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The G3 Must Go!!!

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Time Assassin

Jul 18, 2010
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Pakistan is top 10-15 most powefullest armed forces around the World. Our Air Force is being Modernized Rapidly, We have a spectatualar Navy Force and Our special groups the SSGs and the Secret Service ISI have a name around the World. All this seems to be good, but there is one flaw. Our Standard Forntline soldiers lack Modern Technology and are still using the G3, AK47 and MP5 why is this? We spend so much money on updating our other stuff why leave out the guns?
Fair enough there is a updating plan in 2019 but the War is happening NOW, we need those equipment NOW and we can so easily afford it, the only recent develpment with out guns is the G3 has been given a Grip handle, but that is nothing compared to others around the World.

Both Pakistanis and Indian army have old military uniforms also, even most african countries have a more up to date version and better camo pattern.


The Pakistani G3 - Old and not Gold :(



The Indian Zittara and INSAS more modern, more sexi, more deadly.
^ You are among the very few who would call the INSAS sexy. Sure it does its job second to none. But sexy ? no.

This is a sexy rifle ;

Pakistan is top 10-15 most powefullest armed forces around the World. Our Air Force is being Modernized Rapidly, We have a spectatualar Navy Force and Our special groups the SSGs and the Secret Service ISI have a name around the World. All this seems to be good, but there is one flaw. Our Standard Forntline soldiers lack Modern Technology and are still using the G3, AK47 and MP5 why is this? We spend so much money on updating our other stuff why leave out the guns?
Fair enough there is a updating plan in 2019 but the War is happening NOW, we need those equipment NOW and we can so easily afford it, the only recent develpment with out guns is the G3 has been given a Grip handle, but that is nothing compared to others around the World.

Both Pakistanis and Indian army have old military uniforms also, even most african countries have a more up to date version and better camo pattern.


The Pakistani G3 - Old and not Gold :(



The Indian Zittara and INSAS more modern, more sexi, more deadly.

there is a whole thread on this issue and i personally have fired this weapon and dam its kicking it have more range than ur sexy rifels and is a shoot to kill round .imo perfect than flashy stuff go read what old mousers r doing to us troops in afghnastan
H&K G36 is an exellent gun if pak is willing to pay that price``but if that is too expensive, chinese export version type-97 is always readily for pak!
INSAS sexy? No way! Zittara yes but INSAS is damn ugly.
H&K G36 is an exellent gun if pak is willing to pay that price``but if that is too expensive, chinese export version type-97 is always readily for pak!

i think PA is more intrested in H&K 417
Ooooooooooooooh! You want rifles on the frontline to be Sexy, not deadly? As the other threads say, the troops and happy and comfortable with the G3s, and as I can say with the videos, its got pressure more than Ak103s and hence bullet can go much further. Plus, it has got near perfect targets.
The cost of replacing G-3 is in billions , do care to bring some money that i can buy upto half a million HK-417.
Ooooooooooooooh! You want rifles on the frontline to be Sexy, not deadly? As the other threads say, the troops and happy and comfortable with the G3s, and as I can say with the videos, its got pressure more than Ak103s and hence bullet can go much further. Plus, it has got near perfect targets.

The G3 has a high recoil. It isn't fast and only works great on semi automatic. It isn't your best friend when surronding by a wave of enemies. We need faster and slicker guns such as M16, M4s or indeed the AK103. The AK103 is being adopted but it isn't being used yet apart from the special forces. I believe we must use better guns asap, to increase our army strength and knowledge in modern warfare.
Id take a G3A3 over a m-4 or m-16 anyday............

It is more effective thn m-16... has more range n accuracy thn M-4(A short version of m-16) n is a rugged weapon!!!
Use a scope n its converted into a decent sniper......

P.S=POF is already producing a modern version of AK series.....

These r POF made not the chinese type 56

If u want to replace it........ thn we should go with HK-417...7.62 mm........ would save the stockpiles of ammo n even magz n stuff..

P.S=Anybdy know abt the future of these:
Go for a Chinese gun like TYPE 03..


Good looking AK derivative..

Insas sexy? HA, hell no.. I suppose it's a good 'start'..
Pakistan is top 10-15 most powefullest armed forces around the World. Our Air Force is being Modernized Rapidly, We have a spectatualar Navy Force and Our special groups the SSGs and the Secret Service ISI have a name around the World. All this seems to be good, but there is one flaw. Our Standard Forntline soldiers lack Modern Technology and are still using the G3, AK47 and MP5 why is this? We spend so much money on updating our other stuff why leave out the guns?
Fair enough there is a updating plan in 2019 but the War is happening NOW, we need those equipment NOW and we can so easily afford it, the only recent develpment with out guns is the G3 has been given a Grip handle, but that is nothing compared to others around the World.

Both Pakistanis and Indian army have old military uniforms also, even most african countries have a more up to date version and better camo pattern.


The Pakistani G3 - Old and not Gold :(



The Indian Zittara and INSAS more modern, more sexi, more deadly.

Hi friend, thanks for the compliment, but the INSAS in no way can be called sexy or good looking!
No doubt it is more modern than the the rifle that it has replaced in the IA: the 7.62mm SLR. Though the SLR had its plus points (esp range); it has the same shortcomings as the G3. And that is because both the G3 and SLR are from the same generation of design elements.
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