author of Ghost Cities of China. I'm currently traveling the New Silk Road doing research for a new book. Follow by RSS.

The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to be held on May 14 and 15
(CNTV) 14:02, April 18, 2017


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.[Photo: CGTN]

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced on Tuesday that the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation will be held in Beijing on May 14 and 15.

So far, 28 heads of state and government including Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and over 80 leaders of international organizations, 100 ministerial-level officials, as well as 1,200 delegates from various countries and regions will participate in the forum.

Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony and deliver a keynote speech, as well as host a round table meeting that will brainstorm on policy and strategic development and interconnected development.

In addition to the round-table meeting, another “1+6” high level meeting will be held to discuss various topics including infrastructure, trade and economic cooperation, energy resources, financial cooperation, eco-environment, and people-to-people exchanges.

Proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013, the initiative is now in its fourth year and is of great importance to global governance and international endeavor to make globalization more inclusive. Wang said the upcoming forum will be the highest level international forum to be held since the proposal of the initiative.


It is amazing that OBOR is taking off and gathering momentum.
Don't think any other country is able to coordinate this massive programme this well.
Well, if you have plenty of money, of course it helps.

Key forum to rally support for Belt and Road Initiative
(Xinhua) 08:17, April 19, 2017


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (C) and Wang Xiaotao (L), deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, attend a press conference on the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, capital of China, April 18, 2017. The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation will be held from May 14 to 15 in Beijing and Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony and host the round table summit of the leaders, Wang Yi said on Tuesday. At the invitation of Xi, 28 heads of state and government leaders will attend the forum. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

BEIJING, April 18 -- China is counting on an upcoming forum to build support for its Belt and Road Initiative, a Chinese solution to global economic blues.

Next month, the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation will convene in Beijing.

The gathering meets an increasingly urgent need for a new cooperation platform that brings countries together to pull the world out of the economic mire and inject fresh energy into interconnected development.

The world experienced the worst economic hardships last year since the global financial crisis, with a 13-percent drop in foreign direct investment and weak trade growth.

"We do not lack the resources or ability to address our problems, but the current fragmented and exclusive international cooperation model makes it difficult to integrate resources," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday at a press briefing.

A new platform is needed to explore ways of cementing economic recoveries, creating new growth and improving infrastructure, Wang said.

The two-day forum starting May 14 may go some way to showing that the initiative proposed by China in 2013 can do that job.

The Belt and Road Initiative aims to become a transnational network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa, promoting common development among all countries involved. The meeting is expected to translate the ambitious blueprint into solid progress and turn a new page on the initiative.

Thus far, 28 heads of state and government leaders have confirmed their attendance at the forum. Other delegates include officials, entrepreneurs, financiers and reporters from 110 countries, and representatives of 61 international organizations.

Wang expects the results of the forum to range from consensus building to specific measures on implementation. China expects to sign agreements with around 20 counties and 20 organizations at the event.


Cooperation and win-win development will lie at the core of the forum.

"The Belt and Road has become the most important public good China has provided to the world. It was first proposed by China but now is for all countries to enjoy," Wang said.

Since 2013, China has invested more than 50 billion U.S. dollars in Belt and Road countries. A total of 56 economic and trade cooperation zones have already been built by Chinese businesses there, generating nearly 1.1 billion dollars in tax revenue and creating 180,000 local jobs.

"China is upbeat about the initiative in boosting mutual development and is willing to channel more energy into it," Wang said, adding that China's transformation and opening up will provide more opportunities.

Meanwhile, he called for concerted efforts from counties involved, saying that beneficiaries will in return inject vitality into the regional development in the future.

"We do not need 'lone heroes' but partners who pull together in times of trouble," Wang said. The initiative is not a solo performance.

Wang compared the Belt and Road to "a circle of friends" open to all countries that share the same goals, rather than an exclusive club, saying that China has no intention of drawing geographical boundaries to areas covered by the initiative.

"As long as the spirit of the Belt and Road is recognized... everyone can enjoy its opportunities," he said.
Golden bridge illuminates ahead of Belt and Road forum
2017-04-20 10:11 | Ecns.cn | Editor: Yao Lan


The newly built "Silk Road Golden Bridge" in Beijing Olympic Park gets its lights tested on April 18, 2017, in preparation for the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that will be held from May 14 to 15.(Photo/VCG)


The newly built "Silk Road Golden Bridge" in Beijing Olympic Park gets its lights tested on April 18, 2017, in preparation for the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that will be held from May 14 to 15.(Photo/VCG)


The newly built "Silk Road Golden Bridge" in Beijing Olympic Park gets its lights tested on April 18, 2017, in preparation for the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that will be held from May 14 to 15.(Photo/VCG)


Reminds me of the ancient Chinese gold tael.
Seven countries to deepen cooperation on China-Europe freight rail services
(Xinhua) 09:08, April 23, 2017

Photo taken on April 20, 2017 shows the containers in a railway container center in Qingbaijiang District in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province. This container center serves as a railway logistic hub in southwest China. Till April 16, 2017, 559 cargo trains departed from the center and went to Europe. (Xinhua/Xue Yubin)

BEIJING, April 22 (Xinhua) -- Railway authorities of China, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland and Russia, have signed an agreement to deepen cooperation on China-Europe freight rail services, according to China Railway Corporation.

The agreement serves the Belt and Road Initiative, expands the market share of rail freight between Asia and Europe and drives economic development and trade cooperation for counties along the route.

The countries will jointly push for better railway infrastructure for a safe, smooth, fast, convenient and competitive rail route, according to the agreement.

Information technology will boost train speed and unified service. Information sharing platforms will be built to ensure transport safety.

The countries will expand the rail services to more areas with faster customs clearance. A joint work team and expert team will be formed to solve problems.

The China-Europe freight train service was launched in 2011 and grown rapidly with high efficiency. It has become an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

A total of 3,557 freight trains have run so far, with services reaching 27 Chinese cities and 28 cities in 11 countries in Europe.


The speed at which the rail routes are happening is incredible.


Railway authorities of China, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland and Russia, have signed an agreement to deepen cooperation on China-Europe freight rail services,
All these countries are in Eastern Eruope and Central Asia except Germany.

A total of 3,557 freight trains have run so far, with services reaching 27 Chinese cities and 28 cities in 11 countries in Europe.
That is approximately 2 trains per day. This number will increase.

High-end products from China’s Chongqing shipped to Europe by rail
Published on 20 Apr 2017

New international railway lines are helping to connect modern day China with Europe. The first line starting from southwest China’s Chongqing was put into use over six years ago. Companies use it to transport high-end products from Chongqing to Duisburg in Germany. Laptops assembled in Chongqing are making their way to Europe's biggest economy thanks to this railway.
China opens new freight train service to Moscow
Xinhua | Updated: 2017-04-21

XIAMEN - A new freight train service started on Friday linking the east China port city of Xiamen with Moscow, making it the newest China-Europe freight train route.

At 9:30 am, the train with 40 containers left the station from Xiamen Free Trade Zone carrying goods worth $363,000 including granite, lighting supplies, artificial flowers and shoes for Moscow.

A single trip on the 10,920-km route takes 13 to 14 days. Without the direct train service, it used to take at least 25 days to transport goods.

The train route connects the eastern and northeastern Chinese cities of Nanchang, Nanjing, Jinan and Jinzhou, and crosses the border via Manzhouli Port in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

Jiang Jingdong, assistant general manager of Xiamen Haicang Free Trade Port Zone Investment and Construction Management Co Ltd, said the service is still in trial operations with three trips from Xiamen to Moscow per month. The freight train service will be normalized in the second half of this year.

Huang Changhong, manager of Trans-China Logistics Co Ltd, said that trade between Xiamen and Russia is complementary. Xiamen and its surrounding cities are export-oriented with machinery equipment and shoemaking industries, while it imports wood, paper pulp and vegetable oil from Russia.

Lin Jiangfan, an official with Xiamen Haicang Free Trade Port Zone, said that as the host city of the 2017 BRICS Summit slated for September, Xiamen welcomes a closer partnership with Russia, one of the BRICS countries. The Xiamen-Moscow freight train service could also strengthen the Belt and Road Initiative, driving trade in Xiamen.

In 2016, exports from Xiamen to Russia reached more than 5 billion yuan ($727 million), and imports from Russia totaled 1.9 billion yuan.
China to push for common prosperity with Kyrgyzstan via Belt & Road: Chinese FM
(Xinhua) 14:50, April 22, 2017

China is ready to work together with Kyrgyzstan to achieve common prosperity by building the Silk Road Economic Belt, as agreed by the leaders of both sides, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here Friday.

Wang made the remarks while meeting his Kyrgyz counterpart, Erlan Abdyldayev, on the sidelines of a Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) foreign ministers' meeting.

Since the establishment of their diplomatic ties 25 years ago, the two countries have witnessed the stable and healthy development of their bilateral relations, said Wang.

Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev's successful visit to China earlier this year has further consolidated the friendship and trust between the leaders of the two countries, and during the visit they have also mapped out the future development of bilateral ties, said Wang.

Kyrgyzstan is an important partner in building the Silk Road Economic Belt and China is willing to work with the Kyrgyz side in this regard so as to bring about development for both countries, said Wang.

For his part, Abdyldayev said Kyrgyzstan cherishes its relations with China and the country firmly supports China's efforts to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism.

The country is also willing to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the Chinese diplomatic mission in Kyrgyzstan, he added.

The Chinese embassy in Kyrgyzstan was hit by a suicide attacker in August, with the lone assailant killed and five others injured.

Int'l coalition set up to promote space cooperation
Source: Xinhua| 2017-04-23 18:24:07|Editor: ying


XI'AN, April 23 (Xinhua) -- A coalition was established Sunday in northwest China's Shaanxi Province to promote innovation and cooperation on space exploration under the the Belt and Road Initiative.

The coalition, set up in the provincial capital of Xi'an, encompasses 48 universities, research institutes and academic organizations at home and abroad. It was initiated by the Chinese Society of Astronautics and Xi'an-based Northwestern Polytechnical University.

Tian Yulong, secretary-general of China National Space Administration, said the alliance will boost exchanges on space innovation between its members and help joint training of high-caliber professionals.

China designated April 24 as Space Day last year to mark the anniversary of the country's first satellite launch Dongfanghong-1 in 1970.

Xi'an, home to more than 200 aerospace research centers and enterprises, will hold major celebrations on Monday.
Interview: UNESCO chief lauds China's efforts promoting cultural dialogues along Belt and Road
By Xinhua writers Gan Chun, Zhang Man (Xinhua) 09:02, April 20, 2017


Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is interviewed by Xinhua in Paris, capital of France, on April 18, 2017. China has once again shown strong commitment to promoting cultural dialogues and diversity through its Belt and Road Initiative, said Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) here on Wednesday. (Xinhua/Chen Yichen)

PARIS, April 19 -- China has once again showed strong commitment to promoting cultural dialogues and diversity through its Belt and Road Initiative, said Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) here on Wednesday.

In an interview with Chinese media, Bokova described the Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, as a "fascinating project", stressing that the UN agency commends and supports this initiative.

The initiative, having already won the support of over 100 countries and international organizations, aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient Silk Road routes, which were inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 2015.

This goal coincides with that of the UNESCO's own Silk Road Project launched in 1988, which is to promote intercultural dialogues and establish links between different cities and civilizations along the historic trade routes, so as to achieve prosperity and harmony, Bokova told reporters.

The UNESCO chief will attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, scheduled for mid-May, which will bring together at least 28 heads of state and government and is expected to yield major outcomes including the signing of cooperative documents between China and around 40 countries and international organizations.

"I'm more than convinced that economic prosperity only cannot bring happiness, sustainability and harmony in societies. We need also the soft power; we need to develop education; we need to develop intercultural dialogues; we need to develop understandings thus bring more social inclusion and equity in societies, and this is where UNESCO brings our contribution," said Bokova.

Recalling her own visits to many historic sites along the Silk Road, Bokova said she has always been amazed by how intercultural dialogues were developed over 2,000 years ago.

"This is something that we should encourage nowadays if we want to see more prosperity, more connectivity, and more mutual understanding among the peoples, which in my view will accompany trade, investment and economic prosperity," she said.

Bokova said she was particularly impressed by the speech by President Xi on his visit to UNESCO Paris headquarters in March 2014, in which the President underlined the importance of the Silk Road and intercultural dialogues, a message that remains highly relevant today.

"It is very relevant because unfortunately we see extremism, we see destruction; we see a different vision of the world. This is why our cooperation with China is so important, and this is why the Belt and Road Initiative is so important," she explained.

She cited examples of the atrocious destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha in Afghanistan in 2001 and the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria earlier this year.

"The extremists destroyed these heritages because they rejected the same view about diversity in the world," she said. "We should educate young people about diversity. We have to prevent violent extremism through supporting heritage, through supporting diversity."

On cooperation between China and UNESCO, Bokova said that the relationship has developed substantially. China already boasts 50 inscribed World Heritages, and has co-organized successful events on creativity and education with the UN agency.

"China's also supporting some of our projects in the least-developed parts of the world, including in Pakistan, in Afghanistan and in western Africa. I think all these bring a lot of substance, and a lot of very concrete examples of how jointly we can change the world for the better," she added.

The UNESCO chief also thanked China for backing the resolution adopted on March 24 by the UN Security Council on protecting cultural heritages amid conflicts, calling it a "landmark decision" that puts the importance of cultural heritages on the global political agenda.

Towards the end of the interview, Bokova cited a Chinese proverb to depict her expectation for the Belt and Road Initiative.

"One tree does not make a forest, and one string does not make music. The moral is that we need a broad international cooperation to bring prosperity to the world," she said.

Road to prosperity: Freight train from Russia travels 7,000 km to China's underdeveloped inland Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province.



Freight train connects Russia with China's revolutionary heartland

Source: Xinhua | 2017-04-24 11:03:26 | Editor: MJ

NANCHANG, April 24 (Xinhua) -- A freight train connecting Russia with Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, arrived in the inland city Sunday, bringing Russian goods to the former revolutionary heartland of the Communist Party of China.


The locations of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia and Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, China
The journey started from Kansk, where buses first transported 38 containers more than 260 km to Bazaiha, followed by a train journey of more than 7,000 km, before reaching Ganzhou in eastern China.

Ganzhou is an inland area with a complex landscape. It was important in early revolutionary activities due to its remote mountain ranges, but its wartime geographical advantages have now become a stumbling block in development.

The government tried to push regional development in the past few decades, but Ganzhou won no major projects or key investment due to its geography, resulting in slow, sometimes nonexistent, industrial growth.

Many people in Ganzhou are still living in poverty.

The train is expected to bring resources from Europe and boost local development.

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