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The First Chinese Aircraft Carrier




Okay, that is a big *** carrier.

Best of luck to PLAN, still some way to catch to the USN - currently operates 11 aircraft carriers in total.
some way??? It's a lot of way that too all 11 are nuclear powered.
Chinees which Fighter Plane will be on the your Aircraft Carrier
But the varyag is not nuclear powered meaning it cannot to global powerprojection.

The initial three Type 089 carriers (including the Varyag) will be conventional powered, while the two Type 085 carriers (93,000 tons each) will be nuclear powered.
@Vrayag: The day I heard some private Chinese company is buying it, I Thought what this son of Bi*** (Indian Defense minister)doing. There is nothing private in china. Every thing is state control. I was scared that China will have sophisticated Aircraft carrier technology. Now my fear came true. We could have stopped china from buying it (By buying it for us).

Then you've got a lot to learn.

@Carrier killer: DF21 (i think) is Ballistic missile with some guidance. I don't think its difficult to intercept for USA..


Every ballistic missile has guidance. However, this has terminal guidance (MaRV), which very few ballistic missiles are capable of possessing. This means that the warhead can change its trajectory and velocity during the terminal stage.

Modern anti ballistic missiles use pre calculated interception points based on a ballistic missile's constant velocity and trajectory. Because the DF-21D changes its velocity and trajectory, interception by anti ballistic missiles (such as that of the US AEGIS system) is pretty much impossible in the terminal stage or at least very, very unlikely.

It's like trying to chase a car when your own car doesn't have steering wheels or direction control.

@India: With Vikadi and IAC1, India will be no less than China.. 2 ACs are enough to defend form Vrayag.. (India's doctrine is defensive). And in near 100s of year we are not going to fight USA/NATO, neither they are going to attack us..

China won't be building 2 aircraft carriers. They will be having 5. China's doctrine is purely defensive as well.
BBC News - China aircraft carrier confirmed by general

The head of China's General Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has confirmed that China's first aircraft carrier is under construction.

Gen Chen Bingde refused to say when the carrier - a remodelled Soviet-era vessel, the Varyag - would be ready.


A member of his staff said the carrier would pose no threat to other nations.

The 300m (990ft) carrier, which is being built in the north-east port of Dalian, has been one of China's worst-kept secrets, analysts say.

Gen Chen made his comments to the Chinese-language Hong Kong Commercial Daily newspaper


Symbol of power

The PLA - the largest army in the world - is hugely secretive about its defence programme.

The carrier was constructed in the 1980s for the Soviet navy but was never completed. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the rusting hull of the Varyag sat in dockyards in Ukraine.

The giant, grey hulk of China's newest warship, 60,000 tonnes of steel, sits at a dockside in the port of Dalian, almost ready to set sail”

A Chinese company with links to the PLA bought the Varyag claiming it wanted to turn it into a floating casino in Macau.

The carrier is thought to be nearly finished, and is expected to begin sea trials later this year.

But the BBC's Michael Bristow in Beijing says that does not mean it will then be ready to undertake operational duties.

Learning how to operate it - and fly planes off it - will take a few more years to master, our correspondent says.

Lt Gen Qi Jianguo, assistant chief of the general staff, told the Hong Kong Commercial Daily that even after the aircraft carrier was deployed, it would "definitely not sail to other countries' territorial waters".

"All of the great nations in the world own aircraft carriers - they are symbols of a great nation," he was quoted as saying.

Lt Gen Qi said China had always followed a "defensive" principle for its military strategy.

"It would have been better for us if we acted sooner in understanding the oceans and mapping out our blue-water capabilities earlier.

"We are now facing heavy pressure in the oceans whether in the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea or the Taiwan Straits," he said.

China is engaged in maritime border disputes with several countries - including Vietnam and the Philippines.

The US, which has 11 fully-capable carrier strike groups, has also expressed concern about its rising naval ambitions.

The PLA has invested heavily in submarines. It is believed to be close to deploying the world's first "carrier-killer" ballistic missile designed to sink aircraft carriers while they are manoeuvring at sea up to 1,500km offshore, and it is building its own stealth fighter aircraft along with advanced carrier-based aircraft built from Russian designs.

All of these can target US bases, US ships and US carriers in Asia.

India is another emerging power pursuing a similar path - with an ex-Soviet carrier being modified for the Indian Navy, and work already under way on a first home-built vessel as well.

Over time, these developments will affect the maritime balance of power in Asia, says the BBC's defence and security correspondent Nick Childs.

China says other countries have nothing to fear, but its recent assertive diplomatic and military muscle-flexing has created waves in the region, he says.
Then you've got a lot to learn.
So do you.

Every ballistic missile has guidance.
Wrong. This has to do with the technical definition of 'guidance'.

However, this has terminal guidance (MaRV), which very few ballistic missiles are capable of possessing. This means that the warhead can change its trajectory and velocity during the terminal stage.
But not in the 'zig-zag' multiple maneuvers perception. The descent velocity does not allow the warhead that much time. At best, one course correction.

Modern anti ballistic missiles use pre calculated interception points based on a ballistic missile's constant velocity and trajectory. Because the DF-21D changes its velocity and trajectory, interception by anti ballistic missiles (such as that of the US AEGIS system) is pretty much impossible in the terminal stage or at least very, very unlikely.
Wrong...See above.
@Vrayag: The day I heard some private Chinese company is buying it, I Thought what this son of Bi*** (Indian Defense minister)doing. There is nothing private in china. Every thing is state control. I was scared that China will have sophisticated Aircraft carrier technology. Now my fear came true. We could have stopped china from buying it (By buying it for us).

Actually there were reports that India was offered Varyag before China bought it. But India didn't have the capability to reconstruct the AC on its own and unfortunately didn't even have shipping berths big enough to dock Varyag.
Actually there were reports that India was offered Varyag before China bought it. But India didn't have the capability to reconstruct the AC on its own and unfortunately didn't even have shipping berths big enough to dock Varyag.

Nope, Varyag belonged to Ukraine, there is no way that Ukraine would offer this toy to India since there were competition between them and Russia.

We bought this empty hull one and half decade ago just to study its structure layout. Today we can totally build a brand new one, but we aren't going to ditch Varyag since we won't waste nearly 100 million dollars spending on that hull, 20 million pay off to Ukraine and 80 million exchange reserve to Turkey.
Actually there were reports that India was offered Varyag before China bought it. But India didn't have the capability to reconstruct the AC on its own and unfortunately didn't even have shipping berths big enough to dock Varyag.

Nope, Varyag belonged to Ukraine, there is no way that Ukraine would offer this toy to India since there were competition between them and Russia.

We bought this empty hull one and half decade ago just to study its structure layout. Today we can totally build a brand new one, but we aren't going to ditch Varyag since we won't waste nearly 100 million dollars spending on that hull, 20 million pay off to Ukraine and 80 million exchange reserve to Turkey.

Yeah it's pretty much a case of source or it didn't happen.
China aircraft carrier confirmed by general

The head of China's General Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has confirmed that China's first aircraft carrier is under construction.

Gen Chen Bingde refused to say when the carrier - a remodelled Soviet-era vessel, the Varyag - would be ready.

A member of his staff said the carrier would pose no threat to other nations.

The 300m (990ft) carrier, under construction in Dalian, is thought to be nearly finished

The 300m (990ft) carrier, which is being built in the north-east port of Dalian, has been one of China's worst-kept secrets, analysts say.

Gen Chen made his comments to the Chinese-language Hong Kong Commercial Daily newspaper.

Symbol of power

The PLA - the largest army in the world - is hugely secretive about its defence programme.

The carrier was constructed in the 1980s for the Soviet navy but was never completed. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the rusting hull of the Varyag sat in dockyards in Ukraine.


Learning how to operate it - and fly planes off it - will take a few more years to master, our correspondent says.

Lt Gen Qi Jianguo, assistant chief of the general staff, told the Hong Kong Commercial Daily that even after the aircraft carrier was deployed, it would "definitely not sail to other countries' territorial waters".

"All of the great nations in the world own aircraft carriers - they are symbols of a great nation," he was quoted as saying.

Lt Gen Qi said China had always followed a "defensive" principle for its military strategy.

"It would have been better for us if we acted sooner in understanding the oceans and mapping out our blue-water capabilities earlier.

"We are now facing heavy pressure in the oceans whether in the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea or the Taiwan Straits," he said.

China is engaged in maritime border disputes with several countries - including Vietnam and the Philippines.

The US, which has 11 fully-capable carrier strike groups, has also expressed concern about its rising naval ambitions.

The PLA has invested heavily in submarines. It is believed to be close to deploying the world's first "carrier-killer" ballistic missile designed to sink aircraft carriers while they are manoeuvring at sea up to 1,500km offshore, and it is building its own stealth fighter aircraft along with advanced carrier-based aircraft built from Russian designs.

All of these can target US bases, US ships and US carriers in Asia.

India is another emerging power pursuing a similar path - with an ex-Soviet carrier being modified for the Indian Navy, and work already under way on a first home-built vessel as well.

Over time, these developments will affect the maritime balance of power in Asia, says the BBC's defence and security correspondent Nick Childs.

China says other countries have nothing to fear, but its recent assertive diplomatic and military muscle-flexing has created waves in the region, he says.


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