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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

If you claim to have Teow Chew as xgf, then you must know Teow Chew opera :lol: and tell me the key word of Teow Chew met a Teow Chew.

潮州戲 ? :rofl:

Lew ay gah wah seung may ?

PS. You watch first before you ask me to watch that. :rofl:

China and Russia to step up energy cooperation

‪#‎China‬ and ‪#‎Russia‬ are set to reach more ‪#‎energy‬ trade deals later this year, in a further sign that Russia may move away from Western energy markets and turning to the East.

The cooperation plan between the two countries includes the construction of a new gas pipeline, known as the “Western route.” The pipeline will cut through Russia's Altai Republic to connect fields in western Siberia to northwest China.

During a visit to Beijing in November last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin reached a preliminary agreement to supply China with 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year under the Western route project.

According to Russia's state-owned Gazprom, it is determined to complete the construction of the new pipeline by 2018. However many details, including the price of the gas, are still being worked out.

This comes in addition to the “Eastern” route deal, which was signed between Gazprom and China’s CNPC in May 2014. The $400-billion deal stipulates that 38 billion cubic meters of Russian gas will be supplied annually to China over a period of 30 years.

Discussing the deals in November last year, Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller was quoted as saying that once the projects are complete, the volume of gas that Russia delivers to China can exceed the current volumes of export to Europe.

Analysts say that Moscow has been actively looking eastwards to sell natural gas and oil, with Central Asia and China being key markets.

"Russia is increasing its profile in Asia as a seller of oil and gas and other resources like this. And this is very good news, especially because we have already created, going to create more of that, a whole new system of economic cooperation," says Dmitry Kosyrev, a foreign affairs commentator with RIA Novosti.





China-Russia energy forum features contributions from GRATA lawyers | Firm News | The Lawyer
What an admirable relationship between two countries, they definitely trust each other, unlike the US and it's coward allies :lol:
Interview: High-tech cooperation further boosts China-Russia relationship

English.news.cn 2014-10-11

MOSCOW, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- Scientific and technological cooperation is becoming another stimulus to China-Russia relationship, Russia's Deputy Minister of Economic Development Oleg Formichev has said.

"In my opinion, high-tech transfers would be another new form of investment cooperation between the two countries," Formichev told Xinhua in an exclusive interview before Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's upcoming visit to Moscow, the first one since he took office in March last year.

Russian and Chinese organizations are currently cooperating on six scientific projects, as well as nearly 30 ones on basic research and applied research, under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Formichev said.

Joint projects cover areas of new materials, environmental and energy-saving technology, biotechnology, high-energy physics, chemical engineering and petrochemistry, the deputy minister said, adding that substantial support was given by both countries' governments.

Meanwhile, the first meeting of the China-Russia Investment Cooperation Committee was held in Beijing in early September. More than 30 investment project deals were concluded on high-speed railways, iron and copper mining, as well as the construction of a rubber plant and a joint-venture airliner lease company.

Those projects would also stimulate the investment cooperation between the two countries, Formichev said, adding that economic and trade contacts have become the priority of the bilateral cooperation.

China has been the No. 1 trading partner of Russia over the past four years. Plans are afoot to raise the two-way trade volume to 100 billion U.S. dollars by 2015 and 200 billion dollars by 2020. Achieving the goals is highly secured by the current momentum of bilateral business boom, said Formichev.

The two countries signed the China and Russia Purchase and Sales Contract on East Route Gas Project and a memorandum in May. The 30-year contract will see the east route pipeline start to provide China with 38 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually from 2018.

"The construction of China-Russia natural gas pipelines would be the same success just as the Skovorodino-Mohe crude oil pipeline, which started operation in 2011," Formichev said.

Cooperation in nuclear power is also thriving. According to Formichev, the construction of the Tianwan nuclear power plant in eastern China would be finished by 2017. Moreover, the oil refinery with a 13-million-ton annual output would be put into operation in China's northern city of Tianjin.

Besides successful energy cooperation, there is a fresh impetus in such cooperation areas as infrastructure construction, civil aviation, ship building, automobile manufacture, transportation, finance, high-tech, agriculture and aerospace, Formichev said.

Russia is interested in Chinese experiences in the construction of special economic zones, industrial zones and innovative business clusters, he said.

Chinese Premier Li will attend an innovation forum during his visit to Moscow.

Formichev stressed that, under current complicated international geopolitical situations, China's attendance at the forum highlights a bright outlook for the all-around high-level bilateral relationship between the two countries.


Spotlight: Chinese hi-tech firms, equipment makers gain increasing traction overseas
Mar 27,2015

BEIJING, March 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese technology firms and equipment makers are gaining more and more traction overseas, propelled by the country's drive to realize a shift from low-end manufacturing onto construction into innovation hub for high-end technology.

As the government highlighted in a recent executive meeting of the State Council (the Cabinet), China needs to accelerate implementation of the "Made in China 2025" strategy by raising product and service standards in a bid to promote the economy to a medium-to-high level.

A mature equipment manufacturing industry could inject new momentum to China's economy under the "new normal."

The government report for 2015 delivered at an annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC) in early March said the country encourages its companies to participate in overseas infrastructure projects and engage in cooperation with their foreign counterparts in building up production capacity in a bid to increase the international market share of China's sectors of railways, electric power generation, telecommunications, engineering machinery, automaking, aircraft production, electronics and other equipment manufacturing.

No sector better symbolizes China's shift from a nation of labor intensive manufacturing onto one that excels in the high-tech field than high speed rail (HSR), which has already become a new "image card" for China.

The country's railway transportation industry is seeing great opportunities to export its technology, as China is engaging itself in discussions with Russia, Mongolia, India and Thailand on railway cooperation.

Huang Bin, an expert at Thailand's think tank KAITAI Research Center, said China's railway industry enjoys some prominent advantages and a late-mover edge as it is capable of offering a full range of ancillary equipment and has experience in operation uder different climate and terrain conditions. What is more important is that its products are always highly efficient and cost-effective.

In December 2014, China and Thailand inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on railway cooperation, agreeing to jointly build Thailand's first standard-gauge railway lines with a total length of more than 800 km.

The railway line, linking the Nong Khai Province in northern Thailand and the Map Ta Phut Port in southern Thailand, will be built totally with Chinese technologies, standards and equipment.

In January 2015, Kenya's Mombasa-Nairobi railway line was officially put into operation.

The 480-km railway line, built by China Road and Bridge Corporation, is the first to completely adopt Chinese standards outside the world's second biggest economy, and it is said to be the largest infrastructure project in the country since the independence of Kenya.

Always upholding the win-win principle, China actually has a fairly long history of railway cooperation with other countries. Officials from the Argentine province of Chubut recently revealed that they have been negotiating with some Chinese companies on possible railway cooperation.

The chairman of the Argentine-Chinese chamber of production, industry and commerce, Carlos P. Spadone said recently that no one wants to lose the opportunity to hitch a ride aboard China's economic development.

Over the years, China's railway transportation industry has witnessed earth-shaking transformation, as evidenced by its state-of-the-art technologies and equipment.

In 2014, the export contract value of China's top two bullet train makers, China South Rail Corporation (CSR) and China North Rail (CNR), exceeded three billion U.S. dollars, a 60 percent increase from 2013. They have recently announced that they would merge into a new company in a bid to accelerate overseas expansion.

The railway sector is just a snapshot of China's fast-evolving equipment manufacturing industry, as an increasing number of Chinese equipment makers and high-tech firms are "going global," offering cost-effective and quality products to regions and countries around the world.

In October 2014, Romania and China General Nuclear (CGN) signed a joint letter of intent to build two new reactors in Romania's Cernavoda nuclear plant for which the Chinese company has been designated as an investor.

Chinese nuclear power companies have also managed to gain ground in South Africa, Argentine and Turkey, as the country has formally launched its first indigenous nuclear power reactor design.

In August 2014, China National Nuclear Corporation announced that China's own-brand third-generation reactor "Hualong One" has passed through experts review to become the country's independent nuclear power technology that could be exported.
China and Russia to step up energy cooperation

‪#‎China‬ and ‪#‎Russia‬ are set to reach more ‪#‎energy‬ trade deals later this year, in a further sign that Russia may move away from Western energy markets and turning to the East.

The cooperation plan between the two countries includes the construction of a new gas pipeline, known as the “Western route.” The pipeline will cut through Russia's Altai Republic to connect fields in western Siberia to northwest China.

During a visit to Beijing in November last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin reached a preliminary agreement to supply China with 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year under the Western route project.

According to Russia's state-owned Gazprom, it is determined to complete the construction of the new pipeline by 2018. However many details, including the price of the gas, are still being worked out.

This comes in addition to the “Eastern” route deal, which was signed between Gazprom and China’s CNPC in May 2014. The $400-billion deal stipulates that 38 billion cubic meters of Russian gas will be supplied annually to China over a period of 30 years.

Discussing the deals in November last year, Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller was quoted as saying that once the projects are complete, the volume of gas that Russia delivers to China can exceed the current volumes of export to Europe.

Analysts say that Moscow has been actively looking eastwards to sell natural gas and oil, with Central Asia and China being key markets.

"Russia is increasing its profile in Asia as a seller of oil and gas and other resources like this. And this is very good news, especially because we have already created, going to create more of that, a whole new system of economic cooperation," says Dmitry Kosyrev, a foreign affairs commentator with RIA Novosti.





Pakistan could have played a pivotal role by supplying China and India with Refined Qatari gas and Refined KSA Oil products through pipelines coming from Gwadar. Also this can be beneficial for Pakistan to use it as well.
Pakistan could have played a pivotal role by supplying China and India with Refined Qatari gas and Refined KSA Oil products through pipelines coming from Gwadar. Also this can be beneficial for Pakistan to use it as well.

I am not particularly thrilled about the idea. China tends to diversify its energy supplies and diversification is from unreliable GCC (led by KSA) to Latin America (led by Venezuela) and Central Asia (led by Russia).

GCC area has become way too sectarian and explosive. Iran is the only remaining area of stability. And their foreign policy is more rational and prudent. China won't like partners that attack others at will. Besides, KSA is the leading sponsor of terrorism and China should not provide more hard cash to the regime than it already does.

Pakistan can play a key role by securely linking China to Iran.


US, Vietnam Gear Up To Build Stronger Ties To Take On China – Analysis
March 27, 2015 Eurasia Review

By Veeramalla Anjaiah*

After having strengthened economic and political relations during the last two decades, the United States and Vietnam have now embarked on a new course to deepen the bilateral cooperation in new areas such as law enforcement, transnational crimes, maritime security and cyber security.

This year both countries are celebrating the 20th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic relations. As part of the commemoration of this historic event, Vietnam’s Public Security Minister Tran Dai Quang visited the US last week and met with several key senior officials and senators, including the US Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson and Republican Senator John McCain.

During his week-long historic visit, Minister Quang, a politburo member of the Vietnam’s communist party and a powerful official in the Vietnamese government, expressed his satisfaction and happiness about the progress in cooperation between both countries in the fields of politics, diplomacy, economy, science and technology, education, environment, health, humanitarian issues, defense and security.

Basically, the main purpose of the visit was to promote the existing comprehensive partnership between the two countries on one side and explore more avenues for cooperation in the new fields on the other. The comprehensive partnership agreement was signed in 2013. Indonesia signed the similar agreement with the US in 2010.

While meeting Johnson, Quang discussed the possible cooperation in law enforcement, information sharing, transnational threats, human trafficking, intellectual property rights, maritime and cyber security.

Quang also signed a letter of agreement with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) regarding the transfer of DNA testing software.

During the Vietnam war, Americans dropped more than 7 million tons of bombs on Vietnamese people and more than three million people were killed in the entire war. But today Americans and Vietnamese are good friends and their countries on a fast track to become strategic partners. Vietnamese people have forgotten the bloody past and openly welcomed Americans. We can see today Starbucks, McDonalds, CFC outlets in major Vietnamese towns and cities.

Perhaps, the rising of China, both economically and militarily, might lead to the birth of this strange relationship between former foes. Indonesia, the de facto leader of ASEAN, has relatively good relationship with the world’s sole power. But now Vietnam is emerging as an important partner of the US in the region, outperforming the US traditional allies the Philippines and Thailand.

Vietnam says economic and geopolitical interests are the main reasons behind its rapidly growing relations with the US while the US considers Vietnam as a strategic partner and a possible bulwark against China under its so-called pivot or rebalancing toward Asia.

“Economic trade ties continue to stay at the heart of bilateral relations, serving both as the cornerstone of, and an engine for the overall relationship,” Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang said during his historic visit to Washington in 2013.

Indonesia’s relations with the US are much older than Vietnam’s. But why the US now favors Vietnam more than Indonesia, especially in areas like trade, investment, defense, security and even in the field of nuclear science. Big powers always put Indonesia in a different category in the game of diplomacy and geopolitics, thanks to the archipelagic nation’s “free and active foreign policy” and its big size.

Despite of its democratic credentials, giant size and rising middle class, Indonesia has failed to reap rewards from the rapidly growing US-ASEAN relations. The bilateral trade didn’t see a significant growth as the trade was hovering between US$23 billion to $27 billion during the last five years.

Both exports and imports were rather stagnant. Based on the Central Statistics Agency’s data Indonesia’s bilateral trade with the US stood at $24.70 billion in 2014, almost the same in 2013. Indonesia’s exports have been on the decline since 2010 due to wrong policies, strategies and sharp decline in commodity prices.

Though American investors are interested in Indonesia, they are reluctant to invest heavily in Indonesia due to numerous problems ranging from legal certainty, corruption, taxation, to labor problems and land acquisition.

On the other hand, during the last five years, the bilateral trade between Vietnam and its former foe was more than doubled, surging from $14.2 billion in 2010 to $36.30 billion in 2014. Vietnam is today ASEAN’s biggest exporter, according to the US Census Bureau data, to the US with $30.58 billion of exports last year.

Vietnam is the fourth biggest trading partner of the US among ASEAN members. With $46.99 billion trade, tiny Singapore became the biggest trading partner of the US in ASEAN and Malaysia ($43.57 billion) and Thailand ($38.91 billion) stood second and third respectively. Indonesia is the fifth biggest trading partner of the US in ASEAN.

With its low labor costs, resources, bold economic and political reforms, incentives for investors and relatively better infrastructure, Vietnam has become a darling of foreign manufacturers in recent years.

Several American giants like Ford, Apple, Intel and General Electrics invested heavily in Vietnam. South Korea’s Samsung found Vietnam as a favorite place for investments than Indonesia and invested $11 billion in the electronic sector in Vietnam during last two years. Perhaps, Indonesia, whose manufacturing sector is in bad shape, can learn from Vietnam’s experience.

Moreover, Vietnam is on the course to become the first country in Southeast Asia to acquire nuclear knowledge from the US. The US has agreed to provide nuclear know how to Hanoi to build a nuclear power plant in the near future.

In line with the growing friendship and affection between the two nations, Obama recently eased a ban on providing weapons to Vietnam. It was a partial lifting of the ban and now Hanoi is asking for the removal of complete ban, given its tense relations with its neighbor China over South China Sea dispute.

This year, two important visits – first Vietnam’s Communist Party Secretary-General Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to the US and later President Obama’s visit to Vietnam – are set to reshape the entire gamut of bilateral relations and pave the way for much awaited strategic partnership.

Another landmark in the both countries’ ties will be when Vietnam officially joins the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact later this year. The bilateral trade will easily reach $100 billion in two to three years. More and more investments will pour in not only from the US but also from other TPP member countries.

*The writer is an author and a senior journalist living in Jakarta.
Alot of Viets with their old nostalgic affinity towards the Russia of old will not be able to accept this new reality (e.g. @NiceGuy). They probably can't accept the new reality of their beloved Russia playing the subordinate role vis-a-vis the China rise.


Too embarrass to even put his name on this piece of shit article. thanks BBQ77 for a great start to a Monday morning.

Too much hate and grudges has impaired your vision. The name of the author is clearly printed at the beginning of the article. I recommend you taking a Buddhist meditation retreat.

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