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The courageous Pakistan army stand on the eastern front

Bullshit, the Bangladesh govt itself called for compensation for 30,000 people. All others must have been killed by Mukti Bahini, do remember that the Mukti Bahini also killed anyone who collaborated/was thought to have collaborated with the Pakistani authorities.........

Sir, bhains kae agay beeen bajanay kaa koie fiedaa hotaaa hai kiyaa ??
Isn't she the same woman who said that East Pakistan was used as a political tool?

There's some truth in that allegation but that's noway diminish or validate the atrocities PA did.

One has to take this Bose family member with tons of salt.

Well, I am not sure if she is the produce of the JNU cabal. Incase she is, then I will not be surprised.

By the way this particular peice appeared a long time back in the Calcutta edition of The Telegraph.

The author introduces herself as someone from the Bose family the retired general had fought against during the Burma campaign...
Bullshit, the Bangladesh govt itself called for compensation for 30,000 people. All others must have been killed by Mukti Bahini, do remember that the Mukti Bahini also killed anyone who collaborated/was thought to have collaborated with the Pakistani authorities.........
Given that from April, 1971 onwards the victims of Pakistani genocide (a term used by International Commission of Jurists in the context of killing of Hindus) were all Hindus, given that the surviving Hindus (a rough estimate puts the figure at 10 million by the end of Dec, 1971) had en mass crossed the international boarder into India, how do you propose that the surviving members of these victims (Hindus), who had by then started another struggle for survival in a foreign land, should have responded to that compensation. Not to mention that the 'courageous' Pakistani Army ensured that they just didn't kill one or two members of a family. They, on the basis of just a suspicion, would quite diligently wipe out entire families and/or the villages, leaving no one to later on claim compensation. (If you so want, I can post scanned images of newspaper reports.)

Now, please cite a Bangladeshi Govt. document that says that only '30,000' people responded to the compensation package.
Given that from April, 1971 onwards the victims of Pakistani genocide (a term used by International Commission of Jurists in the context of killing of Hindus) were all Hindus, given that the surviving Hindus (a rough estimate puts the figure at 10 million by the end of Dec, 1971) had en mass crossed the international boarder into India, how do you propose that the surviving members of these victims (Hindus), who had by then started another struggle for survival in a foreign land, should have responded to that compensation. Not to mention that the 'courageous' Pakistani Army ensured that they just didn't kill one or two members of a family. They, on the basis of just a suspicion, would quite diligently wipe out entire families and/or the villages, leaving no one to later on claim compensation. (If you so want, I can post scanned images of newspaper reports.)

Now, please cite a Bangladeshi Govt. document that says that only '30,000' people responded to the compensation package.

I'm referring to the first Diplomatic exchange between Mujib and Bhutto in which Mujib demanded compensation for the 30,000 supposed victims of Pakistan army, about 60% of Pakistan's reserves/military equipment and the exfiltration of all non-bengalis from the newly formed Bangladesh. Which were unsurprisingly rejected. Those villagers you talk about demanding compensation were doing what they were told by their govt and their Indian allies because I doubt a common villager can have knowledge of human rights guaranteed by the UN Charter of Human rights and claim compensation in light of Geneva convention...As for pictures and reports, the corpses did not carry the names of their murderers, like I said: Mukti Bahini also killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Bengalis who were sympathetic to Pakistan in an attempt to "Purify" the Bengali nation of "Traitors". Which the Bangladeshi govt and Indian forces made sure that the world forget. The corpses could very easily be the victims of the "Liberators".
Sir, bhains kae agay beeen bajanay kaa koie fiedaa hotaaa hai kiyaa ??
Sir, here is a bhains, that goes by the name Time, and it is trying to moo something. It you would give this bhains a patient hearing, Sir. Or reading.

Pakistan: The Ravaging of Golden Bengal
Monday, Aug. 02, 1971

OVER the rivers and down the highways and along countless jungle paths, the population of East Pakistan continues to hemorrhage into India: an endless unorganized flow of refugees with a few tin kettles, cardboard boxes and ragged clothes piled on their heads, carrying their sick children and their old. They pad along barefooted, with the mud sucking at their heels in the wet parts. They are silent, except for a child whimpering now and then, but their faces tell the story. Many are sick and covered with sores. Others have cholera, and when they die by the roadside there is no one to bury them. The Hindus, when they can, put a hot coal in the mouths of their dead or singe the body in lieu of cremation. The dogs, the vultures and the crows do the rest. As the refugees pass the r0tting corpses, some put pieces of cloth over their noses.

The column pushing into India never ends, day or night. It has been four months since civil war broke out between East and West Pakistan, and the refugees still pour in. No one can count them precisely, but Indian officials, by projecting camp registrations, calculate that they come at the rate of 50,000 a day. Last week the estimated total passed the 7,500,000 mark. Should widespread famine hit East Pakistan, as now seems likely, India fears that the number may double before the exodus ends.

Hundreds of thousands of these are still wandering about the countryside without food and shelter. Near the border, some have taken over schools to sleep in; others stay with villagers or sleep out in the fields and under the trees. Most are shepherded into refugee camps where they are given ration cards for food and housed in makeshift sheds of bamboo covered with thatched or plastic roofing. Though no one is actually starving in the camps, food is in short supply, particularly powdered milk and baby food.

No More Tears

Life has been made even more miserable for the refugees by the monsoon rains, that have turned many camps into muddy lagoons. Reports Dr. Mathis Bromberger, a German physician working at a camp outside Calcutta: "There were thousands of people standing out in the open here all night in the rain. Women with babies in their arms. They could not lie down because the water came up to their knees in places. There was not enough shelter, and in the morning there were always many sick and dying of pneumonia. We could not get our serious cholera cases to the hospital. And there was no one to take away the dead. They just lay around on the ground or in the water." High-pressure syringes have speeded vaccination and reduced the cholera threat, but camp health officials have already counted about 5,000 dead, and an estimated 35,000 have been stricken by the convulsive vomiting and diarrhea that accompany the disease. Now officials fear that pneumonia, diphtheria and tuberculosis will also begin to exact a toll among the weakened ref ugees. Says one doctor: "The people are not even crying any more."

Perhaps because what they flee from is even worse. Each has his own horror story of rape, murder or other atrocity committed by the Pakistani army in its effort to crush the Bengali independence movement. One couple tells how soldiers took their two grown sons outside the house, bayoneted them in the stomach and refused to allow anyone to go near the bleeding boys, who died hours later. Another woman says that when the soldiers came to her door, she hid her children in her bed; but seeing them beneath the blanket, the soldiers opened fire, killing two and wounding another. According to one report from the Press Trust of India (P.T.I.), 50 refugees recently fled into a jute field near the Indian border when they heard a Pakistani army patrol approaching. "Suddenly a six-month-old child in its mother's lap started crying," said the P.T.I, report. "Failing to make the child silent and apprehending that the refugees might be attacked, the woman throttled the infant to death."

Cordon of Fire

The evidence of the bloodbath is all over East Pakistan. Whole sections of cities lie in ruins from shelling and aerial attacks. In Khalishpur, the northern suburb of Khulna, naked children and haggard women scavenge the rubble where their homes and shops once stood. Stretches of Chittagong's Hizari Lane and Maulana Sowkat Ali Road have been wiped out. The central bazaar in Jessore is reduced to twisted masses of corrugated tin and shattered walls. Kushtia, a city of 40,000, now looks, as a World Bank team reported, "like the morning after a nuclear attack." In Dacca, where soldiers set sections of the Old City ablaze with flamethrowers and then machine-gunned thousands as they tried to escape the cordon of fire, nearly 25 blocks have been bulldozed clear, leaving open areas set incongruously amid jam-packed slums. For the benefit of foreign visitors, the army has patched up many shell holes in the walls of Dacca University, where hundreds of students were killed. But many signs remain. The tank-blasted Rajabagh Police Barracks, where nearly 1,000 surrounded Bengali cops fought to the last, is still in ruins.

Millions of acres have been abandoned. Much of the vital jute export crop, due for harvest now, lies r0tting in the fields; little of that already harvested is able to reach the mills. Only a small part of this year's tea crop is salvageable. More than 300,000 tons of imported grain sits in the clogged ports of Chittagong and Chalna. Food markets are still operating in Dacca and other cities, but rice prices have risen 20% in four months.

Fear and deep sullen hatred are everywhere evident among Bengalis. Few will talk to reporters in public, but letters telling of atrocities and destroyed villages are stuck in journalists' mailboxes at Dacca's Hotel Intercontinental. In the privacy of his home one night, a senior Bengali bureaucrat declared: "This will be a bitter, protracted struggle, maybe worse than Viet Nam. But we will win in the end."

Estimates of the death toll in the army crackdown range from 200,000 all the way up to a million. The lower figure is more widely accepted, but the number may never be known. For one thing, countless corpses have been dumped in rivers, wells and mass graves. For another, statistics from East Pakistan are even more unreliable than statistics from most other places (see TIME Essay). That is inevitable in a place where, before the refugee exodus began, 78 million people, 80% of them illiterate, were packed into an area no larger than Florida.

Harsh Reprisals

The Hindus, who account for three-fourths of the refugees and a majority of the dead, have borne the brunt of the Moslem military's hatred. Even now, Moslem soldiers in East Pakistan will snatch away a man's lungi (sarong) to see if he is circumcised, obligatory for M0slems; if he is not, it usually means death. Others are simply rounded up and shot. Commented one high U.S. official last week: "It is the most incredible, calculated thing since the days of the Nazis in Poland."

Continue reading here
How Sharmila-esque.

'...the Eastern command did not create the conflict.'

Like the organised killings of Bengalis, the systematic genocide of minorities, the rapes, the murders of Bengali intellectuals never happened. She gives a bad name to 'scholarship', an insult to the Bose family.

:tdown::tdown::tdown: sometimes back i would also had believed this Indian propaganda but since for a project i had studied in details so i am very clear that It was Indian State terrorism and the lies spread were by Indian media as at that time all those were media persons were sending reports through Delhi sitting there.

And btw i can refute many of bharti lies.

will try to submit the research paper by a colleague for posting on defence.pk
I'm referring to the first Diplomatic exchange between Mujib and Bhutto in which Mujib demanded compensation for the 30,000 supposed victims of Pakistan army, about 60% of Pakistan's reserves/military equipment and the exfiltration of all non-bengalis from the newly formed Bangladesh.
Yes, yes I know what you are talking of. Now how about providing a citation for that magic number.

Those villagers you talk about demanding compensation were doing what they were told by their govt and their Indian allies...
Rubbish. May be you should read my post again.

As for pictures and reports, the corpses did not carry the names of their murderers, like I said: Mukti Bahini also killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Bengalis who were sympathetic to Pakistan in an attempt to "Purify" the Bengali nation of "Traitors". Which the Bangladeshi govt and Indian forces made sure that the world forget. The corpses could very easily be the victims of the "Liberators".
I said newspaper reports, like the one I posted above, not pictures.

And no, the world hasn't forgotten anything but the world is wise enough to make a distinction between the violence of oppressor and the violence of the oppressed from a sense of retribution and right to self-defense.
:tdown::tdown::tdown: sometimes back i would also had believed this Indian propaganda but since for a project i had studied in details so i am very clear that It was Indian State terrorism and the lies spread were by Indian media as at that time all those were media persons were sending reports through Delhi sitting there.

And btw i can refute many of bharti lies.

will try to submit the research paper by a colleague for posting on defence.pk
Excuse me for not bothering to respond to your tripe in first para. I will however be eagerly waiting for your colleague's research paper. Hope it is not Qutubuddin Azis's 'Blood and Tears'.
Ms Bose as a daughter of an indian hero, I salute you for telling the truth, like I said indian intellectuals like Ms Roy and now Ms Bose are telling unpalatable truths for the exploitative indian establishment.
Yes, yes I know what you are talking of. Now how about providing a citation for that magic number.

Rubbish. May be you should read my post again.

I said newspaper reports, like the one I posted above, not pictures.

And no, the world hasn't forgotten anything but the world is wise enough to make a distinction between the violence of oppressor and the violence of the oppressed from a sense of retribution and right to self-defense.

All you need is a transcript for the meeting. I would present you with one myself but I am unsure of where I could find a soft copy.
As for newspaper reports, I can't believe them. They will obviously print what they got from the field of battle, and since the battlefield lay with the Indians and separatists, the reports will be heavily in favour of them. It's bound to be that way, if Pakistan had won 71, you would have probably been blamed for those 30,000 murders.
Many Indians do realize that 71 was not a war, it was a free for all. After the declaration of war, Pakistani forces did not stand a chance, they were about 85,000 soldiers with about 7,000 local militia men against 0.4 million Indians with a proper chain of supply(mind you, Pakistan had no way of getting ammo/supplies to it's soldiers due to Indian naval/aerial blockade) and only a couple of million Bengali Mukti Bahini.

In light of the above isnt it strange then that the wizards in GHQ decided to launch the pre emptive strikes at five Indian airfields on 3rd Dec 71 which led to an all out war.

These facts were surely known to them,misplaced bravado perhaps ?
In light of the above isnt it strange then that the wizards in GHQ decided to launch the pre emptive strikes at five Indian airfields on 3rd Dec 71 which led to an all out war.

These facts were surely known to them,misplaced bravado perhaps ?

It's a funny story really, but the outcome makes it extremely grim. When war with India became imminent, we knew that we couldn't stop an Indian advance in the East. The Pre-emptive was launched to coax India into attacking the West. The attempt however failed, Indians got their excuse for jumping into the conflict they had been covertly supporting and against what we believed, they attacked the East. The rest as we say and now know, is history.
Another drawback of the Pre-emptive strike was that we lost quite a few aircraft, minimizing the role of the PAF(which in 1965 had aerial superiority over India) to night time bombing raids, the runways that had been bombed to stop Indian aircraft from taking off were repaired quicker than anticipated and so it became even tougher for Pakistan.
These Indians are making my blood boil again.

What kind of denial they live in? why is it so hard for these people to acknowledge a simple fact that they took advantage of the civil war, trained the Bengali fighters and invaded across the international border as any enemy should do.

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