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the found ww1 U boat is finaly identified


Apr 2, 2017
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The researcher have finaly id the german ww1 U boat they had found lately.


After three diving attemps they finaly found a pice to ID the boat.
Normaly german ww1 carryed production numbers in their propeller, but the propeller was to much corrode and no number was found, a number found on the periscope did not help either, finaly they found a small badge at one of the torpedo tubes that allowed the identification.


They didn´t want to open the boat because there is still the crew inside since 100years...
The found boat is "UB 29" ... a famous U boat..
Build by Werft AG Weser and finished in Bremen, it went into service at the 31. Dez. 1915under command of Captain Herbert Pustkuchen. Early 1916 it shipped into the english channel to sink british ships. At the 24. March 1916 it made a world political crisis... it attacked without warning the british farry "Sussex" and damaged it heavy... 50 people died and many were wounded including many americans.


The US press run wild and US president Wilson send Germany the "Sussex note" a ultimatum to stop U Boat attacks without warnings (total U boat war) ...
After it no german boat was allowed to attack a civil ship without warning.
In Nov 1916 "UB 29" started its last mission with no return... it was last seen by belgium SS Keltier...
All the years researcher belived that UB29 was sunk by a british destroyer at the Goodwindsands in the street of Dover... but UB 29 escaped this attack damaged... it was rammed as the damage at the periscope showed.. it made it nearly back in it homeport Zeebruegge... there it most likely hit a mine and sunk.
Moste likely the boat will be claimed as seamans grave to protect it from sport diver and treasure hunter.

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Of all the men who fight for their countries - the submariners are bunch apart. It takes special type of man to be stuck in can under the water and most probably face a silent death and be interned for eternity at bottom of the sea. Salute to all these warriors from all nations ....
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