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The Economist - Discrepancy in Dhaka

So far the Economist has recieved 1789 comments on its article "Discrepancy in Dhaka" which is an absolutely mega-massive amount.

The vast majority are supportive of the Economist and against the pro-Indian Awami League regime.

Banglar Joy 14 mins ago

Thank you Economist! You did a noble and marvelous job. Keep up the good work.

guest-50c62efac850c 21 mins ago

Thank you the economist paper for your brave work. Please let the world know the true story about this trial in Bangladesh. We are eager to know as to what is happening to these innocent leaders!

guest-ljmswlw26 26 mins ago

This tribunal has a huge public interest. and this tribunal has been given huge amount of power even to give death penalty. the law of the tribunal was disputed throughout the whole world from the very beginning. So, any discrepancy found in this tribunal's activities must be published for the sake of huge public interest.
Ms SZ1 hour 27 mins ago

Well done for your excellent journalism. Please go ahead and publish the truth in full so that we can all see that there is no basis to this tribunal. Lets see if Bangladesh is brave enough to let the international body try them without Bangladeshi government interference. Carry on with your good work.

guest-ljeaala 1 hour 27 mins ago

We highly appreciate the publishing of the findings of the truth which may possibly help save the lives of innocent people from the corrupted government in Bangladesh. All thanks to the economist.
ICT to pass order on contempt petition against Amar Desh on Dec 11

DHAKA: The International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-1 has set December 11 to pass order on a contempt petition against bangla daily 'Aamr Desh' for publishing the Skype conversations of the tribunal chairman Justice Nizamul Huq with an expatiate war crime expert.

Prosecutor advocate Syed Haider Ali moved the contempt petition before the tribunal on Monday, seeking legal action against the newspaper.

Hearing the prosecution's submission, the tribunal set the date to pass its order.

Regarding the petition, prosecutor advocate Zead Al Malum said the reports published in 'Amar Desh' on Sunday and Monday about the ICT-1 chairman are interferences in tribunal activities and sub-judice matter.

“We brought the reports into tribunal's notice and sought legal action against the newspaper under rule 11 (4) of the procedure,” he told newsmen.

The prosecution also sought a halt to publishing further reports in this regard, Malum added.

Amar Desh on December 9 elaborately published the internet conversations between Justice Huq and Ahmed Ziauddin, a war crime expert residing in Brussels, Belgium.

Justice Huq used his e-mail and his skype accounts to discuss the tribunal matters with Ziauddin but both the accounts of the ICT chairman were hacked a few days back, the reports said.

An unnamed telephone caller, claimed himself to be a journalist of the London-based news magazine 'The Economist', informed the ICT-1 chairman that they had all the records of the conversations between Justice Huq and Ziauddin in their possession.

As he wanted to know about the tribunal activities, the tribunal considered the matter as interference in its activities and served a contempt notice upon the two senior journalists of the Economist on December 6.

The Economist journalists were given three weeks time to give their reply.

The tribunal also asked the news magazine not to publish the contents of their conversations.

ICT to pass order on contempt petition against Amar Desh on Dec 11
I suggest Aamr Desh to focus on more Brand Value by involving into more social activities and come with new Slogans. One day you may outperform other dailies. I do not like Prothom alo for hiding and ignoring many news intentionally but it has achieved more brand value using many techniques. Daily stars also use many social engineering techniques.
That is why we should all go back to the pre-British legal system - The Sharia Law where the principal criterion for appointing a judge is his character.
I am convinced that Taliban should be unleashed on war criminals instead of funny judges...

They can be tried under Sharia law and hang on the street..
I am convinced that Taliban should be unleashed on war criminals instead of funny judges...

They can be tried under Sharia law and hang on the street..

For your sorry behind, Awami League already turned Bangladeshi system to secular one. There is no chance Hasina can displease her master in south block now.
In 2001-2006 Awami League thugs (like yourself) branded jamaat as taliban, until then taliban did not know they have some cousin. Now you asking them to turn gun on themselves. You sounds like biggest desperate Awami thug.
No more Azam witnesses: ICT

Mon, Dec 10th, 2012 4:58 pm BdST

Dhaka, Dec 10 (bdnews24.com) — The first war crimes tribunal of Bangladesh has stopped production of defence witnesses in the former Jamaat-e-Islami chief Ghulam Azam's case, though with a rider.

The order came in response to a two-day adjournment petition of the defence moved by Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, who was the lone defence lawyer present in the court throughout the day.

The three-judge International Crimes Tribunal – 1, set up to try crimes against humanity during the 1971 Liberation War, said on Monday that if the Jamaat guru's defence came to court on Wednesday with their witness and satisfied the judges with their explanation, then they could be allowed to present further witnesses in the case.

The tribunal had ordered on Sunday, when there was an opposition blockade of the streets and no defence lawyer — once again with the sole exception of Mizanur Rahman — was present, that if the defence could not produce its witness on Monday then it would be barred from producing further witnesses.

Most of the ongoing war crimes trials are against the top Jamaat leadership and include, besides Azam, the current party chief Motiur Rahman Nizami, his deputy, Jamaat Secretary General Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujaheed, two assistant secretaries general and an executive council member of the party.

Almost all the defence lawyers are Jamaat men or party faithfuls. Arguably the largest Islamist organisation in the subcontinent, the Jamaat-e-Islami remains a key ally of the main opposition party BNP.

While Sunday was an opposition blockade, the BNP called for a mass demonstration on Monday and a day-long general strike for Tuesday.

Monday saw the tribunal convene proceedings after midday almost two hours behind the schedule due to an oath-taking ceremony of judges. Justice Anwarul Haque, the third member of the first war crimes tribunal, was one of the judges to get confirmation of their appointments at the country's apex court.

Mizanur Rahman appeared before the court and pleaded for an adjournment of two days — Monday and Tuesday.

He said that the senior defence counsel, Mizanul Islam, who has been leading the trial of the top Jamaat leaders, currently behind bars for war crimes charges, could not appear due to serious personal difficulty.

The court had on Sunday taken a lenient view about Mizanul's appearance before the court noting the opposition blockade when there were scarcely any vehicles on the streets compounding the counsel's difficulty to commute since he moves in a wheel chair and does not command the use of one of his legs.

In the morning session, the court was only able to sit for about half-an-hour and directed Mizanur Rahman to have his witness brought to court by 2pm when the court returned from lunch recess.

However, the defence lawyer failed to do so. Currently, Abdullahil Amaan Azmi is currently evidence on behalf of his father Ghulam Azam and is in the process of submitting documents as court exhibits.

Summarily sacked when he was a Brigadier in the Bangladesh Army in 2009, after the current government took office, the 30-year infantryman has already spoken about civil-military relationship, command structure and military in aid to civil power.

Prosecutor Zead-Al-Malum reiterated his submission of the previous day and said it was clear that the witness was not anymore interested to give testimony. He further pointed out that the tribunal had given an order the previous day that production of defence witnesses would be stopped if there were no witnesses on Monday.

The prosecutor prayed that the court give an appropriate order in accordance with its previous order.

The tribunal in its order, which came after several minutes of discussion among the judges, noted that none of the defence lawyers except Mizanur Rahman was present although there were no political activities on the day.

The order said that it believed the defence should be given sufficient scope to produce its witnesses. But the tribunal added, "The order of stopping defence witnesses has already been passed. We are of the view that that order should stand. The defence is barred from producing witnesses."

The court then set Dec 12 for closing arguments, but added that if on that date the defence were to produce their witness and provided a satisfactory explanation for its failure to come to the court and produce witness, then further defence witnesses would be allowed.

Jamaat Guru in ICT-1

On Dec 12, 2011, the prosecution brought a 52-point charter of charges against Azam and appealed for his arrest. Later, following the tribunal order, charges were re-arranged and presented to the tribunal on Jan 5.

He was produced before the tribunal on Jan 11 and sent to jail the same day. Since that evening, the 89-year-old former Carmichael College professor has been kept at the prison cell of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University for better treatment considering his delicate health.

Ghulam Azam's indictment hearing began on Feb 15 and the court charged him on May 13.

A former chief of Jamaat-e-Islami, arguably the largest Islamist organisation in the subcontinent, Azam is allegedly among the key people who pioneered anti-liberation efforts in 1971 colluding with the Pakistani military junta of that time.

He is widely perceived to have been among core group of right-wing supporters of the Pakistani Army, who came out strongly in support of a united Pakistan.

Ghulam Azam, then chief of Jamaat, was instrumental in setting up the infamous Peace Committee at the national level. The Razakars, an auxiliary force set up mainly to actively thwart the liberation forces, are said to have been mobilised through the Peace Committees across Bangladesh.

Among the most notorious vigilante militia are the Al Badr, whose membership is said to have been mainly dominated by the Jamaat's student wing called the Islami Chhatra Sangha at that time.

The Al Badr is alleged to have spearheaded execution of the intellectual elites of Bangladesh just days before the victory on Dec 16, 1971.

Azam also spoke in favour of Pakistan to the Middle Eastern countries during the war, according to the prosecution.

He stayed in London for seven years after 1971 and returned to Bangladesh in 1978 during BNP founder Ziaur Rahman's rule. Having led Jamaat for long, Azam retired from active politics in 1999.

His party remains a key ally of the main opposition BNP. Two Jamaat leaders, also behind bars for war crimes charges, have even served as ministers during the BNP's last tenure in government between 2001 and 2006, when Azam's party was part of the ruling coalition.

Azam was indicted on five charges including incitement, conspiracy and complicity on May 13.


No more Azam witnesses: ICT | Politics | bdnews24.com
Have there been any developments yet in regards to this recent expose? The judges have yet to issue any statement denying any of the 230 emails or 17 hours worth of Skype calls to be true as this is solid evidence.

Also, when is the court supposed to give the final verdict for Sayedee's case? His trial is complete or near completion if I'm not wrong.
Have there been any developments yet in regards to this recent expose? The judges have yet to issue any statement denying any of the 230 emails or 17 hours worth of Skype calls to be true as this is solid evidence.

Also, when is the court supposed to give the final verdict for Sayedee's case? His trial is complete or near completion if I'm not wrong.

What other development do you expect?
Do you REALLY expect judges will or can deny these evidence, that will further incriminate them.
If you have heard and read those tapes and email, Awami League minister went to judge to ask him verdict by 16th Dec.
But outsider Ziauddin Ahmed who is manufacturing the verdict even before trial hearing completed, said it will take more than month for him to manufacture the verdict.
Ms SZ1 hour 27 mins ago

Well done for your excellent journalism. Please go ahead and publish the truth in full so that we can all see that there is no basis to this tribunal. Lets see if Bangladesh is brave enough to let the international body try them without Bangladeshi government interference. Carry on with your good work.

guest-ljeaala 1 hour 27 mins ago

We highly appreciate the publishing of the findings of the truth which may possibly help save the lives of innocent people from the corrupted government in Bangladesh. All thanks to the economist.

lol, yesterday i saw an awamiligue facebook activist Russel Rahman was asking Bangladeshis to comment there against the report as it is a patriotic duty ! It didn't work then :p
I am convinced that Taliban should be unleashed on war criminals instead of funny judges...

They can be tried under Sharia law and hang on the street..

Yeah, it's clear from your previous statements that you don't mind using the sharia law or even the terrorists if it suits your purpose. Now, people like you who have no principles or ethical standard in life are the real curse of our society. Crime is not a crime to criminals like you if it suits your purpose! The proverb that patriotism is the last bastion of a scoundrel was meant for people like.
For your sorry behind, Awami League already turned Bangladeshi system to secular one. There is no chance Hasina can displease her master in south block now.
In 2001-2006 Awami League thugs (like yourself) branded jamaat as taliban, until then taliban did not know they have some cousin. Now you asking them to turn gun on themselves. You sounds like biggest desperate Awami thug.

Yeah, it's clear from your previous statements that you don't mind using the sharia law or even the terrorists if it suits your purpose. Now, people like you who have no principles or ethical standard in life are the real curse of our society. Crime is not a crime to criminals like you if it suits your purpose! The proverb that patriotism is the last bastion of a scoundrel was meant for people like.

Iajdani is a low life thug. Choto ghorer choto jaater kamin hayaan.
Err why is the Economist suddenly so involved in Bangladesh's internal politics? From the coup attempt, to the alleged Indian funding to AL during elections and now this?

Clearly someone is trying to push Bangladesh into turmoil. Hope some sanity prevails.
:lol:i bet roybot our residential jamai is being made to take up Bangladeshi citizenship by our bhabi, thus all the civic concerns about Bangladesh.
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