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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

If Russia increase trade with China, even directly barter exchange or oil exchange to avoid using USD. They won't die, the key is increasing imports from China.
What did Schäuble mean when he said that since 1945 Germany hasn't been a sovereign country? Care to explain in simple German or English? He said that in 2013, 12 years after the 2+4 Treaty.

Even Merkel had problems explaining, or as a matter of fact, trying to manoeuvre around the fact that we are not a fully (WTF is that, either you are or you are not) sovereign country.

It's OT because you are losing the argument, as usual. :lol:

Worrying let's hope with the declining US power Germany regains its sovereign state status.No one which makes such good cars should suffer this :(
Global Times has hair article, we couldn't look at Russia down, China will help Russia

fair? :cheesy:

Why should we put down the Russians?
For some idiots on the block, Russians have a great culture and civilization which are one of the best in the world :dirol:

We need a multi-polar world for rebalancing against the aggressive "sole superpower's" policies
Russia is one of the pillars

We should help Russia but with carefully conceived conditions :pleasantry:
True, China has a relatively integrated industrial system, unlike other developing countries, China has great potential to utilize this advantage to develop advanced military tech. I am curious in which field has China been better than Russia? The navy?

Pretty much in all domains China will be ahead.


Don't get fooled by the US propaganda.

Since back in the early 2008, they even claimed that there won't be any economic crisis.

The US manufacturing base still hasn't been recovered, so they are only powerful with their finance nukes.
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Tragedy happen as Ruble falling to fast. Can China help Russia when China economy is also going down badly ??
Falling Ruble Causes Businessman to Commit Suicide in Moscow Hotel
© Wikipedia/ A.Savin
10:22 17.12.2014(updated 10:40 17.12.2014)
Yesterday’s Russian stock exchange panic caused a co-founder of a financial company to kill himself in one of Moscow’s top hotels - Hotel National.


Sputnik Special Financial Analysis: Ruble, What Are You Doing? Please Stop!
MOSCOW, December 17 (Sputnik) — A businessman, who owned a stake in an investment enterprise, committed suicide in Hotel National Moscow yesterday night, having shot himself in the head. Police are investigating the incident.

The late Ivan Shervashidze left a suicide note and his last will. According to some reports, he owned a business selling musical instruments and equipment and co-owned a financial firm. He had allegedly suffered from psychological stress induced by the recent stock exchange panic, which has lead to the ruble’s dramatic depreciation this week.
The hotel’s surveillance cameras captured the last moments of the victim’s life. The incident happened at about 9 p. m. in a hotel suit, the body being found by the personnel seconds after the shot.

On Tuesday, Russia’s currency crisis entered its most acute phase, with the ruble plunging to 100 RUB for 1 EUR, and 80 RUB for 1 USD, causing a sell-off of Russia’s national currency, queues in currency exchange desks, and a stock market panic. It is believed that Russian companies, trading and borrowing in foreign currencies, will be hit hardest, with the most unsecure enterprises facing imminent bankruptcy.

Falling Ruble Causes Businessman to Commit Suicide in Moscow Hotel / Sputnik International
Forget about the fallen China.

Before of that, the US will first make a southern branch of NATO (ASEAN) by taking you out first, since they won't allow a communist nation being part of the southern NATO.
A clear message to u: if u fall, we will take back our lost isls, we r so close to u now :pop:
NO, it is not. that is a long game. you play GO, I play CHESS. forgotten?

you are follower of the Linke, I guess. NO, germany is a sovereign nation since years. Thanks to Helmut Kohl.
@MarkusS this guy is rediculous.

He is a communist. Don´t bother with him
ORly? So, Schäuble talked nonsense?

Come back again, if you know more about Germany.

Schäuble is right. Germany is a member state of the EU and has to follow EU laws. A "souvereign germany" would make as much sense as a souvereign city of munich. Your pathetic small nationalism is something from the past. Let me make this clear. People like you will not push my freedom into your pathetic, small boarders.
Welcome!! Please don't take your girls here for sale.Taiwanese need them more.How could those gilrs's babies face the reality that their moms are vietnamese....
I will report ur post to Mod as it violate the rule :pop:
Schäuble is right. Germany is a member state of the EU and has to follow EU laws. A "souvereign germany" would make as much sense as a souvereign city of munich. Your pathetic small nationalism is something from the past. Let me make this clear. People like you will not push my freedom into your pathetic, small boarders.

Since 1945 when the EU was not even created? What about Merkel's meandering around the question whether we are a souvereign nation? That question is particularly adressed to the relationship we have with the US. I don't think that we have the right to vote for any politicians in the US, do we?

As I have stated before, I have been very much in support of the EU, so stop your bloody lies, will ya!? Or find a post where I have ever questioned Germany's membership within the EU. If you can't find any, then STFU!

It is the US that is undermining the EU by creating the mess with the euro and now with Ukraine! How the fick are we ever going to finance a super size PIIG Ukraine? It's GDP (PPP) per capita lies between the mafia state Kosovo and Jamaica even the before the crisis.
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