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(The Economist ) Imran Khan talks to Western media

Handled the questions like a champ IK.

The Westerners can keep their biased views where the sun doesn't shine. It is funny how the interviewers evade the question of Geo being funded by outsiders LOL

LOL at Imran Khan's wife wearing a full veil. It is just a dead giveaway right there. As if Imran Khan could impose what his wife wears. It is a personal choice. LOL at the concern of modern liberal Pakistanis not endorsing this. Who the fvck gets to decide what he or she wears or not?

My only response to these fvckers would be OUR COUNTRY OUR RULES.

The West has become an extremely arrogant entity. They talk about freedoms blah blah blah, but are the biggest imposers of their confined views and thoughts.

Someone said it correctly, this is a war between civilisations. It is a constant war between ideas and cultures. No matter how much we deny it, this is what it essentially boils down to.
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Handled the questions like a champ IK.

The Westerners can keep their biased views where the sun doesn't shine. It is funny how the interviewers evade the question of Geo being funded by outsiders LOL

My only response to these fvckers would be OUR COUNTRY OUR RULES.

The West has become an extremely arrogant entity. They talk about freedoms blah blah blah, but are the biggest imposers of their confined views and thoughts.

Someone said it correctly, this is a war between civilisations. It is a constant war between ideas and cultures.
You must have felt the depth of knowledge of the interviewers...they mention Manzoor Pashteen as if he is an established political force instead of actual infancy...dangerous implications that western media is backing him more than his weight...goes to show the work in progress against Pakistan.
You must have felt the depth of knowledge of the interviewers...they mention Manzoor Pashteen as if he is an established political force instead of actual infancy...dangerous implications that western media is backing him more than his weight...goes to show the work in progress against Pakistan.

Why wouldn't they mention Pashteen? He is their guy. He is sponsored by them. It only makes sense for these fvckers to bring this up during the interview. It is beautiful though how IK responded to their rhetorical questioning. Pashteen is engineered, funded and exploited by outsiders. The irony is that Pashteen is a sideshow. The West has tried its best to promote it as Pakistan's spring moment, but it has failed miserably.

IK should have also asked about Western Pashtun concerns in Afghanistan where they are marginalized and excluded by minority groups. This under the noses of US and NATO forces. We fully know how this one-sided Pashtun concern works.

Another gem is Imran referring to Erdogan's supporters coming out in streets during the military coup. Just note how irked the interviewers become LOL The bias is mind boggling.

The truth is that the West has only one agenda. They want to see the world in their own image. All this talk about multiculturalism and tolerance is just hogwash. There is no moderate left etc. There is only one goal at the end of the day. The goal is to impose as much as possible.

Is anybody else impressed with the knowledge of the interviewers about our country? Damn..... I thought it'll be typical gora questions related to Taliban and terrorism and how Pakistan is about to be over-run by them. Excellent sharp questions and handled like a pro by Khan, can't imagine what Mian Saanp would have done in this situation.

The interviewers would have much preferred mian sahib LOL

Seems like the MI5 and the CIA did a good in providing the questions.

The West is at war with much of the world today. It is angry and bitter. Trump is today their commander in chief. Too bad they lost cunning Obama who was great at charming.
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there should be debates for general elections. IK would embarass NS.
Indeed, no doubt about it, NS has no chance. Knowing Shahbaz, he would stomp out mid debate too.
Watch how our ministers play around with figures as if figure fudging is no big deal:
If zardari and nawaz can get 5 years.
This man too deserve a single chance.
But I being a true and strong supporter of pti has not much hopes.
Even though it looks we are winning.
But the media is really baised when it's comes to pti.
When we don't have electables, they laugh at us and call us one man show.
When we have electables, they call us wrong.
What ever we do , pti are wrong in the eyes of media and media do shape the narrative of a huge number of people.
It is declared fact that in order to clean the gutter you gave to enter into the gutter. In this process you would get dirty too.
The parliament which imran hopes would only be a law making entity and has no rule in the distribution of funds or anything.
The local government is the main force that do development projects and I totally agree with him.
Nawaz with 100 plus electables won the elections and wanted to reform everything.
Look at economy?
Look at fata?
Look at pia?
Look at railways?
Look at deficit?
Look at water ?
Look at local bodies?
Look at judicial reforms?
Look at police reforms?
We are still struck where we are in 2013.
If zardari was given a chance then why not imran khan.
But I still don't have much hope.
The people of Punjab are totally deprived of thinking process, due to excessive donkey meat, sewage water and smog.
They have lost their ability to think.
I used to be a PTI supporter.

However Imran Khan is better than Nawaz Sharif.

If Imran Khan wins the 2018 elections, fine give him a chance.

Handled the questions like a champ IK.

The Westerners can keep their biased views where the sun doesn't shine. It is funny how the interviewers evade the question of Geo being funded by outsiders LOL

LOL at Imran Khan's wife wearing a full veil. It is just a dead giveaway right there. As if Imran Khan could impose what his wife wears. It is a personal choice. LOL at the concern of modern liberal Pakistanis not endorsing this. Who the fvck gets to decide what he or she wears or not?

My only response to these fvckers would be OUR COUNTRY OUR RULES.

The West has become an extremely arrogant entity. They talk about freedoms blah blah blah, but are the biggest imposers of their confined views and thoughts.

Someone said it correctly, this is a war between civilisations. It is a constant war between ideas and cultures. No matter how much we deny it, this is what it essentially boils down to.
I agree with you.

Also this rule applies: "Our country, our rules."
When in Pakistan, our rules applies. Don't like it, then don't come here.

If a person cannot respect the local customs you shouldn't go there.

Even in Saudi Arabia Non-Muslims women have to wear Abayas, because that is Saudi Arabia.
actually it shows anchor and media are idiots
Isn't it their job to be idiots as they have to ask layman's questions for the idiots sitting in front of the tele.

The minister, however, was idiot enough to ensure that there was no doubt left about himself.
You must have felt the depth of knowledge of the interviewers...they mention Manzoor Pashteen as if he is an established political force instead of actual infancy...dangerous implications that western media is backing him more than his weight...goes to show the work in progress against Pakistan.
You are just a crazy conspiracy theorist(!) I mean so is Imran Khan when he says there is a worry that outside forces are funding this noble civil rights movements(!) And so what if they are, after all it is for a good cause(!) Never mind that Pakistan has just faced a foreign funded insurgency (and BTW that insurgency was 100% the fault of Pakistan's military)(!)

Why wouldn't they mention Pashteen? He is their guy. He is sponsored by them. It only makes sense for these fvckers to bring this up during the interview. It is beautiful though how IK responded to their rhetorical questioning. Pashteen is engineered, funded and exploited by outsiders. The irony is that Pashteen is a sideshow. The West has tried its best to promote it as Pakistan's spring moment, but it has failed miserably.

IK should have also asked about Western Pashtun concerns in Afghanistan where they are marginalized and excluded by minority groups. This under the noses of US and NATO forces. We fully know how this one-sided Pashtun concern works.

Another gem is Imran referring to Erdogan's supporters coming out in streets during the military coup. Just note how irked the interviewers become LOL The bias is mind boggling.

The truth is that the West has only one agenda. They want to see the world in their own image. All this talk about multiculturalism and tolerance is just hogwash. There is no moderate left etc. There is only one goal at the end of the day. The goal is to impose as much as possible.

The interviewers would have much preferred mian sahib LOL

Seems like the MI5 and the CIA did a good in providing the questions.

The West is at war with much of the world today. It is angry and bitter. Trump is today their commander in chief. Too bad they lost cunning Obama who was great at charming.
Trump is not the CiC. He is just a puppet. The Real actor is Messiah of Dajjala.
You are just a crazy conspiracy theorist(!) I mean so is Imran Khan when he says there is a worry that outside forces are funding this noble civil rights movements(!) And so what if they are, after all it is for a good cause(!) Never mind that Pakistan has just faced a foreign funded insurgency (and BTW that insurgency was 100% the fault of Pakistan's military)(!)

Trump is not the CiC. He is just a puppet. The Real actor is Messiah of Dajjala.

Yeah! Never mind that Pakistan has been facing a foreign funded insurgency indeed.
Isn't it their job to be idiots as they have to ask layman's questions for the idiots sitting in front of the tele.

The minister, however, was idiot enough to ensure that there was no doubt left about himself.
no they were not, they were insisting on their stance..its such a shame that you are doing an economic program and you dont even know the abc of econmy..its like a kid who cant speak want to build a car

i cant believe the level idiocy i saw, i dont follow media for same reason but this is a new low

everybody knows i am strong critic of PML N, but facts are facts

it takes 30 minutes to understand the basic, you are telling me anchors dont have that amount of time???

infact a 2 minutes of short course is available on youtube

1. count in GDP only(why is too lengthy for 2 min course now)
2. now what GDP growth, PP and nominal means
3. know what external loans and fiscal deficit and CAD mean
4. inflation and rupee valuation

this guy had no idea of the above..
current govt has failed on current account front due to ishaq dar policy to keep rupee overvalued to avoid inflation which resulted in current account crisis that may eat up all GDP growth (this inflation fear led to 2013 crisis and 2008 crisis which was though world wide and was fueled by oil prices hittting 3x price)

its better they kicked out that idiot, current minister knows his stuff on paper atleast..Ishaq dar was an idiot, which i pointed out 3 years ago
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