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The Crusade for a Christian Military, the US/NATO forces

What a crappy article.....people think that militants in northeast india are funded by christians because it is christian majority region.... more than 50% of all educational institutions in northeast are run by missionaries ...northeast india has been neglected by mainlanders for so many yrs but dispite this Northeast india is more socially developed,it has more literacy rate than average national rate, there are less homeless people,far less gender inequality, even though there are lots of poor people in northeast they don't go around begging,one will find far less beggers in northeast......all this is possible because of christian missionaries and NGOs and hardworking culture of the people, missionaries are doing what gov is not doing....and about the militants they are all on ceasefire and many of them had surrendered and by the way they were funded by enemy's who wanted to divide india.
They must start a crusade agains their own countries first because Islam is the fasted growing religion there :D
Iraq War
Sep 17, 2008

While innocent people are getting killed everyday in Iraq Christian missionaries are trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. christianity force convert muslims islam christians iraq missionaries terrorist war bible quran crusade bush church usa

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Yes! the NATO forces are the modern day crusaders and killers of innocent Muslims and even non-Muslims around the globe.....:smokin:

sir, its true that Christians have 1000s years old historic classes with Muslims, so obviously their first target would be Muslims, true. but its also true that whenever US/NATO organize any war, their main intentions are to spread Christianity by the force of that war, and here we find our combined interests harmed and then we look for a united front against this aggression of Christianity, this Crusade of Christianity. as, whenever a Christian Missionary try to convert someone, he doesn't care whether he/she is a Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist/Shia/Sunni etc.

and the same we see in case of Australian aboriginals, that is, whenever they want to go against the colonial efforts of British Christians, they first convert themselves into Islam to have a credible resistance to Christianity, as below. as it is found that Islam is the most powerful force to resist this type of aggression of Christian background Western Rulers who want to organize different wars in world which are mainly intended to convert people of that certain region, and hence take over those parts this way..........


America is funding Christian militants in India, like that theyhave done for Taliban This is with the aim to createchristian nations in India by breaking it. American president Bush elected with the help of the christian fanatics distributefunds from white house. Millions of dollars flows to christian missionaries and Christian NGOs in India. The seriousness of this situation can be gauged by the fact that christians runmost of the thousands of NGOs in India and most of them areinvolved in misinformation and conversion activities. Christian fundamentalism with its funding from the United States, is orchestrated with enormous guile, secrecy,corporate skill, and is disintegrating India. Bush’s America isworse than Saudi Arabian Islamic fundamentalists. Bushpropagate fundamentalism himself, and building it into theAmerican machinery. The missionary activity is tied in withdubious social work.

Missionary D. Ron Watts, located at Hosur in Karnataka alongwith his American wife Dorothy is the most successfulchristian conversion terrorist in India. They are in India onBusiness visa and with US funding converted 500,000 Hindusin the last five years. They enjoy the political support of thecongress party. They have brought in more than 200foreigners on tourist visa for conversion work in India. Usingtheir organizations known as Maranatha International andGlobal Mission they carry out the rape of India.[/B]

Usa Funds Christian Terrorists in India
Cheap propaganda, nothing else. Missionaries do convert tribals (not hindus btw) and it causes inter tribal conflicts. But I dont think it is supported by govts, but rather by normal well meaning people in west who think these people are doing good job.
Many of the missionaries are doing good job btw, only a few are causing conflict.
Cheap propaganda, nothing else. Missionaries do convert tribals (not hindus btw) and it causes inter tribal conflicts. But I dont think it is supported by govts, but rather by normal well meaning people in west who think these people are doing good job.

Many of the missionaries are doing good job btw, only a few are causing conflict.

Sir, we know that missionary schools/colleges are good in India, but we can't ignore that fact that their main intentions are to convert people, whoever they can. I studied in Lucknow Christian Degree College for one year and then I qualified to an engineering college and while living in hostel of that college, I saw many 'official' visits of Christian missionaries to different parts of UP itself to convert people of those parts, with a big group of Christian students, even if they pay them for conversion through the money they get from Western nations. i had few converted Christian friends who were appreciating these efforts as this is how they could get good life due to the fund of Christian missionaries. but with all these good things, we know that Western Nations are intended to help only those poor of India who are ready to convert into Christianity, its a fact, regardless how many good things are behind this. and here the topic on the discussion is, "why the Western Nations organize different wars in world which are mainly intended to spread Christianity in world, whether its Vietnam war, Iraq war, Afghan war, continuous flow of fund to India/Africa etc in search of all those who may be made to convert into Christianity anyhow by use of money etc."

but I have a different worries from inviting Christianity in any country. Sir, Im a science student and Im neither from any of the two religious backgrounds, Christinaity or Islam, who fought for over 1000 years. but my worries is about growing numbers of generation of 'casual sex' of Single Mothers, and we all knows that Mr Jesus Christ was also not sure about his known father. and in fact he was right to claim that he was 'Son of God' as even in India, there was a wrong tradition in past, when mistress of rich people used to get pregnant, people used to say those kids sons or daughters of God as only God knows who who were fathers of those kids. And those members of PDF who have had good time in a Western country know that whenever you ask a Western girl in private, what if you get pregnant? then she first name Mr Jesus Christ and say, he will be one like Jesus.

Then here we find, In fact inviting Western culture in India is nothing but about inviting ‘Single Mother’ culture in India from West. Western Champions of Christian religious background themselves shy to accept that Mr Jesus Christ was also son of a Single Mother, similar to common Western nationals who aren’t sure about their father, but these Christian background Western people try to prove that Mr Jesus Christ directly came from sky in place to saying that he was also one of the common Western people. They themselves don’t want to accept that Mr Jesus Christ was also from a Single Mother, while being shameful, but these Western Christian religious background people want the whole world to adopt this Western culture. And I can’t understand, if they themselves are shameful enough to say that their lord, Mr Jesus Christ, was one of the generation of Single Mother then why they want the whole world to become like this. In place of fixing their disease, why they want to spread it in whole world?

Im scared of that day when Indian kids will have to give name of their mother in schools like Australia type Western country, not name of father like in India, because right now a Western kid just can’t guarantee who exactly was his father. And in place of fixing their disease, these Western democratic champions want to spread it in whole world, why, its beyond my limits to think……………

In fact, the main liar about the truth about birth of Mr Jesus Christ is Pope Benedict XVI . Does the Christian religious background Western countries have even one science student who may dare to say to this liar that Mr Jesus Christ might not have taken birth without a father? why this liar lie to world about the concept behind birth of any human or animal on earth? But from my side, I may say that, "when poor educational background fall to a certain level, the only thing remains is, what we believe in regardless how things really work. And belief in Christianity is nothing but a sign of falling educational background of Western people, like how we now find only under high school pass people in the countries like US, UK, Australia, Canada.............."
western media like Washington Post do have to mention that this type of murders of Christian missionaries in Vietnam, because of US's/West war there, is the circumstances made by themselves. they want to organize different wars to spread Christianity and when other side won, they then targeted those Christian missionaries and Degar Montagnards who helped US during that war against Vietnam. US/West want to orgaize wars to give proper space to spread the Christianity and other sides want to resist these efforts, thats all.........

They must start a crusade agains their own countries first because Islam is the fasted growing religion there :D

in fact, we hope by 2025/30, population of Muslims in Britain will have taken an enough good size to effect their decision on the international platform. also, the way UK was involved in so many activites in Pakistan, the way they used Pakistan for so long, they would in fact provide more permanent visas to Pakistan's nationals, I think

The Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years, according to official research collated for The Times.

The population multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of society, the research by the Office for National Statistics reveals. In the same period the number of Christians in the country fell by more than 2 million

The total number of Muslims in Great Britain:

2004: 1,870,000

2005: 2,017,000

2006: 2,142,000

2007: 2,327,000

2008: 2,422,000

Source: Labour Force Survey

British Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society'

Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.

Europe's Muslim Street | Brookings Institution

And than they talk about ''Islamic'' terrorism..






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Answer my question, how many Muslims do we have in the United States? How many do we have in the military?
For Christians, Vietnam war rages

Vietnam’s “hidden” war on Christianity just rumbles along, and on March 13, the communist authorities demolished one of the first Christian churches built in Vietnam’s Central Highlands. While religious persecution is nothing new to Vietnam, the significance of this demolition is particularly symbolic because the church was more than a historical landmark. The large stone Church at Buon Ma Thuot for the last 34 years had been deliberately closed by Vietnam’s security police, and yet, all those years, the church remained a powerful symbol to the local indigenous Christians.

Unfortunately, the church was also an unwelcome reminder for the communists who had murdered a number of Christian missionaries near the grounds in 1968, and a reminder of the very movement the government is trying to eliminate. This movement, so hated by Hanoi, is nothing other than “independent” Christian house churches.

Thus, in the dead of night, with security forces keeping watch, heavy machinery came and brought the historic church toppling down. Word of this spread, and in mourning the loss on May 1, some 90,000 Degar Montagnards from 375 villages stopped everything and prayed for three days and nights. Security forces responded by making dozens of arrests of these tribal Christians, threatening them to cease their religious activities.

This repression against Christians in Vietnam is decades old, and it was in 2004 that the U.S. State Department first added Vietnam to the “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) designation, the official “watch list” of nations that commit serious religious persecution. Potentially, CPC designation involves sanctions being imposed on such countries. However, after negotiations with Hanoi, the CPC designation was removed as the communist authorities “promised” to undertake religious reforms, including stopping forced renunciations of faith, an actual policy directed against tribal Christians.

Today, however, the question remains whether Vietnam everintended to honor such reforms and whether the State Department conveniently accepted Hanoi’s dubious promises in order to gain trade, military and diplomatic relations. If the State Department did so, it is clear the Degar Montagnards - who were America’s loyal allies during the Vietnam War - have been relegated to little or no importance. U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Michael W. Michalak recently rejected calls by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) to put Vietnam back on the CPC watch list. He cited that there was not enough evidence of religious persecution.

Yet we know the European Parliament confirmed a Degar Montagnard woman named “Puih Hbat” was arrested in April 2008 for leading prayer services in her house. Not only did the Europeans confirm that this woman had been sentenced to five years imprisonment for this “crime,” but also that this very information had been given to them by U.S. Embassy officials. “Puih Hbat” is a 42-year-old mother of five children, and her family fears that she may have been killed in custody.

It wouldn’t be the first Degar Montagnard killed by Vietnam’s security forces, and it wouldn’t be the first such killing acknowledged by the State Department. In fact, the State Department has confirmed the killings of Degar Montagnards such as “Y Ngo Adrong” in 2006 and “Y Ben Hdok” in 2008. They also reported that killings of tribal Christians by Vietnam’s security forces on Easter 2004 reached casualty figures at least in “double digit figures.”

If the imprisonment of “Puih Hbat” and the above killings are not evidence of persecution, what then of the hundreds of confirmed Degar Montagnards now rotting in Vietnam’s jails? Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the USCIRF all report that hundreds of Montagnards are currently imprisoned under Vietnam’s authoritarian laws. These laws are vaguely defined as crimes of “undermining state unity,” which, in reality, means the Degar Montagnards were imprisoned for crimes relating to religious freedom and free speech.

The evidence today suggests that not only is religious persecution continuing in Vietnam, but also that Hanoi has merely changed tactics in persecuting Christians. Since being dropped from the CPC designation in 2006, hundreds - if not thousands - of Degar Christians have been arrested, beaten and threatened in what appears a policy to repress the house churches from expanding membership. It is estimated that during the past decade, Protestant congregations have grown 600 percent in Vietnam, a statistic that has greatly alarmed communist officials.

Today, “forced renunciations” have been replaced by control mechanisms - namely, torture, beatings, imprisonment and killings. Instead of forcing Christians to renounce their faith, Vietnamese authorities force Degar Montagnards to join “government-approved” churches, such as the Evangelical Church of Vietnam - South (ECVN-S), where Christians can be watched, controlled and, if need be, arrested and imprisoned like “Puih Hbat.” In other words, “You can be a Christian, but you must be ourChristian.”

Persecution is nothing new to the Degar Montagnards, and when the Vietnam War ended, the communists unleashed a brutal revenge against them that reads like a blueprint for ethnic cleansing. It started with the execution and imprisonment of their leaders and pastors. The Degar Montagnards were also subjected to forced relocations and driven off their ancestral lands. Today, they have been pushed into a life of poverty, and their once-great forests virtually clear-felled by logging companies. In the words of Human Rights Watch, “The Montagnards have been repressed for decades.”

The Vietnam War saw an estimated 40,000 Degar Montagnards serving with American forces at any one time, and by the end of the conflict, some 200,000 of these people, a quarter of their population, had perished. The late Ed Sprague, former U.S. Special Forces soldier and Foreign Service officer, who served with the Montagnards for seven years, summed up their role stating, “There was a dual love - we loved them and they loved us, and they saved a lot of American lives.”

In Washington today, however, the Degar Montagnards have been conveniently forgotten. The historical role they played in the Vietnam War, their sacrifice and their loyalty to the United States are practically unheard of. Only a few members of Congress have ever raised their issue, and the Obama administration seems about as interested today in hearing about Degar Montagnards as the communists are in Hanoi.

On June 8, the United States and Vietnam held a joint “Political, Security and Defense Dialogue,” and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Greg Delawie stated, “The Obama administration has placed a strong emphasis on engaging with and listening to our partners in the region.”

Of course, there was no mention of America’s former allies, the Degar Montagnards.

Scott Johnson is a lawyer, writer and human rights activist. He co-writes the Powerline.com blog.

For Christians, Vietnam war rages - Washington Times

western newspapers like Washington Post, Reuters are in fact sick on the Christian religious ground, who can't see the main reason behind this type of things happening in Vietnam. its the US/West who first fought for Christianity in Vietnam and now the other side is responding :meeting:
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