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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

Thanks OBAMA. If Mujahideens doesnt repect indians peace process let them face USA droons. !!!
Omar, then pakistan need not expect anything from USA. then can directly deal with USA. After all USA provides water to PAK

todays news: Breaking News! Firing has been reported from Wagah border this morning. The BSF personnel opened fire at a group of people who were trying to cross the border without permission. They fled after the BSF opened fire.The BSF has reportedly seized 13kg heroin, some fake currencies and 7 pistols from the spot. One BSF jawan was injured during the firing by Pakistani intruders. Further details are awaited.

U say that these intruders are mujahideens and they are heros who carried heroin, fake currency and illegal weapons are heros and India should take its troops back to welcome these folks....

How can we trust Indian media, your media lies about everything.

If Kashmiris love the Indian troops for "protecting" them why not allow a plebiscite, they will surely vote for India if India had done so much for them.
Ok so finally we have some point to start.

What about non Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Shouldn't same apply to them.

The agreement however must be ratified by both countries parliaments and the deadline to settle the issue should be 15 years plus guarantees that both countries shall honor the deal and not back out.
There is a law which states that No one from any part of India can settle down in Kashmir! A Kashmiri can buy a home and settle in My state Kerala (we got many here) But I cant do the same in Kashmir. Kashmir has special status in the Constitution. What about Pakistani Kashmir????
There is a law which states that No one from any part of India can settle down in Kashmir! A Kashmiri can buy a home and settle in My state Kerala (we got many here) But I cant do the same in Kashmir. Kashmir has special status in the Constitution. What about Pakistani Kashmir????

Yea we all seen the special status of Kashmiris. What about Indian troops shooting at peaceful protestors? What about all the massive human rights violations on the Kashmiri people for decades? How special must Kashmiri people feel being part of India :rolleyes:
Yea we all seen the special status of Kashmiris. What about Indian troops shooting at peaceful protestors? What about all the massive human rights violations on the Kashmiri people for decades? How special must Kashmiri people feel being part of India :rolleyes:
Fine The Indian Army is the big bad wolf! They will move out when the Terrorists move out!

There will be worthwile peace talks Until and Unless the complete Terror Infrastructure Is Dismantled. After than I am sure India and Pak can solve their problems.
Fine The Indian Army is the big bad wolf! They will move out when the Terrorists move out!

There will be worthwile peace talks Until and Unless the complete Terror Infrastructure Is Dismantled. After than I am sure India and Pak can solve their problems.

You Indians have your own definations of terrorists. For any regular human being with eyes and ears would see that the real terrorists are the Indian Armed Forces in Kashmir.
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The only terrorists are Indian Armed Forces in Kashmir
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Here are the counter-arguments

1. NO. From an Indian PoV A disputed territory entitles that Pakistan and India both hold legal right over Kashmir. Since Pakistan has no legal right over Kashmir hence India calls it a bilateral issue. Claiming India occupies Kashmir entitles that Pakistan show legal proof that Kashmir belongs to it, no wonder all professional pakistani journalists call Jammu and Kashmir, Indian held Kashmir and not occupied. Instrument of Ascension, the only legal mandate, has been signed in favour of India and a plebiscite has not been held, therefore Pakistan has no legal grounds to claim Kashmir.

2. As per Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir enjoys special autonomy, it has its own bank, flag, constitution, national anthem etc .
I am not bothered with what Pakistan does with its part of Kashmir which was forcibly and illegally grabbed in 1947-48. It has no legal authority over to administer Kashmir unless an internationally recognized free and fair plebiscite declares a majority vote in favour of Pakistan is declared. It had no right either to cede parts of Kashmir to China, or to directly rule Northern Areas or to IIRC engineer a demographic change.

3. Pakistani claim on Kashmir is based on 2-nation theory aka "the basis of Pakistani nationhood is neither territorial, racial, linguistic nor ethnic; rather they are a nation because they belong to the same faith, Islam". As per rules of 1947 partition, Pakistan had no right to invade Kashmir, it violated all legal treaties. Plebiscite under Indian adminstration in Kashmir would either squash or support "speculative" Pakistani claims on Kashmir (on the basis of 2-nation theory, a theory which was roundly debunked in 1971). Plebiscite would be held at the discretion of Indian govt. and I think Indian govt would wait for an opportune time to decide the matter in its favour.

4. 1971 proved that a nationhood based on faith ie Islam while disregarding ethnic, territorial, linguistic, ad racial dynamics is an erronous concept. Various insurgencies also debunk 2-nation theory.

5. Very commendable. Yet the world opinion is pro-India and Pakistan has had to shut down terror camps.

6. I don't live in denial.Some Kashmiris burst crackers when Pakistan wins matches against India, some burn Indian flags and raise Pakistani flags, some would rathe prefer death than to be ruled by Indians fine BUT at the same time over 60% of Kashmiris in a free, fair electin elected a Chief Minister who declares himself and Kashmir to be an Indian.

7. LeT, JeM, SeS, Taliban rings a bell ?

8. Perhaps it would be better that instead of lecturing me, you check the election results and accept the reality that 60% of Kashmiris voted for a pro-India CM.
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Kashmir not integral part of India: JKLF-R

Srinagar, January 29 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Rajbagh (JKLF-R), Farooq Siddiqi has rejected the assertion of Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee that Kashmir is an integral part of India.

Farooq Siddiqi in a statement issued in Srinagar said that Mukherjee’s assertion reflects either his ignorance about Kashmir or a wilful distortion of historic, legal and political status of Kashmir.

“Mukherjee must educate himself with geo-political history of India from Harsha Empire to present which will satisfy him that Kashmir was never a part of India”, he said, adding that he should inform himself with the international legalities attached with dispute of Kashmir before issuing false statements.

The JKLF Chairman termed Mukherjee`s statement as lawless act of belligerence. He said that to ignore the continuous mass political uprising against India in last 60 years of Kashmir’s occupation is absurd on the part of Indian Foreign Minister.

Farooq Siddiqi challenged Pranab Mukherjee to produce any legal document that will back his statement while reminded him that Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru had accepted the disputed status when he reiterated his position in a letter to the British Prime Minister on October 25, 1947.

The JKLF reminded Pranab Mukherjee when India took the Kashmir issue to the UN in 1948; it did so under article 35 of Chapter VI, which outlines the means for a peaceful settlement of disputes.

He said that India did not present the Kashmir case under the UN Chapter VII, which relates to acts of aggression as India was alleging Pakistan. Therefore, he added, it was evident that by raising the issue under chapter VI, India recognised the Kashmir dispute.

Yes, This is what we need. But do you think it will happen??? If this happens then LeT and other freaking terrorists must shut shop without any profit at hand!

I think india will keep kashmir on backburner for another decade or so, meanwhile it will try to decrease militancy, combat terrorism, increase development of kashmir, and bring ppl into electoral process.

once india is confident enough, it will conduct some kind of plebiscite.
kashmir muslim votes will be divided between 3 options pakistan, india and independence, so, the minority votes will be important. all the minorities in kashmir are with india. so, once india wins that, it can claim entire kashmir( including PaOK) morally.
I think india will keep kashmir on backburner for another decade or so, meanwhile it will try to decrease militancy, combat terrorism, increase development of kashmir, and bring ppl into electoral process.

once india is confident enough, it will conduct some kind of plebiscite.
kashmir muslim votes will be divided between 3 options pakistan, india and independence, so, the minority votes will be important. all the minorities in kashmir are with india. so, once india wins that, it can claim entire kashmir( including PaOK) morally.

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British MP for settling Kashmir Dispute

ISLAMABAD, Jan 29 (APP): British Member of Parliament Sir Gerald Kaufman has supported Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir and admitted that Kashmir Dispute was of serious nature. In a letter to President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Raja Zulqarnain Khan, the British MP held out the assurance that he would make best efforts to find a peaceful solution of the Kashmir Dispute.

Sir Gerald Kaufman’s letter came a week ahead of Kashmir Solidarity Day being marked on February 5, which Pakistanis and Kashmir, at home and abroad, enthusiastically observe to condemn illegal Indian occupation of the held valley as well as support indigenous freedom struggle.

The day would also features rallies, seminars and other events to be attended by people from all walks of life.

Besides, Pakistanis and Kashmiris would also form a ‘Human Chain’ three bridges that connects Kashmir to Pakistan as a sign to express solidarity with the Kashmiris.

The people would strongly abhor excesses done to innocent Kashmir people by India through brutal force.
Kashmir Problem From Ambedkarite Perspective


Dr. K. Jamanadas,

Region and the People

The state of Jammu and Kashmir has Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist population, mostly concentrated in valley, Jammu and Laddhak respectively.........

......Recent Discussion

During recent times, it was Ms, Tavleen Singh who in an article in Sunday Express of 20 April 2003, made a daring suggestion of third party international intervention by America in Kashmir dispute. She was correct in saying that India has already asked American help to tame down Pakistan and that we must realize to start with, that the problem can not be solved domestically.

Now supposing with some good fortune, wisdom prevails on all sides and such talks do take place, what the Indian side hopes best to bargain for? What is not only just and reasonable but also possible under the circumstances for the Indian side?

The answer to this has been given long time back by Dr. Ambedkar, who had said, as mentioned previously, that, the Hindu area of Jammu and Buddhist area of Laddhak be separated from the Muslim area of the Valley. These non-Muslim area should be the part of India and the valley be given independent status with every right to them to do what they want.

RSS realizes bifurcation is good

It is now after so many years that RSS has come to realize the sagacity of this formula and asked for bifurcation of J & K on such lines within Indian frame work, but the pride and prejudice will not allow them to implement even that.

Rule by force, how long?

From Pakistan point of view, no matter which group of people rule over Kashmir, it is going to be a Muslim rule. What more does Pak want? Unlike Hindus with thousands of castes and groups, Muslim society is comparatively more monolithic. If the individuals do not matter, how does it matter to Pak, whether Kashmiri people feel more comfortable in India or not?

From Indian point of view, Indian spending in Kashmir directly and indirectly has been so great that lot of developmental works could have been possible in rest of India with that money. Now, further, it is contemplated to spend on Railways in Kashmir from the resources from rest of India, as if it is going to be with you till the sun and moon last. The British could not rule India by the force of sword for long, will India or for that matter Pakistan rule Kashmir for long against their wishes? If the answer is negative, then why is the conflict?

A lost case for India

The Hindus, as a matter of fact, lost Kashmir forever in thirteenth century, when a boy of tender age, Ratanju, of no fixed religion or nationality was refused entry to Hinduism, and was converted by a Muslim fakir Bulbulshah to Islam. His son Shahamir usurped the throne. Kashmir, a Buddhist and Hindu country till then, became Muslim very soon. It is said, those pundits, who refused to become Muslims, were put in gunny bags and drowned in river Jehlam by Ratanju and Shahamir. The place in Shrinagar where they were drowned, is famous even now by the name of 'watta mazaar'. [Santram, Sarita Mukta vol. 8, p.162.]

Chenab formula

Muzamil Jaleel in Indian Express of 28 June 2003, wrote of Chenab Compromise. Though the official stance of both India and Pakistan says they want full control of Kashmir, they both are - may be under pressure from America - likely to come to accept the idea of compromise. India would be happy if LOC becomes International boundary, which has been strongly refuted by Pak. Now and again India talks of ***, knowing well that there are no takers.

What does Pak want to settle for - apart from full control of J & K - nobody knows. But Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan Prime Minister of ***, last month, had called upon both Delhi and Islamabad to consider River Chenab as the Border - ostensibly a Pak motivation. Australian Diplomat Sir Owen Dixon had expressed similar idea in 1950.Even in mid sixties, the Britain and US were urging both India and Pakistan for partition. In Pakistan media there seems to be support to Hayat proposal. Also the Kashmiri separatist leadership seems to favour the idea.

Will the caste ridden India accept it? Those who were talking of "Akhand Bharat", had to accept the Partition of India, as predicted by Ambedkar. But India and Pakistan both had to suffer a lot during the process with loss of life, property and human suffering, as the safeguards as advocated by Ambedkar were not followed.

Now the talks are likely to start on the problem. Partition along the river Chenab, which runs north of Jammu is one of the proposals for long time. But the partition involves human angle and all those precautions advocated by Ambedkar during partition of India and Pakistan will have to be taken, if the human tragedy has to be averted. ...


the *** are Pak occ Kashmir!
Then freaking stop the violence! A plebisicte will never be held with a gun to our Heads!
The problem is that there are many fighting Indian occupation that do not believe India will allow a plebiscite even if they lay down arms, and that the occupation will continue regardless. The GoI is going to have to accept the disputed status (which it currently does not) and come to an agreement such as the one mentioned, which can be publicized and then used to get the insurgents to disarm, and if necessary the Pakistani state can use force at that point against them, since there will be an agreement on a plebisicte.

But to get started on stopping the violence requires accepting that there is a problem, first, and then laying out a solution conditional to the stop in violence.

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