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The future of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Future :

One Pakistan Will get in American camp and as such An indian colony . IT Will remain poor but politically stable. The regime Will be given here and there breathing space so the ppl dont come on street. Generals Will have their kids and wifes visa,Will be Able to have business like the politicians and enjoy the feasting.

Two Pakistan gets in American camp ,forgets about Kasjmir ,opens its city And town for CIA , blackwater,drones and the ppl revolt ,specially in kpk and to lesser extent baluchistan , as such that part of Pakistan will most probably go the way of Bangladesh and Will become part of Afghanistan and Afghanistan Being under rule of mullah ,Will be very peacefull and Stable,justice Will be fast and fair ,which in turn Will invite a lot of Chinees investments .

Afghanistan Will thrive because of its location together with Iran and all of central asia while what remains of Pakistan Will be a small patch of land under rule of wadera, chaudaries,sardars and generals who Will be busy in occupying their next patch of plot so they can build their next housing societies. When you Read the history of our land and ppl you can see why all is happening the way its happening. Punjabi and sindi are passified ppl, full of infiriorty complex and always look towards their "kings" as almost divine . And always need some leader to lead Them unlike pashtuns OR balochis!
lol so much delusional rant. Afghans are spineless people and have no moral compass. There people are literally selling their daughters for money and you think they have some sort of Islamic divine role. They are a bunch of illiterate nationalists nothing more.
I am a PTI supporter but plz people why start hating your motherland over the actions of stupid junta.

I have always been in support of our army, our establishment but today am ashamed of them. If presidential system was in Pakistan IK would win by landlside and wouldnot have to worry about the petty political affairs.
Also how dumb can our establishment be they literally showcased they are against IK (Who has become one of the most popular leader). And helped impose corrupt mafia on us. I mean how long will this go on? If GOD forbids something happens to Pakistan what would our establishment do? Go abroad? They would would have to live like a foreigner there too. They would never be treated as a native if that country.
Army blunder has cost them the sympathies of common man now who have always stood by them.
What stops the honest officers from resigning or stopping the traitors? You think the COAS can do anything if the Corps Commanders (in a CCC) simply don't allow it...?

Welcome to my world.

Democracy and Mil Dictatorship are two of the worst systems known to mankind. The former only 'works' for the West because the West enjoys a surplus of power, money (to varying degrees), and security. Developing nations have none of that.

It's not rocket science.

Glad more and more are realizing it, finally.
Still I would not support anything that shall harm the discipline of the Army.
Junior and mid level Officers, .many highers rank officers, JCO's and soldiers are loyal. But somewhere, someone rot. Either it starts with CoAS or CJCS or both. Or there is a liaison office in CJCS, I can't put my finger.
But the regime change was perfect.
Nope , no external force required . Being in American camp Will mean hate of kpk and Pakistani public Will be galvanized even more after imran Khan gov and as such islamic forces Will get greater legitemacy in that part of the region ..knowing that on the other side you have a Stable islamic state, ppl of Pakistan Will look towards Them as inspiration and may want to join Them if cleanshave pro western generals keep behaving like whores. Pakistan is full of guns and state is losing fast IT legitemacy in the eyes of Religious ppl and no state can win against the Will of the ppl .

What i see is that kpk and baluchistan will be lost if pakistanis dont start taking law into their hands against the top Brass of army. Kpk and Pakistani ppl have suffered enuff of their love for American "machine" and dont want to be used as a canonfodder by these colonial slave minded dalals.
What you don't realise is that PA have corrupt civilian governments to deal with and powerful and sophisticated enemies across the border. Pakistan is being attacked from all sides day and night and PA gets distracted by these corrupt politicians who would happily take down the whole country for dollars. PA top brass have the full facts as to the state of play and the only threat is when they come from the corrupt civilian faction to represent their interests. No evidence so far of this happening. What we can see is PA losing patience against the PTI gov due the downward trend in Pakistan's economy and have decided enough is enough.
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how about we stop calling it Islamic Republic Of Pakistan and instead stick to Pakistan. Nothing Islamic about this country , people will get the leader they deserve. Pakistan leaders represent the society.
Bro, we need to think beyond who to blame, we need to focus on how to build. No General, or parliament or judge will fix this. They are like you said a part of the problem. The solution must be ground roots, it must come from us. The body of people.
100% agree.
I wish I be in Pakistan..what a travesty
Bro, we need to think beyond who to blame, we need to focus on how to build. No General, or parliament or judge will fix this. They are like you said a part of the problem. The solution must be ground roots, it must come from us. The body of people.

Can start with producing leaders which are not a Zardari or a Sharif and not intermarried to their family in some weird incestuous game of thrones style BS
What we can see is PA losing patience against the PTI gov due the downward trend in Pakistan's economy and have decided enough is enough.

So establishment threw out Imran Khan and installed Cherry Blossom and Diesel because of the economy?

Do you seriously believe that? Do you think anyone with more than two brain cells will believe that excuse?
I for one am done with democracy. In both the countries I call home, it has swept the corrupt into power and taken from the poor to feed the rich. It is thoroughly unjust and hides behind a mirage a freedom and liberty whilst enslaving you to debt.

I for one truly believe that Pakistan will only succeed when we model ourselves on Muhammad (pbuh) and we model our nation on his teachings. We need to re-create ourselves, we need to re-create our nation and we need to re-create a model of governance which is just. I don't know what that is - I do know it is not first past the post parliamentary democracy. For Pakistan to have the blessing of Allah we must break free of the riba based economic model too.

I accept this cannot be done at once. I accept this might take hundreds of years. I accept we are not equipped with the knowledge or the means to do this. However I implore each and every one of you that we must start of this route. This is a journey of a million steps, we must take step one, even if it means to fall at each step. We must get up and start again. Many will argue we do not have scholars of faith, then you and I must create those scholars. They will argue we don't have experts of technology, science, finance etc - then we must become those experts or create them. They will argue we do not have the wealth to do this - then we must generate the wealth.

Imran Khan talked about Riasat-e-Madinah, his attempts were not perfect, his faith in the system flawed. However it was a step in the right direction. The basics of justice, honesty, caring for the worst off in society were all key to what he wanted to do. We must not get lost in the web of democracy and constitutions etc. We must focus on the fundementals of justice, honest, care - Haqooq ul ibad. That's what we must get right as a society. We must stand united against wrong and for right.

We'll figure out the rest as we go.
The foundation of Riyasat-e-Madina was honesty and integriy.......it wasn't munafiqat and self-preservation at ALL costs!
So establishment threw out Imran Khan and installed Cherry Blossom and Diesel because of the economy?

Do you seriously believe that? Do you think anyone with more than two brain cells will believe that excuse?
Well if the PA didn't want a sneaky clean Prime Minister then they wouldn't have given IK a chance in the first place. The possibility is PA is scared of the 3 party mafia, but I doubt this very much.
Well if the PA didn't want a sneaky clean Prime Minister then they wouldn't have given IK a chance in the first place. The possibility is PA is scared of the 3 party mafia, but I doubt this very much.
Perhaps they thought IK would be more controllable than he was.

(Or they were given an offer they couldn't refuse, to be complicit in removing him, or perhaps the threat was just that serious)
Listen to this man - its the best 8 minutes i've watched today.

It is the spirit of Pakistan.

Which spirit are you writing about, the spirit of lying with impunity and imagination? The cable sent through cipher was a creation of our own diplomat, a regular cable describing the sentiments, honest sentiments by the US representative about relations between our countries, was used to humiliate Pakistan and the Parliament around the globe by spreading propaganda that votes were bought with money. Constitution was violated proudly and arrogantly and it is being said that he fought till the last ball? Was the last ball this humiliation and disgrace with which he was sent packing in the late hours? And where was this pride when he presented the mini budget at the demand of IMF??? Where was the poison he was supposed to drink before going to IMF let alone sanctioning the SBP to IMF bending to illogical and illegal conditions which make SBP an entity not answerable to the state of Pakistan and beyond the reach of LEA's, FIA, NAB etc.??? This man is a well wisher of Pakistan????

Imran Khan not only attempted to dig the country into a diplomatic pitfall with the US, based on absolute propaganda as has been widely circulated in the media that the agencies could not find any threat in the cipher, only for his self preservation and to protect only himself from vote of no confidence; he also tried his best to create divisions between Pakistan and the European Union! This man is a well wisher of Pakistan? When the matter was of sending the French Ambassador packing (even though we did not even have a French Ambassador then), did the same Imran Khan not appear on TV to lecture us on the importance of keeping diplomatic relations with France and the consequences which would entail if we send the French Ambassador back? But for his own self, he was willing to cause rifts with the entire EU + Australia + Japan + US and some other countries!!! This man is a well wisher of Pakistan????

Even if there was a threat, the matter should have been handled diplomatically for the sake of Pakistan; was Nawaz Sharif not threatened before the 1998 Nuclear Tests? Did he blow the matter out of proportion and turn the general threat into a personal threat for his political gain? when the EU and some other countries wrote a letter to Pakistan and to India, yes India too was served a demarche by the EU, did India blow the matter out of proportion or did they handle it diplomatically?

I think a lot of you need to open your minds and accept what Imran really is. It does not mean that your start supporting PML/PPP/MQM/JUI etc., it simply means that you understand and acknowledge that the man, despite some of his good actions, is just like the others........better in some ways to the others and worse in some ways.
So establishment threw out Imran Khan and installed Cherry Blossom and Diesel because of the economy?

Do you seriously believe that? Do you think anyone with more than two brain cells will believe that excuse?

Two brain cells seems to be about the average required to be a political commentator in Pak.
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