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The common capital of India and Pakistan

And yes India,was,is and will remain a Hindu nation, with minorities being suppressed at the gun point!

Yawn.....stop boring is with half century old rants.......

Only thing that can happen is, a status quo/peaceful co-existence. We can't be friends and that is a fact that wont change.

That suits us fine. We are the status quo power. Friendship between countries is overrated.
Sir, the raw nerve is touched when some psychopaths questions our right to exist. They choose to look away from our resolve to protect and maintain our identity and freedom. Its my right as a citizen and a patriotic Pakistani to challenge any delusioned folk who still have their heads stuck in 47.

I am all in for better relations, so on & so forth with India, i am in for ending the animosity, however i will never allow any lunatic to question my nation's identity or my people's right to exist as free people of the world.


But please do not deny him the right to have an opinion. From what I read in post No 1 , I found him equating both nations and bringing out the fact that we both are being led up the garden path by those who lead us.

Both of us are being shown a glass half full when its virtually empty.

Sab ko saath le kar chalo - its better that way.

India is not a clone of Pak & vice versa. Therefore differences are Lazmi.

Working through them is important.

But please do not deny him the right to have an opinion. From what I read in post No 1 , I found him equation both nations and bringing out the fact that we both are being led up the garden path by those who lead us.

Both of us are being shown a glass half full when its virtually empty.

Sab ko saath le kar chalo - its better that way.

India is not a clone of Pak & vice versa. Therefore differences are Lazmi.

Working through them is important.

Sir jee, you are living in a fallacy. Just look at the hatred spewed between Indians and Pakistanis on this forum alone!

I am all in for "sab ko sath lay kay chalo", donon mulkoon main lakhoon log ghareebi ki zindgi guzar rahay hain, unka khayal rakhna, sab say pehli tarjeeh honi chahiye.

My forefathers were part of the Pakistan movement, and have made sacrifices along the way, they handed me a free country in a plate. I cannot allow people to question my nation's way of life, or our right to exist.

Better relations can be built by working on the middle ground, which is business. If both markets open up to each other, a new middle class will emerge in 20 years, and that will be a win win. Its hard to go to war when money is involved, just look at China and the US.
Aur phir @ghilzai - Kaisaa haii Wrror ? :azn:

Rozaa tou nahin luggg rahaa naa ? :fie:
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The common capital of India and Pakistan


It was not just the land that was partitioned. Hearts, minds, behaviours and emotions had been partitioned long before so the final division could be made ‘smoothly’, and it went as smoothly as expected. The ground was pulled from underneath someone’s feet, while the sky was pulled away from another’s head! Millions of people neither belonged here nor there, only those who were to lead the new states remained. The new leaders had not only been involved in dividing the state but also dreamt of ruling the new countries in the name of religion and nationalism. A single announcement managed to create a border that cannot be seen anywhere except in books, files and maps.

It was as if a wall was erected in the courtyard of a large, lively house. Those who lived and played together would sulk one moment and reconcile with each other the next. Their hearts beat together as one. If they liked a certain tune, they all sang it together. If they got drunk, they danced in harmony with each other. Their souls were fragrant with the scent of the soil; their breaths were perfumed with the same culture. But the formation of the wall of hate and treachery neither divided nor affected their breaths, their heartbeats.

It doesn’t matter whether the leaders belong to this side of the wall or to that side. They have always sowed seeds of hatred within the divided hearts of their nation in order to prevent the demolition of the wall erected within their hearts and minds so that not only their rule would be established but their sustenance is guaranteed, as well as their luxuries.

What does it matter if the people on this side or that of the wall live below the poverty line? Forget having healthcare and education, what does it matter if the people are deprived of basic needs like ‘roti, kapra aur makan’? Instead, not only did they build mountains of weapons but they also filled their own homes with the money they earned from the sale of weapons.

On one hand, both countries are atomic powers. On the other hand, they have no electricity, water, gas or petrol. We line up for CNG and other fuels; there is no electricity neither here nor there. We say it’s ‘loadshedding’ and they call it ‘katoti’. At night, their footpaths are full of sleeping, homeless people. A similar sight can be seen on our roads at night. We have katchi abadis and they have slums. Piles of rubbish litter our streets and theirs. There are armies of beggar children on both sides of the wall. But we still stand amongst the developed nations with our heads held high, saying that we are atomic powers. They stand in dhotis and we in old, torn shalwars.


The awam here and the janta there are stuck in the clutches of the same kind of leaders. We hear cries of “Corruption! Corruption!” from both sides of the border. They are ruled by the bureaucracy, businesspeople, politicians and the army. Similarly, we are ruled by the bureaucracy, politicians, waderas, businesspeople and the army. Everyone is related in one way or the other. The pundit rules there, while the mullah rules here. They both fear love as it were their mortal enemy. Each tells his people to follow the ‘true’ path. Each considers his path as the right one.

Everyone has their own path and destination. Your job is merely to follow in their footsteps, not think and question your leaders. Just close your eyes and follow them because it is their responsibility to take you to the destination. The revolution is on its way. We have kept walking on for the last 65 years, losing generations in the process but we still hear that the revolution is on its way.

When the talks of lessening the distances begin, steps are taken to increase the distances. Firing occurs, throats are slit or sometimes you’ll hear a blast. Then all measures announced to decrease the bilateral distances are either completely withdrawn or remain as mere announcements. The nationalist politicians in both countries begin to speak in a common jingoist language. The media in both countries lets go of all control, trying to gain higher ratings. If they could, they would bring the two armies to a confrontation or blow up both nations with a single bomb.

The public of both countries breathe, smile, laugh and cry together. Their grief and happiness are the same. Films, drama and songs are the same for both; while someone from Calcutta hums the tunes of Mehdi Hasan, someone else in Peshawar is a great fan of Jagjit Singh. Their hearts beat together. Their dreams are the same. But this wall between the two countries has been elongated and heightened instead of being shortened. Those who keep fortifying it don’t know that its height cannot prevent the winds, scents and the sounds of music and laughter from travelling across the border.


Poetry, literature, history, philosophy, theatre, dance and music are our common capital. How are you going to stop these? What methods will you use? The people think at an equal level and are not dependent upon you anymore. Whether it is instruments, voice, art or literature, the roads have opened for them.

The world is getting closer everyday and you are adamant on not saying hello to your neighbour.

Our children would like to benefit from each other’s developments. They wish to study and learn from each other’s teachers. The fearful atmosphere spread by our leaders has greatly harmed our previous generations. For goodness sake, let the new generations familiarise themselves with their culture, traditions, art and literature. The entire world is coming closer but we are being kept apart from each other every single day.

Why are we forbidden from knowing about ourselves? Why we are not allowed to look into the mirror? We are supposed to be each other’s reflection. Why are we being forced to look into opposing directions? Who has ever been saved by weapons? Only love can save us! Please cut the crop that you have been cultivating for the last 65 years. And just let us be.

The author has dabbled in every form of the visual arts. An activist to the core, Abro’s work deals with social themes and issues ranging from human rights to dictatorial regimes. He is currently working for DAWN as an illustrator.

Please please unite, take punjab and sindh, undo the partion so finally when my people say they are pakistani no one looks puzzled and says but u dont look south Asian.

Sick and tired of this bull crap.
Sir jee, you are living in a fallacy. Just look at the hatred spewed between Indians and Pakistanis on this forum alone!

I am all in for "sab ko sath lay kay chalo", donon mulkoon main lakhoon log ghareebi ki zindgi guzar rahay hain, unka khayal rakhna, sab say pehli tarjeeh honi chahiye.

My forefathers were part of the Pakistan movement, and have made sacrifices along the way, they handed me a free country in a plate. I cannot allow people to question my nation's way of life, or our right to exist.

Better relations can be built by working on the middle ground, which is business. If both markets open up to each other, a new middle class will emerge in 20 years, and that will be a win win. Its hard to go to war when money is involved, just look at China and the US.

O ho..

Where has he questioned the right to exist ?

Sab ko satth.. was meant for people withing your own country not those outside . This applies equally to Indians too.

Just because a fellow countryman has a divergent view does not mean he is anti - country - thats what I meant.

With you 100 % on the underlined part.
Oh gimme an ______ break. Pakistan's existence has sparked, wars? are you out of your brain sparrow?
All the below "wars" you mentioned is because of the existence of Pakistan. Thats what I said.

Had there been no Pakistan, no wars in INDIAN subcontinent. That's what I meant. Dont take it as an offence.

First war in 1948 broke out when "you" forcefully annexed Kashmir.
Nope. We have the instrument of accession. Legally we are doing whatever, none of your concern because you were not part of India after 1947.

Second war in 1965 war broke out because of "your PM" Shahstri had formally made Kashmir a part of India, denying its people the right to self determination in 1964. It was "you" who Invaded Lahore and Sialkot sectors, sparking a full scale conflict.
Like I said, we have the instrument of accession. Legally its our territory, we do whatever there should be no one's concern. And BTW, the war started because you infiltrated, remember? it's funny that you attack us first and then you have to defend your territory, isn't it?
Third war in 1971 --- "you" invaded E.Pakistan.
Prove it. I can prove, you were the one who attacked Northern India first. I dare you prove your claim.

Nuclear weapons race in S.Continent was started by "you" in 1973.
Agreed. We have different threats. We dont count Pakistan a threat. We dont need nuke to crush Pakistan. We never had. And did you knw that we have No First Use policy?

In 1987 "you" started the failed operation brasstacks.

It was "you" who started conflict in Siachin by drawing forces to that area.
You infiltrated in 48, 65 and attacked us in 71. What makes you think that we will not respond? Hum kare toh character dhila?
Kargil was a consequence of "Siachin syndrome".
Can I say that Siachin was a consequence of your 48, 65 and 71 syndrome?
It was "you" who initiated full scale military deployment in 2000-2001 on our borders.

Stop living in your screwed version of history, playing innocent doesn't suit your actions, and your history.

And yes India,was,is and will remain a Hindu nation, with minorities being suppressed at the gun point!
Well I can also prove that your history books are full of errors. So no, we have a correct history and; going through your post its quite evident who got the wrong one.
Please please unite, take punjab and sindh, undo the partion so finally when my people say they are pakistani no one looks puzzled and says but u dont look south Asian.

Sick and tired of this bull crap.

Bhai ke bareiii mein aisaa kaheiii gaa ? :cray:

On a serious note - Do you honestly think that the Punjabis who came from Jallandar & other areas in East-Punjab & had their women ravaged & their young & old cut down go all lovey dovey over our commanalities ? Or that we - the Kashmiris - who lost so many in '48 when many of our loved ones had to run to Pakistan or were killed along the way, like quite a few in my family, & now we see the ones left behind treated the way they are - Go all mushy eyed over 'Bharat-Pakistan - Hum Eik Haiin' ?
O ho..

Where has he questioned the right to exist ?

Sab ko satth.. was meant for people withing your own country not those outside . This applies equally to Indians too.

Just because a fellow countryman has a divergent view does not mean he is anti - country - thats what I meant.

With you 100 % on the underlined part.

Sorry, that was a misjudgement on my part.
Talking of common things ! :D

Oi @Bang Galore - A question if you will, when I was in Singapore & when I visit Karachi - Why do I see Indian ladies & Pakistani Urdu Speaking Ladies dress in Sarees which show huge folds of fat coming out of it ? :bad:

Is this some kind of a cultural thing or what ? :what:
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DELHI will be the capital of akhand bharat.. @Aeronaut :devil:
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Bhai ke bareiii mein aisaa kaheiii gaa ? :cray:

On a serious note - Do you honestly think that the Punjabis who came from Jallandar & other areas in East-Punjab & had their women ravaged & their young & old cut down go all lovey dovey over our commanalities ? Or that we - the Kashmiris - who lost so many in '48 when many of our loved ones had to run to Pakistan or were killed along the way, like quite a few in my family, & now we see the ones left behind treated the way they are - Go all mushy eyed over 'Bharat-Pakistan - Hum Eik Haiin' ?

But its always these two ethnic groups that write bull like this.

Dream and dream again fools, unification is not good for you, its a curse, everytime you are united you always get invaded.

@Armstrong i will make you a king, ghilzai are taking the whole of south Asia over which rightfully belongs to us, we will have a the capital at attock qilla lol.
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