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The Emperor of Japan Turns 82 Today (December 23, 2015)

Ask our chinese imperialist maoist counterparts

Not all Chinese consider Mao a venerable person, some do, some do not. I think the Chinese leader who is worthy of reverence and respect is Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
look at history and see what Tiny Islands can do
Compared with your country, it is bigger one, but by comparing their ability with their own ambition, it is quite a tiny or petty one.
If the tiny one can do something different, that just is because they confronted accidently the fortune that is hard to meet within thousands of years. The tragedy of Japan is that Japan is forever the one influenced by others, not the one influencing others.


look at the loser
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Compared with your country, it is bigger one, but by comparing their ability with their own ambition, it is quite a tiny or petty one.
If the tiny one can do something different, that just is because they confronted accidently the fortune that is hard to meet within thousands of years. The tragedy of Japan is that Japan is forever the one influenced by others, not the one influencing others.


look at the loser:rofl:

That japanese was lucky to get away from the trial for war crimes

That japanese was lucky to get away from the trial for war crimes


Watch your tongue. The Emperor is not some kind of commoner , you shall not DARE utter against His Imperial Majesty.
That japanese was lucky to get away from the trial for war crimes

Trust me, for Japanese the "Judge day" will truly definitely happen. The trial is never over.:agree:

look at history and see what Tiny Islands can do
If you can read Chinese or Japanese, when you read the Japanese name of Japanese emperor, 天皇, do you know what meaning? the emperor of sky or universe, you may laugh all one day, it is extremely incompatible. it is also the incompatibility between its strength or size and its ambition, its practical status and its called status.
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Watch your tongue. The Emperor is not some kind of commoner , you shall not DARE utter against His Imperial Majesty.

You need to lift your head out of the deep hole of denial

Read these:

The Japanese Emperor Hirohito and all members of the imperial family, such as career officer Prince Yasuhiko Asaka, were not prosecuted for involvement in any of the three categories of crimes. Herbert Bix explained, "the Truman administration and General MacArthur both believed the occupation reforms would be implemented smoothly if they used Hirohito to legitimise their changes".[1] As many as 50 suspects, such as Nobusuke Kishi, who later became Prime Minister, and Yoshisuke Aikawa, head of Nissan, were charged but released in 1947 and 1948. Shiro Ishii received immunity in exchange for data gathered from his experiments on live prisoners. The lone dissenting judge to exonerate all indictees was Indian juris tRadhabinod Pal.

International Military Tribunal for the Far East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How the United States protected Japanese war criminals

Why did the Allies let the Japanese emperor (Michinomiya Hirohito) escape with his crimes against humanity during World War II, and let him live for the rest of his life? Wasn't he suppose to be executed just like the other commanders? - Quora

Watch your language against our leaders!

Compared with your country, it is bigger one, but by comparing their ability with their own ambition, it is quite a tiny or petty one.
If the tiny one can do something different, that just is because they confronted accidently the fortune that is hard to meet within thousands of years. The tragedy of Japan is that Japan is forever the one influenced by others, not the one influencing others.


look at the loser
@WebMaster @Hu Songshan @waz
I need your explanation why can this guy with Japanese flag use his TT privilege to persistently retaliate Chinese member here. He always accuse us of using slur word such as japs, but what i have seen is that the members of other countries who had used the same words have never faced the situation that Chinese members faced.
Anyone can tell me which words I used is the slur word Japanese called? loser? The image of the so-called emperor in our Chinese eyes is just similar to the image of Adolf Hitler in Jewish eyes. Because of the reasons as everyone knows, the so-called emperor has not been executed for his atrocities, but the forum is not the place where a member with higher privilege compels other members to like their enemy. We have the right to express our dislikes, and my viewpoint here is that the head of several little islands has no the quality to be called emperor; the man who has done countless huge atrocities has no the quality to get respect from others; Japan is definitely the loser of WWII and its guilt has never been thoroughly liquidated. In addition, no active Chinese members here that account for over half of the number of active members in this section care about what happen about Japan, Japanese or their Korean head called emperor by themselves.
I was just describing a fact, did you think Japan is not the loser of WWII. The TT status just become the tool that one member used to retaliate another one, that is quite disgusting.
@Keel @AndrewJin @Jlaw @TaiShang @Genesis @ChineseTiger1986 @jkroo @Kyle Sun @dy1022 @Beidou2020 @Economic superpower @Chinese Bamboo @oproh @dlclong @j20blackdragon @sword1947 @terranMarine @ahojunk etc come here and see how Japanese act.
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The head of several little islands has no quality to be call empara.
I cannot help calling my village head majesty.:rofl:
@WebMaster @Hu Songshan @waz
How can he always give the post he dislike the negative rating. I was describing another truth that only the ruler such as the Czar of Russia, the King of Great Empire, the Emperor of China in ancient times that have dominioned a vast territories have the quality to be called emperor, this has been the law of world since long history. What i said just is my viewpoint, and I just was expressing my disagree, if someone disagree it, he can express his viewpoint, and no one or someone nowhere should be give the privilege to retaliate others. So how can the Japanese great TT man abuse his privilege to retaliate others, that is very disgusting. The forum belongs to anyone of the members here to express their viewpoints, which is not exclusive to some individuals.
The fact here is that one of three Japanese members here persistently bully the most of tens to hundreds of Chinese members here. So I suggest @WebMaster rename the section "China & Far East" to "Japan & Far East" or open a new section called "Japan & Far East". We Chinese members can swear that we will never appear there, the contradict between this Japanese member and most Chinese members will naturally solved.
Besides I feel the guy with Japanese flag is using wrong flag, he always alleged that China and Japan should increase cooperation with each other, but what he did in this forum are just the opposite, he is definitely a stealth troll that is far incompetent to his TT status.

@Keel @AndrewJin @Jlaw @TaiShang @Genesis @ChineseTiger1986 @jkroo @Kyle Sun @dy1022 @Beidou2020 @Economic superpower @Chinese Bamboo @oproh @dlclong @j20blackdragon @sword1947 @terranMarine @ahojunk etc come here and see how Japanese act.
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@WebMaster @Hu Songshan @waz
How can he always give the post he dislike the negative rating. I was describing another truth that only the ruler such as the Czar of Russia, the King of Great Empire, the Emperor of China in ancient times that dominion a vast country have the quality to be called emperor, this has been the law of world since long history. What i said just is my viewpoint, and I just was expressing my disagree, if someone disagree it, he can express his viewpoint, and no one or someone nowhere should be give the privilege to retaliate others. So how can the Japanese great TT man abuse his privilege to retaliate others, that is very disgusting. The forum belongs to anyone of the members here to express their viewpoints, which is not exclusive to some individuals.
The fact here is that one of three Japanese members here persistently bully the most of tens to hundreds of Chinese members here. So I suggest @WebMaster rename the section "China & Far East" to "Japan & Far East" or open a new section called "Japan & Far East". We Chinese members can swear that we will never appear there, the contradict between this Japanese member and most Chinese members will naturally solved.
Besides I feel the guy with Japanese flag is using wrong flag, he always alleged that China and Japan should increase cooperation with each other, but what he did in this forum are just the opposite, he is definitely a stealth troll that is far incompetent to his TT status.

@Keel @AndrewJin @Jlaw @TaiShang @Genesis @ChineseTiger1986 @jkroo @Kyle Sun @dy1022 @Beidou2020 @Economic superpower @Chinese Bamboo @oproh @dlclong @j20blackdragon @sword1947 @terranMarine @ahojunk etc come here and see how Japanese act.

Tagging the Admins in this thread could get you in trouble more than Nihojin.
Not all Chinese consider Mao a venerable person, some do, some do not. I think the Chinese leader who is worthy of reverence and respect is Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

and deng xiaoping he was a maoist but a maoist we can work with
Though it sounds a bit presumptuous on my part , our best wishes to The Emperor Of Japan from India.May Your Excellency enjoy a long & prosperous life .
Hope to see Indo Japanese ties bloom & blossom & reach their full extent in the future.
in tradition Japanese King 'Emperor's' royal title was always given by Chinese emperor or approval for such title```
but now since we are republic, so they can use whatever title they want``anyway HBD
Of course but I was pointing out that a country can do more than its size. japan was able to take over most of the region and defeat bigger enemies like the Russian Empire and smaller Britain was able to create an even bigger empire

There were reason for such feats, feats you cannot possibly repeat in today's world end of.

Besides as early as 1937 Mao and Chiang Kai-shek stated and knew Japan would never win a war with (even with a backward) China! Do you know why?

"Nations which went down fighting rose again, but those which surrendered tamely were finished"

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