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The Economist - Discrepancy in Dhaka

Nope. No Indian in Bangladesh is doing anything. If at all the Jammati's are still doing the looting and raping.

You first need to cut the deep rooted trees of malauns called Jammati's in BD. They are destroying Bangladesh just like how they tried to destroy Bangladesh in the Liberation war.

What I consider is, what harm they did after the post-war period to independent BD? They acknowledged BD. They are a democratic party and people will decide their fate. No need to kill them in street.
Eorl ⚔;3685916 said:
What I consider is, what harm they did after the post-war period to independent BD? They acknowledged BD. They are a democratic party and people will decide their fate. No need to kill them in street.

More than anything else these Awami indian thugs are afraid that indian dalals will face same fate. Their thrust for extra judicial killing is to mask indian dalals and their crime against Bangladesh in last 4 years and beyond.
well, Most probably After Zia ur Rahman Jamat ministers are only people in History of BD who were not accused of financial corruption!
TO bangladeshis : please do not reply to pea brain troll @Contrarian. Ignore trolls and only reply to sane serious Indian members ( if there is any).
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jammat is doing great work.. bandh,looting,bombing, murder...

BD is another pakistan in making thanks to them...:chilli:
jammat is doing great work.. bandh,looting,bombing, murder...

BD is another pakistan in making thanks to them...:chilli:

Actually the ground is being prepared to try the indian razakars in Bangladesh. Events have just begun to unfold, it might turn out to be the Bangladeshi version of the Arab Spring.
well, Most probably After Zia ur Rahman Jamat ministers are only people in History of BD who were not accused of financial corruption!

But are accused of mass murders

Actually the ground is being prepared to try the indian razakars in Bangladesh. Events have just begun to unfold, it might turn out to be the Bangladeshi version of the Arab Spring.

OK thats fine...Bangali upspring...Then what BNP....
OPs they are also Indian friend now..
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আমার দেশ নিয়ে সারাদেশে হৈ-চৈ : বিবিসিতে বিশেষ প্রতিবেদন
আমার দেশ নিয়ে গতকাল সারা দেশে হৈ-চৈ পড়ে গিয়েছিল। ভোর থেকেই পত্রিকার জন্য পাঠকদের মধ্যে শুরু হয় কাড়াকাড়ি। পত্রিকাটির ব্যাপক চাহিদা দেখে হকাররাও দাম বাড়িয়ে দেয়। দশ টাকার পত্রিকাটি কোথাও কোথাও ৫০০ টাকা পর্যন্ত বিক্রি হয়।

Now compare amardesh with cheap mentality slave outlets like prothom alo.
@ I fully agree with most of your points as mentioned above.

@ On the issue of Razakars and Bihari killing I disagree.

@ Have you seen Razakars ??? How, they look like ? I have seen Rajakars with my own eyes. You said most of the Bangladeshi people hate Razakars !!! Yes, I agree, but why ??? As because, for the last 40 years or so we had been hearing one sided story that too our big neighbour had always helped in this regards. Who all are these Razakars, Al-Badr and Al Sams ??? These are our brothers, our own blood. The difference is they supported the muslim cause. They could never dreamed that with the help of India Bangladesh would be given a true independance. That is why they supported the Pakistani cause rather opted for united Pakistan. There is no harm on it. Most of the Razakars were highly dedicated and disciplined. However, there were some who did some bad things. But the way our media depicted their character in the society, is not correct. Once majority of young generation went to join the Mukti Bahini, these young lots(Razakars) joined with the cause of Pakistani forces.

@ About the killing of non-Bengalis, now-a-days there are lot of evidence. Still the non-Bengalise are alive ask them ???? You never tried to look into these affairs deeply. For your information in 1947, near about 23/24 lacs of Biharis came from India and settled in the then East Pakistan. How many left ??? Where they have gone ??? My dear friend it was not a killing, it was ethnic cleansing.

1. There were some people who for legitimate reasons wanted to stay within Pakistan. I call such people "unionists"

2. In addition to legitimate unionists there are those who engaged in the war crimes of Yahya Khan's army (the PA, or Pakistan army) including murder, rape and torture, I call these people "razakars".

3. Razakars are also extremely anti-Bengali in that though they may not say it directly, especially as it contradicts Islamic notions of the equality of all men, they believe Bengalis are racially inferior and Pakistanis are racially superior and believe their role is to serve Pakistanis as subordinates.

They are dangerous and a national security threat to Bangladesh, a state they have never accepted.

4. Biharis did indeed suffer but Bengalis suffered far more during the war and the previous almost quarter of a century from discrimination, injustice and oppression.

East Pakistan was a colony whose money was stolen to fund the western wing, and Bengalis were left to stay poor and also to die during the 1970 floods.

You have also engaged in many different falsifications of history and complete fabrications, not just regarding 71 but also other non-related issues e.g. Sylheti immigration to Britain whereupon I knew that you were completely false and make things up from thin air and talk nonsense.

Bangladesh is an independent state and will remain so.

The Jammatis would not hesitate to sell the People of Bangladesh to gain Pakistan's favour.

Yes, that is correct.
Qutubuddin Aziz is a Rajakar mouth piece. Go and find something worthy of reading.

Razakars write false history and lies in their version of history.

1. Bengalis were never oppressed in the pre-71 Pakistan.
2. East Pakistan was not a net exporter whose money was taken to fund the west.
3. East Pakistan was not the majority population of Pakistan, who despite that were not even allocated equal funds let alone the majority of funds.
4. East Pakistan was not left undefended by the Pakistan army in 1965.
5. East Pakistan was not left abandoned by Yahya Khan's regime in the 1970 floods
6. Yahya Khan did not have sex parties and orgies in 1971 while East Pakistan was burning and his country Pakistan was on the course to suffering its greatest humiliation and defeat.

Razakars are now engaged in revisionist nonsense.

I trust Asad71 bhai, who I would say is quite pro-Pakistan (but a proud Bangladeshi) and alive during the 1971 war than a razakar traitor.
Going back to the issue of the Economist.

vBangladesh war crimes tribunal accuses Economist of computer hacking
Dec 10, 2012

#Bangladesh #Bangladesh Liberation War #Bangladesh war crimes tribunal #computer hacking #NewsTracker #The Economist
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Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Bangladesh war crimes tribunal has accused the British magazine The Economist of hacking the computer of its presiding judge to record conversations and read emails he exchanged with a lawyer.

The magazine did not directly address the charges, but said it was in possession of conversations and documents that raised serious questions about the workings of the tribunal.

The tribunal is trying 10 opposition politicians on charges of arson, rape and other atrocities committed during the country’s 1971 war of independence from Pakistan.

Bangladesh says that during the war, Pakistani troops, aided by their local collaborators, killed 3 million people and raped about 200,000 women.

People walk past an art installation during a rally to commemorate the Bangladesh Liberation War in Dhaka. AP
International human rights groups have called for fair and impartial proceedings and raised questions about how the tribunal is being conducted.

New York-based Human Rights Watch has complained about flaws in the tribunal and expressed concern about a police raid on defense lawyers and the disappearance of a witness at the courthouse gates who had reportedly been preparing to testify for the defense.

In an order passed last week, the tribunal accused The Economist of computer hacking and asked it to explain how it got emails and heard Skype conversations between Presiding Judge Mohammed Nizamul Huq and Ahmed Ziauddin, a lawyer of Bangladeshi origin living in Brussels, Belgium.

The order was issued to Adam Roberts, South Asia bureau chief of the magazine, and Rob Gifford, its Asia specialist, the tribunal said in a statement.

It accused the magazine of “interfering into the work of the tribunal and violating the privacy of its presiding judge.”

The tribunal threatened to bring contempt charges against the pair unless they give a satisfactory reply within three weeks.

In an article published Saturday, The Economist said it has heard 17 hours of recorded telephone conversations and seen over 230 emails between Huq and Ziauddin.

“These emails, if genuine, would indeed raise questions about the working of the court and we are bound to investigate them as fully as we can,” the article said.

The Economist rejected the tribunal’s demand that the emails and recorded conversations be returned to it without being published.

“This material is confidential and we are bound by law and the British press’s Code of Conduct not to reveal such information except in matters of the most serious public interest. We did not solicit the material, nor pay for it, nor commit ourselves to publish it,” it said.

But the tribunal said the materials were obtained illegally and accused the magazine of calling the judge for comment, adding that interviewing a sitting judge is illegal and tantamount to contempt. Under Bangladesh law, a contempt conviction carries up to six months in jail.

Most of those on trial belong to the Islamic Jamaat-e-Islami party, which in 1971 campaigned against Bangladesh’s war of separation from Pakistan. The party stands accused of supporting or in some cases taking part in atrocities committed by Pakistani troops. If convicted the defendants could be hanged.

Bangladesh war crimes tribunal accuses Economist of computer hacking | Firstpost

1. Though I hate razakars and do not like Jamat, the Hasina regime has no right to essentially murder Syedi

2. They have betrayed the legitimate aspirations of sincere people who wanted justice by carrying out an unfair trial.

3. The Hasina regime risks being overthrown if it executes Syedi.

Not only does the Awami League face being overthrown if they go ahead with this judicial killing, on top of this they run the risk of

- Being temporarily closed down.
- Leaders involved in corruption imprisoned.
- Leaders involved in murder and violence imprisoned.
- Leaders involved in the Pilkhana massacre imprisoned.
- Hasina herself will probably face imprisonment, perhaps even for a few years if not for ever if she is found guilty of murder.

The Awami League are playing with fire.
#Bangladesh #Bangladesh Liberation War #Bangladesh war crimes tribunal #computer hacking #NewsTracker #The Economist
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Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Bangladesh war crimes tribunal has accused the British magazine The Economist of hacking the computer of its presiding judge to record conversations and read emails he exchanged with a lawyer.

The magazine did not directly address the charges, but said it was in possession of conversations and documents that raised serious questions about the workings of the tribunal.

Economist is a resourceful news media, they did not have to hack, they could get news from many other sources. How Economist got the information is beyond the point. Its this court, judges, Awami League and their associates are now on accused stand not Economist or any one else. Important parts are now:

1) Court violated its own rule.
2) Embarked on extra judicial killing.
3) Run and operated by outside concocted and supplied verdict.
সংবাদ সম্মেলনে শীর্ষ আইনজীবীরা : ট্রাইব্যুনাল ভেঙে দেয়ার দাবি : বিচারপতি সিনহা, শামসুদ্দিন মানিক ও নিজামুলকে পদত্যাগের আলটিমেটাম
সরোজ মেহেদী

আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালের চেয়ারম্যান বিচারপতি নিজামুল হক নাসিমের স্কাইপি স্ক্যান্ডাল, হাইকোর্ট বিভাগের বিচারপতি এ এইচ এম শামসুদ্দিন চৌধুরী মানিকের টাকা পাচার এবং আপিল বিভাগের বিচারপতি এস কে সিনহাকে নিয়ে সুপ্রিমকোর্ট অঙ্গন উত্তপ্ত ছিল। আইনজীবীরা এ তিন বিচারপতির পদত্যাগ ও অপসারণ দাবি করেছেন। সকাল থেকেই আইনজীবীরা এ তিন বিচারপতির পদত্যাগ বা অপসারণের দাবিতে বিভিন্ন স্লোগান দেন। দিন শেষে বিকালে বাংলাদেশ বার কাউন্সিল ভবনে আয়োজিত এক সংবাদ সম্মেলনে সিনিয়র আইনজীবীরা বলেন, স্কাইপি স্ক্যান্ডাল প্রকাশের পর আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালের চেয়ারম্যান বিচারপতি নিজামুল হক নাসিম আর কোনোভাবেই তার পদে বসতে পারেন না। তারা বলেছেন, এমন অনৈতিক কাজ কোনো বিচারপতির পক্ষে করা সম্ভব নয়। এ অপরাধের জন্য শুধু তাকে অপসারণ করলেই চলবে না, তার বিরুদ্ধে সুপ্রিম জুডিশিয়াল কাউন্সিল গঠনের মাধ্যমে ব্যবস্থা নিতে হবে। তারা বলেন, আমাদের বিচার বিভাগের ভাবমূর্তি রক্ষা করতে হলে ট্রাইব্যুনাল চেয়ারম্যান বিচারপতি নিজামুল হক নাসিমের পদত্যাগসহ ট্রাইব্যুনাল ভেঙে দিতে হবে। ট্রাইব্যুনালের বিচার যে একটি প্রহসন ছিল, তা আজ প্রমাণিত হয়েছে। বিচারপতি নিজামুল হক নাসিমের কারণে বাংলাদেশের বিচার বিভাগ কলঙ্কিত হয়েছে। গোটা বিশ্বে আজ ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে বাংলাদেশের বিচারব্যবস্থার এই কলঙ্ক। বিচারপতির এমন আচরণে গোটা জাতি আজ স্তম্ভিত, লজ্জিত, হতভম্ব।

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