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The Constantly Changing Lines in Ladakh and PLAs Current Territorial Gains: Brahma Chellaney

This is the problem of saving face in military realities. Attempting to lie to save face and claim a false victory is actually conceding military defeats on the grounds. That’s wat a Chai wala doesn’t understand. This isn’t Gali ki Daku giri. The Indians who are clueless about the nature of logic didn’t anticipate this. And chose instead to feed ppl the tidings of a false victory cuz they were too proud to admit that the Chinese had actually pushed in. Instead he gave the nation a fabrication for fake relief like a Bollywood action film. If he hadn’t done so nd admitted wat took place nd China transgressed then the nation wide consensus wud be to reclaim the lost lands at all costs. And by now India wudve been able to reclaim them. But no, their piss drinking bhikari , dhoti wearing, unprincipled, scumbag, ugly moronic B A S T A R D politicians lied to the public describing the events as the action sequence of a Hrithik Roshan action film. Now what Chai Walas? What will u tell ur countrymen now ? Will u say “ erm, actually they gained sum territories that we hadn’t seen before, Nd we must now do sumfin about it” shame on you. Learn the nature of lie if u can read. Most chai walas Nd delusional Indians can’t read , hence they Wudnt know the nature of LIE.

Indians actually should have their spiritual victories. It’s not about saving face. It’s about different perspective on victories. In all interactions, we must consider win win situations. By granting spiritual victories to India for the Jun 15th confrontation, everyone wins and are happy.
When they say, "India is a peace-loving country"
What they mean, "We love a boot up our arse to keep us peaceful"

When they say, "India is a peace-loving country"
What they mean, "We love a boot up our arse to keep us peaceful"

Why is indian section in PDF inviting so many pakistanis? Hardly any responses from Indians now a days.

Most responses are not adding any value.
Indians actually should have their spiritual victories. It’s not about saving face. It’s about different perspective on victories. In all interactions, we must consider win win situations. By granting spiritual victories to India for the Jun 15th confrontation, everyone wins and are happy.

Wat kinda idiot are u ? You talk perspectives on military realities? When India lose land areas to China what damn spiritual perspective is there? Nd does it matter if the Indians put up a fight? Does it mean they regain their territory? In military affairs there is ONLY ONE PERSPECTIVE and that’s the reality on the ground. Don’t talk like a stupid person in this knowledgeable forum . I repeat , in military affairs there is ONLY ONE PERSPECTIVE, the reality on the ground.
Wat kinda idiot are u ? You talk perspectives on military realities? When India lose land areas to China what damn spiritual perspective is there? Nd does it matter if the Indians put up a fight? Does it mean they regain their territory? In military affairs there is ONLY ONE PERSPECTIVE and that’s the reality on the ground. Don’t talk like a stupid person in this knowledgeable forum . I repeat , in military affairs there is ONLY ONE PERSPECTIVE, the reality on the ground.
You need to be more understanding to our Indian friends here. Don’t be so mean to them. Indians need their victories as well. And this is how they are getting them.
Wat kinda idiot are u ? You talk perspectives on military realities? When India lose land areas to China what damn spiritual perspective is there? Nd does it matter if the Indians put up a fight? Does it mean they regain their territory? In military affairs there is ONLY ONE PERSPECTIVE and that’s the reality on the ground. Don’t talk like a stupid person in this knowledgeable forum . I repeat , in military affairs there is ONLY ONE PERSPECTIVE, the reality on the ground.
It's their living in denial syndrome, they create fantasies to justify any misfortune. If they are starving, they would say they become healthy eating less, if they lose land, they say its useless land or they move the boundary then say no land lost. Its really funny looking at them justifying every single blunder. Lol
Wat kinda idiot are u ? You talk perspectives on military realities? When India lose land areas to China what damn spiritual perspective is there? Nd does it matter if the Indians put up a fight? Does it mean they regain their territory? In military affairs there is ONLY ONE PERSPECTIVE and that’s the reality on the ground. Don’t talk like a stupid person in this knowledgeable forum . I repeat , in military affairs there is ONLY ONE PERSPECTIVE, the reality on the ground.
The Indians need a victory to keep their nationalism alive. Since a military victory is not possible against China, nor is an economic victory, the only victory left is a spiritual victory. The proud Indians simply cannot accept that Galwan was a defeat, so it must be turned into a spiritual victory instead (i.e. one Indian soldier single handedly throwing 16 Chinese soldiers to their deaths).
India-China only ever agreed to the 1959 line on paper.

Indians on the other hand assumed the 1993/1996 peace treaties were the new lines but China never agreed to any such lines.

Now Indians are learning the hard way. This is the reason why the Hindu Extremist PM Narendra Modi said India has not lost any territory. He's accepted the 1959 line whether the darpoke Indian Army or the confused Indian populatios likes it or not.

China will clear out the entire area of Indians to where the 1959 line is.
This is what all Indian Defence experts have been claiming, Only the ruling party and their media have adopted a false line.

What are you talking about. There is no Chinese occupation of Indian claimed territory. Shri modi said so.

Why I remembering Baghdad Bob.
You need to be more understanding to our Indian friends here. Don’t be so mean to them. Indians need their victories as well. And this is how they are getting them.

Lol then everyone shud let them have maximum number of victories :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Everyone shud try get a dose of that monkey Arnab Goswami. That pathetic sucker thinks that Indian military is more powerful than Chinese. He says Indian military is larger. Blah blah. And brings guests from Beijing and tells them “we are superior to you”. He shouts and yells at guests from China and tells them this. Sumone tell me, what does this behaviour showcase? Nd how come a nation expressing superiority in such a crude uncivilised Manner, possibly be superior to anyone in today’s day and age? What reality are these ppl from ? I wonder what they are discussing in his show now. Are they discussing about how his country’s leaders lied to him and to all the nation about the land they lost but didn’t admit? What kinda dillusion is this man living in? There’s no guarantee even America wud win a war against China. And wats inevitable, by all projection, China is supposed be the most powerful country in the world in the next 10 yrs. to they not understand yet, the kinda trouble they’ve got themselves in ? They got their biggest enemy Pakistan allied with China against them. They are screwed. Even America Wudnt stand a chance against that kinda alliance. Let alone the inferior Hindus. Kashmir will soon be liberated. And the man making it possible in non other than the Chai Wala Modi
This is what all Indian Defence experts have been claiming, Only the ruling party and their media have adopted a false line.

India has a new god in the 5 Rafales they jut got as if 5 is going to make a massive difference LOL. They are literally worshipping the fact they managed to buy them from France.

As if 5 are going to make any difference.
India has a new god in the 5 Rafales they jut got as if 5 is going to make a massive difference LOL. They are literally worshipping the fact they managed to buy them from France.

As if 5 are going to make any difference.
Before they worshipped the Tejas, then they worshipped the FGFA/Su-57, and now they worship the Rafael.

Everyone shud try get a dose of that monkey Arnab Goswami. That pathetic sucker thinks that Indian military is more powerful than Chinese. He says Indian military is larger. Blah blah. And brings guests from Beijing and tells them “we are superior to you”. He shouts and yells at guests from China and tells them this. Sumone tell me, what does this behaviour showcase? Nd how come a nation expressing superiority in such a crude uncivilised Manner, possibly be superior to anyone in today’s day and age? What reality are these ppl from ? I wonder what they are discussing in his show now. Are they discussing about how his country’s leaders lied to him and to all the nation about the land they lost but didn’t admit? What kinda dillusion is this man living in? There’s no guarantee even America wud win a war against China. And wats inevitable, by all projection, China is supposed be the most powerful country in the world in the next 10 yrs. to they not understand yet, the kinda trouble they’ve got themselves in ? They got their biggest enemy Pakistan allied with China against them. They are screwed. Even America Wudnt stand a chance against that kinda alliance. Let alone the inferior Hindus. Kashmir will soon be liberated. And the man making it possible in non other than the Chai Wala Modi
The Indians have to compensate for their lack of capability on the ground by speaking louder. They can't be silent and have no capabilities at the same time can they?
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