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The Clash Within Civilisations: The Sunni-Shiite Divide

Good idea..Go and blow yourself up

I was NOT suggesting this AT All. I know it came off that way. But what I was saying was that , they are capable of doing so. Obviously there is a war between Shias and Sunnis right now. We cant deny it anymore. But the sunnis play dirty. Blowing Shia mosques in the middle east and europe,blowing up people at holy shia place like Karbala, killing shias in pakistan!!! you dont see shias doing these tactics with the sunni population. But whatever.. this whole thing is stupid, it will destroy both sides. Unfortunately these wars will speard ALL OVER the place Syria,Lebanon, Iran, Bahrain,Saudi Arabia,India, even Turkey, the worst place it will reach is Pakistan. I'm sure there will be a nuclear war soon.
Since the bloody khomeni take over of Tehran, Shia youth were offered free travel to Qom and indoctrinated to rise and revolt. This let to a number of bloody clashes in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt and a series of violence in Pakistan. Khomeni advocated Shia youth to take bolder and hard line stance in their religious expressions over the Sunni majority, often revitalizing offensive practices. Therefore it is reasonable to argue that Khomeni was nothing more than another Safvid bigot and has done more harm than good on a global scale. The modern Shia-Sunni schism started in 1979 entirely due to Iran funded and backed proxies.

Together with Khomeni arrogance and Zia Ul Haq violent islamization of pakistan let to an explosive sectarian situation as we see it today.

You are only looking at it from one perspective . I can say the same thing about the violent ways of Salafi and their takeover of the Arab world., and soon europe and America.
I was NOT suggesting this AT All. I know it came off that way. But what I was saying was that , they are capable of doing so. Obviously there is a war between Shias and Sunnis right now. We cant deny it anymore. But the sunnis play dirty. Blowing Shia mosques in the middle east and europe,blowing up people at holy shia place like Karbala, killing shias in pakistan!!! you dont see shias doing these tactics with the sunni population. But whatever.. this whole thing is stupid, it will destroy both sides.

Al-Queda and like minded organizations are bunch of lunatic terrorist organizations..They are disgrace to Islam..Dont label them as Sunni groups, thats wrong..Terrorism has no religion..But i got your point
Al-Queda and like minded organizations are bunch of lunatic terrorist organizations..They are disgrace to Islam..Dont label them as Sunni groups, thats wrong..Terrorism has no religion..But i got your point

Yes, I realize that. They are Salafisavages that's what I call them. But since their takeover in Libya, they have runied all Shia and Sufi mosques in Libya, and even Sunni mosques that have been historically Shia. What the heck is this This is disgraceful. No one is stopping them, instead we are giving them more power. The USA is painting them as Freedom Fighters!LOL. Even in Bahrain they have demolished 38 shia mosques!!!!!!! This is Ethnic cleansing (in this case anything that's not sunni salafi) but you dont see any Sunni country condeming this act!! This is really disturbing.
Ultraconservative Salafists Destroy Sufi Landmarks in Libya - The Daily Beast
Brown Moses Blog: Images Of Shrines And Mosques Destroyed By Extremists In Libya
BBC News - Libya Sufi shrines attacked 'by Islamist hardliners'
Yes, I realize that. They are Salafisavages that's what I call them. But since their takeover in Libya, they have runied all Shia and Sufi mosques in Libya, and even Sunni mosques that have been historically Shia. What the heck is this This is disgraceful. No one is stopping them, instead we are giving them more power. The USA is painting them as Freedom Fighters!LOL. Even in Bahrain they have demolished 38 shia mosques!!!!!!! This is Ethnic cleansing (in this case anything that's not sunni salafi) but you dont see any Sunni country condeming this act!! This is really disturbing.
Ultraconservative Salafists Destroy Sufi Landmarks in Libya - The Daily Beast
Brown Moses Blog: Images Of Shrines And Mosques Destroyed By Extremists In Libya
BBC News - Libya Sufi shrines attacked 'by Islamist hardliners'

I do not support grave worship, but I am against destroying historical sites.

These are the issues that can be tackled by the proposed GFC (Global Fiqh Council). Everyone it seems is making their own laws.

For example, after deliberation and reaching consensus, GFC can issue Fatwas (declarations):

- that grave worship is illegal according to Islam
- demolishing any structure that is more than 100 years old is illegal according to Islam

and that should be binding for all Muslim communities of the world.

Conflict management needs initiative, effort and resources to avoid loss of life and loss of valuable and priceless historical sites. All Muslim countries should urge the OIC to take an initiative like the GFC or something similar so conflicts can be managed before they go out of hand and cause damage.
I'm sorry if you were offended b/c of some stupid old imams that are not even relevent ! The thing is in Iran this practice is NOT supported and funded by the state. However, in Saudi Arabia, it is systmatically encouraged to tell people that Shias worship ALI/Hussein/etc... You have no idea how many times I have read this on the internet and on watched on youtube. I wish it would stop. Well i guess it can start with you, if someone brought this subject up, you can correct them and tell them its NOT true. That's the only way it can stop. and NO most Shias are NOT "iranian agents" it's so absurd.

Irani Girl Please stop pretending and lying. Shia's kids are brought up with stories How Hazrat Umar (R.A) trespassed Hazrat Fatima (R.A) house which caused her death and How Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) usurped the property of Ehl e Bayt . There is no denying that there was friction among them. But the type of stories you Shia's spread and then Abuse them so badly that it will shame the eminem abusing. So stop pretending it is done by some stupid imams of yours.

It's your MOULA ALI concept which led to the misconceptions of worshiping Ali/Hussain (R.A).Have you ever corrected these misconceptions of people?
I was NOT suggesting this AT All. I know it came off that way. But what I was saying was that , they are capable of doing so. Obviously there is a war between Shias and Sunnis right now. We cant deny it anymore. But the sunnis play dirty. Blowing Shia mosques in the middle east and europe,blowing up people at holy shia place like Karbala, killing shias in pakistan!!! you dont see shias doing these tactics with the sunni population. But whatever.. this whole thing is stupid, it will destroy both sides. Unfortunately these wars will speard ALL OVER the place Syria,Lebanon, Iran, Bahrain,Saudi Arabia,India, even Turkey, the worst place it will reach is Pakistan. I'm sure there will be a nuclear war soon.

What is the cause of all these things ? Have you ever considered the reasons? When salafis sees the videos of your people, your imams cursing the Sahabas, Um ul Momeenien Ayesha (R.A) they become brainwashed and do horrible and violent acts which will put humanity to shame. But whose fault is it? Who made them barbarians? America? Israel? No, It's your people toungs and extreme thoughts and beliefs which drove them insane. It's the same thing if some one openly start praising Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) in Karbala in front of Shias on 9th/10th moharram then we will see how moderate you people are!

On the other hand? Do sunnis curse Hazrat Ali,Hassan Hussain (R.A)? Do sunnis think good about Yazeed or the killers of Hazrat hussain and Hassan (R.A)? Do Sunnis ever curse your 12 Imams?
Irani Girl Please stop pretending and lying. Shia's kids are brought up with stories How Hazrat Umar (R.A) trespassed Hazrat Fatima (R.A) house which caused her death and How Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) usurped the property of Ehl e Bayt . There is no denying that there was friction among them. But the type of stories you Shia's spread and then Abuse them so badly that it will shame the eminem abusing. So stop pretending it is done by some stupid imams of yours.

It's your MOULA ALI concept which led to the misconceptions of worshiping Ali/Hussain (R.A).Have you ever corrected these misconceptions of people?

But these are Shia's history and should be told to all Shias. No Shias advocates killing of any Sunni. The cursing is done by really uneducated and usually poor people. If you read Shias history, YES they so paint Umar, and Yazeed in a very very bad light!!!!so What? You are trying to justify killing people b/c of their personal beliefs? and Moula Ali , is a concept of respecting someone, the Sufis also have the concept of Molana. THIS IS a personal belief. NO one deserves to DIE!!!! Your victim blaming is really lame. Your trying to justify killing innocent people...based on their personal belief, According to your then Sunni Salafisavages should also kill Hindus, Christians,etc.. anyone that doesn't respect Umar,or yazeed.:what:
None of these people are well liked by Shias. But that doesn't mean we deserve to DIE!!! lol, that's how the salafisavages think! Shias deserve to die because Shias don't believe in their people..... it's pathetic.

It's pathetic that you lie and i'm happy you finally showed your true colors. Nobody kills people over dis likeness, it's get heated up when shia abuses,swears at these peoples....
It's pathetic that you lie and i'm happy you finally showed your true colors. Nobody kills people over dis likeness, it's get heated up when shia abuses,swears at these peoples....

None of these people are well liked by Shias. But that doesn't mean we deserve to DIE!!! lol, that's how the salafisavages think! Shias deserve to die because Shias don't believe in their people..... it's pathetic.

Shia dont fare any better with the Khomeini savages!

Mullahs need to take their stone age wars to their respective territory and leave us alone with whatever religion we choose to follow. Iranian revolution has failed right at its onset and is attempting a cover-up by digging age old conflicts and giving them a religious colors. It in in effect no different that the failed state of Afghanistan - just a much slower process!

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