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The Crusade for a Christian Military, the US/NATO forces

19th Century White Missionaries (Africa)

At the beginning of the 19th century, very few people in Africa were practising Christians, apart from Ethiopians, Coptic Egyptians and people living in the remnants of the Kongolese Empire (modern Congo Brazzaville and western DR Congo).

In the 1800's, Catholic missionary expeditions were launched with new vigour to the West, in Senegal and Gabon. Protestant missionaries took up work in Sierra Leone in 1804. The missionaries represented a big spectrum of denominations or churches: Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, many of them in competition and conflict with each other.

The abolition of slave owning in 1807 and slave trading in 1834 throughout the British Empire proved to be two important turning points. Outlawing the slave trade and converting freed slaves became a powerful motive for setting up European Christian missions. Human compassion in Europe for the plight of slaves meant that money could be raised to fund the considerable expenses of setting up a mission. :meeting:

The Protestants spread the Christian gospel through the slaves who were liberated from slaving ships along the West Coast after 1834. The application of Christian doctrine was much stricter than it had been in previous centuries. The success of Christian missionary programmes can be linked to the education they offered. Many people in Africa wanted education; and missionaries taught people to read, in order that they might understand the word of 'God'. :smile:


The missionary traveler David Livingstone (1813-1873) believed that the slave trade could only be suppressed by a combination of Christianity and trade. He travelled extensively from east to west in southern Africa dedicated to bringing Christianity to all, but never staying very long anywhere. He was most successful among the Tswana people (in modern Botswana), even though conversion to Christianity upset the status quo of this community.

Neither Livingstone nor other missionaries had much impact on the slave trading which went on between the interior and the East coast. They failed to convert any significant numbers of Muslims to Christianity. Livingstone's well-intentioned call for colonisation as an antidote to the horrors of slavery, paved the way for a host of missionaries and speculators to follow in his footsteps and cause immense hardship for the people of southern Africa.


Many European missionaries worked extremely hard running their missions, risking their lives and good health in the process. They varied enormously in their ability to contribute to the quality of life of those they lived with. Some remained dedicated but contemptuous of those they claimed to be converting. Others developed deep affection and respect for those they worked with and made a long lasting impression.

The Scottish factory worker, Mary Slessor was one such missionary. She spent over 40 years in southern Nigeria, in Calabar. She learnt the local language and lived a life of total simplicity. She dealt head-on with some of the customs of the region, such as throwing twins into the bush to die, and negotiated an end to this. Today she is still revered and loved as a local figure.

Listen to a description of Mary Slessor's missionary life and work

Among the least admirable missionaries in history is reckoned to be the Reverend Helm of the Christian Missionary Society (CMS) who deliberately mistranslated a document drawn up between King Lobengula of the Ndebele and the British South Africa Company of Cecil Rhodes. This resulted in King Lobengula giving away all his land to speculators, thinking he had only signed away a limited mining concession. He was one of the rulers of southern Africa who had consistently refused to convert to Christianity.

Another runner up for the title of villainous missionary is the Catholic priest, Friar Anthonio Barroso, who persuaded the illiterate Dom Pedro V, King of the Congo to sign a note in 1884. He believed it was a thank you letter for a gold-backed chair; in fact it was an oath of loyalty and submission to the King of Portugal.

Portuguese missionaries in Angola and Mozambique in the late 19th century and 20th century were renowned and feared for their willingness to work hand in glove with the Portuguese colonial authorities. As a result of this alliance between church and state, Protestant missions proved very popular and many of Angola and Mozambique's leading nationalists were educated in Protestant missionary schools.

The Story of Africa| BBC World Service

Six Million African Muslims Convert to Christianity Each Year

Al-Jazeerah Website -- Six Million African Muslims Convert to Christianity Each Year

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Conversions: Facts and Figures

Below are some self-explanatory facts and figures that show the showing the alarming rate of conversions and missionary activity in some of the world's poorest nations:

Christian Population Statistics

1950 - 1 Million 2003 - 100 Million

South Korea:
1945 - 2.2% Population 2003 – 49% Population

Papa New Guinea:
1950 - < 1% Population 2003 - 97% Population

1900 – 1.7% Population 2003 - 55% Population

Is India Next?
2003 - < 3% Population 2060 - ???

Other Countries:

The below countries are traditionally non-Christian but are now majority Christian through aggressive missionary activity. Most, if not all of the countries below, have effectively been converted by the exploitation of their impoverished conditions by missionaries.

Angola - 90% Christian
Burundi - 78% Christian
Cameroon - 35% Christian
Central African Republic - 82% Christian
Chad - 33% Christian
Congo - 62% Christian
East Timor - 92% Christian
Ethiopia - 52% Christian
Equatorial Guinea - 94% Christian
Gabon - 79% Christian
Kenya - 25% Christian
Liberia - 68% Christian
Mozambique - 31% Christian
Nigeria - 52% Christian
Papa New Guinea - 97% Christian
Philippines - 84% Christian
Rwanda - 69% Christian
South Africa - 78% Christian
South Korea - 49% Christian
Sudan - 30% Christian
Tanzania - 20% Christian
Togo - 23% Christian
Uganda - 70% Christian
Zaire - 90% Christian

Conversion Facts

US $145 Billion are spent annually for missionary activities.

Every year, churches around the world perform US $1.1 billion worth of research in 3,000 languages, covering 180 religious topics for conversion purposes.

Missionary literature in today's libraries number 175,000 different titles in 500 languages, increasing by 4 newly published every day.

The total cost of Christian conversions averages $330,000 for each and every convert.

From only 3 million in year 1500, Christians involved in missionary activities has grown to 648 million worldwide, 54% being Non-Whites (Showing the focus of training of indigenous missionaries).

There are only 818 ethno linguistic peoples or tribal groups which have never been targeted by any Christian agency.

It costs Christians 700 times more money to convert someone in rich developed countries such as Switzerland than in poor developing countries such as India. (That is why India is being heavily targeted).

Each day 10,000 Chinese are converted to Christianity due to missionary tactics.

Each year 3.5% of Africans (6 Million) convert to Christianity.

The top three poorest countries in the world by per capita GDP are all 40-70% Christian (Notice how Missionaries target the poorest populations).

In 1972, there were 26 indigenous missionary agencies in India, as of 1997 there are more than 200.
In India, it is estimated that 5,000 people are converted to Christianity everyday. That's one person every 17.28 seconds!

Christian Aggression - Conversions: Facts and Figures
one day I explained the 'tactics' of Australian government to convert "Non Christians" into first "Non-Believers" by fuckuing their women, and then introduce Christianity among the converted non-believers this way, in the first point as below: :meeting:

=> I would like to explain few things in a bit clear way. as until we can't discuss the 'problem', we can't find its solution. first I would tell you about the 3 simple stages of discriminations in Australia, I have seen from very close:

1st, I had my one senior in my company WMA Ltd, Faisal Nabi, who used to send his kids to Muslim Schools in Perth. and I know the reason, that is, it is an 'official' policy of the government of Australia to break down 'belief' of different 'non-christian' religious people by fcuking their daughters and sons even since schooling through their generation of Single Mothers, who themselves are from more than 15-20 mothers-fathers and they hate to think that someone is having 'one' father-mother. they 'hate' the people who may prove these generations of 'Single Mother', below standard as they are not even sure about their correct father. in australia, you have to give name of your mother in schools, not father. and then, as per policy of Australian government, they allow 'heavy' advertisement of Christianity among these 'non-believers'on the streets of Sydney, which can be seen commonly there........

2nd, and only after proving that you are either a Christian or 'non-believer', by fcuking here and there, you then qualify for the 2nd stage of discrimination in Australia, which then includes South Americans and these 'non-believer' Asians, like the case of this Indian Doctor and many other similar cases. this discrimination then involve discrimination based on 'race', which badly hurt South Americans as they have mixed race. this discrimination always put you down to your western partner, whether she or he.
(and here we find Indians little better place as they are generally on the higher paid jobs, and ready to compromise in tough circumstances. i mean, if you work for 4 days and fcuk rest of the 3 days then you are only living your life and have not much in pocket to spend. but for example of this Indian doctor, she went to his 'house', he might have paid for full drinks in pubs also. my most of the friends in australia have flat/house while we do find many Aussies find it hard to have even a single room, and they can hardly offer $12 per 5 litre wine to serve a woman :wave:)

3rd: discriminations based on nationality, and here again South Americans and Asians are put very down. :meeting:

I tell you something in short, "there is always a 'war' organized by the western nations on the name of religion/race/nationality. they always have someone on their target and others in their waiting list. and their different wars will never end until they will have 'enslaved' rest of world. and you only have to defend yourself." :meeting:

i have seen from very close that they either want those Indians who abuse India in western nations or those Indians who are basically wrong/criminals to prove this is how the Indians are. and by abusing India, the nation and its culture, you may at least prove yourself 'good', due to your 'english education' background, being loyal to British this way. there is not the third option that you may say 'good' for India/its culture and avoid discriminations with yourself. and as I do have a good political mind, here I may give a clear information that, "those who can't even listen 'good' for a developing country like India, they will never be good for that certain country. and if at any stage of time they may prove India the nation/indian culture wrong, then it will only mean that they will then get a license to attack on India by political, economic or finally by military means." or, one of the best way is to maintain support for the countries like China, Iran etc to keep a resistance to this Western Aggression. and we are 'helpless' on our geo-political stand :wave:
Conversions: Facts and Figures

Below are some self-explanatory facts and figures that show the showing the alarming rate of conversions and missionary activity in some of the world's poorest nations:

Christian Population Statistics

1950 - 1 Million 2003 - 100 Million

South Korea:
1945 - 2.2% Population 2003 – 49% Population

Papa New Guinea:
1950 - < 1% Population 2003 - 97% Population

1900 – 1.7% Population 2003 - 55% Population

Is India Next?
2003 - < 3% Population 2060 - ???

Other Countries:

The below countries are traditionally non-Christian but are now majority Christian through aggressive missionary activity. Most, if not all of the countries below, have effectively been converted by the exploitation of their impoverished conditions by missionaries.

Angola - 90% Christian
Burundi - 78% Christian
Cameroon - 35% Christian
Central African Republic - 82% Christian
Chad - 33% Christian
Congo - 62% Christian
East Timor - 92% Christian
Ethiopia - 52% Christian
Equatorial Guinea - 94% Christian
Gabon - 79% Christian
Kenya - 25% Christian
Liberia - 68% Christian
Mozambique - 31% Christian
Nigeria - 52% Christian
Papa New Guinea - 97% Christian
Philippines - 84% Christian
Rwanda - 69% Christian
South Africa - 78% Christian
South Korea - 49% Christian
Sudan - 30% Christian
Tanzania - 20% Christian
Togo - 23% Christian
Uganda - 70% Christian
Zaire - 90% Christian

Conversion Facts

US $145 Billion are spent annually for missionary activities.

Every year, churches around the world perform US $1.1 billion worth of research in 3,000 languages, covering 180 religious topics for conversion purposes.

Missionary literature in today's libraries number 175,000 different titles in 500 languages, increasing by 4 newly published every day.

The total cost of Christian conversions averages $330,000 for each and every convert.

From only 3 million in year 1500, Christians involved in missionary activities has grown to 648 million worldwide, 54% being Non-Whites (Showing the focus of training of indigenous missionaries).

There are only 818 ethno linguistic peoples or tribal groups which have never been targeted by any Christian agency.

It costs Christians 700 times more money to convert someone in rich developed countries such as Switzerland than in poor developing countries such as India. (That is why India is being heavily targeted).

Each day 10,000 Chinese are converted to Christianity due to missionary tactics.

Each year 3.5% of Africans (6 Million) convert to Christianity.

The top three poorest countries in the world by per capita GDP are all 40-70% Christian (Notice how Missionaries target the poorest populations).

In 1972, there were 26 indigenous missionary agencies in India, as of 1997 there are more than 200.
In India, it is estimated that 5,000 people are converted to Christianity everyday. That's one person every 17.28 seconds!

Christian Aggression - Conversions: Facts and Figures

I just checked and found that government agencies are now involved in corrupting/destroying links of my post. :meeting:
the 'NEW' link of the above analysis is as below :usflag:

Jeez. Isn't insulting Jesus Christ blaspemous to you Muslims since He is regarded as a prophet of God on the same level as Muhammad??
I just checked and found that government agencies are now involved in corrupting/destroying links of my post. :meeting:


i cant believe i just read that. :lol:

Maybe you can ask your good friend Putin if he can help you out!

i cant believe i just read that. :lol:

Maybe you can ask your good friend Putin if he can help you out!

you can't even think to the level Im involved with :disagree:. I find at least 10+ blue light cars/ambassadors coming close to me on time to time, whenever I go out for a walk on evening, with at least 2-3 red light cars 'every evening'.....

things happened with me and out of mine, is the biggest mess of this century. whatever I say or even discuss in home, directly goes to the leaders of G20s, Im on a straight watch by the international media. and im still waiting for the time when I will be formally taken on a proper legal process...... while I have clearly passed my message to the legal system of democratic countries, including to Indian government, that if I can't be taken on a proper legal process then I would be allowed to go anywhere I want to, and i have shown my full wish to go with Russian officials, or, they would let me get a job im offered from Iran............
you can't even think to the level Im involved with :disagree:. I find at least 10+ blue light cars/ambassadors coming close to me on time to time, whenever I go out for a walk on evening, with at least 2-3 red light cars 'every evening'.....

things happened with me and out of mine, is the biggest mess of this century. whatever I say or even discuss in home, directly goes to the leaders of G20s, Im on a straight watch by the international media. and im still waiting for the time when I will be formally taken on a proper legal process...... while I have clearly passed my message to the legal system of democratic countries, including to Indian government, that if I can't be taken on a proper legal process then I would be allowed to go anywhere I want to, and i have shown my full wish to go with Russian officials, or, they would let me get a job im offered from Iran............

lol :rofl:, please keep us updated, we cherish your input. Although on a purely comical level.
you can't even think to the level Im involved with :disagree:. I find at least 10+ blue light cars/ambassadors coming close to me on time to time, whenever I go out for a walk on evening, with at least 2-3 red light cars 'every evening'.....

things happened with me and out of mine, is the biggest mess of this century. whatever I say or even discuss in home, directly goes to the leaders of G20s, Im on a straight watch by the international media. and im still waiting for the time when I will be formally taken on a proper legal process...... while I have clearly passed my message to the legal system of democratic countries, including to Indian government, that if I can't be taken on a proper legal process then I would be allowed to go anywhere I want to, and i have shown my full wish to go with Russian officials, or, they would let me get a job im offered from Iran............
Lol, this post explains a lot about your others...can't you get your brain pills for free? PS...was US Army...not a whole lot of bible studies going on....:disagree:
Until the Islamic conquest in 6th century, the lands of Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, North Africa, Palestine, were all Christian lands. Then, the muslims were strong and united and Christians weak and divided. Hence Muslims were able to conquer, subjugate and convert the Christians. Today, the Christians are strong. It is only logical that they do to the Muslims, what the Muslims did centuries ago.
I did have good talk with aboriginals in Australia and one day I said, if the same might have happened with my own life then I might also have definitely converted into Islam to punish these Enemies of Humanity, if this is the only way to resist them :sniper:

So the Australian Aboriginals prefer Arab imperialism over white colonialism?
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