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The East India Company: The original corporate raiders

1. The French,the Dutch and the Portuguese also had similar corporations -but less successful than the British EIC.

2.MNCs and NGOs are vying with each other to succeed EIC. They don't require armies or fleets of their own when the target nations and the powers that be have them in their service.
Thanks for providing me with my daily side splitting laugh, believe me I have read some out and out nonsense in my life but nothing to compare with your scribblings. Can you tell me what planet you have just beamed down from? :jester:

As far as being a productive member of the world, you are talking of the country that produced, Shakespear, Newton,Darwin etc etc. The country who started the industrial revolution, who brought the first railways with steam power, some of the finest scientists in the world.
In fact your own railways system was started by the British, your govermental system was started by the British. Your armed forces are all modelled on the British system. Quite honestly the list is endless.

Now tell me what you have given to the world, apart from a caste system that keeps people in poverty and is one of the most racist systems on earth. That, and endless beggers annoying everyone. Yes that is about the height of your efforts.

Just to end on, what language are you communicating in at the moment, o'h yes it's English the worldwide language.

The racist ignorance of the english upper lip at full display.

Who are these names you mention? What is shakespear in front of Tulsidas and Valmiki or even the little homer? Who us newton in front of aryabhatta and ramanujan? england did not start any industrial revolution but it did start fascism and imperialism. Nobody ever accuses england of science, science was created in the ancient civilisations of India, Persia and Egypt.

What england has contributed to the world is nothing but colonialism which resulted in the deaths of millions, imperialism which again resulted in the deaths of millions, fascism which gave birth to nazis and racism which segregated people for skin colour.

India on the other hand was the land of science, astronomy, medicine, physics, art and culture. Every fcking museum in england is filled with riches from India because the white beggars of england have nothing to call their own. So they rob and steal.

India gave birth to Sanskrit which in turn gave birth to latin and latin gave birth to crude primitive language like english which we all speak thanks to english colonialism. Hitler should have nuked england, instead he left us to do the job.
Generally British and Indian historians do paint Bob Clive in the same brush, the greedy,cunning and ruthless Clive, epitome of perfect English treachery and arrogance. But his biographer Sir John Malcolm or later later Macaulay reserved a quite different opinion about Clive. Sir Malcolm vehemently defended Clive's forgery of treaty which deprived Umichand his share of three hundred pounds sterling as a price of his secrecy and assistance; According to Malcolm, the English were not bound to keep faith with one who kept no faith with them.

Sixteen years after, the pecuniary transactions between Meer Jaffar and Clive was condemned by the British parliament. But Malcolm defends it by pointing out that no such constitutional act of the parliament at that time was present that prevented Company officers from receiving gifts from native princes and it was an oriental custom to give and receive presents. Macaulay, far less sympathetic to Clive's ethical conscience admits that on his second term in India, he endeavored to correct the fundamental weaknesses of Company's policies and pushed forward for reformation within the institution. A military coup was tactfully suppressed, private trade was strictly prohibited; Given the salaries (three hundred pounds a year) are way too low for an European to afford basic comfort and indulgences in tropical climate, Clive restructured the service charges in revenue of salt. Although ignored, he repeatedly asked for liberal remuneration of company servants.

Macaulay observed it would have been, on his second administrative term in Bengal easier to accumulate 'riches as no subject in Europe possessed.' His refusal of jewels and money from Raja of Benaras and Nawab of Oudh did not come to notice till his death. A substantial portion of his remuneration, about five hundred pounds, he reserved for his senior and later friend Major Lawrence, the most ablest English military genius apart from Dupleix. The large sum of sixty thousand pounds sterling, Clive donated to the trust of company officers and soldiers invalided in their service. These facts paint Clive in a quite different brush than we use to see him in general history books.
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