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The Grand Modi illusion

You're giving me the same logic as @Star Wars .
Since it happens in other religions/societies so we should accept it too.

you better be!
No. You said that caste system is uniquely vile or something along those lines. In any case, we will find a new way to create social divisions based on their professions. It may be called something else in future.Caste system will go.. But in my way. I will dictate its demise.
You're giving me the same logic as @Star Wars .
Since it happens in other religions/societies so we should accept it too.

you better be!
Secular? I would prefer death.

The capitalists are soooo happy with Modi, wonder why they're calling him incompetenet. Modi's been completely of no use to the country till now.

Legendary investor Jim Rogers: My biggest disappointment is how little Modi has done - Rediff.com Business
Totally agreed.
The sooner this government goes the better it is for us.
First of All, the vedas are not the bibles of hindus. Leave me aside but I have never seen any hindu with a copy of a Veda and you want me to quote directly from Vedas in sanskrit or quit. Very Nice! But today is the time of internet, google and you have access to all the information but you dont want any indirect reference. Thats trying to suppress the truth as much as suppresing the shudras. I have no evidence with me but I challenge you to prove me wrong that the term "shudra" has not been mentioned in Vedas. I read somewhere at some point of time that the term shudra finds mention several times in one of the later vedas probably Yajurveda. And the Smritis which is equaly reverred to hindus became the vehicle of assault against so called shudras. Smritis are to Vedas what sharias are to Holy Qur'an....as per my understanding. I give below a webpage for your reference that has even sanskrit verses..

Searching Alternate Narratives: मनु स्मृति: The Assault on Shudras.

Now dont drag me into a debate on hinduism. Thats not my intention. My comment was in defence of the Indian constitution which was being blamed for casteism and discrimination. A lot of people who comment on reservations dont know the ABC of Poona Pact between Gandhi & Ambedkar.
Ma'am,i have always found your posts to be balanced and have respected you as a sane and intellectual compatriot but i have got some objections regarding this post of yours(it's not because you're a Muslim).Manusmriti is a racist book which was unfortunately written by some selfish Brahmins for their own materialistic gains.But the fact is that Manusmriti although considered as an important law book in Sanatan Dharma isn't a part of the Vedas.Even the 10th Mandala of the Rig Veda where the reference of "Purusha Sukta" or the Cosmic being has been made justifying the caste system was composed a long time after the completion of the Rig Veda.The current Rig Veda version contains 10 mandalas of which 2-7 mandalas or chapters were the oldest one(composed in the early part of the Early Vedic age) and the rest 1,8,9,10 mandalas or chapters were composed after the Vedic civilization had spread throughout the Gangetic valley in the later Vedic period.The Rig Veda being an oral composition(hence the name sruti) was easily edited according to the whims and fancies of a few selfish Brahmins:coffee:!!
Ma'am,i have always found your posts to be balanced and have respected you as a sane and intellectual compatriot but i have got some objections regarding this post of yours(it's not because you're a Muslim).Manusmriti is a racist book which was unfortunately written by some selfish Brahmins for their own materialistic gains.But the fact is that Manusmriti although considered as an important law book in Sanatan Dharma isn't a part of the Vedas.Even the 10th Mandala of the Rig Veda where the reference of "Purusha Sukta" or the Cosmic being has been made justifying the caste system was composed a long time after the completion of the Rig Veda.The current Rig Veda version contains 10 mandalas of which 2-7 mandalas or chapters were the oldest one(composed in the early part of the Early Vedic age) and the rest 1,8,9,10 mandalas or chapters were composed after the Vedic civilization had spread throughout the Gangetic valley in the later Vedic period.The Rig Veda being an oral composition(hence the name sruti) was easily edited according to the whims and fancies of a few selfish Brahmins:coffee:!!

@scorpionx would disagree :coffee:

Totally agreed.
The sooner this government goes the better it is for us.

Not only us but also for them ambanis and adanis

Anil Agrawal, Adanis & Ambanis lose the most in Modi regime | Business Standard News
I am differently activated now. :D
This Government has done nothing for the aam admi and hence needs to be shown the door.
Yes, the Hindutva bigots have got their boost, but the rest of the vast majority, it has so far been a nightmare. In a short period of 1 year, we have become far more intolerant and the existence of our minorities more precarious than in our often 'hated' neighbor to the West.
Why should @scorpionx dada will disagree with my post:undecided:??I mean what i have written is absolutely true,Manusmriti is nothing but a racist book corrupted through the centuries by some selfish Brahmins for their own greed and hunger for power(Before criticizing me for bashing the Brahmins i must admit the fact that unfortunately i too belong to the same community) and although it was an important law book on Sanatan Dharma it was never ever a part of any Veda let alone Rig Veda.
@scorpionx dada,did i write something wrong in this regard??
Why should @scorpionx dada will disagree with my post:undecided:??I mean what i have written is absolutely true,Manusmriti is nothing but a racist book corrupted through the centuries by some selfish Brahmins for their own greed and hunger for power(Before criticizing me for bashing the Brahmins i must admit the fact that unfortunately i too belong to the same community) and although it was an important law book on Sanatan Dharma it was never ever a part of any Veda let alone Rig Veda.
@scorpionx dada,did i write something wrong in this regard??
Philosophy, Purana, Upachara and Smritis are the four fundamental pillars of Hinduism. While we may not agree with some parts of smritis for being utterly racist or gender biased, a plenty of social conducts that it suggests to follow still are extremely relevant in day to day life today. So, personally I do not outrightly reject smritis for a small part I don't agree with.
Why should @scorpionx dada will disagree with my post:undecided:??I mean what i have written is absolutely true,Manusmriti is nothing but a racist book corrupted through the centuries by some selfish Brahmins for their own greed and hunger for power(Before criticizing me for bashing the Brahmins i must admit the fact that unfortunately i too belong to the same community) and although it was an important law book on Sanatan Dharma it was never ever a part of any Veda let alone Rig Veda.
@scorpionx dada,did i write something wrong in this regard??

yar where did i criticize you?i had my reasons to believe that @scorpionx would have had some disagreements with your post but seems he doesn't have any so case closed :tup:

ps : imma namboothiri (mallu brahmin) myself but i don't find your post offensive though i can't comment on it for i lack understanding of vedas or vedic history
yar where did i criticize you?i had my reasons to believe that @scorpionx would have had some disagreements with your post but seems he doesn't have any so case closed :tup:

ps : imma namboothiri (mallu brahmin) myself but i don't find your post offensive though i can't comment on it for i lack understanding of vedas or vedic history

LOL...what kind of Namboothiri are you ? I take it your parents took no effort to educate you in Hinduism ?
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