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Turkey has Qatar, not Iran.

I suggest you do more research. IRGC and Qatar signed an agreement which would allow IRGC to enter Qatar territorial waters if requested by Qatar. It was not publicized too much. Turkey has closer relationship as they are both Muslim Brotherhood supporters

Qatar has good relations with Iran in the future it will increase as Qatar has bet that Iran and Turkey will gain more ground in the Middle East in the future.
I suggest you do more research. IRGC and Qatar signed an agreement which would allow IRGC to enter Qatar territorial waters if requested by Qatar. It was not publicized too much. Turkey has closer relationship as they are both Muslim Brotherhood supporters

Qatar has good relations with Iran in the future it will increase as Qatar has bet that Iran and Turkey will gain more ground in the Middle East in the future.
Seriously, don't count on it. Qatar is conducting business with Iran because it has no other choice at the moment, considering the fact that all Arab countries around her have isolated her. It is not a matter of strategic forecasting, but rather a matter of necessity. As soon as something changes between Qatar and the Saudi axis in the region, Qatar will turn her back on Iran again.

Even now most of the economic benefits of the Saudi embargo on Qatar are going to Turkey's pocket, not Iran's.

I suggest you to read about the recent reports in the Israeli media that Qatar will be the first Arab country to accept Trump's deal of century for solving the Palestinian issue.
Seriously, don't count on it. Qatar is conducting business with Iran because it has no other choice at the moment, considering the fact that all Arab countries around her have isolated her. It is not a matter of strategic forecasting, but rather a matter of necessity. As soon as something changes between Qatar and the Saudi axis in the region, Qatar will turn her back on Iran again.

Even now most of the economic benefits of the Saudi embargo on Qatar are going to Turkey's pocket, not Iran's.

I suggest you to read about the recent reports in the Israeli media that Qatar will be the first Arab country to accept Trump's deal of century for solving the Palestinian issue.

Persian Gulf Arab Nations tend to be "fair weather" friends at best.
Seriously, don't count on it. Qatar is conducting business with Iran because it has no other choice at the moment, considering the fact that all Arab countries around her have isolated her. It is not a matter of strategic forecasting, but rather a matter of necessity. As soon as something changes between Qatar and the Saudi axis in the region, Qatar will turn her back on Iran again.

Even now most of the economic benefits of the Saudi embargo on Qatar are going to Turkey's pocket, not Iran's.

I suggest you to read about the recent reports in the Israeli media that Qatar will be the first Arab country to accept Trump's deal of century for solving the Palestinian issue.

You fail to understand the differences in the Arab world in the first place.

There won’t be any major reconciliation between Qatar and Saudi Arabia because the issue stems that Saudi Arabia wants complete authority over all matters in the Arab world while Qatar wants to also be its own power player and independent party. Hence why you see Qatar supporting MB party. It’s views are mostly in line with Turkey hence their close cooperation.

Qatar doesn’t see Iran as boogeyman. It can be seen by their non biased reporting via their news channel Arabic Al Jazerra and how they portray Iran. Qatar is hedging it’s bets that Iran will come atop in the Middle East and it would rather be on friendly footing similar to Oman.

Again do some research and you will see it’s not as simple as you portray it. Qatar signing a maritime agreement with IRGC is no small feat. Of course Turkey is much closer to Qatar than Iran, no one disputes this assertion. But on the matter of Iran, Qatar is one of the more friendlier nations and the decision has made with long term implications not merely superficial as you claim.
You fail to understand the differences in the Arab world in the first place.

There won’t be any major reconciliation between Qatar and Saudi Arabia because the issue stems that Saudi Arabia wants complete authority over all matters in the Arab world while Qatar wants to also be its own power player and independent party. Hence why you see Qatar supporting MB party. It’s views are mostly in line with Turkey hence their close cooperation.

Qatar doesn’t see Iran as boogeyman. It can be seen by their non biased reporting via their news channel Arabic Al Jazerra and how they portray Iran. Qatar is hedging it’s bets that Iran will come atop in the Middle East and it would rather be on friendly footing similar to Oman.

Again do some research and you will see it’s not as simple as you portray it. Qatar signing a maritime agreement with IRGC is no small feat. Of course Turkey is much closer to Qatar than Iran, no one disputes this assertion. But on the matter of Iran, Qatar is one of the more friendlier nations and the decision has made with long term implications not merely superficial as you claim.
Yeah, you're showing your deep understanding of the Arab world by comments like this LOL

The United Arab Emirates also does not appreciate the Saudi authority over Arab world matters, or at least when it comes to Arab states in the Persian Gulf region, but that hasn't stopped the UAE (which is not less prosperous or powerful than Qatar by the way) to have strategic ties with Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, you talk like states like Qatar or the UAE hold any geopolitical weight to challenge the regional powers of the Middle East. Well, they don't.

As the Iraqi guy said, Qatar is hosting American troops. Al-Udeid remains the US largest military base in the Middle East. It has been reported by different sources (although it should be taken with a grain of salt due to conflicts of interest) that the American forces which assassinated General Soleimani were coordinated and had taken off from Qatar. Qatar literally depends on Iran for survival during the embargo, but Iran has benefited next to nothing from business with Qatar during this time. Al-Jazeera wants to be seen as an independent news outlet to have a wider audience. That's why they don't portray Iran like Al-Arabiya, for example.

One of the friendlier nations? Yes; but saying that Iran has Qatar is wishful thinking.
Yeah, you're showing your deep understanding of the Arab world by comments like this LOL

The United Arab Emirates also does not appreciate the Saudi authority over Arab world matters, or at least when it comes to Arab states in the Persian Gulf region, but that hasn't stopped the UAE (which is not less prosperous or powerful than Qatar by the way) to have strategic ties with Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, you talk like states like Qatar or the UAE hold any geopolitical weight to challenge the regional powers of the Middle East. Well, they don't.

As the Iraqi guy said, Qatar is hosting American troops. Al-Udeid remains the US largest military base in the Middle East. It has been reported by different sources (although it should be taken with a grain of salt due to conflicts of interest) that the American forces which assassinated General Soleimani were coordinated and had taken off from Qatar. Qatar literally depends on Iran for survival during the embargo, but Iran has benefited next to nothing from business with Qatar during this time. Al-Jazeera wants to be seen as an independent news outlet to have a wider audience. That's why they don't portray Iran like Al-Arabiya, for example.

One of the friendlier nations? Yes; but saying that Iran has Qatar is wishful thinking.

That “Iraqi guy” you seem to like is a troll who justifies the actions of a terrorist group like ISIS and white washes Sunni crimes. His opinion is worth less than the dirt under my shoe.

Iran and Turkey have successfully pulled Qatar out of Saudi orbit. Just because you yourself don’t “see” any benefit to Iran doesn’t mean you are correct. And you saying Al Jazerra wants to be seen as a fair news out let is again a joke when you compare the huge difference in reporting bias with English Al Jazzera.

And you act like hosting US troops is something that would change overnight? Has it changed in Iraq overnight? Turkey? Afghanistan? Syria? Lebanon in the 80’s?

One shouldn’t expect Qatar’s actions to change overnight nor should they expect Qatar to be a Turkish or Iranian satellite state. But one shouldn’t point to Qatar wanting to keep western relationships as proof that it’s somehow anti iran. Even reformists in Iran want western relationships. Also I should add Having US Centcom in Qatar provides Iranian intelligence with a lot of opportunity.

An independent Friendly thinking Qatar is very valuable to Iran. Qatar recognizes that Iran is only going to get stronger and it’s hedging it’s bets. Saudi Arabia and the PGCC are siding with Israel to hedge their bets since they have failed to roll Back Iran’s influence.

Issue is Israel for all the military bluster is a weak country socially and economically right now. They are fighting their own economic crisis. How long will US spend resources trying to counter Iran while China grows more and more stronger economically and militarily?

There is a great power game going on. IRGC is operating in many countries including Sudan, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar. If you listen to IRGC communications over the years there are some countries they have yet to announce involvement in due to sensitivity of the matter.

What has made IRGC successful in long run is it builds RELATIONSHIP with many different actors Sunni, Kurds,Shiites and then leveraged those relationships into gaining power. Not everything has to be won with the sword.

Everyone wants to see instant results. Geopolitics doesn’t work that way.
Qatar's source of wealth is natural gas. The gas is extracted from the world's biggest natural gas reserve in the Persian gulf which is shared with Iran...They call their part "North Dome" and Iran calls her part "South Pars" . Iran recently surpassed gas extraction from this common field but Qatar was extracting from it 10 years ahead of Iran when Iran was busy fighting the war.
now this puts Qatar is a very delicate situation..they have to have good relation with Iran no mater what...also I think (not 100% sure..correct me if I am wrong) the wife of Qatar ex-King and the father of the current king was of Iranian origin. these are some additional reasons for Qatar being more friendly with Iran.
That “Iraqi guy” you seem to like is a troll who justifies the actions of a terrorist group like ISIS and white washes Sunni crimes. His opinion is worth less than the dirt under my shoe.

Iran and Turkey have successfully pulled Qatar out of Saudi orbit. Just because you yourself don’t “see” any benefit to Iran doesn’t mean you are correct. And you saying Al Jazerra wants to be seen as a fair news out let is again a joke when you compare the huge difference in reporting bias with English Al Jazzera.

And you act like hosting US troops is something that would change overnight? Has it changed in Iraq overnight? Turkey? Afghanistan? Syria? Lebanon in the 80’s?

One shouldn’t expect Qatar’s actions to change overnight nor should they expect Qatar to be a Turkish or Iranian satellite state. But one shouldn’t point to Qatar wanting to keep western relationships as proof that it’s somehow anti iran. Even reformists in Iran want western relationships. Also I should add Having US Centcom in Qatar provides Iranian intelligence with a lot of opportunity.

An independent Friendly thinking Qatar is very valuable to Iran. Qatar recognizes that Iran is only going to get stronger and it’s hedging it’s bets. Saudi Arabia and the PGCC are siding with Israel to hedge their bets since they have failed to roll Back Iran’s influence.

Issue is Israel for all the military bluster is a weak country socially and economically right now. They are fighting their own economic crisis. How long will US spend resources trying to counter Iran while China grows more and more stronger economically and militarily?

There is a great power game going on. IRGC is operating in many countries including Sudan, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar. If you listen to IRGC communications over the years there are some countries they have yet to announce involvement in due to sensitivity of the matter.

What has made IRGC successful in long run is it builds RELATIONSHIP with many different actors Sunni, Kurds,Shiites and then leveraged those relationships into gaining power. Not everything has to be won with the sword.

Everyone wants to see instant results. Geopolitics doesn’t work that way.
Well, if you think there has been any kind of economic benefit for Iran helping Qatar during the Saudi imposed blockade on her, name it. In fact we have better economic ties with the UAE than Qatar. More Iranian tourists visit the UAE than Qatar. What has Qatar done for Iran in the last decade? Name it. Considering the fact that we're saving them from being chocked by the Saudis, I am really interested to know how grateful they have been for our support.

You said Qatar is in Iran's pocket. Now you have to say how it is in Iran's pocket exactly. The rest of your post isn't really about Iran-Qatar relations, but general stuff that are irrelevant to what you claimed.
Well, if you think there has been any kind of economic benefit for Iran helping Qatar during the Saudi imposed blockade on her, name it. In fact we have better economic ties with the UAE than Qatar. More Iranian tourists visit the UAE than Qatar. What has Qatar done for Iran in the last decade? Name it. Considering the fact that we're saving them from being chocked by the Saudis, I am really interested to know how grateful they have been for our support.

You said Qatar is in Iran's pocket. Now you have to say how it is in Iran's pocket exactly. The rest of your post isn't really about Iran-Qatar relations, but general stuff that are irrelevant to what you claimed.

Be patient and you will see. Hopefully you are still on PDF at that time.

here are some “public” announcements

Again Qatar has to walk a fine line right now. You (or I) don’t know how much Qatar has paid Iran behind the scenes for helping during the blockade. Just like we don’t know how much gold Venezuela has given Iran for its sanctions busting efforts. After all neither country wants the relationship to be exposed. When I saw the IRGC and Qatar maritime agreement that’s when I knew stuff was happening behind the scenes.

And I do not wish to say Qatar is Iran’s or Iran’s satellite. Merely that it is friendly country poised to be a Greater ally in the future as Saudi influence wanes. That is a monumental development in itself.

@QWECXZ @Dariush the Great

Like I continue to say...be patient...the sun doesn’t stay behind the clouds forever.

@QWECXZ @Dariush the Great

Like I continue to say...be patient...the sun doesn’t stay behind the clouds forever.
Like all projects it is totally uncertain if this will be realized. And the point still stands : Iran is getting milked by Qatar and IR is allowing it to happen.
Iran is getting milked by Qatar and IR is allowing it to happen.

Iran getting "milked" by Qatar...? No, not at all.

This is quite an absurd remark to make. Iran's exports to Qatar are worth about ten times its imports.

Also, it's pretty irrelevant whether Qatar's spat with the Saudis is going to be short-lived (right now, it has already lasted far longer than many had predicted). The fact remains that Iran benefits from the current situation, both economically with its approximately $400 million of exports (registering a huge rise), geostrategically and also in the informational realm (since an influential broadcaster like Al-Jazeera will be motivated to tone down its anti-Iran propaganda).

Likewise, the fact remains that both because of the shared giant gas field (as aryobarzan correctly pointed out) and because of its peculiar geopolitical position and ambitions, Doha will continue to consider it in its interest to balance out relations with other Persian Gulf Arab monarchies and with Iran respectively.

Once more, things aren't nearly as gloomy and desperate for Iran as some seem to believe. I'd say kudos to the IR and its wise Leadership for seizing and correctly managing these opportunities.
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Envoy criticizes IAEA chief for using 'nonrelevant' terms on Iran nuclear program

Iran’s ambassador to international organizations in Vienna has criticized head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for using 'nonrelevant' terms in his remarks on Iran’s nuclear program, saying such terms have no place in IAEA’s documents.

In an interview with Austrian paper Die Presse published on its website on Saturday, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi was asked about Iran’s “breakout” time — the period it would take to produce enough nuclear material for one weapon.

He replied, “In the IAEA we do not talk about breakout time. We look at the significant quantity, the minimum amount of enriched uranium or plutonium needed to make an atomic bomb. Iran does not have this significant quantity at the moment.”

Reacting to those remarks in a Sunday tweet, Kazem Gharibabadi noted, “Drawing self-made criteria such as ‘breakout’ and ‘significant quantity’ for countries which are enriching uranium under the IAEA’s surveillance is nonrelevant and has no status in the IAEA legal documents.”

Am. @Gharibabadi: Drawing self-made criteria such as “break out” and “significant quantity” for countries which are enriching uranium under the IAEA’s surveillance is non-relevant and has no status in the IAEA legal documents. pic.twitter.com/rChvX020Ri
— Permanent Mission of I.R.Iran to UN-Vienna (@PMIRAN_Vienna) October 11, 2020
Can Director General Grossi tell us, Gharibabadi asked, “what is the number of SQ for N5 (five countries possessing nuclear weapons) and NNWSs (non-nuclear-weapon states) such as the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Brazil and Argentina?”

“Better not to measure the activities under Safeguards in this way! Weapon/civilian grade material may be a better definition.” Iran’s envoy added.

Gharibabadi then reminded, “There are more than 1,300 tons of HEU (highly enriched uranium) and 300 tons of Plutonium in the world and according to the SIR 2019, total SQ also amounts to 216448 (8 pct more since 2015). What a dangerous world we are living in?!”

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