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The essence of the facts.......2

Christmas is the Pagan ritual entered into the religion through the church in 325 AD by Constantine in Constantinople.

The birth of Jesus was in mid-summer rather than winter of solstices which was the invention of the Pagans to worship “SUN” being born (raised) on 25th December, as they worship Sun so they thought that Sun has died on 23rd December because of shortest day, suddenly when sun was lifted up on 25th December they overjoyed and believed that the “SUN” has born on 25th of December and from that day this cult was entered.

Two verses from the Quran and Bible show that the birth of Jesus was in mid-summer not in winter Solstices.

The Quran says in chapter Maryam 19:25:

And shake the trunk of date-palm towards you, it will let fall fresh ripe-dates upon you.

In this verse, Allah was commanding Mary, mother of Jesus, through an Angel to go to Palm tree and shake the trunk and dates will fall thereof then eat them and get refreshed in your pangs and throes.

Now if you meet any horticulturist he will tell you that the dates always fall in mid-summers.

Now let us analyze the Bible.

Luke 2:8

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.”

Ask these Christian missionaries why were shepherds looking at their flocks in 25th December at night time? When at that time it happened to be much cold in the open field that the flocks could freeze to death. Those days were not like these days as there was a city heat of vehicles and industries.

Then we are told that when Jesus was born three kings came to visit the child by following the star from the east. How come in the winter nights stars can be seen? As we know that the mist, fog and smoke cover the sky in winters.

So we can conclude that Bible is not giving the specific date neither the Quran but the hint is there that it was summer time not winter.

The tradition was added by the Church in 325 AD regarding the names like Easter Day, Eucharist and Christmas etc.

القس المعمداني يعترف بأن الكريسماس إحتفال وثني! - الشيخ عثمان فاروق

محمد علي يشرح لثلاث نصارى عنيدين لماذا لا يمكن الاعتماد على الكتاب المقدس #dawateislami

when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates youtube

ممرضة تريد أن تسلم والزوج ابى فيقاطع الشيخ...أشهدُ

شمسي يرد على التهنئة بالكريسماس


*****The glad tidings of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, in the books of previous religions (C)

✍️ ✍️ ✍️ ✍️


They were repeated in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the books of other religions

Phrases, signs, and indications that talk about the final prophet

who will come after Moses and after Jesus, peace be upon them

They only apply to the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace)

They refer to his name, lineage, the place of his mission, and the spread of his call

And they describe his nation that will extend to every place the sun rises

And will gather throughout history from all over for Hajj and Umrah in Mecca

In clear texts that do not require much thought or interpretation:



10 - His migration from Mecca to Medina:

In (Isaiah 21/14):

"14bring water for the thirsty; you who live in Tema, bring food for the fugitives"

This is a reference to the people of Medina who sheltered the Prophet and his companions from the immigrants

And each one of them made a brother of the immigrants who came and shared food and drink with him,

And the name of "Medina" before the migration was "Yathrib" or "Taybah"

And note the similarity between the latter name and "Tayma".☝


The migration was by the permission of Allah when he informed his Messenger Muhammad, may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him

What the infidels had agreed upon, that they would strike him with their swords as one man so that his blood would be divided among the tribes

So reflect on what came in the same prophecy (Isaiah 21/15).

:15They flee from the sword, from the drawn sword, from the bent bow and from the heat of battle." ☝


11 - He does not know how to read or write:

It is stated in the prophecy (Isaiah 29/12):

"12 Or if you give the scroll to someone who cannot read, and say, “Read this, please,” they will answer, “I don’t know how to read.”.'" ☝

This is a description that only applies to the illiterate prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Not Moses or Jesus; Both of them received ample education before their mission,

And the prophecy is also strikingly consistent with the hadith of the beginning of the revelation:

"Until the truth came to him while he was in the cave of Hira, the angel came to him and said: Read. He said: I am not a reader.

He said: So he took me and covered me until I was exhausted, then he released me and said: Read. I said: I am not a reader.

So he took me and covered me a second time until I was exhausted, then he released me and said: Read. I said: I am not a reader.

So he took me and covered me a third time, then he released me

And he said: ) Read in the name of your Lord who created * Created man from a clot * Read, and your Lord is the Most Generous(

So the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) returned with his heart trembling.." (Bukhari). ☝


12-– The beloved Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace:

His name is “the one who deserves praise” Ahmad, Muhammad, and Mahmoud

The name of the coming prophet came in the Gospels translated from Greek, from Hebrew, from Aramaic

with the word “the Comforter” in: (John 16/7) and (John 14/26) and (John 14/16).


“Comforter” is a translation of the Greek word Paracletos, meaning:

Advocate, supporter, or intercessor

And its origin is the Hebrew word “Peraclete” and “Paraclete” which means:

the one who deserves praise, i.e. the praised one, Muhammad, or Ahmad. ☝

And in (Luke 2/14):

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,

and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”."

In its original Syriac language, the accurate translation was:

"Praise be to God in the highest, Islam is about to come to earth, presented to people by Ahmad."


✍️ 👁👁 ✍️

Therefore I say to the followers of all religions (Christian - Jewish - Hindu - Buddhist):

And as we have seen with conclusive evidence

Follow me and be patient every time

To see the close relationship that concerns you with Mecca

And judge for yourself in the end

I ask God Almighty to enlighten your insight to return to worshipping God (the Father) alone

For Muslims worship God (the Father) alone, just as the Prophet Christ worshipped the Father alone

In John 17: 3

(Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent..) ☝

تأخر الشيخ على الطائر كان سبب في هداية إمرأة ابنها اعتنق الاسلام #dawateislami

أشهر يوتيوبر أمريكي في حوار مع محمد علي​

مسيحي جاء للسخرية من مسلم فتعلّم درس قاسي جعله يفرّ بجلده​

مسيحي أمضى 70 عاماً معتقداً أنه ذكي لكنه اكتشف الحقيقة! فرفض تصديقها لخوفه​

• The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had a strong presence. His charismatic nature left a strong impact on all those who met him. A lady named Umm Maʿbad who met him on his way to Medina and described him as follows:

• I saw a man, pure and clean, with a handsome face and a fine figure. He was not marred by a skinny body, nor was he overly small in the head and neck. He was graceful and elegant, with intensely black eyes and thick eyelashes. There was a huskiness in his voice, and his neck was long. His beard was thick, and his eyebrows were finely arched and joined together.

• When silent, he was grave and dignified, and when he spoke, glory rose up and overcame him. He was from afar the most beautiful of men and the most glorious, and close up he was the sweetest and the loveliest. He was sweet of speech and articulate, but not petty or trifling. His speech was a string of cascading pearls, measured so that none despaired of its length, and no eye challenged him because of brevity.

In company, he is like a branch between two other branches, but he is the most flourishing of the three in appearance, and the loveliest in power. He has friends surrounding him, who listen to his words. If he commands, they obey implicitly, with eagerness and haste, without frown or complaint (Shama’il al-Tirmidhi).

• Muhammad peace be upon him became a Prophet at the age of forty. Prior to that, he was living a normal life in society. He conducted business, married, attended social gatherings, and mingled with all types of people. He did not lie even when he told jokes and never cheated in business. He had one characteristic that quickly became apparent to all those who interacted with him; honesty. He was never known to have lied and even those who rejected his message referred to him as the truthful one.

سيدة مهذبة تستفسر عن الاسلام لان ابنها دخل الاسلام #dawateislami

محمد علي و يهودي يسأل عن الاسلام و يعتقد انه يعلم كل شئ #اسلام

نصراني يسأل محمد علي عن ضرب المرأة في القرآن​


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