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The Emperor of Japan Turns 82 Today (December 23, 2015)

@WebMaster @Hu Songshan @waz
I need your explanation why can this guy with Japanese flag use his TT privilege to persistently retaliate Chinese member here. He always accuse us of using slur word such as japs, but what i have seen is that the members of other countries who had used the same words have never faced the situation that Chinese members faced.
Anyone can tell me which words I used is the slur word Japanese called? loser? I was just describing a fact, did you think Japan is not the loser of WWII. The TT status just become the tool that one member used to retaliate another one, that is quite disgusting.
@Keel @AndrewJin @Jlaw @TaiShang @Genesis @ChineseTiger1986 @jkroo @Kyle Sun @dy1022 @Beidou2020 @Economic superpower @Chinese Bamboo @oproh @dlclong @j20blackdragon @sword1947 @terranMarine @ahojunk etc come here and see how Japanese act.
man, time is in our side, we do not have to worry
As I preconceived before, my posts was deleted again, some incompetent TT man still has used his privilege to delete my reasonable and objective posts that has no any slur words he called and is just disliked by him. Now I repost what i have posted here, sir @WebMaster @waz @Hu Songshan please as a witness here to guarantee my posts are not deleted by some incompetent TT with higher privilege just because of his dislike. In addition, if the posts were deleted again, I will repost it again, I have kept it by word, I think everyone has the right to reasonably express its viewpoints, PDF is not the place that is exclusive to some member here.
man, time is in our side, we do not have to worry
Definitely, what I did here is just to help improve the forum. The stealth troll with no stance that has no any constructive viewpoints and analyses except some prosaic quotations that can seen everywhere and are full of flatteries and compliments has no quality to be given the TT privilege just as the head of several little islands, who had committed countless atrocities to hundreds of millions of innocent people and should have been executed after Tokyo Trial after WWII, has no quality to be called emperor and get any respect from others.

in tradition Japanese King 'Emperor's' royal title was always given by Chinese emperor or approval for such title```
but now since we are republic, so they can use whatever title they want``anyway HBD
Two thousand years ago our ancient has alleged that "王候将相宁有种乎?", we see everyone equal even emperor. Especially in modern times we have no any interest and obligation to call anyone as emperor, that is quite feudal and idiot.
China should degrade the head of islands to king or chief in all official documents, just as we have officially degraded the China-Japan relation to the level equal to the China-Korea relation.

Of course but I was pointing out that a country can do more than its size. japan was able to take over most of the region and defeat bigger enemies like the Russian Empire and smaller Britain was able to create an even bigger empire
The reason that Japan can take over the region is that the main power Qing dynasty entered into its late time when any reform of society is very dangerous to the stability of political situation and hard to be promoted. We faced the situation that being surrounded by all stronger western powers that all are far stronger than us, which we called "三千年未有之变局" that meant "unexpected turn of events during three thousands years". We faced all western powers as our enemies, the situation we faced is far more complex than Japan faced. And Japan, a tiny one, is easy to reform its political and social structure, just like a little car turning far easier than a heavy freight truck. They faced a wonderful fortune that is hard to encounter during thousands of years, we faced the unexpected hardship during thousands of years, then they can have no fear to rob a super big, wealth and weak neighbor, the wealth Japan robbed accounted for the material basis of the rise of the modern Japan.
The real enemy of a great power is only itself, the last example is USSR.
Emperor Akihito turns 82, pays tribute to WWII victims and people living with its legacy

Emperor Akihito turned 82 on Wednesday, paying tribute to all who suffered during World War II, including those in Japan and overseas who live with its legacy today. He said it is “most important” for Japan’s future that the war is remembered and understood.

“Looking back over the past year, I feel that it was a year in which I spent much time thinking about the war in various ways,” he said.

“With each passing year, we will have more and more Japanese who have never experienced war, but I believe having thorough knowledge about the last war and deepening our thoughts about the war is most important for the future of Japan,” he said.

The Emperor made the comments at a press conference held in advance of his birthday. Their publication was embargoed until the day itself.

The Emperor told reporters he is “beginning to feel” his age. “There were times when I made some mistakes at events,” he said, adding that he will try “to minimize such incidents by continuing to do the best I can” during official duties.

The news conference was barely that: In consideration of his age, only one question was allowed to be put to the Emperor. Last year, the press corps was allowed to throw two.

The Emperor and Empress Michiko, 81, spent parts of the year commemorating the war dead, visiting World War II battle sites and meeting with people who experienced the conflict both at home and abroad. In April, the Imperial Couple visited the Pacific island nation of Palau, the site of a major battle during the war.

“It pains me deeply to think of the many who lost their lives” during the war, the Emperor said, as they “could have led meaningful lives in various areas of society” had peace prevailed.

Recalling his trip to Palau, the Emperor said the country, when seen from the air, “is made up of beautiful islands surrounded by coral reefs,” but countless unexploded bombs remain submerged in the sea. He said, let it never be forgotten that the war “has imposed a heavy burden on the people living on those islands.”

His voice trembled as he spoke of the sinkings of many civilian vessels transporting military supplies and personnel, noting that the war took away many lives, including those of civilians such as the sailors who crewed the ships.

“In those days, Japan lacked command of the air and no battleships were available to escort the transport vessels. It gives me great pain to think of the feelings of the sailors who had to engage in transport operations under such conditions,” he said.

The Emperor also expressed sympathy for those affected by natural disasters this year, such as a volcanic eruption on Kuchinoerabu Island in Kagoshima Prefecture and heavy rain that pounded the Japanese archipelago in September. He praised the efforts of volunteers to help the victims.

Looking back on the year, the Emperor expressed the pleasure he took from two Japanese scientists winning Nobel Prizes in medicine and physics, and the successful test flight of the Mitsubishi Regional Jet, Japan’s first domestically produced commercial passenger jet.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry paid tribute to the state of bilateral relations that continue to prosper under Emperor Akihito.

“On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I would like to take the opportunity to send my warmest wishes to the Emperor of Japan on the occasion of his birthday, and to congratulate the people of Japan on this national day of celebration,” Kerry said in a statement.

He said Washington and Tokyo share a “mutual commitment” to peace and prosperity for the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, and noted that the two nations are working as partners on matters of global concern, such as the fight against Ebola.

Emperor Akihito turns 82, pays tribute to WWII victims and people living with its legacy | The Japan Times
a pretty common thought is that Mao maybe should have passed away 20 years or so earlier and allow the likes of zhou and deng to take over earlier, for he was a warrior for sure but no administrator.

This is a fine view and I agree with you friend. But hindsight is 20/20.
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