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The Constantly Changing Lines in Ladakh and PLAs Current Territorial Gains: Brahma Chellaney


Sep 26, 2018
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Again i am quoting Brahma Chellaney a staunch anti Pakistani and anti Chinese Defence analyst.Unlike the BJP media his views do have valid points and involves deep research and knowledge.
According to him"This map of claim lines historically in eastern Ladakh shows how India's territorial control has shrunk and that of China has expanded since the advent of Chinese expansionism in the 1950s. Now, China has encroached on areas that fall outside any claim line it has ever presented."

The current PLA occupation of Previously Indian held territory.

According to him and others ,India has lost considerable territory to PLA, Modi does not have the balls to admit it. The current Indian cowardly posture may end up in loss of further land in other sectors on the LAC.
So the situation for the Indians is now worse than it was a month ago ... I wonder what the Indian members who insisted that the Chinese have fully withdrawn have to say about this?

They are happy making mandirs... and so are we:lol:

modi keeps them distracted. We keep tightening the noose;)
Again i am quoting Brahma Chellaney a staunch anti Pakistani and anti Chinese Defence analyst.Unlike the BJP media his views do have valid points and involves deep research and knowledge.
According to him"This map of claim lines historically in eastern Ladakh shows how India's territorial control has shrunk and that of China has expanded since the advent of Chinese expansionism in the 1950s. Now, China has encroached on areas that fall outside any claim line it has ever presented."

The current PLA occupation of Previously Indian held territory.

According to him and others ,India has lost considerable territory to PLA, Modi does not have the balls to admit it. The current Indian cowardly posture may end up in loss of further land in other sectors on the LAC.
A damaging indictment of Modi's statements that no Indian territory was ever encroached upon.
Their foot-in-mouth PM's statement "No one has intruded into Indian territory" for the domestic consumption has become a thorn in the throat

So the situation for the Indians is now worse than it was a month ago ... I wonder what the Indian members who insisted that the Chinese have fully withdrawn have to say about this?
He should specify what does "attacking " India means? I think Chinese can just keep moving forward without firing their guns and that won't be considered an attack.

These Indians are like dogs who bark at smaller dogs, the moment they come face to face with a bigger dog, just tuck their tails between their legs and run in the opposite direction

Again fooling the common Indians.
Looks like those 20 bhindu maggots POS died for nothing
This is the problem of saving face in military realities. Attempting to lie to save face and claim a false victory is actually conceding military defeats on the grounds. That’s wat a Chai wala doesn’t understand. This isn’t Gali ki Daku giri. The Indians who are clueless about the nature of logic didn’t anticipate this. And chose instead to feed ppl the tidings of a false victory cuz they were too proud to admit that the Chinese had actually pushed in. Instead he gave the nation a fabrication for fake relief like a Bollywood action film. If he hadn’t done so nd admitted wat took place nd China transgressed then the nation wide consensus wud be to reclaim the lost lands at all costs. And by now India wudve been able to reclaim them. But no, their piss drinking bhikari , dhoti wearing, unprincipled, scumbag, ugly moronic B A S T A R D politicians lied to the public describing the events as the action sequence of a Hrithik Roshan action film. Now what Chai Walas? What will u tell ur countrymen now ? Will u say “ erm, actually they gained sum territories that we hadn’t seen before, Nd we must now do sumfin about it” shame on you. Learn the nature of lie if u can read. Most chai walas Nd delusional Indians can’t read , hence they Wudnt know the nature of LIE.
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