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The Economist: Bangladesh’s GDP per capita now higher than Pakistan’s

Gender Inequality report shows BD in 47th rank, India and Pakistan in 108th and 143th. The report has in depth information of gender inequality is specific areas of each countries separately.

Source: https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-gender-gap-report-2017
Direct Report Link: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2017.pdf

@Skies data comes from 3rd party at source.

WEF just launders BBS claims from GDDS level LDC.....for the also ran globalist feelz (all though the body of countries listed are all competing in way different marathons at way different levels)

It is similar to how Dhaka fairs in actual liveability index by the economist when you dont exclusively use BBS farcical claims.
@Skies data comes from 3rd party at source.

WEF just launders BBS claims from GDDS level LDC.....for the also ran globalist feelz (all though the body of countries listed are all competing in way different marathons at way different levels)

It is similar to how Dhaka fairs in actual liveability index by the economist when you dont exclusively use BBS farcical claims.
If you have any problem with any source, take it to them. You have been in my ignore list for half a year but you keep insisting on engaging with me. If you don't agree with WEF, take the matter to them and stop pestering me because unless I remember to go back to a topic and click on show ignored comments if there are any, you won't be receiving any reply from me. I have no interested in what you have to say when all you have is BBS. Although, I doubt an attention seeking desperate Indian would stop trying to engage with me even after this.

Since India has such reliable data, means Indias 108th position is accurate. Well, suck on that instead of going after people who have less interest in you than a random ant on the street. It only shows how desperate you are for attention.
Lol, so when does Bangladesh becomes a developed country leaving Pakistan behind?
If you have any problem with any source, take it to them.

LOL thats what I'm saying, WEF is not a source....read their qualifiers in their own documentation.

Hence why I bring up the source used by WEF for BD case, that now more and more inside BD even at highest stations are exposing:


There is some disquiet among economists about the quality of data provided by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). No less a person than the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister has expressed his dissatisfaction about the qualifications of the BBS staff and the quality of their work. These are very long standing problems, and yet, very little has been done to improve the quality of the services provided by BBS.

You have been in my ignore list for half a year but you keep insisting on engaging with me.

Says this guy lol:


Is your name "Pakistani aircraft" too or something? Then you of course ran away when you realised you were way out of your depth on the subject.

It happens notably with you, as it does with economy illiterate communists in general:


If you don't agree with WEF, take the matter to them and stop pestering me because unless I remember to go back to a topic and click on show ignored comments if there are any, you won't be receiving any reply from me.

Waaaaaah....its not about "agreeing" or not with WEF, simply showing the limitations of grouping several tiers of countries (and all their grossly differing standards) and comparing across them for globalist/commie feelz.

I'm sure BD can win its first medal in the olympics (finally) if you only take BBS word on personal bests and such than have an actual competition among all peers with proven, equitable standards.

I have no interested in what you have to say when all you have is BBS. Although, I doubt an attention seeking desperate Indian would stop trying to engage with me even after this.

Again this must have really hurt you, damn you sure are intellectually devoid, exposed to everyone there, and you INITIATED it :rofl::


Yep total nincompoop...."We only started getting credit rating in 2016" <-----o_O :lol: @Aung Zaya

Choose your battle wiser next time, a hill within the BBS country so you can at least feel safe and secure in the feelz.

Since India has such reliable data, means Indias 108th position is accurate.

All the 107 countries preceding it have better or equal standards to India? How many countries are SDDS to begin with? Give me a number.

Well, suck on that instead of going after people who have less interest in you than a random ant on the street. It only shows how desperate you are for attention.

Ouch, says the commie blabbing "BD only started getting credit ratings in 2016" :rofl:. So credible.

Oh whats this doozie out of the blue:


LOL! Nilgiri waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
You point being?
It happens notably with you, as it does with economy illiterate communists in general:


Waaaaaah....its not about "agreeing" or not with WEF, simply showing the limitations of grouping several tiers of countries (and all their grossly differing standards) and comparing across them for globalist/commie feelz.

I'm sure BD can win its first medal in the olympics (finally) if you only take BBS word on personal bests and such than have an actual competition among all peers with proven, equitable standards.

Again this must have really hurt you, damn you sure are intellectually devoid, exposed to everyone there, and you INITIATED it :rofl::


Yep total nincompoop...."We only started getting credit rating in 2016" <-----o_O :lol: @Aung Zaya

Choose your battle wiser next time, a hill within the BBS country so you can at least feel safe and secure in the feelz.

All the 107 countries preceding it have better or equal standards to India? How many countries are SDDS to begin with? Give me a number.

Ouch, says the commie blabbing "BD only started getting credit ratings in 2016" :rofl:. So credible.

Oh whats this doozie out of the blue:


LOL! Nilgiri waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
I made some terrible remarks here about Bangladesh in this thread.

I hope Bangladeshi PDF users will forgive me.

Lol, so when does Bangladesh becomes a developed country leaving Pakistan behind?
Do not please get jealous of BD. You can count about fifteen years when BD will very clearly outstrip Pakistan in all the economic fields you name. The symptom is already there. So, instead of creating quagmire with your neighbors, better start thinking how to live in peace with them, and spend less money on the worthless defence. USA is no more coming up with another $33 billion, you can rest assured.
I made some terrible remarks here about Bangladesh in this thread.

I hope Bangladeshi PDF users will forgive me.


They wont! :P Are you going on "apology tour" for India too or just BD btw?

I am like Judas or more like JuteUs.

India noooooo. Wtf you want an apology too? But why bhaeeeeee. Awein

I don't want it, just wondering if you will anyway (to the others, i.e triggered indian posters) lol....you have only amused me for large part...I actually say thank you for those good times lol. JuteUs....that's "Hilsarious"! :D
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