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The delusion of identity

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Because you are the father of all bullshit :omghaha::omghaha:

You have been caught lying time and time again, vedic and british education had failed to instill moral education. :laughcry:

My dear Tang Chinese, you seems to be in deep pain and hiding it with using those LOLs. :rofl::rofl:
@A Town
In the early 1800s, Italian immigrants who made their living as sailors settled in Baltimore along the Inner Harbor.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, millions of Italians immigrated to America. This mass migration was one of the major reasons that US immigration laws were changed -- first with a literacy test in 1917, next in 1921 to restrict the annual number of immigrants and then in 1924 to restrict immigrants from specific countries.

Food words are only the tip of the Italian-American iceberg. Other Italian loan words can be found in music. By far, music seems a topic dominated by Italian loan words. The more familiar musical ones are alto, soprano, basso (voice ranges); cello, piano, cello, piccolo, viola, oboe, violin and harmonica (musical instruments); largo, andagiettio and fermata (musical tempos); crescendo, forte and sforzando (volume); agitato, bruscamente and affettuoso (mood); molto, poco and meno (musical expressions); and altissimo, acciaccatura and pizzicato (musical techniques).

Examples in the literature category are novel and scenario; in art, fresca (fresh painting) and dilettante (amateur); in architecture, balcony and studio; in banking, bank and bankrupt; military: alarm, colonel and sentinel; politics: ballot, ghetto and bandit. Italians formerly used balls in their voting, and the word “ball” eventually became “ballot.”

Fire hydrant in Baltimore’s Little Italy | Photo by Jacky Tranter

Immigrants from Genoa were some of the first Italians to settle in Boston, making a living by selling produce, cheese, olive oil and wine. (Pastene Companies, Ltd. started with a pushcart in 1848 and is still family owned and operated.)
The North End, now estimated to be about 40 percent Italian American, still imparts the culture and heritage of the Italian immigrants. Around 80 Italian restaurants and market tours of Italian food, wine and beverage purveyors are popular tourist attractions. Numerous feasts and processions are held throughout the year and two of the largest -- St. Anthony’s Feast, first celebrated in 1919, and the Fishermen’s Feast, first held in 1910 -- are both in August.


It’s no secret that Boston’s North End is predominately Italian. This modified fire alarm pole appears to offer directions to some of the more popular neighborhoods. | Photo by Josh Mazgelis

North of Manhattan, an area about eight by nine blocks large is called the Belmont section of the Bronx, but more commonly referred to as the “real Little Italy” in New York. In the 1890s, Italian immigrants moved from lower Manhattan to the tenement buildings of the Bronx.

The early Italian settlers in Chicago were a small group from northern Italy who arrived in the 1850s and established themselves as entrepreneurs by selling produce, opening restaurants and stores and working as skilled artisans. Thirty years later, Chicago had become one of the fastest growing cities in America,

Cleveland, OH (Murray Hill)
By the mid-1800s, a small group of Italian immigrants had arrived in Cleveland and were working in various occupations -- in both professional and skilled labor -- as bookkeeper, boot maker, gardener, carpenter, steelworker and stone mason. Twenty years later, Italians were owners of restaurants, saloons, produce stands and grocery stores.
common...I have already told you more than 95 % Pakistani people were hindu once and with advent of islam they converted....except the turks, mughals, and arabs..etc...
1st religion to born was hinduism that too in 2000-1500 BCE then islam came in 600 AD....
do you think they sat empty for all those years...while the hinduism originated in indus-ganga plain.....:lol::lol:

And I had replied you that all south asian ancestors were non-hindu if you go all the way back.
So what if people take different path along the course of history???? (hinduism only 2000 years old, Vedic is more similar to Zorotrasian than Hindusim )
Now go tell an American he is delusional with his identity and you will be punched for being racist! And this is what has happened "recently"

While in Pakistan different ethnics have been living with their "influences" for centuries now....How can you expect nothing and call them confused but refuse to say the same to Americans?

Research Study: The Hispanic Influence on American Culture30 Nov 2012

Los Angeles -
As Hispanic culture permeates mainstream America, a new research study by Conill reveals where the effect is most concentrated and which groups are most receptive to its influence.

The study revealed surprising and not-so-surprising truth

- Food, music and sports were confirmed as the greatest areas of influence by Hispanics and non-Hispanics alike.

- Discrepancies arise when it comes to beauty and style.
Now go tell an American he is delusional with his identity and you will be punched for being racist! And this is what has happened "recently"

While in Pakistan different ethnics have been living with their "influences" for centuries now....How can you expect nothing and call them confused but refuse to say the same to Americans?

Research Study: The Hispanic Influence on American Culture30 Nov 2012

Los Angeles - As Hispanic culture permeates mainstream America, a new research study by Conill reveals where the effect is most concentrated and which groups are most receptive to its influence.

The study revealed surprising and not-so-surprising truth

- Food, music and sports were confirmed as the greatest areas of influence by Hispanics and non-Hispanics alike.

- Discrepancies arise when it comes to beauty and style.

Why are posting about Italians in America on this thread. o_O
My dear Tang Chinese, you seems to be in deep pain and hiding it with using those LOLs. :rofl::rofl:

I have all the facts on my side, why would I be in pain? And my civilization is indigenous, yours came from foreign invaders, now that is what you called painful. :haha::omghaha:

At least I'm not sexually confused about my origin. :girl_wacko:

I have all the facts on my side, why would I be in pain? And my civilization is indigenous, yours came from foreign invaders, now that is what you called painful. :haha::omghaha:

Never understand those "wacky" Indian trying to whitewash their own history & culture because a "foreigner" just happens to create the basis of their religion & culture. Indonesia on the other hand has no problem accepting it.

At least I'm not sexually confused about my origin. :girl_wacko:

Why are you telling me. 8-)

I have all the facts on my side, why would I be in pain? And my civilization is indigenous, yours came from foreign invaders, now that is what you called painful. :haha::omghaha:

You facts are equivalent to things in gutter. :lol::lol:
Column: Hispanic heritage runs deep in the USA

This nation isn't becoming Hispanic. It always has been.

"Hispanics," "immigration" and "immigrants," whether "illegal" or not, have been hot topics during the presidential campaign. But these discussions have all missed the point: The United States isn't becoming a Hispanic nation; it always has been.

Whether Hispanics account for 15% or 16% of the population today is immaterial. Hispanic culture has been part of "America" longer than the United States has existed.

Spanish shaped America

Understanding Hispanic heritage is key to understanding the roots of American culture, whether it is the dollar sign, cowboy icon, barbecue and mustangs or Texas chili — which is as old as the Constitution.

Five states have Spanish names (Florida, California, Nevada, Colorado, Montana) and four more (Texas, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona) have Hispanicized native names. And it's no wonder: Until the mid-19th century, they were all part of New Spain, and then part of Mexico after independence, before the U.S. took them over.

Technically, Spanish language and culture became part of the national fabric of the United States when the U.S. expanded West of the Mississippi and South of the Carolinas. Over a period of 82 years, the U.S. penetrated deeply into the Hispanic sphere, annexing or occupying Florida (1821), Texas (1845), Northern Mexico (1848 and 1854), Puerto Rico (1898) and the Panama Canal zone (1903).

In so doing, the U.S. acquired a Hispanic personality that has lasted to this day. But that personality started developing long before the annexation of Florida and Texas. The oldest records of European explorers and settlers on the territory of United States were written in Spanish. The oldest European town, St. Augustine, Fla., was founded by Spain in 1565 — 42 years before the founding of Jamestown.

Americans owe the words tornado, canyon and ramada to early 16th century quests for gold carried out by Spanish explorers Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, Hernando de Soto and Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. The Comanche, Apache and Sioux warriors got their trademark horsemanship from the Spanish, who re-introduced the horse to the continent. The word "mustang" is a deformation of the Spanish termmestengo (for stray cattle). Ranching was originally Spanish. Conquistadors brought it with them to the New World. Lasso, chaps and shack are all anglicized Spanish ranching vocabulary.

U.S. law has been influenced by the Spanish legal tradition, as symbolized by the carving of Castillian monarch Alfonso X in the House of Representatives.

Our Spanish stock exchange

Even the U.S. dollar has Spanish roots. From 1500 until the mid-19th century, the Spanish dollar, commonly referred to as "pieces of eight," was the de facto currency of international commerce. It served as a model for currencies ranging from the U.S. dollar to the Chinese yuan, and was legal tender in the U.S. before Congress approved the Coinage Act of 1857.

The dollar sign, the ubiquitous $, is widely believed to be derived from symbols related to the Spanish currency circulating in the American colonies. Stock prices were quoted on the New York Stock Exchange in eighths until 1997.

In short, the USA's Hispanic heritage runs much deeper than Tex Mex and recent immigrants. It shaped daily life for Americans of every race long before Hispanics became a sought-after political constituency.

Jean-Benoit Nadeau and Julie Barlow are the authors of The Story of Spanish, to be published by next year.

Column: Hispanic heritage runs deep in the USA

@A Town go do some homework...

As for the rest of you Indians think twice before opening shitty threads ....You guys may be all clones of 1 ancestor and have no influence or should I say lack tolerance of integrating from "foreign" people but many people are proud of their diversity!

We Pakistanis def are @WebMaster @Aeronaut I request again that a ban be imposed on Indians having the urge to open such BS threads...IF they have identity crises they should seek a specialist not open a thread here!
And I had replied you that all south asian ancestors were non-hindu if you go all the way back.
So what if people take different path along the course of history???? (hinduism only 2000 years old, Vedic is more similar to Zorotrasian than Hindusim )
there is no thing as hinduism... its a foreign name given to the people following a kind of culture in east of Indus......
the religion name is Sanatan Dharma.....you need to know this first.....
and this religion follows vedas.....and and later incorporation into it...+ it originate between 2000BCE-1500BCE ..so you are free to count the years....:lol::lol:
Why are posting about Italians in America on this thread. o_O
Ask @A Town
He said Foreigners in America have/ had no influence on their culture....
That was his point and the rest are arguments against his ridiculous cluelessness!

I'm talking about today, most Americans aren't even aware of there ancestry.
Read post 453
You have gone completely off topic, I never mentioned influence, I said culture.
I said immigrants who come hundreds of years earlier forget there culture and your posting about Hispanic cultural influence?o_O
No offence but I think you are a bit confused.
Everyone is aware of their ancestry...most of America is divided in such a way to make sure people know who was from where! The whole country lives on borrowed words, culture and language! They are damn proud of it! Unlike you people who call it "delusion" which you people have that foreign people can not integrate, accept or even influence a nation! A very stupid thought mind you...very intellectually backward!

You have gone completely off topic, I never mentioned influence, I said culture.
I said immigrants who come hundreds of years earlier forget there culture and your posting about Hispanic cultural influence?
No offence but I think you are a bit confused.

They have? Apart from recent immigrants. Majority of White Americans are German descent, how many do you see embracing German culture? Instead they created there own culture.

No offence taken but influencing cant be done without embracing....so I hit the nail on the head....only you didnt get it!

Plus why would one's culture influence America if they have forgotten it? read post 453
Everyone is aware of their ancestry...most of America is divided in such a way to make sure people know who was from where! The whole country lives on borrowed words, culture and language! They are damn proud of it! Unlike you people who call it "delusion" which you people have that foreign people can not integrate, accept or even influence a nation! A very stupid thought mind you...very intellectually backward!
Again you are getting confused, how can you be sure that all Pakistanis are descended from Arabs, Persians etc?
Most likely very few are. And then you started posting articles about Hispanics and That stuff completely forgetting the context. If you are going to debate at least understand the context and read exactly what I said.
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