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The girl with no identity: Being a second child in China

When? Within this decade? Has the government made any announcements?

2 second child by 2015 most likely for all and a second child for parents who are themselves single child.

There are various reports that suggest the 2015 dates.

But there is a problem, after a couple of decades, Chinese are used to not having a second or more child, as my cousins are not having a second dispite the fact that they can. They realized the cost and effort to raise a modern child, and many Chinese are feeling the same way.

My cousins are both well educated and employed and middle to upper middle class, and they're friends and other family members are feeling the same.

So we can conclude, the one child policy is a policy that may have been unpopular at the beginning, but it is now a norm for Chinese and with or without the law, most would not care too much.
You seems to believe that a problem cannot be solved without some kind of expense at another problem. That may be true for some problems, but not for all.

This is about education, not of centralized birth/family planning. The law can say 'only one child', but that does not mean the government cannot educate all children. This is cruelty, no other way to put it.

Cruelty is the terrorist Yankee regime dropping depleted uranium in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Agent Orange in Vietnam.

Massive birth defects have been seen in many parts of these countries especially in places like Fallujah due to these heinous crimes committed by the terrorist regime.

Many of your fellow Vietnamese are still suffering from Agent Orange contaminating the soil which seeps into the food supply. All the while you enjoy the good life in the US.

Nothing more cruel than destroying an entire generation of human beings like the terrorist Yankee regime has done.
In others words, you are absolutely fine living in prison labor camps, smog that doubled cancer cases in recent times, food cooked in what only can be described as raw sewage and the holy party making family choices for you as long as you're somehow better than India?

Talk about low expectations!!!
I sure as hell don't want to live in a shithole, overpopulation country. It is even worse if you are at the bottom of the caste system.
alas, the little girl still strives to study. Brilliant!

Resources in China are limited!
We also faced with tremendous political and military challenges!

One child policy has pros and cons
Pros: The pie is shared by lesser people with bigger shares each
Cons: look at the dire socio-economic ills of our south western neighour - the next super powder!
alas, the little girl still strives to study. Brilliant!

Resources in China are limited!
We also faced with tremendous political and military challenges!

One child policy has pros and cons
Pros: The pie is shared by lesser people with bigger shares each
Cons: look at the dire socio-economic ills of our south western neighour - the next super powder!

Your population is aging because of one Child policy, there aren't enough kids in Chinese schools to fulfill manpower requirement in the future.
Your population is aging because of one Child policy, there aren't enough kids in Chinese schools to fulfill manpower requirement in the future.

Your country is to be world's no 1 in headcount.
Do you want to achieve this in the next few years?
Your country is to be world's no 1 in headcount.
Do you want to achieve this in the next few years?

China still can preserve number 1 rank otherwise ranked 2 China will be full of old people only.
China still can preserve number 1 rank otherwise ranked 2 China will be full of old people only.

you dont seem to stop at a mindless debate which has been becoming very boring!
Sad story. China (its rulers to be precise) has a historial record of tyranny.
Maybe things about the reported girl is true. But there are millions of second and third child in China and I definitely bet 99.99% of them live a normal life. Over half of the people around me have sister or brother, my wife also have a younger sister. Nothing special. From all the second and third child CNN picks the 0.01% of them and thinks that's the whole truth. Good job CNN.

As for the one child policy, the whole world is benefit from this yet they are still barking nonsense. India does not have this kind of policy, maybe the population will surpass China's in a few years. If things keep like that, we can see what will happen in 20 years.
while the largest democracy, a fake state - india where millions of children die of malnutrion each year; the most illiterate country and kids are made chickened out of international evaluations after dirt bottom performance in the tests!

Come 2050 or earlier I hope, the failed state india will become the no 1 populous country in the world!
Congratulations for the growing demographic dividends!
Typical Chinese rant when cornered.... can you deny the fact that that Chinese laws deny a human being some basic right(Right to be born and live a normal life) just because some cartoon sitting at helm of affairs decided that everyone will have 1 child...

Forced abortions....and now the latest is digging up women graves and then reburying them next to men so that they can have a wife in after life...

But you will again rant about India poor and India rape and India toilet. 
THere is worse:

Forced Abortions in China: The Worst Human Rights Abuse in the World | LifeNews.com
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