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There are no such thing as "friends" or permanent "alliances" in regards to nations, only permanent interests. Japan's cooperation and rapport with Russia will serve both interests of Japan and Russia, as various intergovernmental platforms have shown -- this is irrespective of the feelings of any of Japan's partners in the West.

As for your reference to Confucian lit, are you purposely trying to troll ? It would be unequivocally foolish of you to try to , attempt, to disregard the fact that Vietnam has been influenced by Confucian culture for over a millennium.
R u sure that u r a True JPese ?? U dont even understand why Confucius said that we should not help the nice man fell into the well .

Vietnam has been influenced by Confucian culture for over a millennium, thats why I also know Confucian and understand what did he (Confucius) imply in that story :pop:.
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There are no such thing as "friends" or permanent "alliances" in regards to nations, only permanent interests. Japan's cooperation and rapport with Russia will serve both interests of Japan and Russia, as various intergovernmental platforms have shown -- this is irrespective of the feelings of any of Japan's partners in the West.

As for your reference to Confucian lit, are you purposely trying to troll ? It would be unequivocally foolish of you to try to , attempt, to disregard the fact that Vietnam has been influenced by Confucian culture for over a millennium.

Not a "joke" per se, there's no doubt that Russia and Japan have overlapping mutual interests and there is a consensus in Japan to mend relations with Russia and secure energy sources there as well to establish emergency services regarding patrol vessels , fishing vessels from both our nations. Further developments do serve Japan's interests as it does for Russia. So in this vantage point, we should take this into consideration when analyzing the entire situation.

Agreed, I never said Japan shouldn't/would not cooperate with Russia in economic fields it needs Russia like oil and gas(well that's the only thing Moscow has to offer Japan to be honest.lol), and Japan should/would also continue trading with Russia, since trade/economic partnership doesn't determines alliances. For example Japan and Chiba trade with each other more than any country in Asia and the world(bar the U.S-China) but that doesn't means Japan is China's ally, isn't it?

Same with U.S-China relationship, they both trade withwith each other than any country on earth, but that doesn't means they are allies, dies it? Same with China being largest trading partner of almost all countries in Asia, but does that means all these countries are chinas allies? In fact its the opposite for most.

So what I'm trying to say is that economic partnership/trade doesn't determines alliances at all. If it did, China would have way more allies than the U.S by a wide margin.:D

So we should put things into perspective, Japan isn't changing its alliance with the west/U.S anytime soon. Much less joining the so called 'Eurasian union'.lol anyone who thinks otherwise is simply being wrong. Japan will carry on trading with China band to a lesser extent Russia (just like we in the west/U.S have been doing), but there won't be any change in Japans alliance with the wwes/U.S and Japan will obviously keep prioritizing its partnership with the west/U.S for a longggg time to come (just like we saw with Japan/western cordinated sanctions against Russia). :enjoy:
Agreed, I never said Japan shouldn't/would not cooperate with Russia in economic fields it needs Russia like oil and gas(well that's the only thing Moscow has to offer Japan to be honest.lol), and Japan should/would also continue trading with Russia, since trade/economic partnership doesn't determines alliances. For example Japan and Chiba trade with each other more than any country in Asia and the world(bar the U.S-China) but that doesn't means Japan is China's ally, isn't it?

Same with U.S-China relationship, they both trade withwith each other than any country on earth, but that doesn't means they are allies, dies it? Same with China being largest trading partner of almost all countries in Asia, but does that means all these countries are chinas allies? In fact its the opposite for most.

So what I'm trying to say is that economic partnership/trade doesn't determines alliances at all. If it did, China would have way more allies than the U.S by a wide margin.:D

So we should put things into perspective, Japan isn't changing its alliance with the west/U.S anytime soon. Much less joining the so called 'Eurasian union'.lol anyone who thinks otherwise is simply being wrong. Japan will carry on trading with China band to a lesser extent Russia (just like we in the west/U.S have been doing), but there won't be any change in Japans alliance with the wwes/U.S and Japan will obviously keep prioritizing its partnership with the west/U.S for a longggg time to come (just like we saw with Japan/western cordinated sanctions against Russia). :enjoy:

The Japanese-American Global Alliance is a bedrock of both the Japanese and American Foreign Policy and it is the keystone in which Japan's defense maturation has been linked with. It shouldn't be necessary to reiterate the comprehensive cooperation Japan has with the United States when it comes to regional geopolitics as well as military interoperability.

That said, while Japan stands shoulder to shoulder with the global strategem of its key partners in the West, there are opportunities for local political maneuverability, which is, in context to Japanese national security, quite fortuitous to acquire. Let me give some specific examples include the conclusion of an agreement to have greater cooperation between Japanese Coast Guard and Russian Coast Guard, the growing naval cooperation between the Russian Navy and the Japanese Maritime Self Defense force, plans for a pipeline to be build between Sakhalin to Hokkaido. All of these processes present itself as conduits for greater peaceful cooperation between Tokyo and Moscow , thus, a more stable Northeast Asia.

It is apparent that the instability in East Europe is due in part to the adventurism of the Russian Military in regards to the status of Crimea as well as the emergence of a NovoRussia, all of these are arguably destabilizing factors for Europe. However, in my opinion, the Japanese Leadership , while showing understanding to the West's opposition, wants to limit that instability in Eastern Europe. Why should the angst against Russia spread to Northeast Asia? Why should that regional disagreement be used as a context to further destabilize Northeast Asia ? It should not. In my opinion , Russia presents itself as partner to Japan, sure there are some military threats they pose, however, the Russians know of our abilities to counter that threat. While Russia and China are not considered "Aligned Allies" of Japan, they are , indeed, considered regional partners for peace. And there's a plethora of opportunities in this regard.


So we should put things into perspective, Japan isn't changing its alliance with the west/U.S anytime soon. Much less joining the so called 'Eurasian union'.lol anyone who thinks otherwise is simply being wrong. Japan will carry on trading with China band to a lesser extent Russia (just like we in the west/U.S have been doing), but there won't be any change in Japans alliance with the wwes/U.S and Japan will obviously keep prioritizing its partnership with the west/U.S for a longggg time to come (just like we saw with Japan/western cordinated sanctions against Russia). :enjoy:

The art of geopolitics is one that is based on responses to asymmetrical factors. While we are deeply linked and tied to the Global Japanese-American Alliance as well as with NATO, nations are able to engage in political , economic and cultural discourse with other relevant partner states that may not be part of said military alliance. And thus there are opportunities to engage with nations that are outside this sphere, that may be poised for greater partnership(s).

In regards to China, I believe that most Japanese see China as a necessary partner for Japan. The goal is to balance the relationship we have with the United States and China. The underlying factor here is the necessity of Harmony. This is an East Asian cultural trait that you will see amongst the three East Asian societies: Japanese, Korean, Chinese. And this is the reason why we will see progression towards integration , wherein peace is a prerequisite. And if you study the recent policies enacted , the trend is pointing towards that reality.
The Japanese-American Global Alliance is a bedrock of both the Japanese and American Foreign Policy and it is the keystone in which Japan's defense maturation has been linked with. It shouldn't be necessary to reiterate the comprehensive cooperation Japan has with the United States when it comes to regional geopolitics as well as military interoperability.

That said, while Japan stands shoulder to shoulder with the global strategem of its key partners in the West, there are opportunities for local political maneuverability, which is, in context to Japanese national security, quite fortuitous to acquire. Let me give some specific examples include the conclusion of an agreement to have greater cooperation between Japanese Coast Guard and Russian Coast Guard, the growing naval cooperation between the Russian Navy and the Japanese Maritime Self Defense force, plans for a pipeline to be build between Sakhalin to Hokkaido. All of these processes present itself as conduits for greater peaceful cooperation between Tokyo and Moscow , thus, a more stable Northeast Asia.

It is apparent that the instability in East Europe is due in part to the adventurism of the Russian Military in regards to the status of Crimea as well as the emergence of a NovoRussia, all of these are arguably destabilizing factors for Europe. However, in my opinion, the Japanese Leadership , while showing understanding to the West's opposition, wants to limit that instability in Eastern Europe. Why should the angst against Russia spread to Northeast Asia? Why should that regional disagreement be used as a context to further destabilize Northeast Asia ? It should not. In my opinion , Russia presents itself as partner to Japan, sure there are some military threats they pose, however, the Russians know of our abilities to counter that threat. While Russia and China are not considered "Aligned Allies" of Japan, they are , indeed, considered regional partners for peace. And there's a plethora of opportunities in this regard.


The art of geopolitics is one that is based on responses to asymmetrical factors. While we are deeply linked and tied to the Global Japanese-American Alliance as well as with NATO, nations are able to engage in political , economic and cultural discourse with other relevant partner states that may not be part of said military alliance. And thus there are opportunities to engage with nations that are outside this sphere, that may be poised for greater partnership(s).

In regards to China, I believe that most Japanese see China as a necessary partner for Japan. The goal is to balance the relationship we have with the United States and China. The underlying factor here is the necessity of Harmony. This is an East Asian cultural trait that you will see amongst the three East Asian societies: Japanese, Korean, Chinese. And this is the reason why we will see progression towards integration , wherein peace is a prerequisite. And if you study the recent policies enacted , the trend is pointing towards that reality.

As diplomatic as always, :enjoy:
TASS: World - For China relations with Russia more important than with Japan — Huanqiu Shibao daily
December 30, 9:02 UTC+3

As many as 1,515 respondents from seven Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Changsha participated in the Huanqiu Shibao sociological survey devoted to Chinese world vision

BEIJING, December 30. /TASS/. The Chinese believe that stronger relations between Beijing and Moscow presently became more important than the development of ties with Japan, findings of a sociological survey indicated, the Huanqiu Shibao daily reported on Tuesday.

As many as 1,515 respondents from seven Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Changsha participated in the Huanqiu Shibao sociological survey devoted to Chinese world vision.

According to sociological survey findings, 30.4% of respondents believe that relations between China and Russia are ranked second as to significance for the country after Chinese-US relations. Meanwhile, only 27.1% said about importance of bolstering relations between China and Japan — that is 11.5% lower than the opinion poll results in 2013.

The daily also noted that “disagreements on the Taiwan issue” and territorial disputes in the South China Sea hamper further development of Chinese-US relations.
This is a Vietnamese made helicopter. It cost 70% of the Viet government's annual budget to produce and it can't fly because Viet scientists encountered technological difficulties when they put the rotor in the wrong location. Also, the instrument panel is actually an old Made-in-China black and whiteTV superglued to the front dash. :rofl:

View attachment 180009

I can help them solve that problem. Just put some bike pedals, attached the bike chain to the heli rotors and get some poor Vietnamese sap to start peddling really hard. It should fly.

it may be be Fred Flinstone tech, but it works

U cant even take back TW, so stop bragging abt challenging NATO or US. We dont challenge any one, pls dont drag VN in , Mr.Ah Q.

The only aspect China can challenge NATO is 'spiritual victory', thats all.
Making stupid accusations and masturbating of a sub mekong region controlled by vietnam make you the ah q, whatever the hell that means in vietnamese --anyways happy new year
He is 5'5 max. He looks 2 inches shorter than modi who is 5'7.
G20 world leaders' height revealed in infographic | Daily Mail Online
Screen shot 2015-01-02 at 2.12.09 PM.png

No sure about Modi
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