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Im thinking, When China will export the REVOLUTION & Mao's thoughts to foreign nations ?

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contribution of communism in China's success = ????


It's what ever little freedom that they have in Chinese markets that has resulted in such economic success. Add to that the hard working chinese people, their skills, their intelligence and the natural resources they were sitting on top of.

The "ad" seems to suggest it's the communist party who is working to make all of that happen.

But let me assure you, a capitalist party would have been as good, if not better.
They want to export Mao's form of revolution because they know it is self-destructive - look at the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.
There are already more Maoists all around the world including in India then in China.
I know that, i am a anti maoist officer (not military)posted in most affected area.But chinese wanted to export that's why I suggested pakistan which is all time friend of chinese.Any maoist problem in burma?
"What is socialism and what is Marxism? We were not quite clear about this in the past. Marxism attaches utmost importance to developing the productive forces. We have said that socialism is the primary stage of communism and that at the advanced stage the principle of from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs will be applied. This calls for highly developed productive forces and an overwhelming abundance of material wealth. Therefore, the fundamental task for the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces. The superiority of the socialist system is demonstrated, in the final analysis, by faster and greater development of those forces than under the capitalist system. As they develop, the people's material and cultural life will constantly improve. One of our shortcomings after the founding of the People's Republic was that we didn't pay enough attention to developing the productive forces. Socialism means eliminating poverty. Pauperism is not socialism, still less communism."

— Deng Xiaoping, on 30 June 1984 at a Central Committee plenum, in a speech discussing Marxist theory
Im thinking, When China will export the REVOLUTION & Mao's thoughts to foreign nations ?

View attachment 191312

Better keep it for China and export goods and services only.

What works for one nation often ends up in disaster if applied (dictated) upon another nation.

If other nations want to copy the Chinese model, that's fine, although I suspect they would succeed. They can study and adopt as they wish.

But China, by is foreign policy doctrine, is not to export ideology.

Beautiful video, by the way, which captures and reflects the reality wonderfully.
Better keep it for China and export goods and services only.

What works for one nation often ends up in disaster if applied (dictated) upon another nation.

If other nations want to copy the Chinese model, that's fine, although I suspect they would succeed. They can study and adopt as they wish.

But China, by is foreign policy doctrine, is not to export ideology.

Beautiful video, by the way, which captures and reflects the reality wonderfully.
Not true...

From Third World to First: The Singapore Story - 1965-2000: Lee Kuan Yew: 9780060197766: Amazon.com: Books
Chapter 37

Deng Xiaoping's China

The Malaysians must be suspicious of Deng. There were underlying suspicions and animosity between Malay Muslims and Chinese in Malaysia, and between Indonesians and their ethnic Chinese. Because China was exporting revolution to Southeast Asia, my Asean neighbors wanted Singapore to rally with them, not against the Soviet Union, but against China.

Asean governments regarded radio broadcasts from China appealing directly to their ethnic Chinese as dangerous subversion. Deng listented silently. He had never seen it this light: China, a big foreign power, going over the governments of the region to subvert their citizens. I said it was most unlikely that Asean countries would respond positively to his proposal for a united front against the Soviet Union and Vietnam and suggested that we discuss on how to resolve this problem. Then I paused.

Deng's expression and body language registered consternation. He knew that I had spoken the truth. Abruptly, he asked, "What do you want me to do?" I was astonished. I had never met a communist leader who was prepared to depart from his brief when confronted with reality, much less ask what I wanted him to do. I had expected him to brush my points aside as Premier Hua Guofeng had done in Beijing in 1976 when I pressed him over the inconsistency of China's supporting the Malayan Communist Party to foment revolution in Singapore, not Malaya. Hua had answered with bluster, "I do not know the details, but whenever communists fight, they will win." Not Deng. He realized that he had to face up to this problem if Vietnam was to be isolated. I hesitated to tell this seasoned, weather-beaten revolutionary what he should do, but since he had asked me, I said, "Stop such radio broadcasts; stop such appeals. It will be better for the ethnic Chinese in Asean if China does not underline their kinship and call upon their ethnic sympathy. The suspicion of the indigenous peoples will always be there, whether or not China emphasizes these blood ties. But if China appeals to these blood ties so blatantly, it must increase their suspicions, China must stop radio broadcasts from south China by the Malayan and Indonesian Communist Parties.
If China does not actively export any ideology today, it is because China do not have any moral foundation that China deems worthy of sharing.

This guys is one of biggest assshole and God maker of human kind. He sent many to death. May he sleep with Satan in hell forever.
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