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The country with Muslims but no mosque

Do you really compare the rat square shitty village called Rome to a clean and shiny Dubai?
Just few days ago a bridge has fallen in Italy in a way that explains the deteriorated infrastructures you have.





on the other hand, Italy the country where garbage and Vatican have the same meaning




That's hilarious, guy who lives in a nation with over 5 million people in poverty compare his below sh** country to Arab Gulf countries.
There's no god damn way for the Mafia State of Italy to stand in line with Arab high standards countries.
No disrespect brother, but even the poorest states have more respect in front of my eyes yhan arab states whose only claim to richness is oil.
Italy is miles ahead in terms of women's rights, minority rights and democratic values than arab states.
In Italy we only have 8 mosque and close those down as well. Islam is not reckognized in Italy as real religion.

You are setting the precedence, don't complain when your churches will face the same fate in Muslim states. Mecca and Medina are like Vatican so don't raise that example.
No disrespect brother, but even the poorest states have more respect in front of my eyes yhan arab states whose only claim to richness is oil.
Italy is miles ahead in terms of women's rights, minority rights and democratic values than arab states.
And what do you say about india where rapes are national habit?
You are setting the precedence, don't complain when your churches will face the same fate in Muslim states. Mecca and Medina are like Vatican so don't raise that example.
Do minorities is muslim states have equal rights like in Christian states?

And what do you say about india where rapes are national habit?
I expected a better comeback, but yeah india with all its problems even Pakistan, Bangladesh have more respect in my eyes because these states created human capital and progressed unlike majority of arab states who socially are still in tribal age and only are rich because of oil money
No disrespect brother, but even the poorest states have more respect in front of my eyes yhan arab states whose only claim to richness is oil.
Italy is miles ahead in terms of women's rights, minority rights and democratic values than arab states.

I didn't know that those who boast about closing down places where minorities worship could be the champions of human rights and democracy. Now an indian talking out of a cow's a$$ says they are champions of human rights and democracy.

Do minorities is muslim states have equal rights like in Christian states?

Yes they do but Muslims in india and the west don't, even a blind can see that much!
I didn't know that those who boast about closing down places where minorities worship could the champions of human rights and democracy. Now an indian talking out of a cow's a$$ says they are champions of human rights and democracy.

I compared italy and arab states and you bring in india. Another sign of pdf "elite" member iq level. Like dude seriously, can people freely practice and propagate their religion in india. YES. Can they do in other arab states. NO. Case closed.
Do minorities is muslim states have equal rights like in Christian states?

I expected a better comeback, but yeah india with all its problems even Pakistan, Bangladesh have more respect in my eyes because these states created human capital and progressed unlike majority of arab states who socially are still in tribal age and only are rich because of oil money
Indian should be the last people to talk about respect, go gaurd your women otherwise she may get raped, you know its dangerous out there in india
Indian should be the last people to talk about respect, go gaurd your women otherwise she may get raped, you know its dangerous out there in india
Another gem, go on tell me more. I mean cmon guys is this platform your mental masturbation stage, you guys are so stupid sometimes its funny.
You said Italians were champions of human rights and I say it's bogus!

Reading problems are a common symptom among some of pdf "elite" members. I said they are miles ahead of arab states. The comparison was relative.

Rapes are fun for you guys, irony , isn't it?
Yeah totally, give us one more gem, won't ya. I am enjoying this banter now. Tell me and i know the answer to this already, you don't have any real life friends right.
Saudi Arabia is not a secular nation. Why some European countries act as hypocrites, says they are secular but act as crusaders?

Secularism is to not allow religion to influence politics.


Freedom of religion is not related to Secularism.
One variant of secularism would be to ban all religion.
Reading problems are a common symptom among some of pdf "elite" members. I said they are miles ahead of arab states. The comparison was relative.

Miles ahead in mafia culture.
Miles ahead in mafia culture.
I talk of circles, you talk of tangents
I talk of tangents, you bring in polygons.
I explain polygons, you bring in india and rapes.

Every discussion in pdf ever. Peace out bro.
I am convinced now that a stated which in 2018 gave women the right to operate a motor vehicle is ahead than italy, india and every other western country.

Slovakia is one of very few European countries with no mosque, but that's not the only struggle for a Muslim community denied official status. The Slovak parliament made it even more difficult for them to gain recognition.
So what? Muslim countries dont allow non muslims to build temples, churches and gurdwaras. Tit for tat..
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