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The Coming American Civil War -- Igor Panarin

Trouble is, unless they haved lived here for some time, most Europeans and Asians can't wrap their head around the fact that we aren't seperated into big ethnic chunks like the old world (there will be higher proportions of ethnicities by wide region...but we are very mixed). And I lived and traveled in Europe 9 years...and have been to many other places for months at a time...so it's not like I can't compare...the old Civil war was competing economic systems with slight cultural overtones...couldn't happen today (even though strangely enough...this is one of the few mild divides that persist...discounting the big East Coast Left-Coast divide)

PS...Chinese influenced area? There aren't enough Chinese here to make a cultural impact...they usually are classed by if they go White, Black, or Hispanic.
US is not going to lose super power status for next 20 years

and their fall may come only after 100 years from now that too very unlikely
The first statement may be true.

Well, the 2nd statement is just wishful thinking though if U.S. still acts like this way today.

US is not going to lose super power status for next 20 years

and their fall may come only after 100 years from now that too very unlikely
US most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people. U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people | Reuters

Why Americans think it is right to own guns?

After mass shootings killed 12 moviegoers in Aurora, Colorado, and six Sikh worshippers in Wisconsin this summer, it may seem a little bizarre that many Americans insist people have the right — an inalienable right — to buy a gun that can spit 60 bullets per second.

Yet it is such a deep part of the culture that no event, not these murders or the more ordinary 11,500 other firearm-related homicides that take place every year in the US, not to mention that 17,500 gun-related suicides, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, can dislodge the notion that the ownership of more than 300 million guns makes us safer.

The belief in guns is so strong that solution to gun-related murders is often imagined to be more guns. For example, even after a horrific campus shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 that resulted in 32 deaths, some politicians pointed to the university's campus-wide gun ban as a contributing factor, on the theory that the problem wasn't that the unbalanced student came to school with two semi-automatic weapons but that students and faculty weren't themselves armed. Nor were they alone: a national student group of over 15,000 members formed asking to overturn laws restricting the use of concealed weapons on campus.

The Right Stuff

The legal foundation of this madness is the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which reads "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

That might not sound like a blanket right to bear arms, and it wasn't intended as such. Fearful of European-style standing armies, the authors of the amendment believed that citizen militias were the only way to prevent tyranny, according to historian Saul Cornell, writing in his 2006 book A Well-Regulated Militia: The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun Control in America. Cornell concluded in his study that they saw the amendment as more of a guarantee of a civic obligation than a personal right.

In fact, it's so hard to read as a personal right that it wasn't until 2010 that the Supreme Court successfully overcame the text and with no equivocation ruled that the second amendment meant people had a personal right to keep and bear arms, unconnected to military service.

The truth is that the right to gun ownership is much more securely fixed in our hearts than in our laws — and in recent years, a triumph of the well-organised and well-funded pro-gun lobby. In 1959, when Gallup first asked the question, 60% of people favoured a general handgun ban. Asked recently, it's fallen to 26% — a record low. True, more people support a ban on semiautomatic weapons — 53% — but gun ownership remains high: 47% say they have a gun in their house.

How did this happen? There is a residual love of guns that is a legacy of pioneer days and among rural people, a reflection of an attachment to hunting. Certainly, some people do hunt — a few kids I grew up with out in Oregon hunted. My best friend in junior high would always gnaw on homemade venison for his lunch — salty gray-green stuff that had the consistency of rope.

Every year, a hunters' club offered a hunter's safety course in the evening, after school, which were lectures you needed to pass to get your hunting licence — but the course always sounded a bit boring, like becoming a Boy Scout, and hunting itself was more a hobby some families had, like going to church, not a subject everyone thought about or talked about.

But hunting is not really what's behind the still-growing love of guns. President Obama, as candidate Obama in 2008, in a rare moment of accidental candour once described the residents of dying industrial towns in the Midwest as bitter people who "cling to guns or religion". Although he later recanted, he was right to a certain extent. At the same time, he also missed the point: in the US, guns have become a kind of religion in themselves. 'Power'

In May, 24-year-old James Holmes, a failing University of Colorado student, started buying guns. He bought four guns at Denver-area gun shops, including a 12-gauge Remington 870 Express Tactical shotgun, a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 semi-automatic rifle, and a Glock 22 handgun.

Around the same time, Holmes also began ordering bullets and body armour online — reportedly over 50 packages, according to newspaper accounts. On July 20, he bought a ticket for the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises Again, the latest Batman saga. Then about 20 minutes into the movie, went out to his car, girded himself up with his arsenal, came back and started shooting.

Clint Eastwood once said he made his violent movies to give people hope, imagining a young guy who has a job, maybe cleaning swimming pools, and has no sense of hope for the future. :hang2:

Why Americans think it is right to own guns? - Economic Times
hmmm I would say by 2015/16, we would see a type of civil war in US, when people will start looting/ rioting on the streets of US. Majority of US’s population is under high school pass but they are habituated of luxury life, welfare/ free medical etc. and as the US’s debt is already over its 100% of GDP, the time it will not be possible any more to borrow and pay for the expanses, bear luxury life of under high school pass people, and also as we know about the ‘gun culture’ of US where almost half of their population keep guns, so the time they won’t get welfare/ free medical etc, hopefully within 4 to 5 years when US won’t be able to borrow any more for their expanses, it is then very likely that their civilians will start using their arms to rob whoever they will find to bear their daily expanses. :pop:

Also, if we have a look on the number of wars US has organized in world, its obvious that the time they start losing their different wars, then they will be more likely to fight with each other in US itself. Lets see what exactly we will see in our time, as, once the fall of US will star, together with heavily indebted EU economies, where exactly they will stop, no one knows :no:. Even if russia had so much oil/ gas and natural resources, they suffered so big fall in between 1990 to 1999. but what about US and EU, they dont have oil/ gas to sell to support their economy if they face any fall? where will they stop if they will face a real deep recession? :azn:

That was a quality post.
Looking at the socio economic conditions USA will disintegrate between 2013-2020.There will be a very bloody civil war preceding it.

US is not going to lose super power status for next 20 years

and their fall may come only after 100 years from now that too very unlikely

Want to bet a 1000 rupees on this?All socio-economic indicators indicate by 2020 ,USA will not be superpower and would be in a state of vaccuum ,mass civil disturbances and revolutionary conditions.
That was a quality post.
Looking at the socio economic conditions USA will disintegrate between 2013-2020.There will be a very bloody civil war preceding it.
We were supposed to 'collapse' back in Jun 2010. What happened to that prediction? On the other hand, no one predicted the Soviet Union would collapse and that is exactly what happened. :lol:
We were supposed to 'collapse' back in Jun 2010. What happened to that prediction? On the other hand, no one predicted the Soviet Union would collapse and that is exactly what happened. :lol:

Actually a number of trend forecasters and Mundane astrologers predicted the collapse of USSR by 1989-1994.One of the astrologers who predicted fall of USSR has predicted USA will cease to exist by 2018.Another one ,Nikola Stojanovic has predicted 2013-14.And on the other hand Trend forecaster Celente has predicted revolution and mass civil disturbances in 2012-16. Looking at the militarization of the american police and large number of hollow point bullet purchases ,it seems to be a matter of time.
Actually a number of trend forecasters and Mundane astrologers predicted the collapse of USSR by 1989-1994.One of the astrologers who predicted fall of USSR has predicted USA will cease to exist by 2018.Another one ,Nikola Stojanovic has predicted 2013-14.And on the other hand Trend forecaster Celente has predicted revolution and mass civil disturbances in 2012-16. Looking at the militarization of the american police and large number of hollow point bullet purchases ,it seems to be a matter of time.
If this a joke I lost it. I will admit. Astrologers?
Actually a number of trend forecasters and Mundane astrologers predicted the collapse of USSR by 1989-1994.One of the astrologers who predicted fall of USSR has predicted USA will cease to exist by 2018.Another one ,Nikola Stojanovic has predicted 2013-14.And on the other hand Trend forecaster Celente has predicted revolution and mass civil disturbances in 2012-16. Looking at the militarization of the american police and large number of hollow point bullet purchases ,it seems to be a matter of time.

If a soothsayer/astrologer has a Good education on politics, economics, socialogy, then he becomes something else, Analyst.
If a soothsayer/astrologer has a Good education on politics, economics, socialogy, then he becomes something else, Analyst.

Not necessarily.A number of financial market traders use financial astrology these days.While the basis behind it is not understandable but it does work .
US most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people. U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people | Reuters

just little fall in US's economy and we all will see these under high school passed armed people to use their arms to feed themselves :usflag:

until High Qualified Migrants may develop technologies for them, they have a hope but its still doesn't look like going to continue as it is. we hope, soon US's may lose its edge on technology to emerging economies.....:wave:
12 years ago this day I migrated to Canada from US, when I crossed Canadian border and felt like i left a developed country and came into a semi-developed country. Last week I Visited US and when I travelled thru Penn, NJ and NY I felt like I came from a highly developed country into a semi developed country. People say it even worst in mid-west and west. What a difference in 12 years and who know about next 12 years.

US is not going to lose super power status for next 20 years

and their fall may come only after 100 years from now that too very unlikely

US has already lost super power status, they are scared of Iran, they couldnt do jack when Pakistan closed their supply routes for 7 months. Right now US is only running on the goodwill and that good will not last much longer
Its not about the present day situation that america is gonna lose influence but about the future..America has already losed the future in education and employment. The economy can be saved in the short term but not in the long term. I mean lookbat Present da High school kid compared to a Chinese student or an Indian student.

Its not about the present day situation that america is gonna lose influence but about the future..America has already losed the future in education and employment. The economy can be saved in the short term but not in the long term. I mean look at Present day High school kid compared to a Chinese student or an Indian student.

Americans Renouncing Citizenship at Record Levels to Protect Wealth

NEW YORK -- – America's rich are renouncing their citizenship at record levels -- just to get richer.

Startling new data from Uncle Sam show that defections by Americans are expected to double this year, largely to avoid any stiff tax bills resulting from the proposed 55 percent hike on the rich, as well as the likely Dec. 31 expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts.

As many as 8,000 US citizens are projected by immigration officials to renounce in 2012, or about 154 a week, versus 3,805 in 2011, or about 73 per week.

"High-net-worth individuals are making decisions that having a US passport just isn't worth the cost anymore," according to Jim Duggan, a lawyer at Duggan Bertsch, which specializes in protecting assets of the wealthy. "They're able to do what they do from any place in the world, and they're choosing to do it from places with much lower tax rates."

Duggan added, "Some are philosophically disgusted at the course our country is taking, in all kinds of ways. They're making a strong protest of 'enough is enough.' But largely, it's an economic decision."

There is a catch to reaching tax nirvana. To renounce citizenship, and thus escape any future US taxes forever, a citizen must buy that freedom with a one-time exit tax of 15 percent on the fair-market value of all assets -- including real estate, securities, businesses and personal belongings -- less their basis price.

Duggan said that dozens of tax-haven nations and island regimes around the world eagerly welcome disenchanted rich Americans with quick citizenship, business deals and protections from the US Justice Department and the IRS. Among the popular spots: Australia, Norway, Singapore, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Guernsey and Antigua.

And there is one way to have your cake and eat it, too, he added.

The US possessions in the Caribbean -- St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix -- give a 90 percent tax credit to US citizens living there at least 183 days a year, resulting in an effective tax rate of just 3.5 percent, he said.

Americans Renouncing Citizenship at Record Levels to Protect Wealth | Fox News Latino

in fact, I think soon all the super rich people of US would think to move to those economies who are stable and are not willing to take their money on the name of tax, just to feed its one third population based on Welfare like in case of US.:wave:

US will either have to learn by itself or their high earning people will teach its government in their own way by renouncing their citizenship to get rid of that type of country like US, who just want to punish 'successful' people by taking money from their pockets by taxes to feed its shiits population living on Welfare :tdown:
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