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The Coming War on ‘Radical Islam’

You sh**, if some oe is your firend and he do terrorism he is not a terrorist? what a sick mentality. A dictator is killing his people mercilessly and Chanakiyawadi like you have no value of those innocent life?
A clearcut sectarian killing is going on by Iran n its militias n you sick talk about ISIS. Where Rusia is fighting ISIS in East Aleppo. Remove this Indian mask of Ahinsawadi you RSS Sanghi nut.

Tell that to the Syrian refugees in Canada who reckon ISIS have destroyed their normal lives. They have been peaceful enough without involvement in any religious mumbo jumbo. They reckon countries surrounding Syria have destroyed it cos they didnt like Assad. I dont support dictatorship, but if people wishes all of them would have risen up against the government either peacefully or a revolution which is not the case. It seems to have been sponsored by KSA, Turkey at first before USA pumped it. Only now they have realised what FSA have given birth into. Only solution is destruction of ISIS, and after that UN sponsored election.

Secondly, I dont give you any right to namecall me. Only a frustrated idiot will not counter with facts and have verbal diarrohea.
That unfortunately how it usually goes, especially with secular West. We have "Breaking News" here in Finland even if teacher says to student he is religious in some way.
There would be more than just breaking news if a teacher said to his student he was athiest in your typical Islamic Republics. He 'beez dead' before the night is out.
Tell that to the Syrian refugees in Canada who reckon ISIS have destroyed their normal lives. They have been peaceful enough without involvement in any religious mumbo jumbo. They reckon countries surrounding Syria have destroyed it cos they didnt like Assad. I dont support dictatorship, but if people wishes all of them would have risen up against the government either peacefully or a revolution which is not the case. It seems to have been sponsored by KSA, Turkey at first before USA pumped it. Only now they have realised what FSA have given birth into. Only solution is destruction of ISIS, and after that UN sponsored election.

Secondly, I dont give you any right to namecall me. Only a frustrated idiot will not counter with facts and have verbal diarrohea.
How to talk with a sick using facts?
The country was 76% Sunni Muslims, rest were Christian, Kurds, Druz while around 14% were Alawite & other Shaias who were controlling +80% Armed Forces. The majority rose up against this killer but it was not the case of Egypt or Tunisia or Libya where the Dictators tried to suppress the population with Military power but with the Army personnel & people were same and so no sectarian divide which happened in case of Syria. Yes the surrounding countries and specially Turkey got involved very lately to help the opposition whose peaceful revolution was being suppressed with brutal force. On the other hand if the Lebanese Hizballah, numerous Iraqi Shia Militias, Afghan & Pakistani Shia Fatmiyoun & Zainabiyoun Brigades under the leadership of Iranian terrorist force IRGC and terrorists of Putin had not got involved Asad might have been sleeping in his grave or fled the country by this time.Were you sleeping during the first one year or so during the start of Syrian revolution or trying to deceive others on this forum that they are not aware of what is happening on this planet?
So lay off and be out of matters related to Muslims and come out of your fascist mentality. You can't teach a lesson to others as you are those who have selected a Muslim murderer as your Prime Minister.
How to talk with a sick using facts?
The country was 76% Sunni Muslims, rest were Christian, Kurds, Druz while around 14% were Alawite & other Shaias who were controlling +80% Armed Forces. The majority rose up against this killer but it was not the case of Egypt or Tunisia or Libya where the Dictators tried to suppress the population with Military power but with the Army personnel & people were same and so no sectarian divide which happened in case of Syria. Yes the surrounding countries and specially Turkey got involved very lately to help the opposition whose peaceful revolution was being suppressed with brutal force. On the other hand if the Lebanese Hizballah, numerous Iraqi Shia Militias, Afghan & Pakistani Shia Fatmiyoun & Zainabiyoun Brigades under the leadership of Iranian terrorist force IRGC and terrorists of Putin had not got involved Asad might have been sleeping in his grave or fled the country by this time.Were you sleeping during the first one year or so during the start of Syrian revolution or trying to deceive others on this forum that they are not aware of what is happening on this planet?
So lay off and be out of matters related to Muslims and come out of your fascist mentality. You can't teach a lesson to others as you are those who have selected a Muslim murderer as your Prime Minister.

The only thing concerning u is a minority ruling an majority
There would be more than just breaking news if a teacher said to his student he was athiest in your typical Islamic Republics. He 'beez dead' before the night is out.
Its a two edged sword.
Indeed these lines can be used for the quality reading comprehension test :-)

American Foreign Policy 101

"Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle East? Let me explain.

We support the Iraqi government in the fight against Islamic State. We don't like IS/ISIS/ISIL, but IS is supported by Saudi Arabia and a few other ME despotic states, who we do like. We don't like President Assad in Syria. We support the fight against him by a multitude of murdering fanatics, but not IS which is also fighting against him. We don't like Iran and Hezbollah, but they both support the Iraqi government against IS. Now Russia we really don't like because they are not allowing us to turn Syria into another Libya. Then we have Turkey, who's side they are on depends on what day of the week it is, so basically they are everybody's enemy.

So some of our friends support our enemies and some of our enemies are our friends, and some of our enemies are fighting against our other enemies, whom we want to lose, but we don't want our enemies who are fighting our enemies to win. If the people we want to defeat are defeated, they will most likely be replaced by people we like even less. And all this was started by us invading a country to drive out terrorists who weren't actually there until we went in to drive them out. So you see American foreign policy is not that hard to understand after all."
Indeed these lines can be used for the quality reading comprehension test :-)

American Foreign Policy 101

"Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle East? Let me explain.

We support the Iraqi government in the fight against Islamic State. We don't like IS/ISIS/ISIL, but IS is supported by Saudi Arabia and a few other ME despotic states, who we do like. We don't like President Assad in Syria. We support the fight against him by a multitude of murdering fanatics, but not IS which is also fighting against him. We don't like Iran and Hezbollah, but they both support the Iraqi government against IS. Now Russia we really don't like because they are not allowing us to turn Syria into another Libya. Then we have Turkey, who's side they are on depends on what day of the week it is, so basically they are everybody's enemy.

So some of our friends support our enemies and some of our enemies are our friends, and some of our enemies are fighting against our other enemies, whom we want to lose, but we don't want our enemies who are fighting our enemies to win. If the people we want to defeat are defeated, they will most likely be replaced by people we like even less. And all this was started by us invading a country to drive out terrorists who weren't actually there until we went in to drive them out. So you see American foreign policy is not that hard to understand after all."
This world of ours needs a *lot* of work :( ...
Something like that should happen to india!

IF the guy is capable, then why not? A Christian won the general election of the state of united Andhra Pradesh, which was one the biggest states of India not so long back. We want merit based selection. Before Modi, MMS was PM. Did he look like coming from the majority?
Is Assad not a Muslim?
Do you realize that Syria is indeed an ancient land, incl. hosting the ancient Christians that have been dwelling there many hundreds of years if not over century long; however, they're now exterminated and/or driven away from their homeland by the IS/ISIL/ISIS/whatever-label-used-by-these-foreign-groomed-radicals-and-terrorists.... just dig deeply at net resources if curious (try to stay away from the MSM as sources), i just learn a bit about this ancient land.
Do you realize that Syria is indeed an ancient land, incl. hosting the ancient Christians that have been dwelling there many hundreds of years if not over century long; however, they're now exterminated and/or driven away from their homeland by the IS/ISIL/ISIS/whatever-label-used-by-these-foreign-groomed-radicals-and-terrorists.... just dig deeply at net resources if curious (try to stay away from the MSM as sources), i just learn a bit about this ancient land.

My point was, Assad is a Muslim. Those who do not like him to so because he's not the right kind of Muslim. Same as Iraq. And a number of other Middle Eastern countries.
My point was, Assad is a Muslim. Those who do not like him to so because he's not the right kind of Muslim. Same as Iraq. And a number of other Middle Eastern countries.
I ain't quite sure about the actual faith matter of Bashar al Assad in person, and frankly I ain't quite interested in it too. However, he was a British-trained ophthalmologist, with no political ambitions, his wife is a British of Syrian descendant.

Not only is he secular, progressive, and pro-women's rights and pro-religious minorities, protector of the Christians in Syria, but the man is fighting against a massive Islamist Jihadi propaganda funded by the Saudis/Qataris and others, used by the U.S/NATO to destroy him and his nation while supporting leaders (like those totalitarian monarchs in Gulf) who are a thousand times more oppressive!

Watch this interesting, rare coverage by the Western media on Bashar al-Assad - one of the most recent interview, here with Swiss public television, SRF, aired on Wednesday, 19 October 2016.
"Bashar al Assad speaks to Swiss television" at Youtube
IF the guy is capable, then why not? A Christian won the general election of the state of united Andhra Pradesh,

Why bother for elections when you have the examples of your allies like assad and sisi?
Who in syria is ACTUALLY BETTER than Assad? Too many people here are hypocrites. which govt gets attacked and just watches as they lose control? Besides, would Assad have lost control really if external support and money and weapons was absent? off course he would have kept better control. From the "revolutions" recently in the world we can say many are foreign instigated or supported. Assad is not a saint, far from it, but in this imperfect world, even the rebels and terrorist acting opposition still cannot bring forward a better candidate for Syrian presidency than Assad. So wtf are people whining about? Iran has a right to fight for her interests just like other external countries vying for influence/interests in Syria too so dont make double standards.

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