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The Chinese 'Century' Is Already Over

This will be a Pacific Century, no doubt.


Indian shall lead. India has lot other to offer except economy and military. We can teach universal brotherhood, Yoga, culture, Art, vegetarianism , Non violance and everything which is necessary to live a beautiful life. We have the capability to pull world out of materialism and show the way of highest spiritualism after which nothing is left to achieve.
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Nah it's this one ;)
Indian shall lead. India has lot other to offer except economy and military. We can teach universal brotherhood, Yoga, culture, Art, vegetarianism and everything which is necessary to live a beautiful life. We have the capability to pull world out of materialism and show the way of highest spiritualism after which nothing is left to achieve.

I drink to that !

The Imperial Crane dances with the Dharmic Elephant !


China, Russia the US, Indonesia and Vietnam - a rising star, Japan, that's a lot of economic firepower. East and West, the Pacific rules the world, especially as other regions remain tepid. Europe is still in its doldrums, Africa mired in structural problems, the Middle-East cannibalizes itself, the Eastern South American nations having issues with cheap commodities prices and debt (Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela).

I would add India and Pakistan too, even though they aren't Pacific nations. They are in an economic ascendance and will play an important part in the Pacific's development and growth.




Nah it's this one ;)

I prefer this,


I have a question though. Saying "Pacific century" is a bit neutral, will it remain positive or negative in its impact. Continued trade and prosperity or balkanization to combat regional threats. I suppose the smart money is on a bit of both, Europe's own experiences tended to fall into both categories - alliances and continued trade. But I can't help but look at the Pacific today and wonder if peace or conflict are its future. The US and China, China and the SCS, India and Pakistan, Japan, South Korea and North Korea, while we hope for peace, the problems and pitfalls are there too.

A Pacific Century - without question, but will it be peaceful or problematic?

Oh, and I don't need an answer, this is largely just rambling and rhetorical thoughts of a lady that should probably go to sleep:partay:.

:lol: I looked at it and thought it was a squid. Whoops:p:.
:lol: I looked at it and thought it was a squid. Whoops:p:.

Why, yes, Japanese Blue Dragons love to consume giant squid, too. Among other things. ha ha ha.

I have a question though. Saying "Pacific century" is a bit neutral, will it remain positive or negative in its impact. Continued trade and prosperity or balkanization to combat regional threats. I suppose the smart money is on a bit of both, Europe's own experiences tended to fall into both categories - alliances and continued trade. But I can't help but look at the Pacific today and wonder if peace or conflict are its future. The US and China, China and the SCS, India and Pakistan, Japan, South Korea and North Korea, while we hope for peace, the problems and pitfalls are there too.

A Pacific Century - without question, but will it be peaceful or problematic?

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Fear has a way of driving one insane.

People leaving in fear, the fear of PLA, Fear of CPC goons, fear of getting into the execution quota list or fear getting reeducated in reeducation camp can hardly think of anything except fear. So they become insane.
Rise of India and fall of china are inavitable and nobody can stop it.

Your country is indeed magnidible and amaficient!

Whatever you read about China is truth and only truth.

People leaving in fear, the fear of PLA, Fear of CPC goons, fear of getting into the execution quota list or fear getting reeducated in reeducation camp can hardly think of anything except fear. So they become insane.

Fear from being born in India?
That is why you are a troll with Zero credibility.
still more creditable than a deluded Indian anytime

People leaving in fear, the fear of PLA, Fear of CPC goons, fear of getting into the execution quota list or fear getting reeducated in reeducation camp can hardly think of anything except fear. So they become insane.
I wonder under such 'depression' how do Chinese manage to live much longer and healthier than Indian, with taller average height and much much higher intelligence

according modern scientific research, depression undermines those parameters

lol you inferior complex and deluded clown
Indian women fear Indian men.
Indian women are fearful of even policemen who are supposed to protect them from Indian men. Every time a Chinese travelers even a Chinese man wanna travel to India, they will be persuaded by friends and relatives, why not travel in ASEAN or Sri Lanka, Mauritius?That's why I have bought traveling book of India years ago, but never have the guts to travel there. Even the basic sanitation of drinking water is a problem.
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