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The Difference between Taliban and MQM

i dont know if ur jokin or not but my cousins friends had guns placed on thier chest and all thier money taken twice and thier mobiles twice

at least they didnt get shot; i have relatives who have been shot by these mobile chors in khi; not seriously tho... :argh:
What reason do you give to Justify your support to a person who calls Creation of Pakistan a big mistake?

Who was calling pakistan "kafiristan" when it was about to be founded

MQM fears ANP's growing influence in karachi beacause they have won some of seats in assembly and have got some ministries too.
MQM should realize that Karachi belongs to everybody and is not anybodys property.Just because majority of people in Karachi are mohajirs and he is a mohajir too?c

I wonder what reception 250,000 "mohajirs" would get if they moved into NWFP?
Astonished to see this guys approach and his narrow tunnel vision who put this post up comparing terrorist Taliban with MQM who is represented by millions of Pakistanis.

Dude by posting such posts you are not doing Pakistan any good! At this critical point Pakistan and Pakistanis need unity amoung them a hate capaigner like what your post shows you are ...is not doing any good!!!
MQM terrorize civilian population in the area.....so do TALIBAN.....

MQM has supporters in the area...those who don't support it are opressed....so do TALIBAN....

the only diffrence is MQM got countless number of "PEACE DEALS" and is finally a political party in a CITY.....

however...like i said earlier....pakistan needs to stand together not only NOW but always.... INDIA has so many ethnic groups yet everyone considers themselves indian and no one looks at the other through their ethnic origins!!!
MQM terrorize civilian population in the area.....so do TALIBAN.....

Back ur arguments with proofs!

MQM has supporters in the area...those who don't support it are opressed....so do TALIBAN....


the only diffrence is MQM got countless number of "PEACE DEALS" and is finally a political party in a CITY.....

however...like i said earlier....pakistan needs to stand together not only NOW but always.... INDIA has so many ethnic groups yet everyone considers themselves indian and no one looks at the other through their ethnic origins!!!

So we should punish the people who still say that they are mohajir or pashtun!!
U will not find a single person in MQM calling himself mohajir, but ANP and other pashtun parties??:taz:
chorh day.. yeh Pakistan inn ka hai, this is not the Pakistan Jinnah talked about.. they don't want to share an inch of it..abhi tak Karachi mein urdu speakers aram se hain its a miracle
poor M.A Jinnah, his last portraits show how sad he was after realizing whom he had handed what to
chorh day.. yeh Pakistan inn ka hai, this is not the Pakistan Jinnah talked about.. they don't want to share an inch of it..abhi tak Karachi mein urdu speakers aram se hain its a miracle
poor M.A Jinnah, his last portraits show how sad he was after realizing whom he had handed what to

Ok.....how old are you??? you saw JINNAH's portrait and you saw his SADNESS....please don't tell me this is MONALISA portrait you saw.....and what do you want SANTRO....please suggest how can we make you feel better...

i really want to know how can we PAKISTANIS change your views.....and while we at it why don't you tell us where have you been depreived???
Keep dreaming!!

MQM got 25 lac votes in last election, thats mean u r insulting 25lac people, and MQM is the only party whose votes always increases, if u see another parties, they have change of numbers in thier votes, PML-N and PPP didnt get good votes in 2002 but in 2008 they perform well,

What is the reason?? Bcoz people gave them right for ruling but they failed to slove the problems;

But if we talk abt MQM, if someone votes MQM, then he would never change vote another party, bcoz he's satisfied with MQM!
But the voters of PPP and PML-N changes their mind within one year bcoz of poor performance!

Thats why MQM always gains popularity!

Do you live in Karachi?
Have you seen people going to vote. You know how MQM(Mujhe Qyun Mara) gets votes?
I know How. Because I have seen them asking for vote. Dont be foolish on the fact that they got 25 lac votes or so. Their methods are inappropriate with respect to Democracy.
Do you live in Karachi?
Have you seen people going to vote. You know how MQM(Mujhe Qyun Mara) gets votes?
I know How. Because I have seen them asking for vote. Dont be foolish on the fact that they got 25 lac votes or so. Their methods are inappropriate with respect to Democracy.

All parties ask for votes, do u know all parties arrage tranport facilities for peoples who are going to vote!
It is not wrong!

If u are trying to say that MQM harrassed people for votes, then back ur arguments with source!
Karachi & its residents tried several parties call it mullahs, generals , or other crook faces we had in the past for appx 40 years, After decades of criminal negligience by previous govts's and corrupt authorities MQM emerged from the middleclases.

After a decade of conspiracies MQM managed to counter all conspiracies and manage to to have finally some rights and authority over the city its been voted from. MQM has changed the infrastructure of Khi and are working towards to the betterment of city. In 7-8 years the city finally had some good roads and other on-going developments a mega city like khi where appx 18 million people live , The Mayor khi (MQM guy again) has been called in by clinton to appreciate his work.

I and so many voters dont think any one this needs clearification what has mqm done since its been in power , Comparing them with Taliban is truly sad and represents indivisuals are groups biased and narrow approach.
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All parties ask for votes, do u know all parties arrage tranport facilities for peoples who are going to vote!
It is not wrong!

If u are trying to say that MQM harrassed people for votes, then back ur arguments with source!

Exactly what I am saying.

I know karachi is looking a bit better than usual. But, the fundamental question is the method of asking for votes and the talk on race.
Exactly what I am saying.

I know karachi is looking a bit better than usual. But, the fundamental question is the method of asking for votes and the talk on race.

I think u didnt read the whole post!
Read it again!
Back up ur arguments with source!
Tsk tsk.. such sarcasm, you should apply for Simon cowells seat on Idol..
considering your fanboy attitude. more importantly...considering you cant offer me even the slightest of proof that the stated is not the reason or that bias does not exist.But seriously though, I count give a **** about the mohjirs or pathans, I get my checks through a telecom company and they keep me real happy but one gets bored from time to time. I used to enjoy ticking emotionally charged fanboys off..a while ago,and while I'm not deprived at all, I don't mind the amusement I get at the constant attacks on the MQM(whom I actually don't even support),Imran Khan, PML(N,O,P,Q,R etc etc)..(I do enjoy the ones on mushy) and the others. Plus, I truly do enjoy inciting a little antagonism at forums where I see nationalism coming forward.. hmm.. MQM like behavior.. must be Altaf bhai money at work..
Whats even more pathetic that you bought into all that emotional blah blah. So I'm wondering..what is more funny.. your age group,MONA LISA or ka za pukhtan khilaf aim nu za dalta taizuna achom....
Who was calling pakistan "kafiristan" when it was about to be founded
I am neither a molvi nor support those who said that,infact i hate them,but this is not the answer to my question sir on what basis you support him(Altaf Hussain)?even when he called Pakistan a mistake.
Ps:i am not a pathan and NOT a supporter of imran khan or ANP or PPP or PML or the religious parties i prefer not to allign my self with any of them.
I wonder what reception 250,000 "mohajirs" would get if they moved into NWFP?
So you do have problem with pathans coming? i was right that you think that you own Karachi.Secondly these alleged numbers of 250,000 pathans coming to Karachi is not correct,if you have proof,provide me with link and please dont quote blogs, wikipedia or something from MQM's media network like Qaumi Akhbar or Dhoom etc.
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I am neither a molvi nor support those who said that,infact i hate them,but this is not the answer to my question sir on what basis you support him(Altaf Hussain)?even when he called Pakistan a mistake.
Ps:i am not a pathan and NOT a supporter of imran khan or ANP or PPP or PML or the religious parties i prefer not to allign my self with any of them.

Your point about Altaf Hussain calling pakistan a mistake should be jugded with the same yardstick as groups and peoples that have called pakistan worse names.
When pakistan was made there where plenty of groups that did not want to join pakistan or even want pakistan to be made.One group that did the most for pakistans creation and gave the biggest sacrifice where the "mohajir".......poeple seem to forget.

What do you support?...PPP,MQM,mullahs,secularism,sharia ect

So you do have problem with pathans coming? i was right that you think that you own Karachi.Secondly these alleged numbers of 250,000 pathans coming to Karachi is not correct,if you have proof,provide me with link and please dont quote blogs, wikipedia or something from MQM's media network like Qaumi Akhbar or Dhoom etc.

The number 250,000 was just given to illustrate my point......."what if a large number of "mohajir" moved to the NWFP...what would the reaction be of the locals?"......would they be greeted by open-crossed arms by the pathaans.
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