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Sep 12, 2012
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The history of Assam since the last century is closely linked with the discovery of oil and its subsequent and continuing exploitation by firstly, the British, and later in the post-Independence period by the Govt. of India. This phase of Assam's history began in November 1866. In that fateful yearone Mr. Good Enafe of the Calcutta Machineryattempted a manual digging of an oil well in the Naharpung area in Upper Assam. After finding no oil at a depth of 120feet he gave up. In March 1867 the first oil well in the Asian continent to be dug using mechanical means was started in the Makum Namdang area also in Upper Assam. They hit oil at 118 feet and over a tone of crude oil was extracted. In 1889 the Assam Railway & Trading Company began massive oil exploration and production in Digboi. 1893 saw the formation of Assam Oil Syndicate to handle oil production in Assam and a complex sprung up in north of Digboi. This fructified in 1901 with the establishing of the Assam Oil Company that started producing 500 barrels of crude oil per day and established a refinery to refine this crude in Digboi itself. In 1911 the Burma Oil Company came to Assam with the intention of oil exploration and production and soon they discovered massive oil reserves in Surma Valley.
Later the Oil India Ltd. was set up to exploit the natural crude oil and natural gas of Assam. The company set up the oil and gas based Namrup Fertilizer plant, a petrochemical plant in the same area and also a power complex using gas for production of electricity. Further in Duliajan aplant was set up to manufacture Liquid Petroleum Gas or LPG and market the same as cooking gas all over India.
The British as a colonial power with a history of looting and exploitaion of underdeveloped countries all over the world,did the same in Assam. The Indian govt. has been perhaps the most ardent students of the British and continued this exploitation of all of Assam's natural resources, however in a more subtle and secretive manner. Special clauses inserted in Indian constitution such as the Articles 246 to 248 ensured that Assam did not gain much from the oil production. The people of Assam have never benefited from the oil revenue. On the other hand they have been kept completely in the dark and not informed about the factual reality of the oil reserves, its production, refinement, sales, revenue accrued etc.
In 1948 Delhi and its appointed oil companies sold a metric tonne (MT) of Assam's crude oil at Rs. 1382. Assam received Rs. 61 per MT as royalty. As taxes the central government received Rs. 532 andgave Assam Rs. 131 out of this. In subsequent years the price of oil increased substantially but the minimal royalty did not, in equal ratio.
In 1991-92 the natural gas in Assam was stillnot utilized fruitfully. 56% was flared off. Theofficial figures in 1992-93 were Rs. 30 lakh per day of natural gas wasted.
Oil well/field Production in million tons Refinery:-
Naharkatia 0.26 million tones
Digboi " 0.75 " "
Noonmati " 1.40 " "
Barauni (Bihar)
Moran 0.60 " " Barauni
From the above table we can see that two-third of Assam's crude oil is refined outside the state. As a result the peoples of Assam are deprived of crores of rupees in revenue and employment opportunities.
Apart from this the Indian State machinery has not given a thought to the future of the peoples of Assam but are systematically draining off all of Assam's oil reserves. The table below gives the official figures on oil reserves in Assam and the projections on production etc.:-
Year Oil Reserves Annual Production Projected Production total depletion In million tones yield (years) of reserves
1971 62.90 MT 3.542 MT 17.7 Years 1989 AD1981 89.00 MT 4.373 MT 20.4 years 2002 AD1990 144.95 MT 5.000 MT 29.1 years 2019 AD
We can see from the above table that Assam's oil reserves are expected to be completely drained off and depleted by the year 2019 AD. But the figures also reveal thatevery decade more and more oil reserves arebeing discovered. It is worth mentioning that the Shell Company recently discovered an oil reserve having 14000 metric tonnes ofoil. The pertinent fact is that the central government has kept all findings about the oil and mineral resources, and facts and figures secret. In the name of maintaining official secrets and national security the factsof Assam's oil reserves are classified and never disclosed to the peoples of Assam , as the reality of the sustained economic exploitation of the natural wealth of Assam would make the people revolt against the ruthless Indian State machinery.Assam contains important oil-fields and produces about 15% of India's crude oil....Assam till now should had been a developed and prosperous state with the amount oil it produces.
The oil is stolen by main land Indians left Assam with nothing.

Only a independent Assam which could fully exploit its own resources and full ownership in it could put it as par with Brunei-DarUs -salam.
The oil is stolen by main land Indians left Assam with nothing.

Only a independent Assam which could fully exploit its own resources and full ownership in it could put it as par with Brunei-DarUs -salam.


God bless u mate
It is nothing wrong in exploring drilling and selling the oil but the state and its people should benefit from it...but assam is still an underdeveloped state inspite of producing oil for more than 100 yrs
It is nothing wrong in exploring drilling and selling the oil but the state and its people should benefit from it...but assam is still an underdeveloped state inspite of producing oil for more than 100 yrs

Just look at Bhutan, only with a limited independence it could steeply increased its per capita by only selling water to India. Assam should follow the same path as Bhutan. I am sure Assam will make a far stronger country than Bhutan.
Just look at Bhutan, only with a limited independence it could steeply increased its per capita by only selling water to India. Assam should follow the same path as Bhutan. I am sure Assam will make a far stronger country than Bhutan.

India is one country and our strength lies in our unity, every state has some natural resource or the other and that benifts the country as a whole, although I do agree a lot of development needs to be done on the north eastern states.
Seperation of any state from India will only make it more week than strong and no sane Indian will let it happen.
It is nothing wrong in exploring drilling and selling the oil but the state and its people should benefit from it...but assam is still an underdeveloped state inspite of producing oil for more than 100 yrs

stop acting like a crybaby,get hold of your **** and be a man for once.Nobody is going to bring the food to your mouth and then put it in your mouth.Assam is much behind than other states in India agreed.Then let me ask you,what on Earth were the Assamese people doing for past 100 years ? Fighting among each other.States like Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh , Kerala etc. have developed because people there are hard-working and they know what is good for them.Why could not the Assamese people buckle up and use the situation to their advantage ?

You want examples ? I will give you examples right from India only...Assam produces petroleum,okay...Bihar produces a wide range of mineral ores ,coal etc.But there was very little development there,until recently,one honest CM took a stand.The Assamese have to do the same.

Why this attitude,that the Assamese have to be spoon-fed by someone at the center,and they themselves will do nothing about it ? When the Indian republic was formed ,it had very little capability to bring about progress and development.But then the current developed states worked hard and changed the scenario.Why cannot Assam be a part of the process ?

Just look at Bhutan, only with a limited independence it could steeply increased its per capita by only selling water to India. Assam should follow the same path as Bhutan. I am sure Assam will make a far stronger country than Bhutan.

It works both ways,my friend..East Bengal will also make a good new district of West Bengal, not that it is much different even now.
stop acting like a crybaby,get hold of your **** and be a man for once.Nobody is going to bring the food to your mouth and then put it in your mouth.Assam is much behind than other states in India agreed.Then let me ask you,what on Earth were the Assamese people doing for past 100 years ? Fighting among each other.States like Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh , Kerala etc. have developed because people there are hard-working and they know what is good for them.Why could not the Assamese people buckle up and use the situation to their advantage ?

You want examples ? I will give you examples right from India only...Assam produces petroleum,okay...Bihar produces a wide range of mineral ores ,coal etc.But there was very little development there,until recently,one honest CM took a stand.The Assamese have to do the same.

Why this attitude,that the Assamese have to be spoon-fed by someone at the center,and they themselves will do nothing about it ? When the Indian republic was formed ,it had very little capability to bring about progress and development.But then the current developed states worked hard and changed the scenario.Why cannot Assam be a part of the process ?

Rich state like Maharastra Gujrat etc are sucking the blood of poor state. Even W. Bengal is living on eastern states like Jharkhand and North East.

It works both ways,my friend..East Bengal will also make a good new district of West Bengal, not that it is much different even now.

Ok, Hold your donkeys there... ;)
India is one country and our strength lies in our unity, every state has some natural resource or the other and that benifts the country as a whole, although I do agree a lot of development needs to be done on the north eastern states.
Seperation of any state from India will only make it more week than strong and no sane Indian will let it happen.

don't you realise that is what he wants ?
Rich state like Maharastra Gujrat etc are sucking the blood of poor state. Even W. Bengal is living on eastern states like Jharkhand and North East.

Do explain how these states are sucking the blood of poor states.Do they draw raw materials from other states and dump it at their backyard at no cost.You really have no idea about head-or-tail of what you are talking about,do you?Things are not that simple as you presume to be.Any raw material produced goes through a process of price regulation led down by GOI so that the there is no disparity across the nation.It is not equivalent to selling soaps in open market.This applies to every form of raw material,starting from tea,sugarcane to iron ore.

The states like Gujarat and Maharasthra are the biggest contributors to GDP,which means the scenario is exactly the opposite to what you think it to be.The extra-contribution of these states are being used to compensate for the the lesser-contributing states.

Ok, Hold your donkeys there... ;)

You should know better then,and come back to a height,where your feet touches the ground.You know, it does not cost much to be a loud-mouth over the internet,but it is advisable to be realistic.
The oil is stolen by main land Indians left Assam with nothing.

Only a independent Assam which could fully exploit its own resources and full ownership in it could put it as par with Brunei-DarUs -salam.

Assam's oil is used by North-East only. We only drink Assam tea, Assam is not East Pakistan.
Assam's oil is used by North-East only. We only drink Assam tea, Assam is not East Pakistan.

Assam is not an industrial state nor has it the population to consume all the oil it produces, 15% of india's crude oil is supplied by Assam
Assam is not an industrial state nor has it the population to consume all the oil it produces, 15% of india's crude oil is supplied by Assam

Crude oil is not exported to other part of India, it was abandoned long back. There are number of oil refineries in Assam. 15%, the figure don't seems true.
In the name of maintaining official secrets and national security the factsof Assam's oil reserves are classified and never disclosed to the peoples of Assam , as the reality of the sustained economic exploitation of the natural wealth of Assam would make the people revolt against the ruthless Indian State machinery.Assam contains important oil-fields and produces about 15% of India's crude oil....Assam till now should had been a developed and prosperous state with the amount oil it produces.
Reminds me of Balochistan! Economic exploitation, paltry royalties and gross mismanagement! No wonder certain sections of the population have taken up arms against the Indian State!
lol hol what ????!!! @OP ?? mate where did you dig this out from . it reads like ULFA propagande article which they used to publish in 80s and 90s.

Crude oil is not exported to other part of India, it was abandoned long back. There are number of oil refineries in Assam. 15%, the figure don't seems true.
I read some where 1/3rd of total domestic production..
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