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The flaws in India’s plan to diplomatically isolate Pakistan

How can Indians or anyone in the world think or talk about isolating pakistan????? come on guys its impossible.not in a million years specially as long as we dont get cleared with IMF.Dunya hamari jan aise kase chorhe gi???? :crazy:
So here are some facts:
FDI in Pakistan came down by 21% in February : People don't want to invest in Pakistan Anymore https://tribune.com.pk/story/1357346/fdi-pakistan-drops-21-february/
This explains your IQ. No one cares about monthly reporting, read the actual article. It says FDI came down by 21% compared to last February. If this was annual, then it would've mattered. It's common to see FDI take a hit in the wake of terrorist attacks, but it's quick to recover from. Wait till end of the year, when annual reports come out before you decide to talk shit.

Tourism in Pakistan has been at an all time high since 2002-2008, yes we have an image problem and that's slowly fading away as foreigners bring back the reality of Pakistan to their home-countries after visiting Pakistan. North Pakistan especially has faced a sudden boom in tourism.

Pakistan has 3 and a half neighbors with three blaming Pakistan of creating troubles.
3 and a half? What are you smoking? We have two cunning neighbors (which have problems with the rest of their neighbors)A namak haram country and who couldn't miss the one and only 'supa powa' Gangadesh.

Afghanistan which keeps flooding our country with terrorists, drug dealers, arms dealers, criminal, thieves and etc... they also don't even recognize our current borders - which country on Earth wouldn't have problems with them? Then we have India, which has also had (and still has) issues with Bangladesh, Myanmar, China and Nepal - so that's not surprising.
And you very well know your title as well then.

We are known as Pakistanis throughout the world. I guess this is one negative thing came out of bollywood, the title of "slumdogs" for you lot. To call someone dog is a swear word in Urdu, I was being polite when I tweaked it to slum dwellers.
lool. here you go buddy this is the Uk parliament condemning India for its brutalities against Indian occupied kashmiris just last month. just because your awful indian media doesn't show you whats happening in the real world regarding Indian kashmir doesn't mean the world isn't condemning india
Is UK big enough super power for you ?
Epic Fail.
UK parliament did NOT pass any resolution.
This was a motion by a small parliamentary group with only 15-16 members of which many are of Pakistani origin &/or have constituencies with large muslim population.

I have no time for your repetitive rants. The thing is, none favoured India with any stance except diplomatic statements that too for personal interests which mostly based upon Business/Money. However, now you changed your statement further to integral part of Pakistan but that is what India always claimed and none acknowledged but always stated as Indian Held Kashmir. The writing is on the wall though you can close your eyes to feel good about that. Israeli reference is wrong w.r.t. Pakistan never accepted the same as a State at all. NaMO has already seen defeat hence, useless statements and fake claims of so-called isolation.

Side-note: There is no need to repeat your rant again & again only to prove nothing. Even if you update or yourself or not but do not troll with meaningless and self-satisfaction posts.
So now you are trying to divert by telling that Israel is apparently not an important country because Pakistan did not accept it.:rofl:
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So now you are trying to divert by telling that Israel is apparently not an important country because Pakistan did not accept it.:rofl:

For us, indeed and is that all you got to do on thread by trolling, how about if you take some rest.
Wrong - It worked "wonderfully" for Pakistan as dispute of Kashmir has been highlighted internationally and "wonderfully" AND THAT IS PAKISTAN POLICY AS INDIA ALWAYS AVOID AND CRY TO HIGHLIGHT KASHMIR ISSUE INTERNATIONALLY.

You are living in lala land... China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Azerbaijan all support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir..
Wrong again
China maintains a neutral stance on Kashmir.
Saudi Arabia has not issued a single statement on Kashmir last year.
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