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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

what you mean the sense of common destiny?

That the countries at the level of public, intelligentsia, intellectuals, businesses, media, and administration are comfortable with your vision of a country, and see their destiny closely aligned with that of China.
Russia can benefit from CPEC more than even China. Russia's access to the hot waters has been limited or rather practically absent. Russia through China and Afghanistan can be linked to CPEC and access Gawader Deep Sea port.

Russia, China, Pakistan can make a huge economic region

They can access the same through North-South Corridor via Iran and India.

No matter how you or we see it, Russia gains doubly from both the India-Iran-Russia corridor and your proposal.
China-Russia oil pipeline fuels trade
By ZHANG YU/LYU CHANG (China Daily) Updated: 2016-08-19 08:57


Two China National Petroleum Corp employees collect crude oil transported from Russia at the valve chamber in Daqing, Heilongjiang province. GUO JUNFENG/FOR CHINA DAILY

Huge capacity of link to enhance energy security, cut costs

A new China-Russia oil pipeline will help guarantee China's oil consumption and, cut its transportation costs, said Gao Jian, an oil analyst at commodities consultancy Sublime China Information Co Ltd.

Compared with other countries, Russia has oil of quite good quality, and its location near China makes it competitive in exporting oil to China, Gao said, adding that Russia will certainly become China's largest exporter of oil in the near future.

The European economic situation made Russia shift its oil export destinations to the Asia-Pacific region, while China, as one of the world's largest oil consumers, has the need to import oil from neighboring countries, according to Gao.

Construction of the second China-Russia crude oil pipeline started recently in northeastern China's Heilongjiang province, a move that expands the capability for oil transportation from Russia to China.

The pipeline, traversing the China-Russia border, is 940 km in length and 813 mm in diameter, with a capacity to transport 15 million tons of crude oil annually, according to China National Petroleum Corporation.

The Chinese section of the pipeline starts from the border city of Mohe in Heilongjiang, runs southward through the Inner Mongolia autonomous region and ends at Daqing in Heilongjiang.

The pipeline is expected to be put into operation at the beginning of 2018.

It will run parallel to an existing pipeline-the first China-Russia crude oil pipeline that was put into use in 2011, which can also transport 15 million tons of oil each year.

According to the CNPC Economics & Technology Research Institute, China imported 328 million tons of oil last year.

In 2015, Russia exported 41.04 million tons of crude oil to China, making China the country's largest oil importer, Russian media reported.

That means more than 12.5 percent of crude oil China imported last year was from Russia.

China and Russia signed a cooperation agreement on expanding bilateral trade in crude oil in 2013.

Following the agreement, CNPC signed a trade contract with Rosneft, Russia's largest oil producer, to expand the supply of oil for China.

Building a new pipeline is the main action under the contract.
Brothers, friends,

What we see slowly unfold is the systematic and peaceful dismentalling of the global hegemonic empire.

The paradigm of win-win cooperation is slowly and steadily cutting the roots of hegemonic imperial policies.

From SDR bonds issuance by China to joint Sino-Russian drills in missile defence..

The shared vision and economic integeration of Russia into Chinese economy is taking shape without boasts or chest thumbing.

As in the ME China was fully supporting Russian intervention every step of the way..and now openly joining in to crush and eliminate the foreign sponsored terrorist killers.

SCO will gain more strength through integeration of Turkey and Iran down the road.

But for now from Gawadar to Moscow China is surrounded by true friends...

Yet we should NEVER underestimate the cunning and skills of troublemakers...they might not fight the SCO or China or Russia openly but their proxies are equally vicious...

Just look to the South...india is running to US to become the junior partner in the global empire...while sitting in SCO, BRICS or AIIB.

First the Seas are secured then the illegally occupied lands return...

OBOR, CPEC and EEU are all building blocks of this new paradigm.

Those who support us in this are friends and those oppose or try to subotage this are not.

Buddha and Sun Wukong...500 years of humility for Sun Wukong!
Russia can benefit from CPEC more than even China. Russia's access to the hot waters has been limited or rather practically absent. Russia through China and Afghanistan can be linked to CPEC and access Gawader Deep Sea port.

Russia, China, Pakistan can make a huge economic region

Russia and China yes, but in Asia I can name 10 other countries who would be more beneficial.
Lol. SCO is going to include India soon. Do you really think there will be a military alliance between India and China?

Also, Russia is more of a burden/liability for China than a resource. What does alliance with Russia bring China? Basically Russia, and some of its friends. (which aren't many)

On the other hand, Russia has got too many enemies that will also become China's enemies. The Nordic countries, Baltics, and broader Europe. Count in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Finland, to be instant enemies.

And then Europe, which has right now been largely neutral between the tussle between China and US will totally side with US.

You seem to totally underestimate the size and strength of Russia's foes. The countries that I listed by themselves comprise a greater GDP than Russia. And then Europe is a superpower.

The fact is that China has not got many friends. And by friends I mean countries where at all levels there is a warmth and sense of common destiny with China. Pakistan seems to be the only friend that China has.

There is a saying.... be careful on who you pick as your friends.

They can access the same through North-South Corridor via Iran and India.

No matter how you or we see it, Russia gains doubly from both the India-Iran-Russia corridor and your proposal.

Its easier through Iran as the terrain is much better.
This is not so good news!

China-Russia Trade Turnover Drops 17% in July - Chinese Customs

Trade volume between China and Russia in July dropped by 17 percent to 5.673 billion compared with the same month last year, the Chinese General Administration of Customs said in a report Monday.

BEIJING (Sputnik) — According to the report, in July, China's exports to Russia amounted to $3.3 billion, while imports from Russia were at $2.3 billion. In July last year, the trade volume between China and Russia reached $6.64 billion.

Total bilateral trade volume for the period between January and July reached $37.4 billion, which is 0.9 percent less than last year. At the same time, China's exports to Russia grew by 7.7 percent, while imports from Russia fell by 8.8 percent, according to the Customs.

Last year, trade volume between China and Russia has decreased by 28.6 percent and amounted to $68.06 billion.

China’s total trade fell in 2015 as the yuan lost value and the country’s economic growth slowed to its lowest rate in over 25 years, prompting the national government to announce economic reforms.
Lol. SCO is going to include India soon. Do you really think there will be a military alliance between India and China?

Also, Russia is more of a burden/liability for China than a resource. What does alliance with Russia bring China? Basically Russia, and some of its friends. (which aren't many)

On the other hand, Russia has got too many enemies that will also become China's enemies. The Nordic countries, Baltics, and broader Europe. Count in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Finland, to be instant enemies.

And then Europe, which has right now been largely neutral between the tussle between China and US will totally side with US.

You seem to totally underestimate the size and strength of Russia's foes. The countries that I listed by themselves comprise a greater GDP than Russia. And then Europe is a superpower.

The fact is that China has not got many friends. And by friends I mean countries where at all levels there is a warmth and sense of common destiny with China. Pakistan seems to be the only friend that China has.

Russia brings resources, access, and security. China doesn't need it's friends, but the resources Russia has and the access to resources and markets through Russia means China will have alternative to sea lanes that's dominated by the US. More importantly, a secured north and west border would mean China will not be fighting a multi front war, and that it can concentrate on naval development as the chance of fighting a large scale land war is reduced to near zero. Equally important is a mutual defense treaty would strengthen MAD which would reduce the chance of miscalculation on the part of the US and it's minors.
Brothers, friends,

What we see slowly unfold is the systematic and peaceful dismentalling of the global hegemonic empire.

The paradigm of win-win cooperation is slowly and steadily cutting the roots of hegemonic imperial policies.

From SDR bonds issuance by China to joint Sino-Russian drills in missile defence..

The shared vision and economic integeration of Russia into Chinese economy is taking shape without boasts or chest thumbing.

As in the ME China was fully supporting Russian intervention every step of the way..and now openly joining in to crush and eliminate the foreign sponsored terrorist killers.

SCO will gain more strength through integeration of Turkey and Iran down the road.

But for now from Gawadar to Moscow China is surrounded by true friends...

Yet we should NEVER underestimate the cunning and skills of troublemakers...they might not fight the SCO or China or Russia openly but their proxies are equally vicious...

Just look to the South...india is running to US to become the junior partner in the global empire...while sitting in SCO, BRICS or AIIB.

First the Seas are secured then the illegally occupied lands return...

OBOR, CPEC and EEU are all building blocks of this new paradigm.

Those who support us in this are friends and those oppose or try to subotage this are not.

Buddha and Sun Wukong...500 years of humility for Sun Wukong!

Thats because China is being aggressive to India on the boundary and giving arms to Pakistan to use on India.

India Russia relationship is strong than China Russia is
Russia brings resources, access, and security. China doesn't need it's friends, but the resources Russia has and the access to resources and markets through Russia means China will have alternative to sea lanes that's dominated by the US. More importantly, a secured north and west border would mean China will not be fighting a multi front war, and that it can concentrate on naval development as the chance of fighting a large scale land war is reduced to near zero. Equally important is a mutual defense treaty would strengthen MAD which would reduce the chance of miscalculation on the part of the US and it's minors.

Almost all the benefits listed here (except joint MAD) are already enjoyed by China right now. An alliance will bring marginal benefits, but take its toll on the European relationships of China.

Also, once the Europeans are your enemies, what will you do by access to Europe over land via Russia? (Anyways due to instability and political climate, any Europe-Russia arrangement is always a very flimsy one. Not to mention that land routes are significantly more expensive than naval routes.)
SCS joint drill, in my view, will be the symbolic pinnacle of China-Russia cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. That's so important and a strong message to the US-led trouble makers.
drill? U mean russia is drilling for oil within the 9 dashed line like they r doing right now? Just ask the vit konk. Looks like Russia is not your best buddy there.
Almost all the benefits listed here (except joint MAD) are already enjoyed by China right now. An alliance will bring marginal benefits, but take its toll on the European relationships of China.

Also, once the Europeans are your enemies, what will you do by access to Europe over land via Russia? (Anyways due to instability and political climate, any Europe-Russia arrangement is always a very flimsy one. Not to mention that land routes are significantly more expensive than naval routes.)

Enjoyed during peace time. None guaranteed during war time however, something that a mutual defense treaty would cement.
The expansion of NATO is a Washington agenda, not a European one. The Europeans understand that antagonizing Russia is not in their security interest. If the Europeans cannot detach themselves from the Washington bandwagon, then with or without Russia, China's relationship with them would be a rocky one.
Thats because China is being aggressive to India on the boundary and giving arms to Pakistan to use on India.

India Russia relationship is strong than China Russia is

India-Russia relationship was merely a money earning business for Russia by selling weapons. They needed the money. Apart from that there is absolutely NOTHING to that relationship. That money earning business will slow since India has chosen to sleep with America and buy their weapons.

India has never supported Russia in any of its geopolitical rivalries with the US. Geopolitical support to Russia is the most important in its battle with America right now. India can offer next to nothing on that.

In fact, with India agreeing to being a complete vassal state of the US now, Russia is starting to realise it can no longer trust India. That's why Russia is getting closer to China.

Russian media has also turned anti-India recently. Before it was all praise for India. Russia is suspicious of India's agenda. The shift is happening and only you Indians don't realise it.
Lol. SCO is going to include India soon. Do you really think there will be a military alliance between India and China?

Also, Russia is more of a burden/liability for China than a resource. What does alliance with Russia bring China? Basically Russia, and some of its friends. (which aren't many)

On the other hand, Russia has got too many enemies that will also become China's enemies. The Nordic countries, Baltics, and broader Europe. Count in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Finland, to be instant enemies.

And then Europe, which has right now been largely neutral between the tussle between China and US will totally side with US.

You seem to totally underestimate the size and strength of Russia's foes. The countries that I listed by themselves comprise a greater GDP than Russia. And then Europe is a superpower.

The fact is that China has not got many friends. And by friends I mean countries where at all levels there is a warmth and sense of common destiny with China. Pakistan seems to be the only friend that China has.
Uh huh, you think you know more about geopolitics than me? You're talking with a master here. LOL

An alliance with Russia will secure our northern border. Energy security is our number #1 concern and Russia happens to be an energy superpower. From a strategic angle, an military alliance will push back Washington's global "color revolution" policy. That in turn will help everyone in the world to bring more peace and development that no other can provide better than China. LOL

There is no such things as eternal enemy and friends. LOL What those countries are doing is to peg against Russia by using the US. They are not exactly trusty of the US. Actually even the EU don't trust them. That's why France and Germany had secret meeting with Putin without Washington approval. LOL As far as I'm concern with our relationship with EU. With or without Russia military alliance, business will continue as usual because there is a mutual benefit for both to conduct business. You don't see us making a big deal out of US and their puppet alliance against us, do you? Grow up.

We got plenty of friends in Latin America and Africa. The two largest and populous region. What difference is we don't go aggressively pursuing friendship like Washington through pressure and coercion. That, of course, I'm afraid will change in the future as we gather our global footprint. You will see so called friends pop up everywhere like a balloon. LOL
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