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(The Economist ) Imran Khan talks to Western media

its such a shame that you are doing an economic program and you dont even know the abc of econmy..its like a kid who cant speak want to build a car

i cant believe the level idiocy i saw, i dont follow media for same reason but this is a new low
Can you be a bit more specific. To me, both sides were equally inept and the minister was not even sure about what he himself was trying to say.
its such a shame that they give the job to best people in crisis, where they cant do much and than fire them when things look a BIT but better..current situation is crisis, govt simply needs 5-6 billion dollars quickly...
i think it need to give complete exemption to export industry that it..even if it suffers revenue and growth
it needs to float bonds but to offset long term effects it needs to float investment bonds preferable using WAPDA for mega projects like Bhasha, dasu, bunji, pathan dam..this will stimulate growth, help in foreign reserves, though long term debt problems could be there...it needs engage AB, WB aggressively
federation is in trouble due to shifting 60% resources to provinces and still having responsibility for all loan payments, infrastructure and defense...
federation should atleast get 50%..well, our finance minister has solved that problem via petroleum levy..so good job..i hope courts dont butt in now..

Can you be a bit more specific. To me, both sides were equally inept and the minister was not even sure about what he himself was trying to say.
i didnt hear the complete clip, i stopped where minister was explaining him the current account crisis by saying that govt plans to obtain foreign debt for investment projects and will obviously pay for project in local money(Except for import products) and while the anchor had absolutely no idea and told him, are you planning to get debt and print money..like WTF..so he doesn't even has any idea how current account works, so much that he confused an illiterate layman ministry as well..lol
current situation is
  1. worse in current account area due to wasting 7 billion $, the state bank official was fired last year for allowing some devaluation by Ishaq Dar
  2. bad in debt but unchnaged and pretty much the same as india (~70% up from 67% in PPPP era and up from 58% in mushi era)
  3. average in growth 5.8 % vs average of around 6.5% in region but best in a decade
  4. and worst in reforms if i exclude this year as current minister in his last month did some ground breaking tax reforms

PML N messed up its 4th year with over protection and to keep infaltion ~2% while india devalauted its rupee by 5-10% we actually did the reverse!!!..result crisis..

china is loaning 1.5 billion at 3.2%(bonds are usually 6-7%), WB, AB are cheaper at 1-3% too..
aim is to get these fundings..as doubling time is 25 years vs 10 years on bonds
IK slapped both the interviewees quite firmly and politely and politically. Change of tones of the two idiots was too obvious.
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