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The former serf Bazhu’s 99th birthday, Tibet, China


Aug 7, 2017
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The former serf Bazhu’s 99th birthday, Tibet, China
2019-03-23 16:12
On the evening of March 20th, the home of Bazhu, the elder man in Dingyu Village, Dulong District, Lhasa City, Tibet, was particularly lively. Friends, relatives and village cadres gathered together to celebrate the 99th birthday of the elderly.

The elder Bazhu who was born in 1920 was a exploited and oppressed Tibetan serf before the democratic reform. The old man recalled that there were 8 brothers in their family. Due to the extreme hardships of life, the food and clothing problems could not always be solved. The six brothers had left their homes to "make a living", leaving only him and another brother to stay in the Dingga village.

"Even if the snow mountain becomes ghee, it is occupied by the lord; even if the river becomes milk, we can't drink it. Although life is given by parents, the body is occupied by the lord." An ancient Tibetan song sang at that time the tragic life of serfs.

"I don't have enough to eat, I don't wear warm clothes. I am a owner's animal during the day and work hard for them. At night, I am a dog of the owner's house. I sleep in the cattle circle and look after the owner's home. There is no personal freedom, no human dignity." It is said that even if I am sick, I can only endure it. I can hardly get medical treatment. Some poor serfs are killed in heavy labor at a young age. "I don't expect longevity at all, and I don't even want to live a long life."

The democratic reforms in Tibet have turned millions of serfs into liberation. Mister Bazhu were also assigned with land, housing and livestock. At the same time, he became the leader of the “Langsheng Mutual Aid Group” in Dingyu Village, which opened a new chapter in his life. After that, the old people of Bazhu married his wife and have children, and became a well-known "enable person".


On the evening of March 20th, people gathered in the old home of Bazhu to celebrate the 99th birthday of the elderly (photo taken on March 20th). (Xinhua News Agency reporter Pu Buzai, photo)


At the birthday party, Mister Ba Zhu met his fortune with his great-grandson to show his blessing (photo taken on March 20). (Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Mei Duoji / photo)


Mister Bazhu communicated with students at the Deqing Township Central Primary School in Dulong Deqing District (photo taken on March 20). Xinhua News Agency reporter Pu Buzaxi

In the past 60 years, the life of the elderly family of five has undergone earth-shaking changes. A few years ago, Tibet implemented the housing project for farmers and herdsmen. The family received new houses and lived in spacious and bright Tibetan-style buildings. According to the government's policy of benefiting the people, the elderly also enjoy a total subsidy of more than 13,000 yuan per year, and the life is peaceful and happy.

The old man said: "Today, the lives of Tibetans are better every day. Everyone wants to live longer and healthier."

"I have lived a long life.

I hope I can live longer.

I wish Tibet

Social stability

People's happiness

Wishing the great motherland



On the 99th birthday, the old Bazhu made this wonderful wish.
新华社 03-23 16:12







3月20日晚,人们共聚巴珠老人家,庆祝老人99岁的生日(3月20日摄)。 新华社记者 普布扎西 摄


巴珠老人在生日聚会上和自己的曾孙碰额头,以示祝福(3月20日摄)。新华社记者 晋美多吉 摄


巴珠老人在堆龙德庆区德庆乡中心小学与学生交流(3月20日摄)。新华社记者 普布扎西 摄











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Just ask the Tibetans, you will know: Because Mao Zedong’s land and democratic reform (abolishing the privilege of the Tibetan slave owners and distributing the arable land in Tibet according to the Tibetan population),
the Tibetans received their own land, .
Before the People's Liberation Army liberated Tibet, it was unthinkable for Tibetan ordinary agricultural slaves to acquire their own land (the Dalai Lama itself and its temples occupy a lot of land and have a large number of Tibetan agricultural slaves).

For this reason only, the Tibetans are still thanking Mao Zedong.
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Tibet, China is not a backward place anymore and the people there are properly educated now thanks to the good deeds of the Chinese government. Meanwhile the tibetan traitors who fled in india are royally screwed with the caste system and poverty in that shitty country.
Tibet, China is not a backward place anymore and the people there are properly educated now thanks to the good deeds of the Chinese government. Meanwhile the tibetan traitors who fled in india are royally screwed with the caste system and poverty in that shitty country.
My grandpa once said, Without MAO Zedong, he would be dead for a very long time. There would never be a big family like ours with almost 80 members(my grandpa has two brothers,two sons and two daughters,my father has one son as me and my sister,my uncle has one son and two girls,my aunts both have both two children as well,and the two brothers of my Grandpa have even more larger offspring chains... ).

MAO Zedong is not perfect, he, made serious mistakes after 1957, but still respected and loved by CHINESEs.
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Tibetan's per capita GDP is several times of India's, this fact speaks volume, Tibet now is a fully modern cashless society with top world class infrastructure.
Tibetan's per capita GDP is several times of India's, this fact speaks volume, Tibet now is a fully modern cashless society with top world class infrastructure.
In the world, China's Tibet has the best infrastructure at altitudes above 3,500 and is still improving.

A sound infrastructure does not necessarily mean a developed country, but a developed country must have a sound infrastructure.
I am a SLAVE OWNER due to my meritorious past life.
You can check my records at the HELL Register.
You have to SLAVE your whole life for me due to your BAD past life.
Again check the HELL Register.

GENIUS SYSTEM to own Slaves.
Let me see where I choose to reincarnate, Shit Filled India or rising power China.
Why not I, a living God, just choose to live FOREVER instead.

Hopefully my slaves will never know this is ALL BS.
If truth be told, they will follow MY MASTER instead, THE CIA.
Dolly Lama

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Tibetan's per capita GDP is several times of India's, this fact speaks volume, Tibet now is a fully modern cashless society with top world class infrastructure.
China Tibet's GDP per capita in 2018 is around 6300 USD,still hard work need to be done to make it 10000USD.

But is already better than the richest region of India.

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